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So the kids took a bus to Los Angeles, but little did they know was that crazy joe heard, he pop out of the trash can.

"Uh oh, Oscar isn't going to like this"

but on that note shark was heading back to Los Angeles, he was not going to hear the end of this when he had a very awkward conversation between him and princess.

Meanwhile Oscar had to fullfill his lie,

"Where the heck is he? Lenny!"

"Hey. What are you doin'? There's a sharkslayer out here. You wanna be next?

"Oh, yeah...Lenny? Lenny?"

Oscar sighs with relief, "That was close"

"Super close. Don't panic"

"Quiet. We're safe"

"Oh, no, not you again"

"Yeah, Ah! What was that?!"

"Yo! What is with you, man?"

"Shh! He could be anywhere"


"Shh! The Sharkslayer"

"There's no sharkslayer out here"

Lenny chuckles hysterically, "Yes, there is"

Oscar mimics the chuckle, "No, there is not, Trust me on this one"

"Get a hold of yourself, man. This is no time to act crazy"

"Hey You the one acting crazy, crazy"

"You're right. I'm sorry. I haven't been myself since the... the, uh... Don't cry" he cries in anguish.

"No, no, it's not all that. Just relax"

"It's my fault... kinda... not really... but still. My brother..."

"You just need a little time, man Look, things'll work out"

"You think?"

"Yeah, So, look, I'm gonna take off...And you should just go home, okay?"


"Hey, good luck, dawg"


"What, man?"

"I didn't catch your name"


"I'm Lenny. Hi"


"Where do you live?"

"Lenny, where I come from, fish don't like to get grabbed by sharks"


"Look I have a family, so Go home"

"There is no home for me now"

"Don't you understand? You too big to be grabbing on me"

"Take me home with you"

"You won't even notice I'm there. I'm like the invisible shark"

"Are you crazy?"

"Please. I'm begging you. Don't leave me alone"

"Put your fins on the wall where I can see 'em"


"Hey. Yo, The Shorties"


"What y'all doin' here?"

"Check out my mad burner"

"Whoop, there it is"

"How ya like that?"

"Hey, y'all kids got some skills"

It's wild style, doo"

"What did I tell you? You kids shouldn't be doin' this. And besides, it's not safe to be out here at night"

"It is now, bro-bro. You the Sharkslayer"

"Yeah, bro-bro"


"What was that?"

"Sometimes I be coughin' for nothin'. I need you off these streets, seriously. Get your butts home. I'll tell your moms y'all doin' bad stuff"

"Let's go make Mr. Sykes puff up"


"Bye, Oscar"

"See ya later, doo"

"Lenny. Did you see what just happened there?"

" I know. They think you're the Sharkslayer. As if!"

"I don't appreciate your funky tone, actually"

"No, wait up. Hey. I'm sorry, seriously. I don't want you mad at me, and I certainly don't want you to slay me"

"You're having a good time? You're enjoying yourself? Well, for your information, I am the Sharkslayer. Oscar the Sharkslayer. That's what people be sayin'"

" Wait. You mean, you...

" Yeah"

"When the anchor... Oh, you're a liar"

"Hey, I didn't lie, all right? All right, I lied But it was a little lie. Come on, who's it gonna hurt anyway? Man, I'm not explaining myself to you. You're on your own"

"No problem. And if, God forbid, someone should, I don't know, find out the truth about the Sharkslayer on my way back...You wouldn't"

"I would"


"Come here. Of course you can come with me. But, you know, you're a shark, right? And I'm a Sharkslayer, so we can't be seen together. You dig, dog?"

"Dig. Dog. Dog dig. Dig dog. Yeah, yo diggy dog"

"Just come on. OK, Lenny, follow my every move and don't make a sound"

" You got it. Ooh, an echo. Echo! Now batting for the Southside Sharks...Ow! It's not okay to hit"




"Get your tail in there"

"Do you think anybody heard that?"

"Who was that? Who? Hey. Who's out there?"

"Yo. Crazy Joe"

"I thought I heard something. Did you get that shark?"

" You have no idea, Joe"

"That's great. Oh there was something I needed to tell you, something important...what was it"

And as he thinks Oscar heads inside, "oh now I got...wait? Who was I talking too?"

"All right. We're safe. For now"

"Hey, a bed. Oh, yeah, that's good. That's heaven, yeah. Snuggly, buggly, wuggly. I love you, man"

"Whoa. Hold up"

"You're my new best friend"

"Stop it"

"OK, you wanna be friends? Fine. But we gotta lay down some rules. Rule number one:
No snuggly, buggly...Whatever that just was"

"You got it. Anything else?"

"Rule number two, and this is the most important rule. In the event that possibly
you get hungry..."

"Don't worry, I won't eat anyone If you haven't noticed, I'm different from other sharks. Let's put it that way, leave it at that. Good night"

"Define "different"

"You'll laugh"

"I'm not gonna laugh"

"That's what you say, and then what happens? You laugh"

"Lenny, I give you my word"

"Okay, I will tell you"

"I'm... I'm a vegetarian"

"Hold up. So that's it?"

"What do you mean, that's it? You're the first fish I ever told. I'm tired of keeping it a secret. And my dad, he'll never accept me for who I am"

"What's wrong with me?"

"Nothin' is wrong with you, man. I think all sharks should be like you"

"God, that's sweet of you to say"

"And stop blaming yourself for what happened"


"If you wanna blame anybody, blame me. If I hadn't been there in the first place, none of this would've happened"

"Jeez, if Pop knew that, he'd ice you for sure"

""Ice". What's he, the Godfather or something?"


"Whatcha mean, "yeah"?"

"Yeah, he is. Hey. Are you all right?"

"Man. I told ya"

"I'm doing it"

"X, circle, X X, double left square, right trigger, down, square, square"

"Ah Double square. Respect"


"I've got news for you. The Sharkslayer made me his manager. So I'm now, what I like to call, untouchable. You hear me?"


"Hey, Oscar"

"Oh! Hey! Sykes?"

"Hey, there he is. My brotha, my player, the Sharkslayer"

"Whatever. Listen.."

"Now you'll have to pay me protection"

"Sykes. The deal is off. That shark I killed was Don Lino's son"

"I know Ain't it great?"

"Not if he finds out. What do you mean?"

"He's on the phone right now"

"That's right, I got the Sharkslayer right here in front of me. And he's gonna slay you and all your sharks"

"Sykes, shut up! Shut up!"

"Hey, that's good, I like that. Shut up, Lino. Shut up! What? Kid, he wants to talk to you"

"No. I'm not here"

"Yeah, he's right here"

" Hello"

"Shut up? Shut up? You don't tell me "shut up". I tell you shut up!" beeping on line, "Hello?"

"How you doin'? Give me a pie with everything on it. Anchovies, meatballs, mushrooms..."


"Hi, Boss. Why you working in a pizza joint?"

"Get off the phone!"

"But I'm hungry!"

" My guys are comin' for you, Sharkslayer! They're gonna tear you fin from fin!"

"Come on, who's your puff daddy? Who takes care of you? Come on, you two, we got work to do"

"Mon, I was winning"

"Sykes. You got it all wrong"

"They'll write songs about you. Oh, the shark bites-"


"With his teeth, dear"

"Sing it, mon"

"And then Oscar Kicked his butt"

"Sykes, man! Come on"

"Maybe I can help"

"Hey. Lola? What're you doing here? You just be poppin' up, sometimes, places"

"Well, you said to wait, so..." she claps and the lights turned down, and sexy music starts.

"Well, you said to wait, so..." she claps and sexy music starts.

"I've been waiting"

"Look, I don't have a lot of time for the hand-clappy makin'-the-lights-go-off music-playing-in-the-dark thing"

"What are you afraid of?"

"Afraid...Yeah, that's funny. I ain't afraid of nothin', it's just... Ooh"

"Oh, baby, you are so tense"

"Yeah, I've been stressed lately, you know, protecting the reef"

"I do that by myself, you know. It's just crazy"

"It's too much, it's piling up...Yeah, you know,
one thing on top of the other"

"Actually, I was thinking about retiring"

"You don't want to do that"

"I don't?"

"You have worked your way to the top You don't want to go back to the bottom, do you?"

"No. No. No way"

"You just show 'em who's boss and those sharks will leave you alone"

"Yeah, you're right"

" Lenny"

"Psst! Lenny? Where are you?"

"Hello, Oscar"

"Angie. Hey, what are you doing here?"

"What, did you forget something? Oh, maybe you forgot your shark"


"Uh... Shark! Swim, Angie, I'll cover you, Quick, before it's too late. Go on without me"

"Oh, stop it. Your pet shark here told me everything"

"Dang, Lenny, why would you do that?

"I don't know... I like her"

"Thank you. I like you, too. What were you thinking, bringing him in here?"

"No, I'm still working out the kinks"

"Kinks? You lied Everybody thinks you slayed the shark"

"Who am I to tell them they're wrong?"

"How could you lie to me? Me! And the kids, speaking of which have you seen them"

"I-wait? You mean they aren't with you?"

" that's why I came to find you, I can't find the kids anymore"

Lenny then gasped, "oh no, I forgot about leonado, ugh what kind of father am I"

Then there was a knock on the door, Angie and Oscar looked and saw that it was crazy joe.

"Now I remember, I heard your kids talking to Leo Marley Doug and a pup shark about running away"

The three parents gasped, "Leonardo" Lenny gasped.

"Do you know where did they go?" Oscar asked.

"Last time I checked, they were heading to Los Angeles"

"Hey, I have a cousin name Lou who lives in Los Angeles"

The three of them head to Los Angeles, "those kids are in big trouble" Oscar says.

"They aren't the only ones in trouble" Angie glared at him.

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