The attacker

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Tiffany fluffit came right on the scene, "Tiffany fluffit here with shocking news, the killer stole again when two teenagers were found butchered in a closet, the victims names were Trevor and Tara, and here comes the person who found the murdered teens, princess who was close to one of the victims, I'm going to get a closer look"

Then when princess came walking out the crime scene after two stretchers containing Tara and Trevor went out, wolf had grabbed her shoulders, terror was spread on her face.

Then when reporters surrounded her, bombing her with questions, the bad guys block the reporter.

"Princess, princess"

"Alright no questions, she's traumatized as she is already and i don't think she needs to be stressed right now" snake yelled.

But still, they ask questions: "we're you and the victim very close"

"Did you see who it was that killed them"

"Princess Tiffany fluttuf here, do you know that all these murders are all connected"

That last part had princess thinking, but she ignores it as wolf wraps his jacket around and pulls her back in the car.

Princess was hurt and wolf could see it, after they made it back home, princess was inside, she took off her coat.

She sat on the coach, where wolf approached her.

He had a lot on his mind, then he puts on a smile.

"Hey baby"

She looks at him, her face tear up, "listen we are going somewhere, something came up Diane needs us for something, so I'm going to need you stay here by yourself...are you going to be okay by yourself"

"Oh yeah...I'll be fine" she then wipes off her frown with a soft smile.

"Go ahead I'll be ok, I been in worst situations then being home alone, just bring down that killer" she cupped his paw, he looks down and his other paw on top of hers.

Then he cups her face and kisses the top of her forehead.

"I'll be right back...look, look" he takes her phone, taps on a lock and all the doors locked.

"In case of emergency this app automatically shuts and locks all the doors, lock it when we leave ok" he hands her back her phone.

"Thanks" she looks back at him and smiles

She then hugs him, which surprised wolf and he returns the hug back and they let go.

"Look, careful...ok" princess says

"I'll be fine, you be careful too"

As they departed, wolf looks back and blows her a kiss.

But When wolf left, a sinister force was watching him, then he looks back at the mansion holding a knife.

An hour later, The bad guys were back at the scene of the crime, the get a look of the janitor closet that was filled with blood.

"Hmm, this case keeps getting odder and odder" snake says, "what do you think wolf" but snake could see something was wrong with wolf...he could tell, "wolf?"

Wolf was far away, a lot in his mind right now, he was having second thoughts about leaving princess alone in the mansion by herself when the killer is out there.

"Hey, what's wrong, you usually get that look when you're worried about something?"

"It's princess, I just Don't think it was such a good idea to leave her alone by herself"

"But she's not alone, she has the cat to keep her company, we intruder proof the house, no one gets in and it's not like we could take princess with us, it's too dangerous especially with that killer out there"

"I know but i just can't help but get a shaking feeling that something isn't right, I'm gonna call her just to be sure"

But back at home, princess was already feeling come, she puts on a movie, when the phone rang.

"Hello?" She picked it up.

"Hey!!!! Princess, how's it going"

"I'm doing ok? Is something the matter?"

"I just thought I call to see how you're doing"

"I'm doing fine wolf" she smirked.

"Oh good, that's good, that's real you lock the doors"

"Yes wolf"

"Ok...did you shut the windows too"

"Yes wolf"

"Alright...did you lock the back door"

"You're being overprotective, I'm doing fine"

"I'm just a bit worried that's all, especially with that killer out there"

"You have nothing to worry about, I'll be fine, you go try and find the killer...ok"

"Ok, I love you baby"

"Love you too wolf, bye now"

She hangs up and picks up a teen magazine but the phone rang again.

"Ugh" she was annoyed as she knew it was wolf trying to call her again.

But when she answered it....

"Wolf I already told I'm fin-"

"This isn't wolf" a deep tone answered the phone.

It made her stomach flip a bit but she stays calm.

"Who is this?"

"Who is this"

"I asked you first" She smirked thinking it was just a wrong number of someone who was playing flirting.

"You have such a beautiful voice"

"Thank you" she was touched by the comment.

"You sound awfully familiar, tell me is your name, princess"

"Yes, how did you know"

"I know everything about you, I know your all my yourself home alone and that you're wearing a Puff Sleeve Buttoned Blazer Coat & Pocket Design Skirt Set"

Soon Fear crawls over her body, prickling her skin, squeezing the air from her lungs, she was blind with panic when she realized something.

"How-how did you know what I'm wearing"

She gets up, in a quick panic, looks at every window and shuts the blinds.

"I know everything about you, I even know about the friends you made: Cassandra, Christine, angel, Alice, Stephanie, Catherine, Kelly, tori and especially tara"

Then princess felt a chill through her spine as her blood went cold, she knew who she was talking too.

"It's you...the killer...your the killer"

He chuckles sinisterly, "I don't think you will live through the night to tell the tale"

Princess swallowed her fear and was now angry.

"Alright creep, you had your fun but if you don't leave me alone, I'm going to call my family and they'll make you wish you were sorry"

"Oh ho ho ho ho ho, it's so cute when you think you can escape"

"You touch me and my dad will attack you"

"Go ahead and call them but I don't think they'll make it time for when I gut you, cut you, slice you and turn you into dog meat"

"I'm hanging up now" she was Vibrating with anxiety and Wobbling with shock.

"Let's play a little game"


"It's called how many times can you lock your house before I reach the door"

She hears the doors unlock, "AH!" She was getting paranoid and locks the door again.

But again the door unlocks and she was now terrified, her fingers as she locks it again and again.

Then it stopped and she waited for the doors to unlock again.

Then he called again, "look psycho, you better leave me alone or I'll call the cops"

"Go right on, but I doubt they'll make it on time"


"Because I'm already inside the house"

Her chest constricted and her throat closed
A fist of panic squeezes her inside, She stood with alarm, Her spine tingling with fear
She watches, her nerves splintering and her heart was racing.

"What? No no That's impossible, i lock all the doors and windows"

"Not all the doors"

"What do you mean"

"You forgot...the back down, guess where I am...I'll give you a hint, I'm behind the curtains"

"Ugh" princess gets angry then she throws the phone and starts packing her bag of clothes, as she was in a panicked too.

"I am not going to be next"

But when she rushed back downstairs to the living room.

She opened her mouth but cover it as she nearly screamed when she saw him.

Ghostface was in her living room looking for her, she quickly Duck down, hiding behind the couch, she was shaking and paralyzed by fear, she wanted to scream but was kept silent, she was extremely terrified.

Then she sees the cat and flex her fingers towards her, he ran and jumped in her arms.

But the cat was afraid as princess was, she covered his mouth, pressing a finger on her lips to shush him, they were both very scared.

They waited, but anxiety was getting to them when they felt ghostface getting closer...but then he moved to the kitchen.

Princess and the cat breath in a sigh of relief as they quickly ran, princess careful looked around for the killer then when she ran.

She freaked when she saw he was in front of her.


He held a knife up and tries to cut her sideways, but she ducked and kick him back.

"AH, why you little-" he chased after her, she ran in the kitchen and closed the door behind but he drives the knife in.

"AH" she ran to the dinning room picking up her phone, calling the police.

"Hello this is the chief, what's your emergency" the chief answered.

"Chief! It's me princess, please come quick, I'm in danger, an intruder broke in"

"Ok just hang tight and I'll be on my way"


Then the chief jumped from her seat, "WHAT! The killer is there, are you ok princess"

"AH" but the killer came back and grabbed her.

"Princess! Hello, hello...hang on princess I'm coming"

While the chief was on her way, ghostface grabbed princess arms, she dropped the cat and he quickly ran away all terrified, ghostface was trying to hold her still but she struggle to fight for her life.

She whimpered then they both pull apart, he cut her arm.

"AH!" She winced in pain as she grabbed her arm but she ran blood oozing from her arm, she was shaking as she looks up at him laughing.

It was staining her white dress, "looks like you'll be dead in a red dress"

Princess ran and she threw chairs at him, blocking him from her, she ran in her room, locked the door and climbed out through the window.

Unfortunately for her, he busted the door open and he followed her through the window.

They were both on the rooftop, she was trying to get away from him without falling but it was hard when she was in high heels.

She tries to get away but he tripped then he grabbed her ankle pulling her down.

"AH!" She looks back to see him trying to pull her to him, so she kicked his face with her shoes.

"Ah, Ow" she finally kicked him off and he was on the ledge, which gave her the opportunity to leave.

She climbed through wolf's window, then she ran in shark's room, locking the door and hiding in the closet.

She takes a shaky breath, hoping that she lost him she was also shaking too.

But then she heard the door handle jiggling, "AH!" She covered her mouth, A terrible sickening dread came over her, she felt paralyzed with fear again.

Then he came in, looking around the room, she whimpered and cried, coving her mouth hoping he wouldn't find her as he carefully and quietly looks around the room.

But then he left and princess was now calmed down, she was going to wait and try to make an escape again when....

Ghostface appeared and he opens the door, "AH!"

He grabbed princess and threw her out of the closet, she tried to escape but it was no use, she was trapped, she couldn't breath, scream or move, she was paralyzed then as he got closer, she cut her cheek.

"AH!" As blood dripped from her cheek, she touched her cheek, and was in shocked to see she was bleeding ore blood, the fur on her body stick up and she was no frozen by terror, she felt cold and thought this was the end for her.

"What's wrong my dear, life flashing before your eyes...time to end this"

He raised the knife up but before he could stab princess.

The chief came in, "FREEZE, put your hand in the hand where I can see them"

Ghostface turned around, "what the-oh...ugh" he growled then he jumped out the window.

"Hey! Stop right-huh?"

But when the chief looked outside, she that he disappeared...but how.

She then turned back to princess...who was now traumatized.

"Hey are you ok princess" she asked as she grabbed her shoulders.

But princess just stared, Cold fingers of fear brushed against her neck, Bile rising in her throat, Her heart was thudding at the back of her throat, Fear rushes over her, a dark suffocating wave, heart beating very fast but in fear, her voice was frozen in her throat, Legs turn to jelly, she had a glint of fear in her eye, Her pulse skyrocketed, She felt a tingling coarse through her, She turned pink with distress, There was a faint note of hysteria in her eyes and lined wit anxiety as Panic bloomed in her chest.

The chief could see she was broken, "oh sh-this is the chief, I'm requesting backup the killer stuck again"

"Copy that chief we're on our way"

This brings fear to a whole new level for princess.

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