The kids

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"Hi, I'm Oscar. You might think you know, but you have no idea. Welcome to my crib. The good life, the way the other half lives. Check it out, I got my " high-def, flat-screen TV with -speaker surround, CD, DVD, PlayStation hook-up and an -track player for days when you're feeling a little...old school. 'Cause even a superstar Mack daddy fish like me has to have the basic necessities"

"Yeah, like money" three baby fish approached him.

"Yeah dad" and next to them was s a blue streaker cleaner wrase that looks like Oscar, which is his son Oscar jr. and has his mom's was Angie he had his pink eyes.

"Come on, Shorties. Why ya'll messin' with my fantasy?"

"'Cause you so broke, your baloney has no first name"

The kids laugh and Oscar jr. High fives them.

"Good one" Oscar jr. Says.

"Oh yeah, That's very funny. Look shortie I really appreciate if you didn't influence my son against me" Oscar wrapped his gun around Oscar jr. Pulling him away.

Then down below crazy joe was calling him.

"Hey, Oscar. Over here. I gotta talk to ya"

" Be right there. Hang onto these"

"Oscar, you da fish"

"Yo, doo"

"Yo, Crazy Joe" Oscar senior and Oscar junior walked to  crazy joe.

"Now that you live in that penthouse, can I be your financial advisor?"

"That's a billboard, Crazy Joe" Oscar jr. Giggles.

"You live in a billboard? And they call me crazy"

Oscar jr. Laughs, "you ve are crazy, crazy joe"

"Hey, Oscar. Look who came to visit"

Oscar shrieks then he and jr. See a moral of shark eating Oscar, jr laughs.


"No. Don't do that"

"Shouldn't you be in school?"

"Shouldn't you be at work?"

"Right back at me, huh?"

The Oscar jr. Looks at his watch, "oh they're right dad, we should get going to work" jr says as he pulls his dad's arm.

"Little smart mouth. Alright son, alright, Look, I'm on my way. Stay outta trouble, all right?
And clean that stuff up. Come on jr"

"See ya"

"See ya, Oscar and little Oscar" crazy joe laughs

"Yo, what's up, fellas?"

"How ya doing" Jr waves.

"Big O's in the house"

"And little o in the house"

"What's up?"

"Hey. Reef side"

"Yo, Johnson, is it lunch yet?"

"You just got here"

"That's my point"

"Kinda early for lunch dad"

"That's the point son"

"....what point?"

"Hey, Headphone Guy. Lookin' good, ladies"

"Hey, Oscar"

"Keep up the bad work"

"Uh dad you know if mom finds you flirting she won't be happy"

"Relax Jr. We do this all the time"

"Huh? I'm already punched in? Angie"

At the front desk was Angie jr a Angel fish just like her mom and has dark blue eyes just like her dad.

"Good morning. Can I help you?" She was helping her mom out.

"One wash and lube, please"

"Hot wax?"


"Kelp scrape? We're having a special"

"Why not? It is mating season, and I'm feelin' lucky"

Angie was watching her, "that's my girl"

She then answers the phone, "Sykes' Whale Wash. A whale of a wash, and the price...oh, my gosh.Mm-hm. Mm-hm. May I suggest a barnacle peel? Removes lines and salt damage.

"Hey, Ang" Angie and little Angie Lola up to see Oscar and jr. Heading up.

But Angie crosses her arms, "hold please" Angie jr holds the call as her brother hugs her.

"Hey sis"

"Hey bro"

"You're late Oscar" Angie says

"Thanks for covering for me" then he grabs the phone from Angie jr.


"Yo, I'm sorry, Dun. Angie jr needs to get her freak on. Would you hold for one moment, please? Thanks"

He dances with his daughter and wife.


"Come on, Ang. Dance with me, mama. You too baby. Let me see it. Tomorrow I will be rich..."

"Dad" Angie jr. Complains.

"Oscar. You're gonna get us fired" Angie says.

"Please, you fired? That can't happen. 'Cause then I would mean we'll have to quit too because fault sticks together"

"Oh, you don't mean that"

"Course I do. It's what families do"

Oscar and jr get ready to work.

"Listen, tell me what you think about this.
This is like the best idea ever, all right. It's a sure thing, guaranteed cash extravaganza......Bottled water"

" Oh, no"

"Here we go again" the kids groaned.

"All I need is an advance on my paycheck from the boss and, Ang, we are out of this place. Finally getting the life we deserve, I mean... pschoo!"

"Oscar. Instead of getting in Mr. Sykes' face with another get-rich-quick scheme, go do something you're actually good at: your job, which by some miracle you still have"

"It's even a miracle he's not even fired yet" jr says getting an annoyed look at Oscar while the girls laughed.

"Oh. I almost forgot. I brought you some breakfast"

"You didn't. Kelpy Kremes?"

"Your favorite"

"Got your favorite too sis" jr. Gives Angie jr a bag too.

"Thanks bro"

"Oh By the way, you're still on hold" jr says.

"Oh, my gosh!" Angie grabs the phone.

"Thank you for holding. Busy, busy. Go. How can I help you? No, I'm sorry. Mr. Sykes is at a meeting right now. He won't be back till later"

Then after a few hours, Oscar is scrapyard whale's tongue.

"Welcome to Oscar's crib. 60-foot slime-covered tongue with canker sores, swim-in cavities, and plankton-encrusted teeth for when I feel a bit...old school"

"Stop your moaning, Oscar. It could be a lot worse, you know"

Jr watches him as he washes the whale.

"That's true. I could have this job and look like you. Who's behind me? Whoever's behind me better give me some"

Jr. Rolls his eyes annoying playfully but then the ground started to shake.

"Indigestion. She's gonna blow! Come on jr" Oscar takes his kid away from the whale.

"Wait! Headphone Guy is still in there!"

Stay right here jr....I got you, Headphone Guy!"

"Still think it could be worse?"

" Yeah. I could look like you"

"Y'all funny. Well, see if you laugh at this"

"Soap in the eye! Soap in the eye! It's all right. I'll get you some coupons, a free hot wax and all that. You like that? All right, go ahead, big baby"

"Thanks, Oscar"

"" Jr. Was about to warn him that he was about to bump into two familiar jellyfishes.

"All right"

"Well, look who it is, Bernie"

"Just the fish we're looking for"

"The boss be needin' to see you right now"

"Right now"

"Ernie. Bernie. My jellyfish brothers. Boo-ya-ka. Hey, what's up, man? Man, it's good to see y'all... Huh? What'd you say, Ang? Okay. Fellas, I'm gonna go ahead over there. But don't worry
About a thing 'Cause every little thing Is gonna be all right..."

But jr. Backs away because he knows, when ever Ernie and Bernie see his dad, it's never good.

"That's not the way you sing that song, mon"


Oscar could see worry in jr's eyes, so he grabs his shoulders and smiles.

"Son, don't worry I'm going to be right back, you just stay with your mother, ok"

Then he gets thrown into mr. Sykes office.

"Ah....Sykes, my brother from another mother.
What the deezy, baby? Show me dat. What's goin' down? Hey, baby, this is all gravy today.
Now snap your fin... Snap it. You're not snappin' it..."

" Oscar"

"Hey, don't sweat it. A lot of white fish can't do it"

"Would you just sit down, okay?"

"Thank you"

Jr comes passing by and he eavesdropped, he was worried about his dad.

"I've been goin' over my markers. You're into me for five grand. 5G's, okay?"

"5G's? Man, you trippin'? 5G's"

"Oh, yeah? See if this refreshes your memory"

Jr gasped when he sees how much oscar owes him.

"That's crazy, look at that. You wrote everything down so you wouldn't forget. This a perfect example of why you're in management, and I'm not. You go, boy"

"I have to pay Don Lino protection, so everything you owe me, you owe him"

Jr. Shiver just the thought about don Lino have his skin crawl.

"How you figure that?"

"Simple. The food chain. See, on top there's Don Lino. There's me, and there's regular fish.

"That's me"

" No"

"There's plankton, there's amoebas..."

"Then there's me?"

"I'm gettin' there. There's coral, there's rocks, there's whale pooh, and then there's you"

"That's messed up"

Jr couldn't believe how his dad let this go far, he looks up to him and....oscar works hard to get everything his family deserves.

"So if Don Lino's squeezin' me, he's squeezin' you"

"What?" Oscar and jr. Gasped.

" Oscar"


"Easy, boss, find your happy place"

"Happy place"

"There is no happy place with him here" he puffs up, "I'm serious"

"Okay, please. Please, just gimme some time. That's all I'm asking. I'm begging you, Sykes. Please. Please"

Then when he saw his dad begging, it made jr. Frowned.

"All right. 'Cause I like you, I'm gonna give you hours to pay up"

"All of it? How am I supposed to do that?"

"That's your problem. Bring my 5,000 clams to the track tomorrow, or else"

"Or else what?"

"The boys'll explain"


Jr. Just witnessed his dad getting beaten up by the jellyfishes.

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