A sweeter ending

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"And for once, Grandma shark was right, about. The next morning, the bad guys helped fix a hole in the roof. Grabdpa wolf spent the whole day out of bed. He didn't feel tired at all. And princess got to spend more time with her cousin foxy Things had never been better for the bad guys family. The same could not be said for Willy Wonka"

Wonka appears on a psychiatrist's couch talking to his Oompa Loompa psychiatrist.

"I just can't put my finger on it. Candy's always been the one thing I've been certain of, and now I'm just not certain at all! I don't know what flavors to make, I don't know what ideas to try, I'm second-guessing myself, which is nuts. I've always made whatever candy I felt like, and now I-" He sits up, an epiphany in his face.

"That's just it, isn't it? I make the candy I feel like, but now I feel terrible, so the candy is terrible! You're very good!"

The Oompa Loompa takes off his glasses and nods, silent as always.

The scene shifts to the newspaper stand on the corner by Bill's candy store. Princess takes the bus when The gentleman is hidden behind a newspaper sits next to her.

"Pity about that chocolate fellow, Wendell, er, Wally. Walter"

"Willy Wonka"

"That's the one. Says here in the paper that his new candies aren't selling very well. But I suppose maybe he's just a rotten egg who deserves it"

"Well not really"

"Oh, really? You ever meet him?"

"I did. I thought he was great at first, but then, he didn't turn out so nice. And he has such a funny haircut"

The gentleman drops his paper- it's Willy Wonka, of course.

"I do not!"

"Then Why are you here? Why are you following me?"

"I don't feel so hot. What makes you feel better when you feel terrible?"

"My family"


"What do you have against my family?"

"It's not just your family, it's the whole idea of-"
He can't spit it out, "what about your dad from what I heard from your family, didn't he tries to hurt besides they aren't exactly your real family now are they"

"You're right, they're it but I don't talk about my father anymore, he was a horrid man, but the bad guys took me in when he was arrested, they love me treated me as if I was their own, they're the only family I got"

"You know, they're always telling you what to do, what not to do, and it's not conducive to a creative atmosphere!"

"Usually they're just trying to protect you, because they love you" Wonka reacts with disbelief and disgust.

A few minutes later she brought Willy back to the mansion where wolf confront him.

"What are you doing here"

"I brought him here I figured you two would talk it out" princess explained.

"Will y sound I want to talk to him" Willy pouts.

"Willy what happened you stopped writing to me"

"I stop writing because you left with you dad to Los Angeles"

"We wanted to started a new life and he's my dad he's practically the only family I have and besides it's not like you ever write back or read my letters"

"I do read your letters"

"Then why happened you write back"

"I was hairy when you left, you know you could've visit me, even once would've been fine"

"I wanted to but you were always so busy with your factory I figured you were too busy to see me"

"Are you kidding, no I would never be too busy for an old friend"

"See talking to my family makes things better and If you don't believe me, you should ask" princess syas.

"Ask who? My father?"

Then wolf starts to put the puzzle together.

"Willy, why do I get the feeling that this is something based on a a deeper issue, like with to your dad"

Willy realized he has been caught, "when I was a kid after my mom died I went to go live with my dad who was a dentist but he didn't like how I wanted to be a chocolatier he didn't like how my mom was filling my head with silly dreams, so I ran away and never spoke to me again"

Princess and wolf look at each other with concerned, "don't you think it's time you should" princess says.

"No way... at least not by myself"

"You want us to go with you?" She asked.

"Hey, what a good idea! Yeah! And you know what? I've got transpor-"

They head outside and he walks into the wall of the Great Glass Elevator again.

"I have to be more careful where I park this thing"

"Why is it parked outside our house" wolf asked.

He wolf and princess take off. They arrive on a snowy hill where the house torn from Wonka's old neighborhood stands.

"I think we've got the wrong house"

He sees the plaque reading "Dr. Wilbur Wonka" and grimaces.

"It looks like the right one to me" princess says.

Princess rings the bell. Wilbur, now an old man, opens the door. He looks on his son without recognition.

"Do you have an appointment? Or does your daughter" he looks down at princess.

"No, but he's overdue" wolf pulls Willy

Wonka, now inside, lies down on a table for Wilbur to inspect with his dental tools.

"Open..." Wonka does.

"Now, let's see what the damage is, shall we?"

As Wilbur inspects Wonka's teeth, Charlie examines the room. It is papered with Wonka memorabilia, tokens of Wilbur's lost son.

"Wolf look" princess points.

"Heavens, I haven't seen bicuspids like these since... since... Willy?" Wonka sits up and looks his father in the eye.

"Hi, Dad"

"All these years... and you haven't flossed"

"Not once"

Wolf bends down or princess and he pulls out a bar of chocolate Willy gave to him.

"You know Willy once told me: Every good thing in this world, started with a dream. So you hold on to yours and The secret to his world famous chocolate is, it's not the chocolate that matters. But It's the people you share it with" then the two of them share the candy bar together.

They hug awkwardly, both fidgeting their hands, causing their rubber gloves to squeak.

The scene shifts to the bad guys home again. The grandparents sitting at the dinner table.

"It was on this day that Willy Wonka repeated his offer to princess, who accepted his offer on one condition"
Wonka and princess enter.

"We're back, Sorry we were late, we were brainstorming"

"Will you be staying for dinner, Willy?" Diane asked.

"Yes, please!"

"I'll shuffle the plates" John says.

Wonka sits down at the table between the grandmothers.

"You smell like peanuts... I love peanuts!" Grandma shark says.

"Oh, thank you! You smell like old people and soap... I like it!"

Princess sits between grandpa John and grandpa snake, gnradpa snake turns to her and smiles while giving a nod as he holds her hand.

"How do you all feel about little raspberry kites?"

"With licorice instead of string?"

"Now you two- no business at the dinner table"

"Sorry, Diane"

"I think you're onto something though, princess"

The camera pulls back, revealing the house inside of Wonka's factory, complete with powdered-sugar snow.

The narrator is seen for the first time- he is an Oompa Loompa.

"In the end, princess won a chocolate factory, but Willy Wonka got something even better- a family. And one thing was absolutely certain... life had never
been sweeter"

The end.

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