Home sweet home

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After being tasks of entering Home Sweet Home first, the abandoned residence for all orphan children.

Piranha gulps, takes a deep breath then he pushes the fire running outside, he gets a glimpse of the map.

But he heard a strange sound, "huh?" Like something was behind him.

He ignores it and continues to walk, he passes by a broken lamppost.

"Ugh" he shutters and as walks up the stairs to home sweet home, he heard it again, the strange sounds again, footsteps.

He looks back but sees nothing, getting suspicious he pulls up a chair using it as a weapon.

"Who's there?" He yelled but heard nothing.

"You better come out before I-" he raises the chair up and by the house was catnap staring at him.

Just as piranha was about to defend himself with a chair, out of the shadows comes webs, she removes her hoodie.

"Webs?" He was shocked and he threw the chair, it flew and hit catnap knocking him down.

"What are you doing here? I could've hurt you, you knows it too dangerous for you to be here"

"No one would go with you and I was worried"

"But you're still hurt"

"When I'm with you I'm ok"

"When I safe now that you are here" he reaches for her hand.

As they went inside, catnap regains consciousness and after that hit to the head, he wobbles around as he gents up trying to head inside home sweet home but collapsed.

They enter Home Sweet Home, they wander in the halls.

Inside was pictures of kids and piranha finds a damaged catbee.

"Ugh, I feel bad for whatever happened to him" piranha says.

"Piranha what do you think happened here?" Webs asked as she was concerned.

"I don't know but we should get moving" he takes her hand and they move.

But right behind them, catnap was standing and staring.

Then as piranha opens the door, they see the red smoke.

He was about to step in when webs held him back, "piranha don't it's the red smoke remember, it causes terrible nightmares"

"Relax webs what can happen" he went in anyway, having no choice, webs follows.

"Piranha? Piranha?" She lost him then she felt someone watching her, she panicked and ran.

She crawled down the stairs flooring the red smoke but then she tripped and fell.

"AH!" But before she could hit the floor, piranha caught her.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine just don't ever go off like that again" he takes her hand and she follows him.

When they inhales the red smoke, it results CatNap manipulating them into believing that they are still conscious while they can be seen unconscious in the real world..

They make their way through a maze of seemingly endless corridors, while also coming upon audio recordings that claim that a dead child had been found on Elliot Ludwig's estate.

They wandered in the halls and behind catnap followed, webs felt a strange presence, she turns around but he was gone.

"Piranha, do you feel like someone is following us"

"It's probably nothing, don't worry webs we'll be out here soon" he assured her but that's when they come across some carving on the floor.

Happy and fun way, or was it love...

But then webs noticed scratch marks behind them.

"AH! Uh piranha, were those behind us before"

He felt her arms wrapped tight around his own, then he turns to see them.

But it didn't stop them, all around them were claw marks.

He sees them everywhere, on the walks, the floor, the ceiling.

Piranha finds one on the door and he studies it, "whoa" he muttered.

"What do you think made those" webs asked.

"If I had to guess, catnap"

"What!" She panicked, "you mean he's here and he made those"

"Hey hey hey, it's gonna be ok, I'll protect you like I always had all night" he holds her hands to assure her.

They wandered the halls, but they see new claw marks by the minute and how bigger and newer they looked, suddenly there was this ringing.

"Hey do you hear that?" Webs asked.

"Yeah" piranha listened to the sound, "and it's coming from over there" he ran in one of the rooms and picks up the phone.


"You need to run!" It was Ollie.

"What? Why? Hello, huh, phone must be dead" he hangs up.

But now things were getting creepy, the halls were getting darker and the radio was making webs feel uneasy, she holds on to piranha, she started to get paranoia by her surroundings.

Then a door starts pounding, "AH!" Webs got scared.

"Ok webs run"


"Just run quickly"

They till they reach the end of the corridors, where they find another tape.

"That was scary" webs breaths raspy along with piranha.

"Yeah...you ok"

"No, not really, I can feel my heart beating"

"Really? Let me feel" he place his hand on her heart and she blushed.

But the moment was gone when piranha finds a tape, "oh hey look, it's another tape"

they watch a tape welcoming employees to the Playtime Co. factory.

"Greetings employees and welcome to your first day here in playtime we're certain that in the days to come you'll find your new family here every bit as loving and supportive as your own feel free to wander the halls-"

Piranha rolled his eyes, "yeah something is trying to kill us"

"Sit in the mess for lunch or watch our children play and learn to their little heart's content join the innovationists where the bounds of science are continuously pushed or join the counselors of playcare whose diligence and care for our children will help shape a brighter future just you see now every one of you has your part in the future so should you come back tomorrow feeling unhappy for where you are or what you're done worry not for your supervisor is here and happy to listen and should you come back, years later, your conscious finally getting the better of you...

The tape becomes more and more disturbing, beginning to call out to them and something strange happens to huggy.

"Uh piranha, this tape is...getting weird"

"I know right webs, maybe it's nothing" he tries to ease her.

They are forced to look at the screen seeing huggy looking distorted.

"May you descend into the dark and the dust finding all that awaits you are incomprehensible horrors"

"Piranha" webs gets a sickening feeling she holds to his arm and he holds her bottom.

"Each hungry for your return each eager that they might find you"


"Perhaps they'd smile at you from a shadow...their smiling mouths full of teeth and meat and plastic watching and waiting patiently for their turn at a warm welcome or perhaps they won't allow you such time to figure your place in the world you'd left a world that's theirs now welcome home"

Then a distorted, twisted version of Huggy Wuggy crawls out of the television and eats them.


But she wakes up in the real Home Sweet Home, with piranha looking concerned.

"Webs wake up"


"Oh hey hey, it's ok it's ok, it's just me" he helps her up.

"Come on" he takes her hand and helps her up.

They wander in the room, looking around they see it was a wreck, webs looks around and didn't see she was about to fall down a hole.

"Webs look out" piranha takes her hand.

"Oh thanks piranha I didn't see that"

"Hey look" he pointed and they find the Gas Mask, "it's a gas mask" he takes it with him.

"Come on let's go find that generator and power up the house"

Putting on the mask he pushes a cart, he breaks whatever is blocking the doors.

Piranha gets to work when they find another tape and play it.

Then they roamed the halls then looking up they see something.

Webs was about to scream when piranha covered her mouth.

"Shh, it's ok, come on"

Piranha finds the generator, he goes in a room and he is shocked to see kissy missy.

"AH! Sorry I didn't see you there I'll just uh-ill leave you be"

After activating the power inside Home Sweet Home, "ok webs the powers back on, let's get out of here" piranha says.

"Ok, let's go" she follows him to a bedroom where she sees something written in red.

The hour of joy.

Surely seemed ominous but it was tough mission, they managed to not get attack by catnap.

"Ok we got the power on, let's go so we can find princess" piranha says

"Do you think that thing was catnap" webs was worried.

"Yeah, maybe it wax so big did you see that thing"

"Yeah, the last thing we need is a surprise attack"

"AH!" But suddenly piranha was attacked by Kissy Missy.

"Ugh" he grunts.

She pinned him to the ground when webs fell off his shoulders and hit the ground.

"PIRANHA!" She panicked.

He glares at kissy missy, as she tries to kill him.

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