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When they jumped, they were heading towards a underground tunnel.

"Hang on" piranha says as he and webs fall 50 feel down a whole.

Webs wasn't worried a bit, not when she has a strong piranha to protect her.

"Don't worry im not afraid, not when I am you to keep me safe" she tugs on his shirt and pressed her head against his chest, to hear his beating heart one last time, she smiles while looking up at him.

The breeze blew through her face as she saw how extraordinary brave and handsome piranha looked when the wind blew through his Mohawk.

Then when they landed, they followed with the rest of the group.

As he was holding her, he looks down at her, smiles smirking.

He reaches down to kiss her again, he pucker his lips and moves over to her.

She saw how closer get was and presses her hand on his lips, he slowly opens his eyes and was surprised when he saw her finger blocking his kiss.


"Let's wait until we're out of here" she says getting a smile from him.

Suddenly they all stopped to see a very large gap between them and a another tunnel.

"Oh great now what" snake asked.

"Look there's a handle over there" princess pointed out, "shark could swing us over there"

But mommy long legs wasn't finished with them.

"Where did you go"

They were all startled when they heard her voice.

"The game is over, you won" they looked around to see where she was coming from.

"Come back and mommy will give you the code, pinky promise"

"Sorry but we're getting off this crazy train and going to the real one that'll get us out of here" wolf says as shark uses the blue hand to grab onto the handle.

"Come on piranha get on" wolf says but piranha had a different idea.

They saw him running back then he charges at super speed and jumps really high over the gap.

"Piranha!" Webs yelled, "Ah" then she screamed as she buried her face in his chest and clingers on his shirt tighter.

Then she saw they made it, web's heart was beating fast, she was terrified as the guys looked shocked and shark swing them to the other side.

"Are you crazy!" Webs yelled at piranha as he laughs.

"Well yeah, I am loco"

"We could've died"

"Come on webs you know I won't let you get hurt"

She blushes as little by that comment.

"But she has the code" princess says.

"She wasn't going to let us go, the games were just a subterfuge ruse to keep us here" wolf says as he started to put the pieces together.

"But what about the last code" princess asked

"Webs will hack the train, now let's go" wolf answered.

They were moving fast, at the end of the tunnel was a dead end.

Then wolf noticed a hole up above then, shark pulls them up.

"Mommy knows the game is really hard"

Wolf ignores her as he leads the gang out of here.

"But mommy has decided that you won"

They then past by a poster: mommy long legs and family.

"Come back" she laughs hysterically.

He scolds at it and walks up the stairs, "mommy doesn't like cheaters" they walked through a hole in the wall and finds they have to pull themselves up again.

"The rules are so simple, COME BACK TO ME" she then started to sound serious as it scared princess.

She whimpered and sinks lower, "she sounds angry" princess says.

Then there was a ventilation shaft, wolf and the others crawled in.

UGH HOW DARE YOU DISOBEY ME" her yells was no scaring them, princess was now worrying.

"I will find you and when I do-" she starts to laugh hysterically as they crawled out.

"Where are you, WHERE ARE YOU"

"Wolf" princess whimpered, he looks down to see how scared princess was, he picks her up and cups her head, holding her close.

Then they look up to see another handle, shark uses the blue hand and pulls them up.


"I think she wants to hurt me" princess says.

Wolf then looks down at her, "don't worry princess, I won't let her hurt, she's not going to hurt when We're around"

They see a door but to find it is lock, so they walked up some stairs and it takes them to the water treatment.

On the panel, piranha sees two buttons.

He presses the one that says route top 90 degrees and it forms a bridge above the water.

"Nice work piranha" wolf says and they all ran downstairs.

It takes them to another room, they sees a cutout of bee-cat in a bee hive.

There was a button as wolf approached it, snake hits the button: meow meow meow, buzz!!!.

They both looked at each other then snake hits the button again: to bee or not to bee that is the question

Snake rolled his eyes at the lame joke and annoying cat's laugh.

They then walked as shark sees a button far from him then he looks up and sees that there were colorful buttons above and around them.

He looks down and sees two levers, he pulls the one of the right and they all got spooked when it pulled them down.

They then realized they were on a lift.

It took them down to the last floor, where they walked across a bridge and found themselves crossing the other side of the water treatment where they walked in the other side.

Walking back up, shark hits the top route button and the bridge moves to the left side.

He keeps hitting it until he goes straight in the middle, where he runs off to join then as they cross the bridge to a are that was marked.


There they saw a toy scanner, he pulls out a bunzo toy from earlier and puts it on the scanner once the scanner scans the toy, the doors opened.

But on the top of the doors it said: do not enter.

Looking around it was a empty room, then wolf finds a ventilation system again and they crawl through.

They got out and it took them to a strange room, there was a yellow door and a large crack in the wall.

Snake looks through the crack with his one eye, he could easily slide through but the others wouldn't fit, then shark tries to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

Then wolf finds a different room with a tv and a red VHS.

Wolf looks around to find the red tape as Diane finds a cutout with a green robot, she presses the button: lets Bo-bo-boogie.

As the others wandered around, piranha looks through the ventilation, then he puts webs down.

"I'll be back" he says as he crawls through, after waiting patiently, she started to get worried.

Then she saw him coming out, back with a red tape.

Wolf just stares at the tv, when he hears piranha approaching him, he sees him putting in a tape.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The video ended with everyone puzzled and worried, with a question on their minds.

Wolf looks down as he felt princess tugging on his shirt.

"Wolf what is the prototype, he was talking about"

"I don't know princess, it's probably noting, we should probably go back"

So they left, going back to where they started but when they got black to the room with the cutout of the green boy, they went through the ventilation system.

But then they fell, "ah" they all screamed and landed in a strange red room.

They looked around then wolf sees a hole in the ceiling as he looks him, he sees a handle, he turns around to get shark.

When princess Lola back and her face was shocked in horror as she screams.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Wolf looks back and he makes the same face as he back up.

They saw mommy long legs screaming and land down in front of them.

She smacked wolf back, "ah" he fell, letting go of princess.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

They saw princess was trying to back away as mommy long legs was prowling up to her, she was whimpering.

Then webs got in front of her, "hey leave her alone"

But by her mistake, mommy bend her head closer to her and grabbed webs by her broken leg.

"You look just like me, what a interesting creature"

"Ah" she was still in pain as she winced and screamed, she was tangling feet from the air, she heard mommy laughing as she was taunting webs, then piranha got angry.

"Hey put me down" webs says as she hits mommy's hand.

"Hey let her go" he says as he marches over to mommy long legs and tries to get webs back.

Mommy long legs teased him by tangling webs, she then dropped her and caught her.

"Ah" then to make matters worst, she threw webs in the air and caught her before she could hit the ground.

Piranha was worried but when he saw webs was scared when mommy long legs grabbed her broken leg again.

"Aw how sweet, the little fish has feeling for the eight legged freak" mommy long legs say as piranha growls then he saw her twisting web's legs.

"It would be a Shane if something happened to her, like a broken leg came off"

"Ah" when he heard web's screaming pain as mommy was trying to pull her leg off.

He growls, jumps up and punches mommy long leg's arm off.

"AH" mommy screamed as she drops webs, piranha caught her.

And when mommy long legs grabbed her face, princess got up and ran up to wolf, he holds her tight.

Then mommy king legs for really mad, "I ASKED YOU TO PLAY FAIR, AND YOU CHEATED"

They all try to back away from her, "I HATE CHEATERS, now we're going to play ONE LAST GAME"

"It's called hide and SEEK!!!"

"Oh no I'm always terrible at that game" shark says.

As they back to a gate, mommy long legs started counting backwards.


Then the door opened and they quickly ran.


They ran downstairs, jumping over a big gap, "5...4..."

They then made it down a strange and broken room.


They ran, they didn't know but it was somewhere far from mommy long legs.

They climbed up the stairs and crawled through a small hole.

Princess was whimpering, wolf tries to comfort her then she saw how distressed webs looked as piranha was running while carrying her, he looked intense.

"Hey guys do you remember when we used to play hide and seek" princess says.

"Oh yeah you were a pretty great hider" piranha says.

"And a finder" webs added.

Running in the dark wasn't easy, especially when it's hiding form a very big and dangerous spider like toy.

They crawled through a tunnel, jumped through a vent that was heading down.

Wolf didn't know what he was doing, all he knows that he was trying to get everyone away from mommy long legs.

He then sees a lever, he pulls it and a small door opens, they went inside.

They wandered around in the building until they were in bay 2.

They're were four levers on the wall, a red, green, blue and yellow one.

"Come on guys quick, start pulling some levers" wolf says as he pulls the red one.

Piranha puts webs down to see if she was okay, "are you are you hurt" he asked as he cups her cheek.

"No I'm fine really, I'm okay" she assured him.

"I got so worried when she threatened to hurt you"

Then Snake pulls the green lever, Diane pulls the yellow one and shark pulls the blue lever.

But nothing happened, "why isn't it working" snake said.

"Hang on I got an idea" piranha says as he looks up to see a hole on the ceiling.

"Shark give me a boost"


So shark throws him up and he crawls between, he looks to see what was the problem.

"Ok put all the levers down"

They all looked at each other and pull the levers, then the gate opened, they ran in and looked around, staying alert for mommy long legs.

Then all of a sudden, they heard noises, it was mommy long legs.

"Ah" wolf screamed.

She was laughing hysterically, "everyone run" he says as they ran from mommy long legs.

Then shark pulled them as they saw mommy long legs, crawling and looking for them.

Then they landed down when they heard her gone.

They ran back to where she chased them, found another room, with a gate and a lever.

Shark then finds a power charger and receiver, he grabs them both and behind them a furnace lite up.

Wolf walked up the stairs to see a piece missing, snake found the missing piece and puts it back in.

Apparently it made a extra wheel but wolf made a realization.

"Shark get the wheel"

So shark grabs the yellow wheel and puts it in the machine near the lever, and wolf pulls the lever again.

And it opens the gate, they ran in, they suddenly mommy appeared.

"Quickly everyone back to the furnace" wolf says.

As they got inside, wolf shuts the door, they heard mommy crawling around looking for them.

Wolf singles then to keep quiet, princess was shaking and whimpering, webs buried her head in piranha, And shark looked like he was about to scream.

They heard something dropped, wolf slowly opened the door and saw she was gone.

So he singles then to leave, they ran through the door, going in a room ove red in spiderwebs.

There was another lever, wolf pulls it then when they felt going down, they heard mommy long legs, so they ran again, but this time they were going to finish her.

So they ran out of the room, jumping over gaps, running through the sewers, shark pulls them up.

They then made it to a well lite room with a painting of mommy long legs, above her door was a hand scanner.

Shark uses the blue hand, they were waiting anxiously to for the door to open as they heard mommy getting closer.

"Come on hurry"

Then it opened as they saw her getting closer then piranha gets upset as he hands webs to shark.

"That's it i had enough of this" They saw him going up to a grinder, grabbing a lever.

"Piranha what are you doing" webs asked.

"Ending this game once and for all"

They were confused at first but then they heard mommy long legs coming in, they all backed away as she stared at them.

But as she tries to go up to them, her hand was caught in the grinder.

Then piranha pulls the lever and she slowly gets reeled in.

Mommy proceeds to howl in horror and pain and screams.


Piranha jumped down to watch her die as webs crawls over to him, she clings on his shirt looking at him then back at mommy long legs.


but her attempts to free herself are futile as she continues to claw on the floor.

then when the grinder crushes her abdomen, splattering the grinder with blood.

Webs buried her face in piranha's chest as he wraps his arm around her, wolf buried princess head on his shoulders, cupping her head.

Her torso then severs from her chest and collapses to the ground, shark then pulls the lever and they all surrounded mommy long legs.

"Well it's over now" wolf says as they turned around to hear the gate opening but as they all left.

Right behind them a claw slowly appeared and dragged mommy long legs.

Was there a new threat that is much more dangerous than mommy long legs.

Who is the real villain.

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