Princess meets Pinocchio

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(Another request from coollion2873 )

on the first day of school where princess will meet pinocchio on his way to school

The school bells ring out over the village. And the bad guys were visiting a new town, princess was amazed by the village.

They walk her to school, she looked at all the windows of the shops, she sees a clock shop.

All the clocks made her laugh then the bad guys stopped.

"Ok princess, you ready for your new school" wolf asked when she turns towards him.

He bends down and tighten the big pink bow on top of her forehead.

He looks at her outfit:

"Yes wolf"

All the boys are going to school and so is Pinocchio.

" Oh look father, look!" he's impatient.

"Wait! Stand still now"

"What are those?"

"Huh? Oh those! They are your schoolmates, girls and boys, now..."

"Real boys?"

"Yes? But hurry now. Oh wait, wait! Here's an apple for the teacher. Now turn around and let me look you over. Heh, heh"

Figaro appears tugging at the strap which held Pinocchio's school books.

"Huh? Oh yeah, yeah. Here. Run along now" but he sees Figaro following Pinocchio, "Ho-ho-ho wait, wait. Come back here, Figaro. School is not for you"

"Goodbye father!"

The bad guys were saying goodbye to princess.

"Ok you be a good girl now, ok" wolf says.


"You listen to your teacher" shark says.

"Don't be talking to strangers" snake added, "oh and if someone like at you the wrong way, be sure to attack them ok"

"Snake" Diane glared at him then she walks to princess, "just try to make some new friends, ok"

"Ok Diane, see ya" they watch princess rush to the other kids.

"Bye bye princess" shark waved, "bye baby"

"Bye kiddo" webs yelled.

"We'll pick you up after school" wolf says.

"Goodbye son! Hurry back! Tra la la la"

Then as Pinocchio skips, he bumps into princess.

"Ouch" they both said as they look at each other.

"Oh hello" princess waved.

"Hi I'm Pinocchio" he waved at her.

"Hi I'm princess"

"Princess? Like royalty? Are you an actually princess?" Pinocchio asked as he was intrigued by her.

"No" she chuckles by his questions, "my name happens to be princess"

"Oh, do are you new here, I never seen you before" he asked.

"Actually yes, me and my family moved here for a little vacation, we're only staying for a month"

But then As dozens of kids rush for school, a fox, Honest John, and his cat sidekick, Gideon, shuffle down the street.

"Gideon, listen... the merry laughter of little, innocent children wending their way to school. Thirsty little minds rushing to the fountain of knowledge. School... a noble institution. What would this stupid world be without..." he sees a poster of Stromboli with his puppets.

"Well, well, well! Stromboli! So that old rascal's back in town, eh? Remember, Giddy, the time I tied strings on you and passed you off as a puppet? We nearly put one over on that old gypsy that time"

They see Pinocchio walking with princess as they pass by.

"A little wooden boy and a tiny kitten Now, who-" Reality hits him, "A WOODEN BOY!Look, Giddy. Look. It's amazing! A live puppet without strings" he then stares down at princess, "and a tiny kitten A thing like that ought to be worth a fortune to someone. Now, let me see... That's it... Stromboli! Why, that fat, old faker would give his-- Listen! If we play our cards right, we'll be on Easy Street, or my name isn't Honest John. Quick! We'll head him off. Shh! Now's our-- No, no, stupid. Don't be crude" he hits Gideon on the head with a mallet, "Let me handle this. Here he comes. Yes, Giddy, as I was saying to the duchess only yesterday..." he bumps into Pinocchio knocking him onto the ground dropping his apple and book.

Princess gasped and looks down at him, "Oh! Oh, how clumsy of me! Oh, my, my, my, my. Oh, I'm terribly sorry. Oh, I do hope you're not injured"

"I'm all right" Gideon reaches his hands into Pinocchio's back pocket.

" Ah, splendid!" He then hits Gideon on the head, "Well, well. Quite a scholar, I see. Look Giddy, a man of letters. Here's your book" he hands his book back.

"I'm going to school, oh and this is my friend princess"

As Pinocchio introduces princess, John purrs as he stares at her, Gideon was smitten by her innocent eyes and adorable cuteness.

"How are you doing Little lady" John holds his hand out for princess.

But she clutched on tight to her book then she stares at his hand and looks back at him.

She just stared at him, not touching his hand, there was something about him she didn't like or trust.

"Yeah" John takes his hand back, "School! Ah, yes. Then you haven't heard of the easy road to success"


"No? I'm speaking my boy, of the theatre! Here's your apple. Bright lights, music, applause! Fame!"


Princess glared at John and pulls on Pinocchio arm, pulling him away.

"Yeah that sounds nice but we have school, let's go Pinocchio"

"Yes? And with that personality, that profile, that physique... why! He's a natural born actor, eh Giddy?" he nods.

"But I'm going--"

"Straight to the top. Why, I can see your name in lights, lights six feet high. Uh, what is your name again?"

"Pinocchio" princess and Pinocchio said at the same time.

"Pinocchio! P-I-N-U-O- uh, ha-ha, we're wasting precious time. Come on to the theatre!" He gets between princess and Pinocchio pulling them apart.

"Wha-" princess was stumped and followed Pinocchio.

"But Pinocchio?" He turns to see princess, "what about school?" She asked.

"Ah what do you need school for when you can live the high life as a actor"

"He's got a point princess, besides what can happen"

Princess groans as she looks back at the school, she remembered what wolf used to tell her about meeting strangers.

Remember princess, never ever talk to strangers, they're never good.

She was about to go back to school but Pinocchio was her friend, she couldn't abandon him, so she ran after him.

"Pinocchio wait?"

"Hi-diddle-dee-dee and actor's life for me a high silk hat and silver cane a watch of gold with a diamond chain. Hi-diddle-dee-dee and actor's life is gay. It's great to be a celebrity an actor's life for me. Hi-diddle-dee-dum and actor's life is fun"

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