Dawn of a second day

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Sonic, Tom and the bad guys are driving into California, they were in a immediately hurry.

"So, what's on your bucket list?"

"Who, me?"

"Yeah. Everyone has a bucket list, right?"

"Well, sure, but, I mean, you're the one leaving Earth, and I'm not planning on dying anytime soon"

"Don't be so sure. Your best friend is a magnet for danger"

"Oh, are you anointing yourself as the bestie?"


"A little presumptuous, but-- I mean-- What, no-- I-I like you, of course, but, you know, we're not best friends"

"You tucked me in last night" Tom chuckles.

"Fine, fine, fine. Best animal friend"

"That would be my dog, Ozzy"

"Okay, let's drop this increasingly humiliating topic of conversation. Bucket list. Give it to me!"

"Okay, there is one thing. In Green Hills, I've always felt, I don't know, more like a babysitter than a real cop, you know? So I want a chance to prove myself, under real pressure. I'm gonna move to San Francisco, become a street cop. And, I don't know, see if I have what it takes"

Tom looks over at Sonic, whose jaw is dropped open in shock.

"What? Why-why is your face doing that?"

"You're leaving Green Hills?!"


"B-B-But why? Why would you leave Green Hills? And do the bad guys know"

"Yes, look This may be hard for you to understand, but Green Hills is a small town. It's a very small town"

"Uh, it's not small! There are hundreds of people"

"That's a small town, dude!"

"It's a perfect town, and the people need you"

"Please, I clean out their gutters, I jump-start their cars in the winter. They could call anybody to do that"

"Sure, they can call anybody, but they don't. They call you"

But Dr. Robotnik begins to set up his capture plan, looking through a holographic screen and watching the road from Tom's perspective, Thomas did the same thing with the bad guys.

"What is the plan?" Thomas asked.

"Eeny, meeny, miny...mayhem!"

Robotnik selects the bot of his choice and sends it out to pursue the duo. A large battle machine equipped for traveling on roads drives down the road. Cut back to Sonic Tom and the bad guys.

"You're not making any sense!"

"Would you calm down?"

"You come from a great town with great people and, by my count, zero bad guys trying to kill you!"

The drone car catches up to Sonic and Tom the bad guys noticed.

"Besides, what could possibly be more important than protecting the people you care about?"

Tom thinks for a second while Dr. Robotnik initiates a weapon for the drone car, a large harpoon.

"Look, I get your poi--"

But then he gets a call from wolf, "hey I hate interrupt you but...LOOK OUT!"


The drone car fires the harpoon straight through the back of the truck and catches the dashboard, making Tom and Sonic yell.


As Tom swerves to yank the harpoon loose, Robotnik activates the drone car's winch and it pulls Tom's truck slowly towards it.

"You know what? I was wrong about you. You're not the Donut Lord at all! You're more like...the Jerk Lord!"

"Have you noticed the harpoon stuck in our dash?!"

Tom slams on the gas pedal and the harpoon starts coming loose, and Tom slams the truck against a traffic barrier, knocking Sonic out of the truck and onto the windshield.


Sonic Starts radiating blue energy but as he does, princess starts to wake, she was still unconscious, she started to twitch, like some blue energy was sparking inside her when sonic radiant his blue energy.

"I was forced from my home! Your home is perfect, and you're leaving it! Why would you do that?!"

"Your body!"

"Oh, no, no, no, no, not again!"

"Hey, hold on!"


"Because I'm gonna do this!"

Tom slams on the gas pedal again and the harpoon lets go of the dashboard and Sonic goes flying before he curls into a Spin Attack and runs into the drone car, releasing an electromagnetic pulse that knocks the drone car on its side. Tom then turns his truck around and drives back to Sonic.

"Sonic!" He Notices Sonic in his ball form, "Sonic!"

Sonic Uncurls and gets up slowly, groaning, "Guess I had a bonus life" he Notices the drone car on its side and runs up to it, "Oh, yeah, baby!" He Does a funny dance, "Sonic, one. Big tank, zero. I'm sorry. Did we get that on camera?"

"How are you not dead?"

Wolf then back up to them, "you guys alright?" He asked.

"Yeah" Tom answered.

"I have no idea! Do you see me dancing?"

"Yes, I saw you dancing"

"Is that all you got?!"

"No, but thank you for asking"

Robotnik sends out another robot drone to continue the pursuit.

"I don't think it's a good idea to mock him" webs warned sonic.


"Sonic! Get back in the truck!"

"You go! I'll catch up!"

Tom drives away and Sonic zips back to the truck and climbs in. He then notices a smaller car drone that just deployed from the damaged drone car.

"I think that tank just had a baby"

"Which means we need to move now" wolf says.

The smaller drone car prepares its weapon, a homing mine dispenser, and shoots homing mines at the truck.


Tom swerves to avoid being caught in the explosion, and the homing mine heads straight for a minivan ahead of Tom.

"It's my turn!"

"You just had one! It's mine!" The girl and the boy are fighting over a tablet.

"Hey, stop fighting or I'm taking that thing away!"

"Yeah, right, Dad"

The homing mine attaches itself  underneath the minivan and unleashes an electromagnetic pulse, sending it flying and the family screaming until the minivan stops. Meanwhile, Sonic climbs to the back of Tom's truck.

"Where are you going?"

"Just drive the car. I'll take care of this. And if I don't make it, just ditch me. You seem good at that"

Sonic jumps from the back of the truck and runs towards several more homing mines, throwing one at another, skating on two of them, and he finally approaches the smaller drone car with a homing mine in his hand and he peers right into the robot's camera and starts imitating a streamer, which infuriates Robotnik.

"Hey, everybody! Welcome back to my livestream! Today, we're destroying robots! Step one, errrap!"

Sonic slams the homing mine down on the smaller drone car and the electromagnetic pulse sends it veering off course and crashing into hills while Sonic watches from inside Tom's truck.

"Yes, we did it!" Now a new type of robot continues the pursuit.

"We did not do it. Who is this guy?"

"Ever wondered where your tax dollars are going?"

"My turn" he Unbuckles himself, "Here, just keep us going straight. I put us in cruise control"

Tom and Sonic switch seats, "tom what are you doing?" Wolf asked.

"Ha-ha, I feel just like Vin Diesel!" Tom reaches for a flashlight.

"It's all about family, Tom."

The segway robot brandishes sharp spikes on both sides of the wheel as it catches up with Tom's truck. Tom opens the door and prepares to attack. He swings the flashlight but the robot dodges.

"Quick suggestion. Roll up into a ball and smash him with your body"

"Whoa! Where'd you learn how to drive?!"

"Here, in this truck. It's happening as we speak!"
Sonic swerves the truck to dodge the robot.

"I can't reach it! Bring him in closer!"


"Bring it in closer! Hit the brakes!"

"Oh, you mean this one?" He Steps on the gas pedal instead.

"The other brakes!"

Sonic steps on the brakes and gives Tom the opportunity he needs and he swings the flashlight upward, knocking it over.

"Ha-ha! Whoo!" He Climbs back inside the truck.


"Oh nice plan doctor, you couldn't catch one hedgehog" Thomas insults him.

"Oh yeah Tomas well I like to see you try to catch them"

Robotnik sends out one last robot, a tiny helicopter, and it catches up to Tom's truck.

Sonic Notices the helicopter, "Aww, this one is cute. Let's keep him"

The helicopter starts slicing through the metal of the truck, working its way around the window frames.

"Oh, come on!"

"How could something so adorable be so terrible!?"

"Welcome to our world" wolf says. The helicopter is almost done slicing]

"You've got car insurance, right?"

The whole window frame comes loose and flies off, causing Sonic and Tom to scream. Then, Sonic grabs the helicopter.

"Buzz off"

Sonic yanks off the body, but now the core is stuck to his hand and starts beeping like a time bomb.

"That doesn't sound good"

"No, beeping is bad! Get rid of it!"

"I'm trying!" Tries to shake the bomb off his hand.

"Throw it out the win-- throw it anywhere!"

"I can't get it off!"

"All right, I'm pulling over!"

Tom pulls over and drives a little ways away while Sonic tries to get the bomb off his hand, until he thinks he got rid of it.

"Did I get it?"

Tom Notices the bomb stuck to Sonic's forehead.

"Nope" Runs to Sonic with a handkerchief, "Here, hold still"

Tom pries the bomb off Sonic's head and throws it far away.

"It's going, it's going...! it's still here"

Tom holds his hands up and notices the bomb now stuck to his hand and he tries to shake it off as well but Sonic gets it off his hand and tries prying it off his own hand with a stick.

"Get off me!" It works as the bomb is now stuck to a large rock

"Ha-ha! Nailed it!"

[The bomb explodes, sending Sonic flying and Tom jumps off the ground from the shockwave. After the dust settles, he sees Sonic lying unconscious on the ground but his spark woke princess up. She wakes up gasping.

"princess, you're awake" wolf was relieved to see her ok.

"What happened" princess asked.

"Sonic!" Tom Runs to Sonic and gently turns him over, "No, no..." Presses his ear against Sonic's chest and looks around, "Hey, come on. You're all right. Wake up. Wake up"

Robotnik is panting and breathing heavily with Agent Stone and Thomas watching.

"Did we get 'em? No, no, there they are. They're real survivors, those two"

"Can we have a moment?"

Both Robotnik and Thomas walk over to a wall.

"I hope you realize this is all your fault" Thomas growls.

"My fault?"

"If you down a better job with your robots, I would've have princess powers right now"

"What do you need a toddlers powers for"

"Because with her powers we can rule the world"

"Human beings are unreliable and stupid, and I care very little about them. But my machines are diligent and relentless...THEY'RE EVERYTHING TO ME"

"Oh they're everything but useful" Thomas spats and the fight was getting ugly.

Robotnik notices a blue light glowing from inside Thomas coat and pulls out Sonic's quill and inspects it.


"What is it this time?" Thomas asked.

Robotnik presses the tip of the quill to his tongue and the energy gives him a shock, making his head twitch violently.


He tries handing the quill to Agent Stone, who looks a little confused.

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