New legacy

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(This is a request from SnowAngel76 who asked me to maje this request for her birthday so happy birthday snowangel76 I hope you like it)

It was a sunny afternoon, wolf was wearing his favorite shades, sitting in his car with the others as they waited outside of Los Angeles high school, waiting for the exact time for the bell to ring for school to be over.

It was the beginning of summer and they were already there to pick up princess.

On the visor was an old picture of princess as a kitten with wolf, both were smiling.

Wolf looked at the picture and smile as he thinks of princess then the bell ring, they see kids heading home and there they saw princess in her school outfit.

Now that she was a teenager, it would become that time for her to figure out what she wants to do find a college.

Which is what the bad guys including wolf is what he can't stand, they weren't ready to let princess go...yet.

She gets inside, sitting next to shark and piranha.

"Hey baby" wolf says as he drives off.

"Hey wolf"

"So how was school" he asked.

"It was great"

It was quiet, they all used to be so close to princess but as a teenager, she barely could do the things they could do with her as kid since she's always studying and trying to find out who she wants to be.

So wolf broke the ice, "so...summer vacation...must be very exciting, right" wolf tries to distract her from school then signals everyone to steps in.

"Yeah" webs says.

"Swimming" shark says.

"Beaches" piranha added.

"A horror movie marathon" snake says as he nudged princess, "remember princess you used to love that"

He reminded her and princess looks up at them, they see how much they wanted to hang out with her.

"Oh that would be great...but I have to research some college applications this summer and I have lots of summer schoolwork to do so..."

Just then wolf takes her book, "hey"

"Come on princess, it's summer, you'll have time for that later, until then...why don't you take a break from all that, take A vacation, you know...spend some time with your family"

Princess was about to object when she saw how everyone was looking at her begging she had no choice.

"Oh ok, i guess i supposed we could use a vacation, sure why not"

Then everyone cheered, "that's my girl" wolf says as he rubs her head then he speeds off to the mansion.

Then somewhere in Burbank, California in a place called: Warner bros. Server-verse.

Some AL intelligence was going through the Internet, he passed by many videos and pics of LeBron James but then a Instagram post popped up with princess and the bad guys in a group selfie.

The AL gets a Look at the bad guys, he was grossed out by them then when he saw princess, he smiles.

"I've searched far and wide for the perfect partner for this launch, and I've finally found her...Princess chesterfield bad guy"

Then some Al-G Rhythm comes out of nowhere , he coos.

AL sighs, "ugh Pete, she's the daughter of once a mad man named Thomas chesterfield and now she's the daughter of the once bad criminals the bad guys, she's smart according to her grants, she has the IQ of a genius"

Pete clapped as he and AL were impressed, "a social media superstar with millions of fans worldwide...oh and she's the most popular girl in school, so she's smart beautiful and the coolest girl in school and...oh it says here she's studying Game studies and has a scholarship on gymnastics, it looks like she wants to attend to this college for FULL SAIL UNIVERSITY which is far for her home, Algorithmically speaking, she's more than just a pretty face in a skirt, she...has a power...whatever she is...she's a queen then a princess"

"Hmm?" Pete babbles.

"I know I'm just an algorithm, Pete. That's precisely why I need princess...I'm stuck inside the Serververse....No one knows who I am or what I do....But that all changes today....Because today, Warner Bros. launches the revolutionary technology that I masterminded....Today, it's my time to shine....Just look at her, Pete" he chuckles.

"Oh, she is the key element to this entire operation"

Pete babbles.

"Once I partner with a princess and combine her fame and genius with my incredible tech...I will finally get the recognition and respect that I so richly deserve...princess baby, get ready" he then sends a email to princess phone which was sitting in her beach bag, she wasn't answering it because she was in the ocean with shark and piranha, wolf and snake were relaxed taking a tan underneath the sun.

"Ah this is the life" snake commented.

Wolf looks up to princess, she was wearing a white two piece swimsuit as shark splashed water at her, she giggles, it was a reminder of what they are going to miss when princess is gone.

"Look at her snake"

"What! I'm looking"

"She's practically an adult already"

"Correction, almost an adult"

"Point is, we won't be able to stop her, I think it's time we should let her mark her decision"

Both snake and wolf think of a minute, in deep thoughts: then they both laughed.

"Like that's gonna happen" snake says, "look wolf we won't have to worry about princess, she won't be going anywhere and if she does decide what I go to college"

Then princess gets out of the water to dry up, and after she dries herself, she checks her phone and finds something.

"We'll make sure she goes to a college that's close to home or lap Angeles, Let's not worry about her now, we have all summer with her so we'll worry about the future later"

"Yeah..I guess you're right, I mean she's only got one year of high school I'm sure she's not in a hurry, I mean what can happen"

"Oy wolf" they turned to see princess running to them, "I just got an email, we been invited to Warner Bros studio"

"Warner Bros studio" everyone shouts in excitement.


"Well what do they want us for" wolf asked.

"I don't know something about some high-tech movie thing, should we go" princess asked.

Then everyone looks at each other in excitement then a few minutes later, they were already dressed heading to the studio already.

They were inside the studio and a presentation played.

Al G. Was on speakers, "Hello. I'm Al G. Rhythm...And as you might have guessed, I am an algorithm here at Warner Bros.The studio behind all the classics....But now, it's time for our greatest creation yet, Warner 3000...This will revolutionize the entire entertainment industry, and we want you to be on our team"

Wolf was flattered as he thought he was talking about him.

"Queen princess"

"What" but he got confused when he turns around to see he was talking about princess.

Princess was surprised as she puts her paw on her chest.

"Now, we know you're busy, but we can make it very easy for you...Because our brand new Warner 3000 technology will scan you right into the movies"

They see digital CGI pic of princess, "Oh, it's like looking into a mirror, huh, princess? Think about it, The possibilities are endless"

Diane was then, she was impressed and wolf saw how easily impressed princess was, he and the others started to worry, "You'll be the queen of Warner Bros. That's the power of Warner 3000....Say yes, princess, and together, we'll make mind-blowing entertainment forever"

They meet up with the workers, "So, what do you say? Pretty sweet, right?"

"I mean, look at them. Look at that face. They're speechless, they loves it! How about that algorithm, huh? Pretty brilliant. He came up with the entire presentation"

Al was watching them through a camera but mostly he was looking at princess.

"Well...That was, um...That was something" wolf says, but he knew he had to put his foot down.

"So you want to give a child a career when she is still in school"

It brought the mood down, the female worker pulled something out.

"Well we went through princess achievement and it says she's applying for FULL SAIL UNIVERSITY"

"Wait what?" wolf says as he and the others couldn't believe what they heard, princess already applied for a collage application.

"If you join us, we could help you get in"

Princess dinked in her seat as she knew she was in trouble but Diane stepped in.

"It was my fault, I wanted to help her pick out a collage"

Wolf walks over to her, "Diane a word...we already talked about this, she is not ready for college"

" talked about this"

"She is just a child"

"She is a teenager now and you need to stop treating her like a five year old"

"Don't you dare tell me how to raise my daughter" then wolf went back to the producers, "I'm sorry but we can't let princess go through this"

AL was starting to get impatient, "whoa, Let's not be too hasty here"

"She is my daughter, I decid what's best for her"

"Well it is her decision isn't it" one of the producer's say, "it's your decision sweetie, you decide"

Everyone turns their direction to princess, she saw how everyone was looking at her, it was putting pressure on her.

"Uh-well I-uh...ahem, this is a good opportunity and a nice offer you're giving me, a good start for a career for me"

This started to put a jabbing pin in the bad guys heart, scaring them, AL started to smile, waiting for her answer.


"But I'm going to have to decline"

"Huh" Al face dropped.

"I think I rather finish school first and I am on vacation with my family"

The bad guys breath in relief and were glad by princess decision...but Al, he was upset but his world shattering.

The producers were disappointed that princess declined them, but they smile and they all shake hands to wish them goodbye.

"Oh ok"

"Yes finish school first"

"School is very important"

"Yes but if you ever change your mind or when you're done with school...give us a call" they hand her the Warner Bros studio business card.

But snake takes the card and wraps his tail around princess pulling her away.

"She will not, let's go princess"

After they left, Al was having a meltdown, he grunts in frustration.

He spoke in distorted voice, "Who does this guy think he is? Huh?"

He finally calms down, Okay....All right....I tried being a team player, but those days are over....I'm done playing by everybody else's rules...It is my game now, I'm going to get my queen and I'm not going to let some...overgrown dire canine, a eight legged crawly, a giant python, a large tuna and a tiny prawn GET IN MY WAY"

They watches the bad guys through the computer, wolf pulls Diane when the others stopped near an elevator.

"Diane can we talk...what do you think you're doing putting princess in collage already"

"Hey you can't control her life like that anymore"

"You do not get to apply princess in a collage behind our backs like that"

"Did it ever accrued to you that maybe oh I don't know maybe princess is growing up"

The elevator buzzed and the doors opened, princess turns to see the doors, she looked back to see everyone watching wolf and Diane fight, she didn't wanted to hear the argument, it's the number one thing she hated the least, so she went inside the elevator, but the elevator started to take her all the way down.

"And there is nothing you can do to stop her from growing"

"No but I can be sure you won't be around her anymore"

Diane was speechless but upset at wolf, "come on princess let's go...princes?...princess?" Everyone looked around to see she was gone.

"Ugh she must've ran off" snake groans.

"Well you know how much she hates when you guys fight" snake says.

"Come on we need to find her"

Al was watching them, "that's it wolfie...get in the elevator"

And as they all went in, they stepped inside and were all taken to the bottom, to the computer server.

The door was open, they all went inside, "princess?"

"Princess" they all called for her but got no answer.

"AH" they they heard her screaming.

"Princess!!" Wolf ran and the others ran to where the sound was coming from: they see a giant sphere

"What the matrix hell" wolf says as they approached they were all being dragged.

And they find themselves in a strange pace, the serververse.

"Whoa" webs was impressed, "This must be some kind of immersive tech like holography with haptic technology, or something like VR"

"Whoa webs...Just tell me what's going on" wolf asked.

She turns to him, "I think we're digitized"

"Wait you mean to te us that we're in a computer" snake asked.

" what do we do now" webs asked as wolf looks around the computer world.

Then he turns to the gang, "we find princess, everyone split up"

But just then, "Who goes there?"

They panicked when they see a giant digital head.

"Who dares disturb the great and powerful Al G.?"

"AH" everyone screams.

But then Al G. chuckles, Look at your faces...You were terrified! Priceless"

Then he turns to his true form "See? Nothing to be afraid of"

Everyone was still freaked out by him as they stay clear of him.

Shark whispers to piranha, "The computer..he's-

"I know...weird" piranha says.

"Hello" Al enes at them.

"Hi" they all waved nervously at him.

" you guys are the legendary bad guys...I am a big fan...I just...I don't know, I thought you'd guys might be much more scarier somehow"

Wolf was offended by him as he just stares at him.

"Wow...These graphics are unreal" web says.


Piranha pokes his leg and it glitches, "AH" he hides behind shark.

"don't touch the silver computer man" shark says.

"What's going on? who are you, man?" Wolf asked.

"Uh...You're right. Forgive me. Where are my manners? I am King Al G. Rhythm"

Shark then recognized him, "Oh, you're that guy from the video"

"Yes, I am" Al chuckles, "And this... Ha-ha...Oh, gentlemen, and lady this...this is the Warner Bros. Serververse....Just make you feel all insignificant, don't it?"

"Are all computers like this?" Wolf asked webs but he saw the entire group was gone.

"Snake? Webs? Shark? Piranha?"

"Uh-oh" Al says.

Then wolf was started to get irritated, "alright buddy where are my friends" then he started to think, "What'd you do to my daughter? Where's princess?"

"Who's princess?"

Wolf growls and tries to punch Al but he glitches and was behind him.

"Ha! Dude, chill out You're gonna get your daughter and your friends back"

"There better not be a "but" at the end of..."

"But there's something you're gonna do for me first"

"Like what?" Wolf growled.

"You know, you, uh..." he scoffs, "You really shouldn't have rejected my ideas back there...all I asked is that I use your daughter, That was a mistake...Now, I'm afraid you're gonna have to help me fulfill my destiny"

"Listen, buddy, if you don't produce my daughter and friends in five seconds..."

"Eh-eh! Uh-uh. No, no, no...All that pointing and aggression. No, no, no. You're not running things in here....I am the king of this domain....Now, the only way you're getting your daughter back...along with your friends is if you and I play a little game called basketball"

"You wanna play basketball?"

"Well, you didn't want your daughter in the movies....I mean come on man, that is a good start of a good career"

"It's a bit early to give a career to a child"

"Well, guess what? Now you're fighting for your daughter...You and me, we're gonna put on a show, baby....We are gonna play a game of basketball in front of the largest captive audience ever....All your followers...the bad guys followers...they're all gonna be watching....And when they see the two of us together, I will finally step out of the shadows and into the light....And the entire world is gonna know the name of King Al G. Rhythm"

He sighs, "But you know what, I'm a good sport...Tell you what, if you win, you and your daughter and friends can skedaddle on out of here.

"And what if I lose?"

"Yeah. Wrinkle....If you lose... Well, when you lose, I'll give you your friends back...but you're daughter she going to be held captive as my prisoner...she'll just gonna have to stay here in the Serververse with me...clones of him appear, echoing, "forever and ever and ever and ever"

Wolf was shocked, princess held trapped in a computer...he couldn't lose the only daughter he ever's no worse then her attending collage, but he felt like he had no choice it was the only way to save her and the others.

"Oh!" Pete gasped.

Al G. chuckles, "So, i hope you play as good as you are as a criminal because your daughter's freedom depends on it"

"I swear if you do anything to her-"

"why are you worried about princess...when you should be out there looking for a team?"

"Pete, send this clown to the rejects"


Pete spins the wheel and sends wolf to looney tunes.


"I guess he fell for it" Al chuckles.

Wolf was been flying through different worlds then he landed in looney tune world.

"Ah" he gets out from a wolf, he touches his head but he saw that...

"I'm a cartoon"

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