Happily ever after

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A while later, Rumpelstiltskin, with his speech wig back on for some reason (though it looked untidy), walked back in the main room, as a witch was hoisting up what appeared to be a new big decorative ball like the one from earlier.

"Yay! My new pretty ball!"

He noticed that something about this ball was different than the previous one.

"Didn't it look bigger in the catalogue? I guess it'll have to do"

Thomas was dressed up for the party,

"False advertisement rumple, never fall for it, trust me I should know"

Once the witches got it up, some other witches poured magic glowing dust in their cauldrons, causing bright, glowing, blue and pink lights to appear. They pointed their cauldrons like spotlights at the big ball, which began reflecting the bright colorful lights off like a disco ball and the party started, the mansion was filled with guest.

"Ladies, gentlemen, extinguished guests, welcome. finally, the moment we've all been waiting for. The main event of the evening! My charity event of the year and my daughter's birthday"

Back in the room, princess and wolf is bound in shackles with a spotlight shining on the stairs, waiting for princess.

"I present to you my beautiful princess"

"Well I better get going now" princess turns to wolf who was wearing a suit, already dressed pressed by Thomas.

"You don't have to do this" wolf says.

"It doesn't look like I have any other choice" princess steps outside out on the spotlight as everyone looks at her and clap.

Wolf tries to find a way to escape then wolf when in another room. The ex chief was looking at herself in the mirror, guilt consumed her, Diane stands by Thomas sides, she looks up at princess who turns to marmalade they both had the same sad look realizing they failed to save princess.

Then wolf tries to free himself hoping to save princess then right behind him was the window opening.

And slithering inside was snake, who was using his safecracker skills to release wolf from the chains.


"Hey buddy"

"What are you doing here" wolf asked as snake unlocks the chains freeing him.

"Come on you didn't think you could save princess on your own without us, did ya"


What Thomas didn't count on was the bad guys coming in his charity party disguised as servants.

Thomas was walking around with princess in his arms, it was hard for her to fake a smile when she's terrified.

But suddenly shark purposely bumps into Thomas multiple times to knock him off.

"Ah! Hey! Watch it"

to expose Thomas and save wolf and princess, shark gets princess.

Thomas gets pushed then he realizes princess was gone.


He looks through the crowd to see an oversized servant passing through and he had princess.

"Hey, ah, excuse me, if I can, YOU! Stop right there!" But Thomas was blocked.

Princess was puzzled as she looks up at shark who mouths her be quiet.

"Don't worry kid we're gonna get you out of here" shake says.

Then back upstairs, wolf and snake try to make a break for it.

"If we can expose Thomas for the fraud he is, we'll get princess away from him and get our old life back" snake says.

But there was an obstacle in their plan, misty tries to stop.

"Hold it, stop right there, both of you, you two are under arrest" she aims her gun at them.

"They were about to panicked but wolf steps up, "chief wait?"

"I know you're steamed with us for what we did and I don't blame you, but that doesn't mean princess should suffer for Thomas deeds, you know what he does and you let him, but we can change that, please just please let us save her and I promise you, we will take very good care of her, please let us go"

The chief did nothing but stared at him, then she lowered her gun.

Then she sighs angrily, "I could lose my job for this, but princess is a sweet kid, you go down there and you save that little girl"

so she is in it on the plan but not only to get her job back but to save princess too.

She steps aside as snake and wolf slithered by, they were greeted by shark who has princess.

"Ok I got princess, let's go" shake says.

"Wait, where's piranha and webs?" Wolf asked

"Webs is in the surveillance getting the evidence to arrest Thomas-" snake explained as webs is seen hacking into the mansion's camera.

But just then, "stop right there bad guys" Thomas yelled getting everyone's attention.

The crowd screamed facing tiger attention then bodyguards show up behind Thomas.

"GET THEM" he yelled.

They charge towards the bad guys, then shark opens his jacket up.

"Oh no you don't" snake says.

Then piranha came out, "SURPRISE" he jumps attacking the bodyguards.

It was a raging battle with fighting bodyguards trying to expose Thomas, Diane ran to hide and she changed into the crimson paw to help take the guards down.

shark takes princess hand and went running but they get ambushed by guards.

"Ah! ah!"

Thomas looks up to see shake pushing the guards back and taking princess.

"Why you! No one steals from me" he pulls out a remote.

Thomas had a diamond collar on princess which is a shock collar.

He presses the button sending 1000 bolts shocking her.

"AH" princess screams as she fell on the floor.

"Princess" shark was worried.

Wolf was knocking out some guards when he heard princess screaming.

webs came out when she sees everyone gathering around princess looking concerned as she gets shocked.


"What's going on guys" webs crawls over.

"Thomas has a shock collar on her we need to get it off" snake says trying not to get shocked.

"I'm on it" webs pulls out her computer and tries to hack the collar.

Then wolf jumps on Thomas attacking him, "no!"


They both wrestle for the remote on the floor, "you will not hurt her"

Webs has successfully pulled off the collar, "got it" and she sees Thomas and wolf fighting, she looks at the collar and gets an idea.

"You know what to do"she hands it to snake.

Wolf and Thomas are in a fist to fist combat, "why do you keep on interfering" Thomas growls.

"I'm not gonna let you hurt princess, not now not ever"

"You really are full of yourself, you never learned to give up, not even when you were down on your luck"

"Just answer me something Thomas, why? And how do you know rumple?" Wolf asked.

"Rumple was my friend, we were supposed to share everything till you ruined everything, you took everything away and now you're gonna watch as I uses princess abilities and powers to rob every bank in Los Angeles then once I'm finished I'll kill her and leave this dump, I'll be rich and you'll be rotting in jail along with your pals that's why I had rumple lure you in a trap but you just had to ruin it"

But the guest gasped after Thomas just revealed his true colors.

"At least I'm a better promise to princess then you'll ever be"

Thomas pushes wolf to the ground, "you think I care about princess, I never wanted her in the first place and once I'm through with the two of you, you'll never see her again, you're gonna watch as I take her away" he aims his remote at her.

But he was shocked to find the collar was off, "huh?" He slowly looks down to see it was in himself.

"Oh no-AH!" He ends up shocking himself.

He feel in the ground but he turns to see he reveals his plans out loud, he saw horrid faces on the guest.

The guys ends up putting the collar on Thomas then they finally exposed him as the fraud he is.

"Looks like history reveals itself huh Thomas" wolf mocks him.

"If I'm going downhill I'm taking princess with me" he snatch princess, taking her away.

"Ah" she screams

"Princess" wolf panicked as they race.

They follow Thomas to the rooftop and they see Thomas and rumple trying to escape with princess on a getaway helicopter.

"So long bad guys" Thomas yells.

Wolf began to panic but then, "don't worry wolf I got this" webs hijacks the escape helicopter.

"Huh? What the-" Thomas was puzzled.

"Sorry Thomas but I'm afraid your flights be cancelled" webs chuckled.

it went crashing and Thomas mansion starts to burn, guest ran outside.

As they crash, princess sees the chandelier was about to fall on the bad guys.

She gasped to see them all together, "everyone ok" wolf asked.

"Yeah we're fine" snake says.

"LOOK OUT" princess pushed them out of the way.

"Princess?" Wolf screams.

The chandelier crash and they were pushed out of the mansion, Wolf tries to get back in but he was hold back.

The fire rage as paramedics and firefighters arrived, the chief arrested Thomas and rumple.

"You two are under arrest" she shoves them in the car.

"This is all your fault, you and your stupid deals" Thomas argues with rumple.

"It wasn't my fault"

"You should've stop them when we had the chance but no, such an idiot"

The bad guys wait anxiously and they see a paramedics rolling princess on a stretcher.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Princess" they all ran to her, she was breathing and when she opens her eyes and saw them, she smiled.

Snake had his tail wrapped in her hand and holds it tight.

"Wow, our daughter" snake says.

"I can't believe we're parents" piranha added.

"It's the best decision we ever made" wolf says.

"She's even more beautiful than I could've imagined" snake says.

"I'm so lucky to have her" shark sniffed as he holds her other hand.

"I guess this makes you part of the bad guy's fsmily" webs says.

"You were right wolf, she is our daughter, this whole time" snake says.

"She always has been" wolf says.

they have a moment together till noticed something serious. Wolf's hand was started to give a bright yellow glow, making him gasp.

He saw that morning was starting to happen, so that meant he was beginning to fade away.

"Wolf?" Princess muttered.

They saw the magic hourglass of Shrek's life was almost out of sand, to Rumpelstiltskin's delight.

"His day is up. His day is...!"

wolf's day is up

"Oh shut up rumple" Thomas growls.

"Wolf?" He saw terrified looks on this friends and princess face.

"What's going on wolf?" Snake asked.

"I have to go"

"Where are you going wolf" princess was confused.

"My time is up princess I have to go now but I want you to know: the moment I meet you was the greatest thing ever" he looks up and smiles at Diane, who smiles back.

"Guys I want you to promise me something, promise me you'll take very good care of princess, promise me"

"Don't worry wolf, we'll treat her like she was our own, because that is what she is" snake says as everyone gathers around princess hugging her as they each including wolf takes her hand.

"We already adopted her" snake shows the adoption papers either their names on it.

"Good bye princess" wolf hands her stuff bunny and presses his hands against hers.

The hour glass emptied and the light began to glow brightly all around wolf's body then began to fade away into nothing but sparkles of golden dust that also began to fade away as his friends held him.

It seemed wolf was no more. Then the sun rising behind them began to shine brightly, illuminating them.


Suddenly the wind began blasting and brushing by everyone, Everyone looked up and saw the magic golden light that brought wolf here begin to eat away at thomas mansion like mad. All bricks, shingles and other material of the castle were sucked away in a magical tornado.


"Ah great" Thomas grunts.

Then, one by one, each witch and and citizen began to puff away into puffs of yellow smoke. The chief, marmalade and Diane quickly vanished, dropping Rumpelstiltskin, and he then saw Fifi vanish in a puff of smoke as well.


Then princess and the bad guys were the next to vanish.


Then snake vanished next along with the others, then Thomas, The horrified Rumpelstiltskin, the only one remaining, twisted in circles in place while shouting in alarm as his whole world around him was tearing away and disappearing.

"No, no, no! No, not yet! I'm not ready! No, wait!" He was screaming.

Then the floor under him, the only thing remaining, crackled away and he began falling down into an abyss of pure golden light while screaming out loud in horror, before everything went black for him.

The world changed back to a different world where wolf arrives at his house.

He approached the house and inside the bad guys and their parents, professor marmalade and Diane and her parents were celebrating princess's birthday.

They saw him, he looked distraught, "you ok buddy" snake asked.

"Yeah I just, where's princess? Princess?" He looks around the house and finds her hiding underneath the table.

"Daddy" she was still a baby.

He sighs in relief as he embraced her in a hug, "never grow up" he whispered.

It freaked his friends out, "hey buddy, you right" snake holds his shoulders.

"Yeah I just never realized what a great life we have and what an perfect daughter we have, I never want to trade it for anything else"

"Ok you're acting weird" snake was confused but I gores it to enjoy the party.

He takes out the bunny from his pocket and gives it to princess, as she hugs Diane stands by his side underneath his arm.

"You know guys, I thought it was us that saved princess but it was her that saved us"

They gathered together but then they heard a crash outside.

Wolf heads outside to see rumplestitskin being arrested by an ogre in a detective uniform.

"Got ya, rumplestitskin you're under arrest for making deals unofficial" the ogre arrested him.

"Excuse me us everything ok" wolf asked.

"Yes all thanks to you agent wolf we finally caught rumplestitskin"

"Uh you're welcome, who are you?"

"Call me: detective shrek"

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