The fateful meeting

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Sonic is now inside Ozzy's cage. Tom gently pokes his head with a spatula and moves it a little, wolf and the others stared, wolf kept princess back.

diane and the bad guys try to make sense of the situation.

"Wolf, who is that?" Princess asked.

"I don't know princess and I don't know what it is but you need to stand back, we don't know if he's dangerous" wolf says.

"Kinda looks like a hedgehog" piranha says.

"What kind of hedgehog is, he's blue and big" webs asked.

But then a horrible thought came to Diane, "that's what their after?"


While he does this, he notices the quill he got from him...and then the realization hits him.

"The blue devil...!"

"The what?" Wolf asked.

Pondering on what to do in the counter, he picks up his phone in order to take a photo of him...

"Tom, what are you?" Wolf asked.

only to drop it on the floor and stumbling back, getting startled by seeing the hedgehog up and free from his cage.

"Where did it go?" Webs asked.

"Donut Lord...?"

"You can talk! You're're not here to abduct me, are you?"

"AH!" Everyone panicked, they gather around princess to protect her.

"You abducted me!"


"Okay, that's a fair point. What are you? Why were you hiding out in my garage?"

" I needed somewhere safe, and y-you're the only person i could think of, Donut Lord!"

"Donut lord?" Wolf turns to Tom.

" Why do you keep calling me Donut Lord!?"

"'Cause you talk to donuts...and then eat them if they get out of line"

"What?" Snake asked.

"Again, fair"

"Wawawait...where are all the mushrooms?"

"Mushrooms? Who are you?" Piranha asked.

"Why am I still on Earth? What did- Oh, no! I lost my Rings!"

"Rings?" Diane asked.

"What?!" Before he could get any answers, he hears Robotnik's truck approaching.

"Oh no, they're here?" Diane panicked.

"What's happening? Is this your mother ship? I'm not in the mood to get probed"

"You think you're worried? I'm not even wearing pants!"


The hedgehog yelps and throws the curtains aside, now in full panic mode.

"They're coming for me!"

"Who's coming for you, and what does that have to do with me?"

diane realized that the hedgehog is the one the government is after.

"That's what Thomas and dr. Robotnix is after, they're coming for him"

" what?"

"We got to hide him" princess says.

"We need to hide princess too" wolf panicked as he picks up princess.

"I don't have time to explain, but you have to help me!"

"No I don't!" quickly changing his tone to not make things worse, "why?"

"Well, my legs, which normally would be classified as lethal weapons, feel like spaghetti. I need your help,'s life or death..."

"Tom we need to hide princess"


"Because of Thomas"

"Who's Thomas?"

"He's princess real father but he's been trying to kill her, please you got to help us" wolf pled.

after thinking about it, he begrudgingly makes his decision to accept his proposal.

"...fine, come with me"

He leaves, and Sonic and the bad guys and Diane follows suit... unsuccsessfully, as sonic faceplants into the floor soon after.

"uh...a little help?"

Robotnik is seen examining more footprints from the hedgehog with his gloves.

"All right, stay here...and be quiet"

"Good plan, great plan! We're already working so well together! Practically finishing each other's sentences-o-okay bye"

"Stay quiet princess, we'll be back soon ok"

"Ok" she nodded.

The former goes outside, and spots Robotnik on the walkway, the bad guys act professional while glaring at Thomas.

"Hello there! Can I help you?"

"Good morning, my rural chum I'mmmmm...from the power company, investigating the blackout. If you don't mind, i'd like to take a few readings inside your house?"

"Hello...Thomas" wolf growled but Thomas just smiled.

"Hey wolf, how you been, how's princess?"

"Far away and somewhere safe"

Tom noticed how streamed the bad guys looked at Thomas.

" know these people?" Dr robotnik asked.

"You can say...we go way back"

"No kidding; You're from the power company? You must know my buddy Spencer. We play softball together"

" ''What an idiot'' Ah, Spencer...he's a good man!"

"Yeah...-oh, come on in!"

"Great!" The latter excitedly goes up the steps.

before stopping the latter from entering, "Take all the readings you need, except... doesn't the power company usually take their readings from outside the house? That way they can check them even if you're not home"

"He raises a good point" Diane crosses her arms.

"Also, my buddy Spencer works for the gas company, and he's more of an Ultimate Frisbee guy, so you want to tell me think I'm dumb enough to just let you walk inside my house?"

"Busted Thomas" wolf says.

Robotnik, through his glove's controls, deploys 7 of his drones to do the job for him, then Thomas gets in wolf's face.

"I'm sorry, mister-"

"Wachowski. But everyone just calls me Tom...except my dentist, he calls me Tim...but it's gone on for so long that it would be weird if I corrected him"

"Well, TomwhosedentistcallshimTim, you may have noticed that this entire town has been experiencing a power outage"

" Yep, no lights...picked up on that"

"20 minutes ago, I tracked an energy pulse with a similar signature to the one that caused this disruption"

Some of Robotnik's drones fly into the house via the windows and even the chimney and one scans the attic while Sonic watches and tries to stay out of sight.

"Listen, uh...mister-"

"Doctor. Doctor Robotnik. But my dentist calls me Rob" Tom chuckles briefly.

"I back off if I were you Thomas, you have no control here" wolf says.

"If I ever you wolf, I watch were I'm going, you don't know who you're dealing with"

"You don't think I don't have what it takes to take you down, I did it before I can do it again"

"I wasn't talking about me" he eyes over to dr. Robotnik.

"Look, uh, Dr. Robot...skiz, um, i'm sure what you're here for is very serious, but it's got nothing to do with me, you can ask anyone in town. Everyone knows me"

"Yeah Thomas, tom here is a good man, unlike you" wolf says.

"Bah, and what makes you think he's no different from you "mr bad guy"

"You know I'm retired"

"People change"

"Yeah, unlike you" wolf and Thomas get into each other's face, till Diane pulls them apart.

"I bet they do. I'm sure you're hella popular with the Jebs and the Merles and Billy Bobs in this glorified gas-station rest stop, betcha go way back to the days of tippin' cows and...playin' in a jug band!"

He mockingly imitates a jug band player.

"And maybe someday you'll achieve your goal of getting a costco card or adopting a Labradoodle; but the reality is, I surpassed EVERYTHING YOU'RE EVER GOING TO DO... ...before I was a toddler. I was spitting out formulas while you were still...spitting up formula"

"I was breastfed, actually"

"Nice. Rub that to my orphan face. Mr. Wachowski, are you familiar with US Code 904, Title 10, Article 104?"

"Yeah, who isn't-"

"Anyone, who attempts to aid an enemy of the United States shall suffer death." And if I'm the one who catches you, it'll be even worse"

"Worse than death?"

Sonic is curled up into his ball form to blend in with the other sports balls around the attic.

"Okay, i'm a ball, just a normal ball, i'm blending in like a ball- shh, stop talking; no, you stop talking; be quiet"

"Sonic; you have to be quiet" princess says.

"Oh right"

"Oh, I hope they aren't scanning me with X-rays, i had a kind of an embarrassing lunch...

Another drone flies into the attic and starts scanning the area and they get closer to the blue ball.

"Ah-" princess panicked but sonic covers her mouth.

"don't freak out...don't freak out, don't freak out..."

The lasers get even closer, getting even more nervous.

"don't frk...don't freak out, don't freak out..."

They both panicked as the scanners are about to reach them.

"I'm freaking out!"

"Sonic" princess was terrified.

He and princess quickly leaps out of his hiding spot, and rolls down the stairs...

"Why don't you have your staircase carpeted?!"

"..., compared to what I-"

Robotnik and Tom look for the source of the noise.

"Old pipes"

"Yeah...probably just the house settling; nothing to see here!-"

After pretending to talk to his personnel as a distraction, he pushes past Tom and rushes in, the latter following him.


"NO!" Wolf shouts

the three instead find a raccoon eating Maddie's cake on top of the counter.

"Here's the thing... i'm never wrong"

"Well, first time for everything, I guess...Would you like some cake? I hear raccoons have the cleanest mouths of any animal that routinely eats garbage"


He then glares at Tom before turning away... only to find Sonic's quill in the table the former hid it in, a smirk growing in his he flamboyantly presents it to Tom.

"Look at that...i was right. Note the lack of surprise! ...shall we try this again?"

He then whistles to the tune of Richard Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" to call a drone towards their location...which aims at Tom and the bad guys. Sonic watches from under the counter with great concern in his eyes.

Dr. Robotnik strokes the quill, "I'm going to give you tell me where it is. Five"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"Yeah where's what?" Wolf asked.

"I think you know what mr. Wolf" Thomas gets in his face then pulls away.


Then Diane gets in front of them.

"DR. robotnik, STOP, this is insane"

"Stay out of this governor, you have no control here"

"Hey, tough guy, i'm a cop...and you're threatening an officer"

"How can you threaten somebody who never existed? Three... COME ON, RACK YOUR BRAIN! You might be able to come up with some lame excuse to go on living, in two..."

"Yeah but you're also threatening the governor and that's against the law, you could going to same, that goes for you too Thomas"

But dr robotnik has a trick up his sleeve that he has footage of diane breaking the bad guys out of jail and will threaten to expose her secret to the world.

"I don't think it will be a crime when people find out the governor broke out a group of criminals out"

Diane the bad guys and Tom gasped, he was surprised that she was the legendary crimson paw.

Then Tom glances at the drone.


Sonic rushing out from under the counter, "Wait! Don't hurt him!"


Tom suddenly punches him in the face, knocking him to the ground.

"GET HIM!" Thomas yells but he gets punched by wolf, "AH!"

The drone soon locks onto him, and while he and Sonic scramble for cover, the drone begins to fire at them, pouring holes in the walls and destroying objects along its line of fire.

"This feels excessive!"

"Where's princess?" Wolf asked.

"Don't worry she's safe"

He notices the drone reloading slowly, and gets an idea.

"Stay behind me"

He turns to look at him to make sure he was still with him. ...only to find him on top of a shelf.

Quickly realizing where this was going, he shakes his head to stop him from riding onto the drone, but Sonic retorts with a smug smirk...

"Hiyah!" before jumping onto it.

"Don't worry, I got it right where I want it!"

Tom scrambles for cover while Sonic is having a blast.

"Can you believe Amazon is gonna deliver packages with these things?!"

As it pours holes around the living room, the drone robustly tries to shake Sonic off of itself.

"This was a horrible plan; What was i thinking?!"

At that point, the drone just stops firing, and spins rapidly all it can, ultimately throwing Sonic off.


Realizing he had an opening, Tom grabs a ceramic plate off the table and whacks it from behind, damaging its batteries and disabling it.

He then goes to Sonic and carries him out of the house towards his pickup truck the bad guys see princess was waiting the latter still loopy from the fight.


"Come on! We gotta get out of here!"

"Oh, don't tell me that's all you got; I'm just getting started!! Let me know if you want to go round two with the BLUE!"

Tom drops him in the passenger seat, starts it, and drives away as quickly as possible, the bad guys grab princess going in their own car and following them.


Meanwhile, Agent Stone arrives at the scene. Worried, he steps into the house, and finds his boss on the floor, just recently beginning to wake up right next to Thomas who rubs his head.

" Doctor! Are you okay?" he helps his boss up, "I saw a guy race out of here and thought-"

"-that you should stop them? Open your mouth...and say you thought that you should stop them"

"Clam down dr. Robotnik, well get them" Thomas says

"No, i thought that maybe i should check to see if you were okaAAeiy!-"

"You know what's hard about being the smartest person in the world?"

"everyone else seems stupid-" agent stones and Thomas said.

" Stupid, yes! Way to go! You got that one!!"

He lets go of him, and wipes his gloves on his coat.

"Whatever this creature is, it's our job to secure it, neutralize it, and uncover the source of its power... and if it resists... we take it apart...piece by piece... *as he puts his broken glasses on*...and see what makes it tick. ...stone?"


"Call Optical Illusions...and tell them I need new frames" as he tosses his old ones to the floor, "They know what kind I like"

He quickly stops after remembering what he came for that nearly made him shoot down Tom.

" Oh...and bring me the quill"

"Yes, Doctor"

"And Thomas, this daughter of yours better be worth it"

"Trust me doctor she is, she is no is no ordinary child...she's different"

"How different?"

"....she's special"

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