Sad goodbyes and happy endings

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The bad guys found themselves back in the sever, like they just woke up from a dream.

"Princess?" Wolf opens his eyes to see princess.

"Dad?" Princess and wolf get up and they hug.

"You're all right, right?" He asked as he nuzzled his snoot in her neck.

"I'm ok wolf" they pull back as wolf still held on to her.

"You're sure?" He tilted his head as he checks for injuries.

"Yes dad, I'm fine"

They hugged again then they heard the others running towards them.

"Princess" shark called her name then the others.




Then they got in for a group hug, shark lifts them off from the ground, spinning them around.

wolf and princess smiled then shake puts them down and they all let go.

"All right guys, let's go home"

Just then they saw Diane walking towards, she was glad to see they were ok.

Two months later, the bad guys were taking a road trip to Santa Barbara to drop off princess for college prep.

As they arrived, they walk her to the building, helping her with her bags.

"Okay" wolf clapped his hands together, "So, princess, you ready for college prep?"

"Yeah. I'm actually pretty excited"

But deep down...she wasn't ready to leave her family yet.

"But it's going to be weird without you guys scaring away boys or...always constantly watching" they all chuckle.

"Yeah? But it's really glad to see you're finally wanting to study to a doctor...a good career choice"

"Well i have been studying behind your backs and I think I'mma just take a break from video games for a while...You know, after we..."

"Got sucked into one?" Snake says as he makes her laugh.

"Yeah" she chuckles.


"But if I can be honest with you guys, I been waiting for this day my entire life...but I'm a little scared, maybe this isn't such a good head, we should turn back now"

Princess tries to leave but wolf grabs her, "whoa...What are you talking about? I thought this is what you wanted"

"I do but...I'm afraid"

Wolf smiled as she grabs her shoulders, "i used to have that feeling too, i was so afraid of you going to college that we might not see you again, how can we can be good guys without you...but I then realized it's about time we let you out into the world and you do you, it's time we let you go, we did a great job raising you but now it's time we let you go, the hardest job for a parent to letting their kids go but it's a good thing because we help prepare you for the world and it's time you went on your own without us"

"Wow...Thank you, Dad" princess chuckles as she hugs him, it surprised him but he hugs her back.

Then as they let go, the others say their last goodbye...before they have to survive two weeks without princess.

" have fun baby" shark says.

"Remember to But in case soemone looks at you the wrong way" webs gave her advise.

"Make lots of new friends" piranha says.

Then snake slither his head up to her, "and remember, no matter what happens...we'll always be proud of you"

"Thanks snake, I'll miss you too"

They watched her head inside as she waved goodbye.

"We'll pick you up in two weeks" wolf shouted.

"I know"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

And she was gone, the others started to cry as wolf took pride to see the child he raise grown into a independent woman.

But just then, "Aw, that's so sweet"

They all jumped and turn when they heard a familiar voice and saw...bugs...back and alive.

"What's up, Doc?" He munch on a carrot.

"What the-Bugs! How did you...?"

"Come on...You didn't think you'd get rid of me that easily, did you?"

Snake looks at him annoyed, "well you were better off dead, I eat rabbits"

"Yo" piranha jumps up to him and they fist bump, "what's up doc" piranha says his catchphrase.

Then shark with webs on his shoulder bends down.

"I'm such a huge fan" shark whispered to him.

And webs says, "honestly I think your better then the duck"

"I couldn't agree more" bugs agreed with her.

"I thought you were gone" wolf says as he bends down to him, "I told ya, I'm a Tune, Doc! I can survive anything!"

"You always did" wolf smiles then they get up and walk back To the car.

"It's good to see you, buddy"

"Oh, by the way, you think I could crash at your pad for a few days?"

"Pad? We have a mansion Of course. There's more than enough room for you, you can stay in princess room till she returns from college prep"

"Ah-ah, princess room is off limits" snake hissed.

"You always go into her room and that never stopped you" webs said.

"Whoa! A mansion what do you guys do for a living" bugs asked.

"We're FIB agents but princess cane with the mansion"

"Great! I've never been to Los Angeles, I wanna go on a star tour. I hear they love drinking juice here. Oh, do they make carrot juice?"

" uh...sure, They juice anything for you here"

"Oh, hey, can I stay for Taco Tuesday?"

"Why don't you just move in with us" snake says sarcastically.

"Yeah, it would be great to have you live with us" shark says as he was excited.

"I was being sarcastic" snake snarled.

"Hope you and Mrs. Wolf got bunk beds 'cause I got some friends who wanna visit"

"Diane isn't my wife, she's just my girlfriend"

"Whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute, Hold up, hold up. Bunk beds?" Snake was puzzled.

""That's right. I brought the whole gang with me!"

"What do you mean, "the whole gang"?" Snake ashes but then he lowered his head in stress, "oh no ply don't tell me you brought the others with you"

"You can't get rid of us now, Doc. We're family!"

"They are not staying with us" snake told wolf.

"Well we do have a big mansion with lots of rooms, it would be nice to have some company while princess is away"

"WOLF!" Snake yelled.

A ball shoots and Porky stutter, "That's all, folks"

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