A tight squeeze

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Wolf pushes his face playfully and turns away from the stand, then they looked around once more seeing some metal stairs.

He walked to it, snake followed and climbed 4 turns till he hit the top.

He spotted a pink VCR with a TV screen hanging above it, "huh, another one" wolf said.

"How many of these things do they even need?" Snake asked.

They turned the corner onto the metal bridge, but wolf stopped.

"Ah"  when he saw the middle of the floor was not connected.

He nearly fall dropping him along with princess to their death.

He, princess and snake looked down to see how fall it was, then shark used the blue hand to grab the other metal part and connected it to the metal panel they were on.

"Thanks shark" wolf carried on walking looking around for a pink tape.

He looked down and on the wall laid the pink tape they were looking for, "how on earth did you get there?" He asked he tries to reach up and grab it but he was too short of a tail,

Then snake came by and used his tail to grab it, once it was in his reach, he gave it gave it to wolf and they turned back towards the VCR, and wolf stuck the tape in.

"So Stella. What made you want to work at the playtime.co factory?" Said the interviewer.

"playing with toys when I was young was so magical. I could go straight from my bedroom floor to anywhere in the world. It was such a great feeling. And.. ring able to work at a toy factory.. somewhere that can provide kids with that same experience.. that's a pretty great feeling too! Sometimes though, I really really wish I could go back. To being a kid I mean. And it's weird, cause.. adults are just kids.. but older. I don't think anyone really feels like an adult? But your body just gets older, and older.. and then you die-"

Snake eyes open wide as he covers her ears with his tail.

"Poof! Haha, human bodies just can't stay young forever. There's things though! Like some trees that can stay alive even while being way older than a person. I mean.. the oldest people to ever live is STILL younger than those! So I guess everyone is always young relative to something.. right?" Stella went off track long ago.

"alright.. I think we're getting a little off track." The interviewer said before the tape stopped.. Stella.

"She was a lovely woman with a wide imagination" they both were startled when they turned around to see Diane.

"she really was, yet she had Autism with a tragic backstory, she died before the factory was shut down, people had said that her body was found in between metal cogwheels in the back of the factory where all the machinery was, yet sitting on her broken foot was a long pink doll that was still in testing.. her name was mommy long legs, at the time she was still in the making so no one knew what had happened"

This scared wolf and snake, they looked at each other with confusion.

"Wait how do you know all of this" wolf asked as snake lets go of princess's ears.

She takes out some papers, "her resume, I found these on the floor"

They turned back around and continued their journey on the metal bridge, webs noticed a Circuit that needed to be completed, she nudges shark's shoulders and he put the blue hand on the red button and walked away to try and connect the power, they walked left and right on the made like bridge connecting the power to the piles before clicking another button and it was complete.

They walked back to the stairs and walked down, going back towards the stand now seeing the words 'power on' wolf clicked on the button and the lights on the massive machine turned on.

He smiles the machines but snake felt creeped out as the machines were looking at him, wolf went towards the place of where all the dolls body parts were, piranha pulled all the levers down as the small doors at the bottom of the tank looking tubes let different toy limbs onto the escalator.

"Hey what did you do" snake asked.

"What?" Piranha says as he shrugs his shoulders.

They stood back and walked calmly to the other side of the factory waiting for the finished piece to randomly pop up, "why do I feel like i got a bad feeling is going to happen." Snake asked, he took princess from wolf's hands as he was too distracted watching the machines to see snake taking her.

He was keeping her close to him to keep her from harm.

Soon the finished product came out a bee cat.

Piranha picked up the bee looking cat, "whoa what the heck is this thing?" He asked.

"I think it's some sort of bee" webs says.

"Looks more like a cat" shark says.

"It's a bee cat" princess says.

Piranha turns towards her and gives her the bee cat.

And as she was about to take it, snake makes a panicked face and takes the thing away.

I'm not so sure that thing is safe for princess"

"Oh come on shake, it's just a toy" piranha says.

Snake brings the toy up to his face so he could examine it but did like the look of it.

"I still don't think that you is safe for a kid like princess" he throws the bee cat towards wolf, it slides close to his feet.

"Oh you're way too protective with princess" piranha says.

"Well that is my job"snake says.

Wolf sighed and walked away from the escalator and argument, then a light caught his eye, there was a stand next to a massive closed door, he walked towards it, then looks back at the cat bee, he picks it up and placed the toy it in.

within a blink of an eye.. it was gone, "whoa"
The doors opened up only for them to see a dark hallway with two doors on each side of the wall, he walked into the hallway and tried opening the doors only for them to end up black, he stared off into the pitch black hallway, feeling uneasy and.. watched, he shook off the feeling and walked towards it.

"Hey guys, come check this out" wolf says.

Everyone stopped arguing and followed wolf. "why's it so dark in here" piranha says.

Then suddenly the massive Huggy Wuggy figure walking towards them, and princess screamed.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He walked out slowly with a massive smile and extremely long teeth, and frantic eyes.

"AHHHHHH!" They all screamed.

HOLY-!" Shark screamed then piranha finished his sentence.


Then he tripped on the floor, then wolf picks up princess and they all rushed out, shark quickly get up once.

but when they made it through the door way, they thought they were safe as the thing was taller than the door way, they caught their breath while wolf held on to princess tighter, she buried her face in his neck and he cupped The back of her head, rocking them to calm her down, then they saw Huggy Wuggy bend down and under the the doorway, his eyes staring at them with the look of wanting blood splattered.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" Everyone shouted and looked around for an escape, the alarm was blaring loud then they noticed a red light and an open doorway.

"Guys look!" Piranha shouted.

They rushed towards it and climbed onto escalator and ran in.

They could hear the taps of Huggy Wuggy's feet and hands crawling into the vents with them but they soon stopped, just before they were about to roll down a steep part of the vent, they looked behind and saw the door was closed.

"guys look a door!" Wolf says but made a panicked face, then bangs on the door.

"Ugh come on! Come on" wolf yelled.

tears built up in princess eyes as wolf put her down, then everyone started banging on the door.


"Please hurry!"

The door opened causing them to all fall in, "AH" when princess saw huggy getting closer, she feel in with them, they went down the steep vent, falling.

They stumbled when they reached the bottom, they found themselves in a much bigger room and the air was much more bitter cold than the stuffy vents.

Wolf rushed to get up and picks up princess, he saw the trap door, they had just passed closed.

They all smiled of relief, they were about to turn back until they heard a loud banging at the iron door.

"Ah" wolf and the others panicked as they looked around in a panic before looking up.

Princess held on tighter to him, they then see a massive box up top, shark grabbing the grab pack, pushed the blue and red hands to grab onto it and pull it towards them so it began to lean and just as it fell Huggy Wuggy broke the door.

He ended up being crushed by the box, which ended up breaking the whole platform, they were on, they screamed as they fell onto another platform.

"AH" they all screamed again as I fell to the ground, wolf had covered princess and he landed on his side so she wouldn't get hurt.

"Ugh" his head banging on the metal floor harshly, he got up in a cold sweat and looked around, noticing blood on the yellow fence.

They everyone else got up, winced in pain, he looked around in sight of Huggy Wuggy yet he was no where to be seen.

Then he saw he was falling in the floor.

He stopped suddenly and stood up, he looked at the fence and felt the back of his head when he realized that it was his blood.

"AH" he groans in pain and panicked, when he saw the blood on his hand that was oozing from his head.

"Ugh I must've smashed my head against the fence during the fall" wolf says

he winced as he backed away from the fence holding my head in pain and putting princess down.

"good to know I'm not dead." He cringed.

"Oh no wolf, you're hurt" princess says as she walks up to him and touches his arm.

"Oh it's ok princess really, it's just a little cut" wolf says as he bends down to her.

"Nonsense, we need to bandage it, otherwise it'll get worst" Princess says as she ripped a part of her white undershirt and wraps it around wolf's head.

"Oh great idea shark" snake hissed.

"Hey it worked didn't, I killed that thing" shark says.

"Oh yeah, we'll you could've killed princess" snake argued as princess finished bandaging wolf.

He smiles at her, then he slow gets up, and walked forward.

" there seemed to have been more to this place than you originally thought Diane" wolf says as he stops the fight.

Piranha walked over to webs and helped her up, he takes her arm and she painfully gets up.

He walked towards the passive poppy that was painted on the wall, until he noticed snake slithering the other direction with princess.

Ok let's get out of here"

"What we can't leave" Diane says.

"Didn't you see what happened down there, we were nearly attacked, what if there are more of these things" snake hissed.

"But there are still people inside" Diane says.

"Even if there are still people here, i seriously doubt their alive, besides we need to put princess first, we need to get her out of here" snake said.

"Snake wait, we can't leave, we have to help the people that are trapped here and i think there's more to this place than meets the eye, we have to stay" wolf says.

"But what about princess, we need to start thinking about her safety" snake says as he holds her out in front of them.

"Snake please i promise, princess will be safe" wolf says.

"Ugh alright fine but I'm keeping a close eye on her fir now on" snake says.

"Fine by me" wolf says as they continued walking towards the poppy flower until they stopped and see a tape, he picked it up then...

"Hey wolf" they turn to see it was piranha, "we got a problem"

He was helping webs up, he grabbed her waist as she wrapped her arm around his shoulder.

They approached them and saw, "webs broke her legs" it shown she broke three on her right side.

"Which ones" wolf asked.

"Three on her right" piranha answered.

"Oh you poor thing" Diane says.

"Ok don't worry, we'll figure something out, we'll just have to carry her" wolf says.

he looked to his right, and noticed a VCR, he walked towards it tiredly and put it in, staring up at the screen. "Final log. In relation: 1-0-0-6. 'The prototype'. Coordination and cooperation is evidently within his skillset as well as the skillset of all other experiments of his type. Though still missing, todays events are no doubt in relation to him. His absence was a flaw in the scientific process, which should have under no circumstances have been left unaccounted for. That's why I'm making this log: so that the same mistake won't be made twice." I was struggling to hear him through all the screaming and banging "any future experiments need to be contained and displaced of in a secure location. I'm not worried about myself. one breakthrough and I'll be back. We must forge forward in the name of science. Whether those who are beneath us understand it or not! End of-" he was cut off just before they heard footsteps from the footage.

"Who was he talking about?" Webs asked as she winced in pain.

"Was he talking about Huggy Wuggy? That thing that attacked us" piranha added.

Wolf turned away and began to make his way towards the poppy, everyone followed.

"Here I'll carry you" piranha says as he bends down, slides his hand underneath webs tummy and picks her up bridal style.

She lifts her arms up when she felt his hands grabbing her tummy then she was shocked as she was being carried.

But then she liked being carried this way, she puts her arms around his neck and holds on tight.

"Uhh thanks..piranha" webs smiled.

Wolf was trying to connect the dots of what they had heard.

Once they had made it to the door, he looked up and saw broken hanging toys.

"yeesh." He says And walked in the door, there was two lamps facing each other and some Victorian wallpaper of flowers.

They walked in further and saw steps, he walks down while piranha stops and he and webs looked down.

"You know you could give me to shark so you won't have to struggle carrying me down the stairs.

But then he jumps really high, "ah!" Webs screamed as she felt the wind hitting her face, she buried her face in his shirt.

Then he landed to safety and continued walking with even telling webs he was done.

She opened her eyes to see they were on the bottom of the stairs, she looks up at him, smiles and nuzzled her head in his chest, shutting her eyes to savor his warmth but that's not all she felt.

Just then they heard loud music playing, they could hear a music box playing, once they reached the flat wooden floor all I saw was a never ending hallway..

Snake sighed and walked onward. "I shouldn't have just stayed home when I got the chance." Snake told princess,

there were pillows as chairs and a cabinet in the side along with a playhouse and more pillows, and then another long hallway,

"what is this place" snake asked.

"Looks like a witch decorated this place, huh webs" piranha chuckles as he nudged webs hoping it would make her laugh.

"Webs?" But he saw that she was asleep, the sound of the beating of his heart is was put her to sleep, he saw she was sleeping peacefully and smiling.

"and the long hallways?!" Wolf questioned and continued forward.

But soon the cream lights turned red and they were face to face with double doors, wolf slowly opened them as they creaked from the movement.

Snake took princess and held her closer to him.

The doors seemingly look like they haven't been touched in years.

There inside, laid in a glass box in the middle of the room was a doll, the famous original doll with pillows surrounding her case along with a pink light. And a bed.

Shark got a closer look at the doll, "huh that kinda looks like-"

Just then princess ran up to the glass and smiled, "poppy!"

This was not over yet.

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