The wedding

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Oscar decided he needed to fix this, so he goes to a flower shop and gets some flowers for Angie, he goes to the whale wash where Lenny took a job there, Leonardo is there to help.

"Hey, Oscar!"

"I can't talk. I gotta find Angie. I need to tell her that I'm sorry"

"Way to go, Oscar"

But at the front desk, Ernie and Bernie took over the phone.

"Irie. Whale Wash, where you..."

"Gimme it"

"Irie. Whale Wash, where you..."

"Gimme it."

"Where you get a whale of a wash..."

"Gimme the phone"

"...and the price is very, very low, considering how good the wash is"

Which only annoyed Sykes, "How many times do I have to tell you?"

"It's "gosh." You get a whale of a wash, and the price, oh, my gosh."

"Me gets it, man" the phone rang again.

"Whale Wash?"

"Rhymes with gosh"

"Gimme that. Get outta here, Go be useless someplace else"

"Sykes, where's Angie? And the kids?" He looks around and noticed Angie and Oscar jr were gone too.

"You tell me?"

"Whale Wash, you get a whale of a wash...also I heard what happened, sorry kid...oh It's for you"


"Is this the Sharkslayer?"

"Yeah, who's this?"

"It's Luca the Octo...I mean, forget about it.
Now you follow these instructions to the letter, OK?"

"File cabinet. Top drawer.There's a package. Get it"

He looks in to find a donut bag, and inside it were pearls.

"That's right, tough guy, we've got your girl and your kids"

"There's a sit-down in one house"

"Who is it?" Lenny asked when Leonardo joined in.

"What's wrong dad" he asked

"Shh!" Oscar shush Lenny.

"Be there, if you don't wanna see your wife and kids sleepin' with the fishes....The dead ones, Now, nod your head if you understand. Now, tell me if you nodded your head"

"I nodded" he hangs up, "They got Angie and the kids, they want a sit-down, I never meant for anybody to get hurt, especially not Angie or the kids, This is all my fault"

"Classic move.I've seen it a thousand times. They take the thing you love the most, and then they use it against you" Sykes hugged his son, "why, if anything happened to my kids, I don't know what I do"

On the desk, Oscar looks at a picture of Angie him and the kids.

"We gotta go to that sit-down and we gotta save her"

"Whoa. Look, I wanna save Angie, too, but I can't waltz in and say, "Hi, Pop. I'm a dolphin."


And my friend the Sharkslayer's a fake"


"We're gonna need a better plan than that.

"This is a joke, right? Because I told Lino..." he gets a flashback of his horror realization.

"Shut up, Lino. Shut up. Tell me a real kid. Tell me that's not Lenny. Tell me you're a real Sharkslayer. Please"

"I'm sorry, Sykes, I'm not. But the sharks don't know that"

"Are we going home now dad" Leonardo asked as he pulled on his arm.

"I'm afraid so son"

"Yeah, I can't wait to see grandma again"

Meanwhile with the shark's, a banner was being hanged up: welcome to Lou and Veronica wedding.

The Martinelli and don Lino's have came inside.

And Italian music played:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Baby sharks were playing, sardines catered to the party, as they hand out red wines.

Everyone then heads to the alter and takes a seat, Lou thought, was getting cold feet.

He gets in his father's old wedding tuxedo but as he adjust his yellow bow tie, he frowned.

He sits down and in another dressing room, Veronica finished up.

She went to check up on Lou, but she saw that he was upset.



She sits next to him, "so...todays the big day" she tries to sound enthusiastic.

"Yeah, but...I Don't wanna do this"

She frowned, "I know how you feel but it doesn't look like we have a choice"

Then Lou gets up, "no, you don't understand, I look I have a daughter" he shows her a picture of princess, she was amazed by her.

"Aw, she's cute"

"Yeah but my uncle doesn't know that I have an adopted daughter and I'm a good guy, I'm afraid of telling him and know...ugh...I don't want to do this"

"Well neither do I..but you know fear is like jumping in a pool, it's scary at first but, sometimes you got to jump to take that chance, I'll see you at the alter, oh and I really like you and I want to take things slow"

After she left, it got him thinking, he gives wolf a call when they get ready for the wedding.

"You want me to what?" Wolf asked as he puts his coat on.

"I need you do get princess to the wedding, keep her well hidden and far away from my uncle until I can figure things out"

"Ok, but I don't know if she might go"

Wolf peeked in her room holding a yellow dress for her.

"Hey princess, you ready for shark's wedding"

"I'm not going"

"Corm on, don't you want to be the flower girl at his wedding, he really wants you there"

"I don't care, he doesn't want me there, if he want to keep me as a shameful secret"

He puts the dress on her bed, "I know your upset with him, mainly because he lied to you but you should know that, he was afraid, afraid that his uncle wouldn't accept you, he doesn't want to get married but he does it to protect you, his uncle is the dangerous criminal there and he doesn't want you to get hurt, you can stay mad at him at wedding all you want but...he still wants his girl there"

He left, having princess thinking, for once wolf was the wise one.

Meanwhile at the wedding don was laughing with his men as they clicked thier glasses together in honor of Lou's wedding.

"My is a big celebration as we celebrate my nephew's wedding, to Louie"

"To Louie" they all raised their glasses and cheered.

That's when an older orca came in, he wore a light gray striped suit, he had a gray mustache.

It was the bride's father, Francesco  Martinelli.

"Ah, Francesco, so good of you to come"don hugs him, and they both kissed their cheeks.

"Like wide my friend, today is such a day I see my little getting married, I expect big things form your nephew, big things"

"I promise you, my Lou will do great things for our family"

"So I heard, Veronica tells me how a great guy he is"

Just then the bells rang, "looks like it's time for the ceremony, shall we"

"After you"

Once they sit in front, the song angel by the weekend played for when Francesco walks Veronica down the aisle, her bouquet were pink roses, her bridesmaids were dolphins in yellow dresses.

Lou saw his best man: wolf snake and piranha came in, but he didn't see princess only webs and Diane, he frowned.

Ooh, somebody baby
I hope you find somebody (baby find somebody)
I hope you find somebody (I hope you find)
I hope you find somebody (I hope you find somebody, babe)
I hope you find somebody to love
Somebody to love (somebody to love)
Somebody to love (somebody to love)
Yeah, yeah, yeah

When Veronica got on the alter, Lou saw that princess was here, she wore the dress he got her and she sat next to Diane, he smiled at her but she just frowned.

He was still upset but he was still happy too, then Don Feinberg got on the alter as the prime minister.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to reunite two families together as one thought their kids, let us begin-"

Just then Luca whispered to don, "hey, boss"

"Not now Luca"

"But boss, the sharks slayers here" don Lino growled but keeps a cool face, he didn't wanted to ruin the wedding.

"I'll be back"

Oscar, Lenny his son and Sykes, the big white sharks were terrified of him, that he took advantage of it.

"Will you stop screwin' around? This'll never work. We're dead"

"Thank you, Sykes. Thank you My man Sykes just begged me not to murder-lise all y'all up in here. Now, I might listen to him, but then again I might not. And that depends on the individual behavior of all the individuals in here, individually. Ain't that right?"

"Look, he's got dolphin muscle"

"My uncle Vito got whacked by one of those"

"Now which one of you sardines called this meeting?"

"That would be me. So, this is the Sharkslayer. I've been lookin' forward to meeting you. But you chose a wrong day to come in on the day of my nephew's wedding, I feel like we're practically family. You know that? Funny, ain't it? I brought my kids into the world, full of love and care, and you took them out. You know who I am? Do you know who I am? I'm the Don. The boss of the Great White Sharks"

"Hey, boss, I saved you a seat"

"I've been runnin' this reef since before you was born. And if you thought a guy like me can't get to a guy like you... Guess what? You thought wrong" a platter was placed on the table and on it was Angie and the kids.

" Pah. Man, you the one who's wrong. I barely even know that girl or those kids, What's your name, miss?

Just then, lola arrived, she wore a red wine dress.

"Oh, yeah? Well, I say he's bluffing"

"Marone, if I wasn't married..."

"How ya doin', pretty lady?"

"Lola. We meet again"

"You know, Sharkslayer, there's only one thing I like better than money. Revenge"

"Oh! I'm in love"

"Wait? What are you doing at a Shark wedding"

"I came to see my nephew's wedding"


"Hey it through your head shark slayer....I'm don Lino's wife!"

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