dinner gone wrong

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Princess heads to her room to change, she goes to her dresser to put her presents down.

But then when she fixes her fur at the mirror, she looks at something on the top shelf, something she hasn't seen in awhile.

It was the fazcam from the old mega pizza plex.

She grabs the camera as she remembers that night on her fifth birthday, she could still remember the attacks.

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Ugh" she flinched from the horrible memories and dropped the camera.

Suffering from PSTD isn't easy, but ever since the fazbear case, being attacked and abducted multiple times traumatized her, princess is now Automatonophobia...just like snake.

She's got his fear...but she hides it well, she puts up the camera and gets ready to change.

But then something was watching her in her closet.

Princess gets a suspicious feeling, she looks deeply at her closet then looks back at her mirror, and whatever is watching her moves out if the closet, she turns to her dress when something crawls on her dresser underneath a bed sheet with eye holes.

"Hello Antonio"

"Ugh" the spider piranha hybrid pulls the sheets off.

"You ruined my trick"

"Sorry but you're gonna have to try harder then that to scare me, also I don't get scared Antonio" she goes in her bedroom bathroom to change into her dress.

"ANTONIO, stop going into your sister's room" piranha shouts.

"And stop bothering your sister" webs added.

"It's ok webs, he's not bothering me" princess says as she puts on her makeup.

But then she noticed Antonio having trouble moving his hand.

"Your hand's hurting again?"

"No, it's nothing"

"Then let me see. Antony"

Antonio was diagnosed with a disease, born with a sickle blood cell disease that required several trips to the hospital, and it worried princess.

Antonio looked terrified as he holds his hand back.

"Come on, let me see" he gives her his hand and she holds his tiny hand on the top of her index finger.

"It's swollen. Sickle cells must be blocking the blood flow again. How long has this been going on?"

"Couple days"

"look, I told you. You gotta tell me these things"

"You can't tell me what to do"

"You either let me see it or you can let your parents see it...now we either fighting this alone or are we fighting it together? Ok"



Then Antonio looks back, he pushes a small pink present to her.

But for a small hybrid with a hurting hand was a struggle for him as he pushes it, but then the present slips causing him to fall.


"Antonio" she holds her present and catches him.

"You have to be careful"

"Sorry, happy birthday princess"

She opens it up to see a handmade bracelet.

"Oh...that's very sweet of you Antonio, tell you what I'll wear it for tonight" she puts the bracelet down.

Meanwhile wolf was fixing his tie, he is dressed up and he heads out of his room only to find the kids dressed up.

"Where are you kids going?"

"We're going dinner with you guys" jr. says.

"Oh" wolf makes a guilty look, as he looks at Diane who made the same look, she was wearing a green cocktail dress.

"Look guys, you're not coming with us" he bends down.

"Huh" jr. says.

"Aw" Lenny frowns.

"Why not?" Vicky asked.

"Because this is a family dinner" wolf tries to explain.

"Yeah, aren't we all family?" Vicky asked again, the kids weren't getting it.

"Yes but this a special family dinner, just for your big sister only"

"But why is it only with her only" Vicky asked as jr. was getting upset.

"Well it's because princess is a very special girl"

"It doesn't seem kind of fair to take her and not us" Vicky crosses her arms.

"I'm sorry honey but tell you what we'll do something nice when you're birthday comes in a few days, ok"

But the kids were too upset not because they couldn't go but mainly at princess.

Everyone was downstairs, already dressed up, shark for a nice blue shirt with black pants and shoes, piranha had a silver vest tuxedo suit, webs just wore a black top resembling a dress and snake just had on a red shirt.

"hey guys ready" they look up to see princess coming down, she was wearing her new dress with black long knee boots.

"Wow princess, you look beautiful" wolf and the bad guys were all in awed by how beautiful she looked when she steps down the stairs.

"Thanks you guys" princess blushed.

With all the attention she was getting, the kids were getting jealous.

"My special girl is sure growing up" wolf says and Vicky gets angry.

Then shark starts to sob, "oh My only baby, she's becoming a women, I just I-" then he cried which his son Lenny feels left out and he frowns.

"Wow, my little girl, you grown so much, I bare recognized my favorite daughter" snake slithered up to princess.

But his girls feel threatened, "uhh dad, we're right here you know" Lilly says.

"What do you want a medal" he scolds them.

Then princess gives him an handmade birthday card, it was much nice then viper and Lilly's.

"I know you don't do birthdays but I feel like you should really celebrate yours"

"Aw, thanks sweetheart, hill be sure to treasure this forever"

he slithered to put the card up in a safe place but as he does, he knocks the cards viper and Lilly made for him on the floor.

The twins gasped and glared at princess, slithering upstairs.

"Come on baby let's go" wolf puts her new sweater on her and they head to the door.

"We'll be back later dad, keep an eye on the kids" wolf says.

"Have fun son" his dad waved.

After the bad guys left, the grandparents sit on the sofa but the kids just had it with their parents always loving princess and putting their attention on her.

They all went in jr's room and drew hateful drawings of killing princess.

"Ugh I hate princess, they always do this, every time princess shows up they also do things for her, it's like we don't even exist" jr. throws a red coloring pencil at the picture of princess drowning.

"Well she has been around the longest for we were born, it makes sense they love her the most" Lenny says.

"Well it doesn't seem fair that they get to take her to all the fun and cool places instead of taking us, they value her more then just" Vicky was steamed the most.

Then she looks up glaring at a picture of princess smiling.

"Ugh, look at her, she gets to be loved the most because she's so perfect and perky and special just because she has a special power, oh please any one can hypnotized anyone with cuteness, I did it to get my homework on some boys"

"It's so not fair" viper hissed.

"It's definitely not fair and what makes it worst is that she had to be born on the same day as dad, we can't celebrate his own birthday because every day it's all about her" Lilly spat at princess picture.

"I wish they never had took her in" jr. growls.

"You guys are always so hard on her, why do you even hate her, princess is a sweet and amazing big sister" Antonio says.

"SHE'S NOT OUR SISTER!" They all shouted.

"Yes she is, she cares about us even if you hate her for it, she just has a unique"

Then jr. Snaps, "AH what do you care, you seem to alway bond with her because you are both alike, you think you're special when you're just a cripple and that's all you'll ever be"

Antonio's eyes get watery, "that's not true, princess says I'm special"

"She only tells you that to make you feel special"

"Why don't you leave princess alone, she never did anything bad to you guys, she loves you"

"Well if you love princess so much, why don't you just get out of here you little...subnormal reject sick traitor"

Antonio felt heart, so he ran out of the room crying and he growls in princess room, crying on her bed.

Jr. slams the door, "we're never gonna get our parents attention when they always focus on princess, we got to do something that'll get their attention but what"

As jr. thinks, viper looks outside the window to see the school.

"I think I have an idea" viper says.

Then back with the bad guys, they took princess to the Cheesecake Factory.

Amazed, princess was they take her to just a fancy place.

"Wow wolf, this place kinda seem kinda fancy for just a family dinner"

"Nothing for the best for our little girl, we wanted to do something special for your big day"

"But you literally do something special for me, everyday"

"Well you are just as important to us then anything is in the world"

"You have kids you know"

"Yeah.." he cups her hand in his, "well we value you more then anything else"

"Still, don't you think it's a little unfair that you get to take me and not your own kids"

Her words got through him, as their food came in.

"Ah, they'll get over it, tonight we wanna make this about you" snake says.

Wolf had grilled rib eye steak, Diane had the Caesar salad, shark ordered the French dip cheeseburger, piranha had the fish and chips, webs ordered the club (Freshly Roasted Turkey Breast, Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato and Mayonnaise on White Toast) and snake and princess ordered pasta, snake got Chicken Riesling Chicken Breast, Mushrooms, Bacon, Onions and Garlic in a White Wine Riesling Cream Sauce. Served with
Buttered Parmesan Pasta and princess got fettuccine Alfredo with shrimp.

"This is a very nice place" princess says when they are half their food.

"Yeah, so how was the trip in San Diego?" Wolf asked

"It was great but I did found out that I passed the PSAT"

Hearing this news made the bad guys excited in joy.

"Oh honey...that's great" wolf says.

Everyone cheered, "that's my girl" snake says.

"I knew she could do it" shark shouts.

"Just like i taught her" webs says.

"Woo hoo" piranha jumps.

"So princess, have you decided which collage you want to go to?" Diane says.

But princess started to frown, "well...I was thinking of going to a school that's closer to home"

Then everyone drops their utensils, surprised that princess wants to attend school closer to home.

"Wow princess, I'm surprised you want to go- why do you want to go to a school closest to home" Diane asked.

"Yeah, we thought you wanted to attend to a school that's far from Los Angele" webs added

"Well.." she looked worried, wolf can sense it as he placed his hand on top of hers.

"What's wrong princess...something bothering you?"

"It's Antonio I'm worried about...it's happening again webs"

"We know, he's been having a lot of trips to the hospital" piranha says.

"And that worries me, I don't want to go to a collage that's far away, I don't want to leave Antonio alone, he needs me and I love him as much as I love my other siblings"

"And that's what's so great about you, we love how you love your other siblings" wolf says.

"Well there are my brothers and sisters after all, blood or not, I have to take my responsibility as a big sister seriously"

"And you're doing great kid but Antoni can take care of himself" webs says.

"Yeah if he's anything like his big sister it's that he's strong" piranha says.

And this gives princess relief, "thank you guys, but I just wanna be sure that Antonio and the others are safe" princess says.

But then some waiters arrived, "oh look it's time for dessert now"

"And here I thought this place was just a cheesecake place" princess says.

"It's not only that princess" wolf says.

But soon the table is covered in different varieties of cheesecake.

"Oh...wow wolf...this seems like a lot and expensive" princess says.

"Well you can thank piranha for that, he couldn't decide which one to get" Wolf turns to piranha who blushed.

"It seems kinda a lot don't you think?" Princess says.

"Well, today is a special day" wolf cups her hand again, "on this very night, you came out of our lives and changed us for the better and for that we are grateful to have you in our lives"

Princess looks at his hand but she smiles and touches his hand.

"If anyone is grateful, it's me, you all took me in and raised me as your own and I am glad to have you guys part of my family, if it weren't for you I wouldn't be here today"

"I guess we both changed our lives for the better" wolf says.

"Yeah" but then behind wolf princess sees a girl holding a doll, it was looking at her, she started to to feel sick as memories were flooding, wolf could see his distraught she was when she looks away.

"There's something else on mind, what is it princess?" Wolf was concerned as the others when she pulls her hand away.

"Yeah it's just, do you remember my fifth birthday party"

Everyone frowns when she mentioned...that horrible night, they stayed quiet not wanting to remember when snake chuckles.

"I try not too"

"Well today is the anniversary of when the mega pizza plex secret was exposed and got destroyed"

"Yeah and he's shut down forever" wolf says.

"Do you remember the last time we visited?" Princess asked.

"Yeah it was...the fazbear case, when we ended the army of afton"

"Father returned and...i...today...it's still abandoned and...I'm sorry"

"Hey hey hey, it's ok princess, it's all in the past now princess, afton is gone for good so is your father, the pizza plex is closed forever so we don't have to worry about them anymore"

"I know but I can't help but wonder...if it is really all over"

"Hey if it wasn't you would be in danger" snake says.

"Yeah I guess you're right, but I don't know it's something about today that makes it feel.."

"It's over princess and as for the mega pizza plex is closed forever, so you don't have to worry anymore" snake says.

"You're right snake, oh hey wolf I was thinking, maybe we save a piece of the cheesecakes for the kids, you know since they couldn't come"

"I think that's a great idea princess"

Everyone agrees but then princess gets up to use the restroom.

"I'll be back"

Wolf nodded and when they continue eating the cheesecakes, princess heads to the restroom.

She looks up at herself in the mirror, she sighs, princess was terrified, she wanted to tell them the truth about her fear and after the fazbear case and the mega pizza plex princess is scared both inside and out, she could've told them but was so afraid, so she fixes herself and tells her that everything is ok.

"It'll be ok, it'll be ok" she washes her face but then when she tries to dry her face someone was standing behind her.

She looks in the mirror to see chuca staring at her.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"AH!" Princess turns around only to see it was just an old lady.

"Oh, I'm so sorry dearie I didn't mean to scare you"

Princess was relived, "oh no it's fine, I'm sorry" she steps out of the way and leaves the bathroom.

But soon, she'll see the effects of fazbear PSTD, as she heads back to the table, she starts to see eyes watching her.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Princess was starting to lose it, she was shaking felt like the animatronics were stalking her, then she jumps into wolf.


"Hey, you ok, you look pale?" He grabs her shoulders.

"Yes I'm fine wolf, just...let's go"

They seat down then a hand touches princess shoulders.

"Is everything going Alright over here?"

She turns around and her drops when she saw spring trap.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Her pulse raced as she struggled to control her quivering palms, her eyes wide with panic as He stood still, his pupils staring at her, she geeky a sharp pain in her heart then the next thing she knew...she was having a panic attack and anxiety attack, she passed out from fainting from fear.

"Princess!" Wolf panicked as he bends down, he holds her up trying to wake her.

"Oh my is she ok" spring trap turns out to be just an ordinary waiter, then everyone gathered around.

"MY BABY!" Shark panicked.

"Whoa, princess are you alright?" Webs asked.

"Of course she's not alright" snake snapped.

"Princess, PRINCESS!" Wolf shakes her then he pats her cheeks.

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