Trouble in paradise

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Wolf enjoyed it as much as he could, with pride they went after Fort Knox's gold bars.

a stealthy approach, snake slither through undetected, Shark guards the entrance disguised as a guard allowing them in, webs handled the security systems, disable alarms and cameras and piranha hide in the pond outside to help shark then they head inside.

Wolf laughed as his pals load the gold into the truck, The criminal crew, having successfully raided Fort Knox, then set their sights on the Hope Diamond and other precious gems. Wolf and snake use the underground tunnels for a discreet entry to the museum where the diamonds are.

Shark create a diversion in the nearby harbor to draw attention away from the diamond dressed as a dame.

"Oh Yoo-hoo"

Webs disable the laser security systems surrounding the diamonds.

Wolf throws Piranha and he swiftly snatch the diamonds and escape through the waterways.

Wolf glazes at the hope diamond, he was overwhelmed as the guys glanced at the other stolen gems.

The eclectic gang, emboldened by their previous successes, set their sights on an even more challenging target: a rare collection of Fabergé Eggs.

"We've hit gold and diamonds, but now, it's Time for breakfast, who wants eggs, Fabergé Eggs?"

They infiltrate the high-end gala where the eggs are showcased, blending in with the upper crust.

Shark dress up as a elderly woman pretends to have a heart attack while everyone is distracted

Webs sneaks in the security cameras and override the museum's climate control system to create a diversion, causing confusion among security.

Piranha navigate the water features, making off with the Fabergé Eggs undetected.

They get away in the car, wolf holds the egg, then the scene changes to him and snake robbing the bank, they make a run for in and jump out the window.

They land in the car where piranha was driving, then they take a stop to the art gallery where they steal the starry night painting and other artwork and artifacts.

Once they finished their art spree, they were being chased by the cops but like always they escaped back to their hideout.

They bring their stolen valuables inside, wolf was laughing.

"Aw man it feels good to be wanted again" he rest o the couch while everyone celebrates snake's birthday.

"Uh yeah, right I don't know what's up with you but you seem extra cherry today which is unlike you" snake says.

"I just great, it's good to be a villain again" wolf takes his jacket off.

But then something fell out, "huh?" It was princess toy bunny.

He picks it up then something happened, he realized something horrible: he made a mistake.

He gets up realized he gave away the one thing that made him feel good more then stealing and money.

He gets up, he was overwhelmed, anxious and stressed and terrified, he was barely breathing.

"Hey buddy, you ok" it had his friends concerned when snake asked.

"Oh my god what have I done"

"What is it buddy,you don't seem ok"

"I got to go" and he ran out of the hideout he pushed his friends away dropping princess toy.

"Whoa hey...where you going" snake was worried when they watch him leave, and he picks up the doll.

"Since when do you steal toys" he asked.

In the streets wolf drove, he was panicking, worried about what happened to princess, sure he loved the thrill of his old life the stealing and running but at what cost.

He didn't know what to do, he just drove hoping to find answers.

Then he looks up to see a company building skyscraper: chesterfield incorporated.

He knew what happened...he gets out of car, anxious he marches to the reception desk shoving his way.

"Excuse I need to see Mr chesterfield, it's an emergency"

"I'm sorry but Mr chesterfield is busy right" the lady says.

"But it's urgent"

"I'm sorry but if you want to see him you need to schedule a appointment online-"

But wolf didn't wanted to wait, so he ran to the elevator.

"Excuse me, sir you can't-wait, security!"

Wolf was waiting impatient till the elevator reach the top, he goes through the double golden doors.

Then he saw Thomas there, doing some paperwork, wearing a black suit, he looks up at wolf clueless as he didn't recognize him.

"Can I help you?"

"Thomas, where is she?" Wolf grabs him by his jacket.

"Where's who?" Thomas remains calm but clueless.

"Do you have kid somewhere, you know a baby? Or a little girl?" Wolf was acting nuts as he looks for princess.

"A child? No, I'm sorry you must be mistaken"

Wolf stops when he realizes and regrets for what he has done.

"No, what have I done" he fell to his knees.

"Is something wrong?" Thomas helps him up.

"No, nothing, never mind" he turns to leave but he bumps into a familiar face.

It was Diane, wearing a red dress shirt with a black tube skirt and matching heels she had her glasses on.

"Diane?" He muttered in shocked.

But She looks at him confused and picks up her papers.

"You know her?" Thomas asked.

"No, what happened? Wasn't she the governor?" Wolf was even more puzzled.

"Oh, you don't know, you see when the bad guys stole the golden dolphin"

Thomas explains as flashbacks play the night at the gala where wolf successfully stolen the golden dolphin.

Diane lost her job as governor when she broke her promise to bring the bad guys down....

Diane lost her job she frowned as she watched someone takes her place.

But she lost her me

Thomas smiled as he became the new governor ending the flashback.

"So now Diane works as my secretary, don't you Diane"

"Yes Mr chesterfield"

"And it's all thanks to the bad guys" Thomas smiled.

Wolf looked at Diane with a guilty look, yes he wanted his old life back but not like this.

"Shall I call security Mr chesterfield?" Diane picks up the phone.

"Oh no need Diane I think he was about ready to leave"

"Yeah, sorry to bother you Mr Chesterfield, have a good evening"

"Hmm" he nodded.

Wolf exit the room but as he heads to the elevator, he hears loud music coming from another room.

He opens the door and it was a rave party going on with the whole room infested with witches, dancing and celebrating, with loud rave music playing.

They wolf walking through the room as they moved aside.

Wolf glanced at his surroundings, and saw the Three servants feeding Fifi some ham.

She pecked at it a bit, before scarfing it all down. He glanced at another corner with a witch band playing the rave music with a pumpkin drum, a broomstick bass, a skull xylophone which made synthisizer music, and a huge brewing cauldron.

As the rest of the witches continued dancing and shouting with glee, across the ballroom.

In the VIP, wolf saw Rumpelstiltskin wearing fancy white clothes, laughing and having drinks with four more witches.

"RUMPLE!" Wolf called his name.

"AH! There he is!" As he walked across the desk.

"You got a lot of explaining to do" wolf marches up to him.

"Have I been waiting for you!"

He hopped from the table and announced to all the witches.

"Ladies, this is the guy that made all of this possible!"

They all cheered wildly. Then the deal maker climbed up towards wolf's ear, pulling on it and speaking into it.

"So, tell me, how are you enjoying your day?"

"All right, Rumpel, you better tell me what's going on? What have you done?" He hopped off.

"No, wolfie, it's not what I've done. It's what you've done. Thanks to you, me and Thomas are rich just like we dream we would"

"You better start making sense, you dirty little man! Where is my daughter"

Rumpelstiltskin pulls out contract from his jacket, "Here, let me spell it out for you! You gave me a day from your past, the day you met your daughter" He walked away, mockingly humming "Happy Birthday", and that's when it dawned on wolf.

"You took the day I met princess"

The dictator held his toes before spreading his legs out.

"No, wolf. You gave it to me"

"Enjoy this while you can, Stiltskin, because when this day is up..."

"But you haven't heard the best part"

He snapped his fingers, and another witch brought over a huge magic hourglass to the table, rerpesenting the remaining hours of the day.

"Since you never met princess, once this day comes to an end, you end your little pals will remain abs should always have: bad guys, princess won't be yours anymore"

The witches all laughed as wolf saw the hourglass with the sand running, which meant the time he had left was running.

"Where's she? Where's my daughter?"

"Silly little puppy. You don't get it, do you? You see, You never met princess, she isn't your daughter anymore"

Then the witches all laughed at wolf's misery, making the him more upset. Rumpelstiltskin even taunted him some more.

"How's that for a metaphysical paradox? Looks like you got exactly what you wanted!" mockingly

Wolf finally snapped and went for the short man.

"Rumpel!!" He lunged at Rumpelstiltskin, who yelped in alarm as he jumped back.

"You're gonna pay for this, you hear me...YOU AND THOMAS ARE GONNA PAY"

wolf storms out, kicking the doors and leaving but Rumpelstiltskin just watched him.

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