Meet the bad guys

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A Psychiatrist's Office, day.

Sonic imitating a psychiatrist with a German accent.

"You don't zink your prolonged isolation is making you a bit crazy, perhaps?"

He was roleplaying as the patient/himself.

"Crazy? Me? No way, doc; you got me all wrong"

"And despite all these so-called friends of yours, deep down-" He suddenly takes off his stolen glasses.

"you're still rather lonely...?"

Wachowski residence, night. As Sonic leaves for the night, he takes one last look through the window and smiles a little from seeing the Wachowskis enjoy their movie aka Naked Gun.

"Perhaps'll be alone forever...?"

Sonic frowns and departs. Wachowski residence, the next night. Tom pulls into the driveway and after spotting a couple of raccoons rummaging through his garbage bins, he blows his car horn in an attempt to scare then away.

"Uh-uh; hey! No, no, get out of there!" He then exits the truck, agitated.

"Oh, come on! Get out of there!" The raccoons leave after a while.

"Get out of there, you trash bandits!"He then walks in his house and closes the door.

"Maddie, as Green Hill's most respected veterinarian, what is the fastest way to exterminate a raccoon?"

Tom sets his work bag aside and sees Ozzy walk in to greet him.

"Hi, Ozzy! Hello! You're glad to see me!"

"You don't eat garbage, do you?"

As Tom pets Ozzy, the woman from a few scenes before walks in holding an envelope. He stands up after seeing her.

"What's that? Is that what I think it is?"

"Uh-huh. Open it"

He then walks to Maddie and takes the envelope, inspecting it.

"Oh, it's kind of small. Is that bad?"

"Just... open it"

She smiles with excitement and anticipation. Tom opens the envelope, and they both walk to the kitchen counter as Tom takes a deep breath and reads a letter from it:

"Dear Thomas, we have reviewed your application to the San Francisco Police Department, and pending interdepartmental review and background check, we are happy to inform you that you have been selected to join our team."

"Aah, my God!"

"Wow! Oh, my God"

Maddie then pulls out a pink box and sets it on the counter and opens it to reveal a cake. Tom reads it in response:


"San Francisco Sucks"

The cake shows a burning Golden Gate Bridge and blue letters reading "Forget Those Morons, San Francisco SUCKS!''.

"Oh; wrong one!"

She quickly puts the cake away and pulls out a new open it up, revealing another one:

"Ta-da!" she giggles.

The new cake shows the words "CONGRATULATIONS" in red letters at the top, "I Never Had a Doubt!" in blue letters at the bottom and a decorative portrait of a police officer in the center.

"You never had a doubt, huh?"

"No! Mm-mm" Maddie and Tom then hug and kiss each other.

"I can't believe this!"

"Oh, I know! You did it!"

The former then notices Maddie's laptop with a website open.

"Hey, what are those?"

"Apartments for rent I found on Zillow"

It shows a listing for apartments at pretty reasonable prices.

"I thought Ozzy and I could fly there tomorrow and check out some neighborhoods"

"I mean, this is all happening so fast"

Tom walks to the dining room and sits down at the table.

"Oh, man. It's the craziest thing; you apply for the job... you get the job!"

Maddie walks to the dining room and sits across from Tom.

"Well, pending a background check"

"Oh, man...i hope they don't find out about that time you used the neighbor's Wi-Fi"

"Correction: i'm still using the neighbor's Wi-Fi"

Maddie laughs briefly but he looks outside and was shocked to see that the new neighbors moving in, getting out of the car was:

"But, Maddie, are you sure you're okay with this?"

"Thomas Michael Wachowski, what did you do the entire time I was in veterinary school?"

"I worked a second job to pay the rent, and-" he got too distracted as he looked outside, he saw an familiar face, a face he thought he never see again.

"A third job to pay tuition"

He saw the bad guys getting out, they step out the car with Diane, wolf goes to the back of the car and carried out a 6 year old kitten.

As wolf Carried her inside, shark opens the trucks grabbing their bags.

"You sacrificed for me; I'm happy to sacrifice for you" Both she and Tom smile.

"Babe, are you sure you're okay with this? I mean, there's been a Wachowski protecting this town for more than 50 years. This is a big change"

"I'm positive, It's time for this guy to get out there and prove himself, "as he talks over to Maddie, "I love Green Hills, but, you know...i want to help people in real trouble? I want someone to turn to me in a life-and-death situation and I'll be there for 'em.

"I get it. I'm so proud of you"

"Thank you" The two then share an embrace.

But she noticed he was distracted, looking outside when a moving van parked in.

"Hey, you ok"

"Yeah, it's just the new neighbors, they seem familiar, I'll be back"

Tom heads outside and he couldn't believe his eyes, wolf and the legendary bad guys were in in green hill with a child.

"Mr. Wolf?" He faces him then Maddie joins him.

Wolf turns around to see Tom, the guys were surprised to see Tom.

"Tom? Tom Wachowski?" Wolf approached him while holding princess.

"Hey, how been?" Wolf asked as both of them were nervous.

"Ah good, good"

"That's good, really good"

"I heard you guys went good now"

"We have"

"How's that working for you"

"Oh great, we're retired now and we're FBI agents now, thanks to the governor"

Diane approached them, staying by wolf's side and Maddie stands by Tom.

"Who's your friend?" Diane asked.

"Tom, you know them?"

"Ah" both men looked to their wives.

"Diane, this is Tom Wachowski"

"Maddie this is wolf and the bad guys: a few years ago i tried to stop them from robbing a bank but now their good now"

"Well, any friend of wolf is a friend of mines" Diane shakes tom's hand.

"Nice to meet you, madam governor foxington" Tom says her name, Maddie was surprised.

"The governor?" Maddie says.

"The one and only"

"So what brings you...nice guys to green hills"

"Well we thought we take a family trip to green hills...oh speaking of family, Tom I want you to meet my daughter princess" he holds princess up for Tom to meet.

"How do you do princess" he shakes her hand.

"Hello" she giggles.

"She's so cute" Maddie scratched her chin making her purr.

"Is she?"

"Adopted, yes but she's kinda the reason why we gave up the criminal life"

"So is princess a nickname or-"

"Nope, it's her real name, anyway it's good to see you again t but we got to get going now, we should really catch up sometimes"

"I mean i would but...I can't"

"Why not?" Webs asked.

"Well I just been accepted to San Francisco Police Department"

"Oh" everyone frowns.

"I guess that means you'll be leaving soon, huh?" Piranha asked.

"Afraid so"

"Well congratulations Tom and it was really great seeing you again, bye Tom"

"Thanks bye wolf, it was great seeing you guys again and I'm glad to see you guys changed for the better and it was good meeting your daughter too"

The bad guys head inside their house, princess looks back and waves.

"Bye" she waves and Tom waves back.

"And so, it is with a heavy heart that i tell you all that i've accepted a position at the San Francisco Police Department, effective immediately, It's gonna be tough to leave my hometown and all my friendships, but....this is something i feel like i need to do to both an officer...and a man"

It is revealed that Tom was practicing his departure speech and reciting it to his hood ornament... a pink donut with sunglasses.

"What do you think, Sergeant Sprinkles? That wasn't so bad, right? Now, all i gotta do is...tell everyone who isn't a donut"

Baseball diamond, early afternoon. Sonic is peeking from behind a tree, watching a baseball game.

"Whoa, the playoffs!"

He speeds over to underneath the bleachers to spectate up close to the event. Later on, everyone packs up and heads for home, eventually leaving the baseball diamond completely empty. Sonic is now on the middle of it, admiring the beauty of it all.

"Whoa... so cool..."

he soon notices some baseball equipment left behind, possibly by accident. Sonic is then seen using it all, first playing the role of a batter at home plate.

"Bottom of the ninth, tie score; and exactly who you want at the plate with the game on the line--Sonic!"

He then plays the role of the pitcher for the opposing team.

"But staring him down from the pitcher's mound is the most fearsome southpaw in Green Hills--also Sonic!" He switches back to the batter.

"Okay, focus, Sonic...if you win this game, you'll be the most beloved kid in Green Hills!"

Now playing the role of an infielder, Sonic does a secret code with his fingers, straightens his cap, slaps his face a few times, does a couple of armpit farts, flaps his hands and cups them against his mouth.

"Hit it to the guy in left, he's a real space case!"

Playing the role of the left outfielder, Sonic blows a bubble of gum and resumes the role of the pitcher.

"Ugh...I can't with that guy" He then plays the role of the umpire.

"Hey, batter sonic, hey, batter sonic; "Suh-wing" batta Sonic!"

As the pitcher, Sonic throws the ball and speeds to the batter position as the ball makes its way towards home plate and he hits the ball high. As the outfielder, he smells a flower in the grass and sees the ball.

"I got it, I got it, I got it!" Sonic tries to catch the ball, but is unsuccessful.

"I don't got it"

As the batter, Sonic runs to first base and rounds second while he throws the ball as the outfielder and he dodges the ball in slow motion as the batter and he comes up to third base and plays the role of a teammate.

"Go home! Go home!"

Sonic rounds third base and he plays the umpire again.

"Come on!"

Sonic jumps up and makes a dive for home plate, the umpire catches the ball and he makes it.

"SAFE!" Sonic slides to a stop and jumps with joy.

"Aha, yesyesyesyes; I did it! Did you see that? I did it! I did it!"

Sonic holds up his hand...for a high five... only to soon come to the realization that the baseball diamond is completely empty and silent.

"I really am alone... All alone...forever..."

He whips off the batter helmet and starts running around the perimeter of the baseball diamond at an increasingly fast speed, his anger, sadness, and energy building with each lap. And finally...


he lets out an anguished yell, releasing a bright blue electromagnetic pulse in the process that causes the lights in the baseball diamond to explode, and blacking out the entire Pacific Northwest. It even hits an unlucky satellite high up in the Earth's orbit on the way!

"I'm sure no one noticed that giant blue explosion, right...?"

He worriedly speeds away to the right side of the screen. Wade's Police Station, late evening. The station's phone is ringing like crazy and taking several phone calls all at the same time. Wade stares at the machine in horror for a few seconds before dialing Tom's number in a hurry.

And at the bad guys house, princess was on the floor coloring when everyone in the living room was watching tv, then suddenly the lights flickered and went off.

"Wolf" princess turns to worried.

"It's ok princess, it's ok" he assures her as he heads outside, "I'll be back guys"

"Hey, Wade"

"Hi, Tom; Wade here. What is going on?"

"Well, gosh, I think the power's out..."

"Yeano dur; The lights are out, and the whole town is freaking out. What should I do!?"

"Okay, relax...take a deep breath, call Gil, see if they can locate the downed line, then call Zim and see if he can get his generator over to the Super Q so the food stays fresh"

But Tom notices something blue glowing in the dark.

"Call Zim...before Gil!?"

"Call Gil--Hello?!"

"I'll call you back"

"Wait, no, no! Wait! Hello!? Was that the end of the instructions!?" He exasperatedly sets his cell phone down, still freaked out by the current events that are transpiring at this very moment.

"Okay, all right; You can do this. What was the first thing he said to do...? Right...relax"

Meanwhile...somewhere at the baseball diamond where he tracked the source of the black out but he noticed something glowing from afar.

wolf moves an object aside, and sees Sonic's quill glowing bright blue in the dark. Now having figured out the reason for this black out, he picks it up and inspects it once more.


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