The nineteen member

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Thomas chuckles while gleaming wickedly at wolf as he walks circles around him and his teach, taunting wolf.

"It's been long hasn't it" Thomas chuckles.

Thomas taunts them as he walks circles round them, but his main focus was on wolf who continues to glare at him.

"Hello Thomas, I see you are doing well" wolf growled.

"Oh this...yeah it pays to live on an heir from a deceased Heiress"

"We both know you didn't deserve that money, none of this belongs to you, you stole it!" Wolf gets in his face.

"Oh" then Thomas laughs wickedly then he approaches wolf, pinces his cheek and sneered.

"It's so cute thinking you could pull this off just like you did back then, but face it wolf, you're a criminal, always have been and always will be"

"I'm not the criminal here! you are! You framed me"

"And you really think anyone is gonna believe you"

"You know You're a jerk" piranha growls at him then everyone started shouting slurs at Thomas.

"You son of a-you're gonna pay for what you did to wolf?" Snake spat at him.

"Oh, this is so cute, did you really think you could rob from me with a group of ex criminals and a low level planned"

"I'm just getting back what's not yours"

"You mean mines"

"Wolf what is he talking about?" Snake asked.

"Oh what? they don't know" Thomas asked, "it must be very shameful thinking about what you done, the guilt of knowing you break one's promise, tell me something; did you doesn't your days in prison rotting regretting the choices you made, that horrible night thinking about "I wish I could've done something, I wish I could go back and start all over again" I can't imagine how much if that guilt must've eaten you up"

"Wolf? What's he talking about" the grinch was curious now along with everyone else who turned to him.

Wolf sigh, on his face was shame and guilt, "many years ago....i was having an affair....with Thomas wife"

Everyone gasped, "drama" Dale says to chip.

"This should be interesting" Aladdin says.

A flashback plays with wolf bending down to pick up his phone, when a paw touched his hand.

He looks up to see a white cat looks at his eyes, then they both smiled.

"It felt great at first"

Wolf goes on when scenes show of him and the cat having coffee and laughing, she puts her hand on his and it made him smiled lovely.

Then he opens the door to is room as he and the cat were making out.

Then one where he takes her hand in his and then he gives her a moon and star necklace.

"She was everything to me, I told her she was my mom and stars, she keeps telling me that she was gonna leave Thomas because he doesn't love her, he only loves her for her fame and luxurious lifestyle and money"

the flashback ends with wolf glaring at Thomas, "it's about the's more about where the money can get you" Thomas snickers but it only angered everyone even more.

"You cheeky bastard" Nick growls.

"Son of bitch" shark says.

"You deserve to die" Robin says.

"Then one thing all that changed: just as she was about to leave him, Thomas discovered us"

Another flashback plays, with wolf and Thomas wife embracing each other.

Then Thomas breaks in, he looks around to see wolf with his wife, he glared then....

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Then he shot his own wife and had me take the blame"

Thomas shot his wife in the heart, she and wolf had shocking faces.

She looks at wolf who had a terrified face then she fluttered her eyes and fell on the floor, wolf holds her her blood got on him then he cried.

Thomas smiled wickedly then wolf looks up at him then he glared at Thomas tries to attack him.

But Thomas knocks him out with a taser to his neck, wolf collapses, then a minute later he gets arrested, he watches at Thomas talks to the reporters framing wolf for his wife's death.

"It's because of him I lost everything, it's because of him I had to spend all does years in prison hating him, filled with so much guilt, I swore an oath that I would get my revenge on him"

Then everyone felt bad for him, feeling sad for wolf's trama and suffering.

"You little wrench" Aladdin shouts at him.

"You should've been in jail not wolf" webs says.

"Some husband you are" chip says as Dale glared at him.

Everyone was angry at Thomas for what he did to wolf was unforgivable.

"You're gonna pay for what you did" megamind says.

"Aw and who are they gonna believe, a beloved treasure and kind man who went through a trama experience or a bunch of ex criminals, they'll never believe you just like they didn't believe wolf"

"Ok but you are still a wanted criminal who shot his own wife and framed wolf" the grinch says.

"Yeah but it's not like anyone will ever believe you"

"Wait I have to now something" snake asked, "how did you even know, what we were gonna rob you"

"Oh you think I wouldn't noticed, I mean come on I don't see why or how anyone falls for these crude disguises, my own janitor, Mr Ludwig, and my waiter" he pulls off the grinch Ms fake mustache.


"And I noticed something going off with my cameras but honest wolf it was Nick and Tom here who gave you away" he throws a picture of wolf Nick and Tom together.

"You think I won't notice, you are bad will always be a bad guy wolf always have and always will be"

, and once I call the police I'll have you all arrested for trespassing, assault and attempted robbery"

"That's not fair" piranha says then everyone starts complaining.

But fearing he would bring his friends down, he didn't wanted them to carry his burden, not when their have their own lives and families.

"No, wait Thomas" wolf steps up, he wants gonna let his friends take the fall for him.

"Do whatever you want with me but please leave my friends out of this, this wasn't their fault, it's me you want"

Thomas smirked at him then he thinks and gets an idea.

"Ok wolf I'll make you a deal, I'll let you walk away Scott free and to never rob from me again but now this wolf, when you leave" Thomas gets in his face.

"You're gonna wake up everyday thinking that no matter what you do, I will always win and you will be nothing but a worthless piece of trash, it's over...good bye Mr wolf"

Wolf frowns along with his friends as they walk away and as they head outside the mansion.

His friends felt sorrow for him, "wolf? Why didn't you tell us, you know you can tell us anything right, we're your friends" the grinch was feeling pity for him.

"I'm sorry guys, it's all my fault, I just wanted to get justice, looks like it's over" wolf says.

"Don't worry wolf we'll find away" Nick rest a hand on his shoulders.

Then a smiled form around him face, "unfortunately for Thomas it's a shame I had a ace up my sleeve"

"What? What are you talking about wolf?" Snake was puzzled as the others

A flashback plays with wolf and the guys going inside the mansion.

Then someone shots a grabbing hook and a shadow kicks the ventilation shaft and someone crawls in, then as wolf was being taunted by Thomas, the shadow falls down and types on Thomas computer inputs the ubs and as soon as wolf leaves so does the mysterious member.

Oh....did I forget to mention that there are 19 of us.....

"He should be arriving right about now" wolf and the others wait by the car.

When they look up in the sky to see a bird and coming down was the 18 member.

"Hey did you get it?" Wolf asked.

And jumping off the bird was branch.....

"and And finally our finally guy: branch a survivalist and inside man, or troll per-say, he sneaks in undetected and always gets the job done, oh did I mention he's an incredible singer like piranha, he's also the muscle too, sure he's tiny but he's mighty"

"Oh yeah I got it alright, it wasn't easy but here you are" branch hands him a remote.

Wolf laughs, "thanks man you are the best" wolf says.

But everyone was confused, "wolf what's going on?" Snake asked.

"Come on guys, you didn't think we were gonna steal Thomas gold that easily did you, I figured we could see some extra help, you se my real plan wasn't to steal Thomas gold but to frame him for everything he did to expose him as the fraud he is and I thought while we distract Thomas branch over hear hack into his computer thanks to webs and find the video, he uploaded it into every screen inside his mansion and stereo now all that's left is to press the button and watch Thomas empire crumple"

Everyone was impressed that wolf thought of a back of plan.

"That's a great idea wolf" snake says.

"Good thinking" grinch says.

"That's my buddy" Charlie says

"Good work" Tom says

"Now who would like to do the honors" he he holds the remote for them.

But they all looked at each other then turn back to wolf.

"I think it should be you wolf" webs says.

Then Nick pushes the remote to him, "finish what you started man"

Wolf look around then he looks up at the mansion, then the guys counted down together.

"5....4....3.....2.....1" wolf presses the button as soon as Thomas steps on the podium but then a video plays.

It showed Thomas shot his wife and framed wolf and he reveals everything to the bad guys.

"No, no" Thomas was worried then he looks around to see everyone whispering about him.

"No no no"

Then the chief approached him, "Thomas chesterfield you're under arrest "

She handcuffed him and he struggles to break free, "let me go, I was framed so you have any idea who I am, I am Thomas chesterfield I am a national beloved treasure"

Everyone cheers as they watched Thomas get arrested, "yeah"

"I think this calls for a celebration, champagne you guys" wolf says.

"Allow us wolf" chip say as he dale and branch try to pop the bottle open.

But as they arregle, the three of them flew in the air, chip landed on Charlie as itchy catches Dale.

Then branch landed on shark who webs helps him up.

"A toast guys to you, I couldn't have done it without you thank you so much you guys, and now that Thomas is arrested and I finally got my justice, time to full fill my promise"

After Thomas was arrested, the guys head to the mansion, where the guys each take their share of the gold.

They keep asking each other what they are gonna do with their gold.

But then wolf pulls a piece of paper out then everyone sees him not going for the gold.

But instead he was taking a new kind of treasure, "wolf what are you doing together gold is here?" Webs asked.

"I'm not after the gold" he says surprising everyone.

"After what? What could be more vulnerable than gold" the grinch asked.

"Ok guys, let's there is something you should know, my real wasn't about just exposing Thomas and stealing the gold, the real plan was to get back what was mine"

He opens the door to reveal a children's bedroom, everyone looks around as wolf walks up a carriage and he pulls out something wrapped in a pink blanket.

"Wolf? What's going on?" webs asked again.

"Before Camilla died, she revealed to me that she was pregnant"

A flashback plays with carmilla looking nervous and she shows wolf a positive pregnancy test, he smiled as he embraced her.

"And it was mines but then Thomas took her away from me and" then the flashback ended.

"Guys, I want you to meet my daughter princess" he shows to them in his arms, a baby white fur kitten.

She yawns and when she looks around, she smiled and babbles.

"Oh wolf she's so beautiful" Nick says.

"She's adorable" Nick says then everyone gathered around admiring his daughter.

"I promised carmilka thst I would bring her back and I did, all I needed was her birth certificate" he shows them the paper revealing who her real father is.

"But I did needed done help" wolf looks up to see Diane foxington walking in.

"Governor foxington" they all gasped.

"Yep" wolf nodded.

Then as Diane approaches wolf, they both share a kiss, which shocked them.

"Whoa wolf you and the governor" an  as he says.

"I know right, Diane was carmilla's best friend"

"But when I heard what Thomas did I was furious and wanted justice for her"

"So she meet me in jail, we thought of a plan to take down Thomas"

A flashback plays with Diane meeting wolf in orinaron then as her hand touched his, they feel in love.

"Then it was love at first sight" wolf says ending the flashback.

"We both had a score to settle with Thomas" Diane says.

"And with her here, princess can finally have a loving family without Thomas harming her"

"Yeah that's great I just have one question wolf" webs asked, "what was her role in this"

Diane and share a glance, then a another flashback plays with Thomas sleeping in his mansion, Diane gets up and stealthy wanders, she only wanted to make Thomas think she was into him so he would trust her enough to let him take her to his mansion.

Diane looks around and on his computer, she hacked into it and she discovered that he has been embezzled his own charity money into his bank, then she secretly had move the money into his mansion.

Office ransacked through Thomas bedroom who tries to explain himself.

"I'm telling you i was framed"

But then the chief opens his closet to reveal the charity money, shocked, the offices look at Thomas who sigh in defeat realizing it was over for him.

And as for the bad guys, they get the child, his mansion everything he owns now belongs back to wolf and the guys take their share of the gold.

They gathered around wolf who cradles princess in his arms.

"She's perfect" snake says.

"I can't believe we're gonna be uncle" shark says excitedly.

"She's amazing wolf, you're a lucky dad" Nick says.

"I know you're gonna be great dad" Grinch touches his shoulder.

And on wolf's left shoulder was branch who looks at princess and rubbing her head.

"Hey I wanna say thanks, thanks for doing this for me man, I owe you"

"Sure thing man, you know I do anything for you, no one locks up my friend"

Then wolf turns his hand into a fist bump and branch does the same and they fist bump together.

Oh I also forgot to mention Diane is the 19 member....and we are.....

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The music plays with wolf and the crew on the bus, each clips plays with the crew after a mission accomplished,

Nick was on a date with Judy, Robin Hood on a date with Marian, Charlie surprised his wife with a new car and their kids new kids, Tom brought a expensive red Ferrari, Aladdin surprised jasmine with a diamond necklace for their anniversary, chip and dale moved up to a complex apartment, branch up grabbed his troll house, itchy and RJ now run an auto repair shop together, gru comes home with gifts for his family, megamind used his money for his inventions.

Meanwhile as Thomas sits in the same prison cell wolf was he stares at a picture of wolf holding a pocket knife and he stabs the picture planting his revenge.

"I'll get my revenge Mr wolf....YOU WILL SEE!"

Then with the bad guys, they moved their stuffed into the mansion.

Wolf takes a deep breath and he takes Diane's hand and they walk in their new life, to start a family.

Then a picture was taken with the whole crew surrounded 10 year old princess, it was her birthday and they smiled.

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