Ludwig's office

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They went inside and saw it was empty, they explored around the room, piranha let's webs down on the desk and stays by her side.

Diane puts princess down as she goes to find something.

Princess then noticed drawn pictures on the wall, she goes up to look at them.

There's one with a boy riding bron and it said: my best friend.

Another with poppy, her name written on the top right, a poppy flower, and green cat.

Another one with Huggy wuggy holding hands with a pink version of Huggy wuggy with a heart in the middle.

And another with a kid surrounded by bee-cat, bron, pink Huggy wuggy and a blue cat.

"Who's that" shark asked as shark and princess looks at the same picture of Huggy and pink Huggy.

She looks down on the bottom of the drawing two words, Huggy's name and kissy underneath the pink ones.

"I think her name is kissy" princess says.

"Huh" shark says.

Snake looks around the desk then he sees a black video tape.

He picks it up and when wolf approached the black VCR and placed the Tape in.

Play time co was created by a man name Elliot Ludwig, divorced but a family man at hearts, his sights were always set on bringing amazing toys to amazing children around the globe.

Snake saw poppy's picture, "see I told you that doll was evil" snake says.

"Shush" wolf hush him.

Ludwig spent countless hours in the factory working overtime relentlessly in an attempt to continuously innovate and surprise.

"He sounds like a dangerous man" shake said.

In the 1960s, an unfortunate family death has pushed Ludwig down to his lowest.

This shocked everyone, "told you he was dangerous" snake said.

But with so much ambition, he rose back up and continued to full filled his vision for the playtime co, toy factory, Ludwig could never be content leaving a project unfinished but just how did one man come to create such an astounding empire, how did he managed to stay determined even after suffering from such a tragic loss.

Piranha watches the tv as he was cupping both of his hands in webs, rubbing her back hand to wake her up.

It all began in the faithful year of 19-

The video then stopped, everyone just looks freaked out by it, all except snake.

"Well that was weird what now" he asked.

Wolf wanders around, snake sees a strange flower statue on the desk, he swallows it.

Wolf then sees a large vent, "shark!" Wolf howled.

"Yeah I'm on it" shark says as he uses the red and blue hands to pull it down.

Wolf walks towards it, sees the bee cat looking at them.

It freaked him out so he turns it the other way, then walks inside.

The others followed, snake slithered in, then Diane takes a step inside, princess takes shark's hand and they walked together inside, then piranha scoops up webs, jumps down and walks in, joining the others.

They walked in the ventilation, it took them to an unknown location.

Wolf jumps down, then he takes Diane's hand helping her down, then shark gives him princess, he picks her up and sets her down, the n when shark jumped down, piranha jump down while holding webs and snake slithered down.

They scouted around the rooms they see a another life size cut board of Huggy.

Suddenly they heard a loud noise, when a box fell on the ground.

"AH" everyone yelled, both piranha and snake held on to princess and webs tight.

Webs finally woke up, from the loud noise, "uh what was that" webs asked.   But they all turned to see it was just only poppy.

She pushed down the box, "sorry" Poppy apologized.

Everyone relaxed, then snake glares at her, "you scared us you porcelain doll" snake yells.

"I didn't mean to scare you, I was just trying to get the power back on, here" poppy says as she moves out of the way to show a power generator.

At first they were confused until shark stepped in.

"How are we used to-" wolf asked as he scratches the back of his head.

"Here I got this" shark says as he uses the blue hand to the power, the hand then stretched and turned blue, he wraps it around two electric poles besides them.

Then he uses the red hand to turn on another power generator then the power was on.

"Good job shark" wolf says then they heard poppy clapping.

"Uh I wanted to thank you for freeing me" poppy thanked wolf, while snake glares at him, when wolf smiles.

"Yeah great job wolf, releasing a deadly doll" snake say in a sarcastic tone.

"Please I'm not dangerous, I was trapped in there for so long, so thank you, I like to pay you back"

"Uh huh, so tell me this, where were you when princess got kidnapped and how did you even get here" snake asked.

Leaving poppy to think of an answer, "uhh" poppy says.

"Snake" princess says as everyone glares at him.

"What, I just want to know how she made princess got here and where was she when princess got kidnapped"

"Snake please, you're being mean to poppy, in sorry poppy" princess says.

"How can you help us" wolf asked.

Poppy then walks into the vent, " there's a train station nearby, it needs a code-" poppy says the. Wolf interrupted.

"Oh hey webs is a expert of hacking into things" wolf says,

"ok, where going to get out of here" poppy says, "as soon as you get on up here"

They turned and were surprised to find way up a high ventilation system.

Shark sees a ladder, he uses the red hand to pull it down, then he walks up to the ventilation and uses the blue hand to pull himself up, then wolf gets the ladder up and they start climbing.

Princess takes little steps then wolf picks her up, then next he helps Diane.

Then snake slithered up and finally piranha hops from step to step while still carrying webs unaware she was awake now.

They walked through the ventilation and it took then back to Ludwig's office.

"Hey I'm up here" poppy says surprising them, "AH" wolf screamed as he was startled to see her in a ventilation on the top wall.

"I see you" she chuckles, making princess laugh but snake just glares at her.

"I should be able to follow you through the fence" poppy says.

"Oh that is sure helpful and not creepy" snake says sarcastically.

"This way" she turned to the left and they exit Ludwig office.

They turned to a different hall, where they was gated door, on the two was two hand panels.

Shark uses both hands to open them, the gate opened.

But when they entered, they saw a large gap.

"Everyone grab on to shark" wolf says as shark uses the blue hand to grab on a handle, they hanged on tight to him.

Then he swing them to the other side, when they left go, they continued walking.

Piranha looks down and smiles at webs to see her awake as they walked.

"Oh it's good to see you awake, you're a very heavy sleeper, you slept through all that noise" piranha says.

And we've nervously blushed, "oh that well, when you fall from a very big drop, your body can be in shock when in pain" webs lied, that shock isn't what put her to sleep, it was something else, two things.

"Well glad to see you awake, I got a lot of explaining to do" piranha says.

Then they walked into another room.

There was nothing but giant play blocks, a bee-cat on the wall covered in blood and a poster with bee-cat: a buzzy bee that's me.

Wolf opens the door, to see poppy in the middle of a large hole.

"Who's that" webs asked.

"Poppy, princess's doll and who's going to help us" piranha says as he puts webs down gently.

"Here if you want to continue walking" he says.

"Oh no you can continue carrying me if you want"

Piranha looks at her confused then he smiles at her softly.

He slides his hand underneath her tummy and scoops her in his arms again.

Wolf then approached poppy, she turns around to face them.

"Listen, I'm going to need you to trust me"

Then suddenly a hand merged out from the hole and grabbed her.

Dragging her down in the hole, "AH" poppy screamed as everyone gasped in horror.

Princess covered her eyes and started to whimper, Diane picked her up and tucked her head in her neck.

Webs buried her face in piranha's chest, he cups her head.

They they look back into the hole, shocked about what happened.

"What happened" snake asked.

"Is she going to be okay" shark asked.

Then wolf thought of a idea, "there's only one way to find out" he looks around and goes down a hall to his left.

The game was just beginning

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