The ending

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everyone gasps including Lou.

"I lied"


"And I'm not a real financial advisor" crazy joe sobs.

"OK. It was an anchor that killed Frankie. I didn't have anything to do with it, and neither did Lenny"

"If that was true, why did you run away?"

"Because you always wanted me to be like Frankie. I'll never be the shark you want me to be" Lou stands next to him and comforts him.

"What is your problem?" Oscar sticks up for Lenny, "So your son likes kelp So his best friend is a fish. So his son's best friend's are fish" Leonardo gets surrounded by his friends

"So he likes to dress like a dolphin. So what?
Everybody loves him just the way he is. Why can't you? Look from one dad to another Don't make the same mistake that I did. I didn't know what I had until I lost it" Oscar hugs his own kids as they look at him then Lou comes out.

"If we're being honest here uncle...I don't want to get married and neither does Veronica, we were pushed into marriage because we thought that's what you guys wanted, and the truth is..." he takes a deep breath.

"I'm a good guy now"

"What?" Don was surprised.

"That's rights? Me and my friends are good guys and...I have an adopted daughter too"

Don was even more surprised, "why didn't you tell me"

"I was going to...but you started talking about how I should make you proud and I got so scared that you wouldn't like my daughter and that you would shunned like you do with Lenny, I really don't wanna get married uncle but I do love you like a father I hope you can accept that"

Don gets emotional, Will you get me outta this
so I can hug my kids and tell 'em I'm sorry?"

Oscar let's them both go and as Lou helps Lenny up, as bd they both get hugged by don.


"Uncle Lino"

"I love you, Son, no matter what you eat, or how you dress" he turns to Lou.

"And Lou, I always been so proud of you, no matter what you do, I'm sorry if I forced you into a marriage you weren't ready for, I hope you can forgive me"

"I already did uncle"

Now it was Oscar's turn, as he hugged his kids, he gets confronted by Angie.


"Angie? Kids?" He grabs their shoulders, "guys, I wish I knew now what I knew then.l I mean, I wish you knew what I knew, I mean, before this..."

"You're blowin' it, man"

"Mind your business. It's emotional and it's pressure"

"Dad" Oscar and Angie jr called him.

"What I'm saying, I just..."

"You're not good at this dad" Oscar jr says.

"Yeah, listen I didn't need the top of the reef.
Everything I wanted was right there in front of me the whole time"

"Well, what about being a somebody?"

"I'm nobody without you and the kids"

Just then crazy joe makes his puppets kissing, It annoyed Oscar even more but it made the kids laughed.

"You're not helping" Oscar shoos crazy joe away.

Then the kids turns to Angie, "maybe we could give him another chance mom" Angie jr saw.

"Come here, you big dumb dummy-head" Angie pulls him in a kiss then Sykes gives a big hug to Leo Marley Doug, the three were surprised.

"I never told you three this, but you're
the best kids a man and you two" he lets and turns to Earnie and Bernie, "You're the best henchmen I ever had. C'mon, group hug"

He tries to hug them but he gets shocked, "Sorry, man"

"Come, Sykes, try again, mon"

"Don't fret"

"Forget it. The moment's gone"

The kids laughed and Oscar turns to Lenny his cousin and his dad.

"So, uh, Lino... Uh, Don...We cool, right?
I mean, like the reef is safe? Walk the streets, you know, without... aaah! You know"

"Yeah, we're cool" then Francesco Martinelli comes in.

"Don Lino....Veronica told me she didn't wanted the wedding neither did your nephew...does that mean the alliance is over"

But lino turns to Lou and they share a smile, "actually Martinelli I think we been pushing a kids into a rush when we should've let them just take things slow"

Francesco smiles when Lou looks up at Veronica and she smiled at him as he returns the smile back.

"The alliance is still on's up to our children to decide on the wedding"

Lou andVeronica walk up to each other and smiled, Francesco smiled in joy.

Then when the crowd cheered, Katie walks up to Oscar.

"Oscar. Excuse me.You've lost everything you lied so hard to achieve. Tell me, what's next for you?"

Then Oscar gets an idea, "Come on, everyone's waiting, Mr. Manager"

"All right, I just gotta put the finishing touch on my new desk. Love ya, Pop"

"Yo, dog"


"All right, partner, let's see what you can do"

"Sykes and Oscar's Whale Wash is now open for business"

Oscar starts a business with Sykes, with Lenny and his son helping.

Leonardo gets to keep his friends and as for Lou...

Well he gets to stay with his friend, with his new girlfriend Veronica joining him.

But he now decided to introduce princess for the first time.

Lou entered the mansion with his uncle, he was impressed by his own.

"Wow'er place is amazing" lino says when behind him was Lola.

As they entered the living room, he saw his friends there.

They get up to greet him, "guys this is my uncle don lino, uncle these are my friends"

Wolf shook his fin first, "mr. Lino it is such a honor to meet shark's nephew"

While they greeted him, Lou ran to get princess who was in her room, he fixed things with her.

"Hey princess, you ready to meet my uncle"

"But she was starting to get nervous, "I don't know about this shark I'm starting to regret this, what if your uncle won't like me"

But Lou smiled and picks her up, "don't worry, I promise my uncle will love you, I keep you hiding for far too long, I'm not going to keep you a secret anymore, you mean a lot to me"

When he came downstairs, Lou was sitting in a recliner talking to the bad guys about shark when he was young when he heard him.

"Ahem...uncle, I want you to meet my daughter" he moves out of the way and when he saw princess, she walks up to him she looked nervous, but he just stared at her.

"Oh Lou" but he makes a sad frown, "I'm so disappointed"

Lou frowned along with princess till Lino smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me that I already had a granddaughter"

Lou then smiles as princess gasped.

"Ok here sweetie" Lino motions princess to him, but she was nervous.

"Come's ok, I won't hurt you"

She finally walks over to him and he picks her up and puts her on his lap.

"What's your name sweetie"


"Oh i get it is, You're so cute" he bounces her on his lap, it caused her to giggle.

Lou smiled seeing how his uncle accepted princess, then lino turns to Lou.

"Let me tell you Something about my daughter" Lou says.

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