Returning to the mega pizza plex

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They sat on the sofa, bringing in tea for princess after hearing what she saw.

"I didn't know if it was real or my hallucinations, I didn't know if the pills were working"

"Well you did took them three minutes ago they do take time" wolf says.

"princess are you sure it was Funtime Freddy you saw, maybe it was just a panic attack" snake asked.

"It wasn't him, I also saw this white tiger"

"White tiger?"

"I don't remember fighting a white tiger before"

"See I couldn't imagine that but I think they were telling me to go back to the mega pizza plex"


"What makes you say that princess"

"Because of this...." She hands them the flier, "it's happening again"

"No" snake muttered.

"It's starting all over again"

"No no no" snake crumpled up the paper, he didn't wanted to go through that nightmare again.

"I think the missing kids are trapped in the mega pizza plex, I hate say it....but we need to go back to the mega pizza plex"

"No way" they all shouted.

"But wolf the kids"

"We'll let the cops deal with it, we're not gonna put you at risk, not again" wolf says.

"Princess does have a point, there are kids in there, trapped and scared, we have to save them" Diane says.

"And this time...I want to go alone" princess says shocking everyone but Diane was squealing in joy.

"Your first mission, how exciting, I'll teach you everything you need to know" Diane says.

"No way" wolf and snake shouted.

"You guys" Diane says.

"No, forget it Diane, we are not gonna put princess in danger again" snake says.

"But she's grown mature now she can handle it"

"No way Diane, I'm not gonna let princess put herself in danger...she's just a-"

"Not a kid anymore" princess interrupts.

Wolf then looks at princess, and for the first time ever, he realized that princess was a teenager, she was old enough to go on her first mission.

"Wolf, I know you all worry about me because you care about me but you taught me everything you know it's time I went on my own and if you won't let me do this...then what's the point of protecting me"

"But what if-"

"Wolf if I don't do this, then this whole nightmare is gonna start all over again, they're just gonna keep kidnapping more kids and I don't just mean all the kids in Los Angeles but your kids too, they won't just come for me but they come for Antonio jr. Vicky Lenny viper and Lilly, do you really want that for the kids to go through what I went through, look I know what the kids said was hurtful but that doesn't mean I'm gonna let the same thing happen to them, If you really love me, you let me do this not for me but for the kids, please wolf I have to do this"

Everyone looks at each other and it was all agreed.

"Princess is right you guys, it's time we let her go"

"Ugh alright fine but promise me you'll be careful, promise me that"

"Don't worry snake I'll be fine"

He nodded and he wraps himself around her and they hug, then they let go.

"You guys always protected me, it's my turn to do the same, let's go Diane"

Both girls head outside, "when will you be back" wolf asked.

"Hmm, tell you what if we don't return tomorrow morning, come get us, ok"

"You be careful honey" he kisses her forehead then after they left.

Diane and princess return back to the mega pizza plex, the old Mega Pizzaplex got destroyed in what is labeled as an "earthquake", based on the newspapers blocking the windows to the establishment.

They stared at it, "so it is true, they are gonna plan to rebuild it" princess says.

"Not if we destroy its reputation again" Diane who was dressed as the crimson paw.

Then they enter the building via a hole in said windows being big enough for them to fit in.

"Alright Diane let's go find those kids" princess says.

They climb down a ladder, looking around, "Diane where do you think the kids are?"

"I don't know, but why come here"

"I guess we should look around" princess suggested.

But as they look around princess hears some sounds coming from the distance.

"Diane, do you hear that?"

" no, what is it?"

"I isn't know but I'm gonna go up there to see"

"Ok be careful"

She walks inside to see some graffiti written: don't go in alone.

"What those that mean?"

As graffiti stains the walls and pieces of concrete and other debris lie scattered about along with broken and deactivated S.T.A.F.F. Bots, princess trudges onward, grabbing a flashlight from a broken S.T.A.F.F.

"Can't go looking in the dark alone"

Then back with Diane, age looks around when she feet something was coming towards her.

She turns around in attack mode only to find it's just wolf and the bad guys.

"What the-what are you guys doing here, I told you I have everything under control! When are you gonna let princess-"

But wolf stops her, they had bigger problems.

"I know I know, look the thing is...we're here to get the kids"


"The kids ran away and came here" snake says.

Then princess came in with the kids, "uh Diane, you might wanna see this"

The four kids looked guilty and nervous, "hey mom" jr. waves.

"Hi mom" Vicky says.

But Diane was furious, she scolds them as princess looks around.

"You guys are in so much trouble, what were you thinking coming here when you know it's dangerous"

"You wouldn't let us have a birthday party here so we always come here" but then Vicky comes her mouth realizing she just reveal their hideout.

"WHAT!" Their parents shouted.

"Vicky!" Jr growls.

"Are you kids are gonna be grounded for months" wolf growls.

"How did I you even know where we be" jr  asked.

Then Antonio appeared on shark's shoulders, they were all shocked to see him.

"Because I told them"

"Antonio what are you doing here, we told you to stay home" piranha grabs him.

"I wanted to be sure if princess was ok"

Princess lols back and holds Antonio, "that's sweet Antonio but I can take care of myself but you shouldn't be here, I'll hold on to him" she puts Antonio in her bag.

"So what do we do now" snake asked.

"I supposed we keep the kids close and keep on going I might've find something" princess says.

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