The truth

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Back in the hideout, princess was sitting on the couch untied, she was terrified.

The guys looked at her as the criminals they were and princess started to panic.

"What do you want from me" she asked as she stuttered.

"Just want your old man to pay for your return" snake smiled.

"Please don't hurt me" she begged.

"Don't worry all we want is to keep you here"

"If it's money you're after my dad has lots of just please don't hurt me"then princess began to cry and was breathing rapidly.

"Hey hey, it's ok, I promise we're not gonna hurt" wolf bends down cupping both cheeks and when he smiled she calms down.

"Yeah, we're just gonna hold you hostage till your dad pays us millions" snake says.

"No snake we aren't kidnapping her" wolf says and everyone was shocked.

"We're not?" Shark says.

"You're not?" then princess calms down.

"No, but we can't take her back home, Thomas is a bad man" wolf explained then princess had a nervous look like she knew.

"What are you talking about wolf?" Webs asked and now his friends were concerned.

"Wolf, what's going on?" Now snake was impatient and needed an answer.

Wolf sighs as he realizes he needed to come clean.

"Ok you guys there us something you should know-" but suddenly coming out of the darkness was Diane and professor marmalade. They follow them to their hideout.

"Professor marmalade, Ms foxington" princess ran to them.

They were shocked when Diane glares at him, "you! How dare try to kidnap a child"

"We didn't mean to kidnap her ok and if anything we're saving her from her dad"

"What!" Everyone muttered in confusion.

"Wolf what are you talking about" snake asked.

"I know what he does to princess, he hurts her, he fates his own daughter, he even experimented on her when she was baby, right" he turns to princess.

Grabbing her shoulder, she gets worried, "what? No-no my father loves me" she lied.

"I know what he does to you" he takes her paw, rolls up her sleeve to reveal burns, "he just told you to tell that to everyone so he won't get in trouble, it's ok I know, I know what he did you and I promise you I won't let him hurt can trust me, he hurts you doesn't he?"

And like that princess broke out of her brainwashed mind.

"Yes! It's is true my father is a horrid man, it was him that stole professor marmalade's charity money not the bad guys"

Everyone gasped, "see Thomas is a bad man and he needs to be stop, he hurts his own daughter"

"We know that!" Diane says.


"Why did you think I became Thomas secretary, so I could keep an eye on princess"

"Yeah and I volunteered to be her teacher so we could help her" marmalade says.

"We were gonna free her tonight till you give ruined it now Thomas is gonna have to comb through the city to find her and trust me he will, and when he finds you, he will hurt you"

"Which is why we need to help her" wolf says.

"How did you know that Thomas hurts her?" She asked him and now came the moment of truth.

"Ok look I made a deal with Rumpelstiltskin"

Then everyone gasped, "you did what!" Diane was horrified.

"You should never make deals with him, he's trouble" marmalade says.

"Just out of curiosity, what was the deal you made wolf?" Snake asked.

"I-I traded out old life to be criminals again!" He sighs.

But his friends looked at him like he was crazy, "ok it's official, wolf's completely lost it"

"No you see we meet princess when she was a baby and she changed us to be good guys, Thomas was put in prison from trying to murder her and he was framed by bring the legendary crimson paw, then we took princess in and raised her as our own"

Everyone gasped, "really?" Princess says.

"Yeah" wolf nodded at her.

"So that technically means our daughter?" Webs asked.


"How come she isn't?" Shark asked.

"I started to have a mid life crisis and so I made a deal with rumple, I traded the day we meet princess to be a criminal again but I realized I was wrong and our actions created consequences for everyone else: Diane lost her job as governor, professor marmalade is a teacher, the chief lost her job and princess grew up being abused by her dad with her power"

"She has a power?" Shark was intrigued.

"Yeah when she was a baby her mom died in a car accident because of us and she was gifted with a thing called: cutisim"

"What's that?" Piranha asked.

"Hypnosis with cuteness"

"Buddy I'm pretty sure every kid has that"

"Wait a minute" marmalade stops them, "you mean to say, you are from an alternate universe?" He asked.


"Like a multiverse?"


"I knew it" marmalade smiles.

"I beg your pardon Mr marmalade" Diane asked.

"I had a theory, what if there were more then one universe, the multiverse, I taught the class by theories but no one believed me"

"I believed you professor marmalade" princess says.

"And that's what's so great about you"

"If you are going to stop my father, There is something you should know my father is planning something big, he is gonna use use to steal entirely from Los Angeles, he's hosting a party tonight and by midnight, he'll leave in his helicopter, he is also gonna embezzle his own company and bland it on the bad guys, if he does this, he'll replace you guys as the greatest criminal ever"

"WHAT!" Snake was furious, "I like to see him try"
so they must work together to stop him.

"Then we got no time to waste, if Thomas does this, he'll rob the city and dies who knows what to princess" Diane lays out a blueprint of Thomas company.

"If we're gonna stop him we're gonna have to work together"

Everyone nodded in agreement, "ugh, alright but I'm only wanna do this so we can still have their names in legacy i don't want Thomas replacing us as the greatest criminal mastermind  and making us look bad" snake says.

"I'm doing this to stop him not for the kid"

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