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After the police left, the bad guys and Diane argued all night.

"No way Diane" wolf howled.

"This is good for her"

"I said no, she's had a hard night" wolf says then snake came in.

"She's already traumatized already and you won't her to go though that traumatized experience with talking to it with a stranger, no way"

"She's in a lot of pain, she needs to talk about this" Diane says.

"No Diane, she's been through already" wolf says.

"You're doing it again" Diane was getting crossed.

"Doing what?"

"You're treating her like-she's that baby you used to kidnap"

"I'm just trying to protect her sensitive"

"She's got going to get over This unless she talks to someone about it"

"Diane? She is scared both inside...and outside"

"Literally" snake says.

"It's the only way to protect her" Diane added.

"She's my daughter, my decision"

Then snake gets offended, "You're daughter?"

"You know what I meant"

"She's not going to feel protected if we don't do this" Diane says.

"She's sensitive diane and very fragile, I just don't want her to go through it again"

"If she doesn't see a therapist, it's gonna hunt her for the rest of her life, she'll be scared by it"

"Can't you see I'm doing this for her"

"Wolf I have to agree with Diane" they all turned to webs, they were all shocked.

"What?" Wolf asked.

"Princess isn't a kid anymore and she needs help, if we don't get her some help, possibly from a professional, it'll get much worse"

"That's why she has us"

"What if we can't protect her?"

"Who's side are you on" snake gets testy.

"I'm just trying to look after her"

"We are not taking her to a therapist and that's final" wolf says.

"I'm sorry, but isn't this princess choice" webs asked.

"Yeah should she decide weather you go" Diane says.

"She's my kid, i know what best for her"

"If we're going to protect her, we need to get some help" webs says.

"She doesn't need to talk to anyone, not when she has us"

"Wolf you need to stop treating her like a baby, she's a teenager now, she's practically an adult"  webs says.

"She's still a kid" snake says.

"She's old enough to make her own decisions" webs says.

Soon everyone started arguing at the same time, princess was still in shocked remembering how she meet face to face with the killer, she gets flashbacks of him slicing her face, she flinched and stuttered.

"We are not taking princess to a therapist so she could talk about" wolf said.

Then princess gets up, "I want to go"

Wolf and the others look shocked, "princess? You don't have to if you don't want-"

"No, it's ok wolf, I want to go, it's my decision, maybe it could help find more about the killer and finally stop him"

Everyone turns to wolf, then it was agreed, "ok princess, but I'm only doing this for you, if you feel uncomfortable about this, just let me know...ok"

"Ok" wolf and stared at each other then Diane steps in.

"You know, professor marmalade is a therapist, he could help"

Wolf and princess turn to Diane then they look back at each other.

Moments later, they see princess talking to professor marmalade, she looked very hurt and marmalade had a concern look,

Diane sees how worried wolf was, "she's going to be fine"

"That's not what I'm worried about, that killer is still out there, princess was lucky to survive but what if he attacks again and we still don't know how he got in but we do know one thing, he's after princess, I just don't know how princess is connected to this, but I have no doubt he won't come after her again"

"Then leave her with marmalade"

"Our home wasn't secure enough for her, how can we be sure princess would be safe at marmalade's"

"Do you got any better options"

Just then they heard the door open, they look down to see professor marmalade walking out, he finished talking to princess.

But he had a worried look on his face.

"How is she professor"

"The poor thing had been through a lot, she's so traumatized, she's so damaged, she's in a very deep state of pain and fear...the killer is still out there, waiting to strike again, I have no doubt he won't come to the house again and try to kill her"

"The only thing I know is that the killer is after her, we can't take her back to the house otherwise he's gonna try again" wolf says.

"Well we can't take her with us on the case, he'll try to attack her again" webs added.

"And she's already been hurt twice" shark reminded the two scars on her face.

Then professor marmalade saw how very scared and worried they all were.

"Tell you what? Why don't you leave her with me, my house is very secure with the best security money can buy"

"And how do we know the killer won't attack her at your place" wolf asked.

"Because my home will be surrounded by lots of guards, cameras are placed everywhere, the place will be shut tight, I promise you I'll keep a close eye on princess, make sure she has company, besides what do you got to lose, I mean it's not like you any better options here, do ya"

Wolf started to think about then sigh, "You're right professor marmalade, tonight we're take her to your place"

"Oh goodie, you have my word that nothing bad will happen to her"

"I just hope we could solve this case real soon because it's too late"

He turns to princess who was looking down but by down, she was feeling terrified and still shook up.

He takes a knee down, then he puts on a fake smile.

"Hey princess, look we got a problem"

"The killer's after me, isn't he?"

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