Two geeses and two dogs

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"Gee whiz! Look at that bridge! Come on, let's play train!"

"Now be careful, children"

"Marie's the caboose" she gives him a look.

"All aboard!" The kittens walk on a rail.

"Choo-choo-choo-choo-choo-choo-choo-choo-choo-choo. Whoo-whoo! Choo-choo-choo-choo-choo-choo-choo-choo. Whoo-whoo!"

"Clickety-clickety-clickety-clickety. Whoo-whoo!"

"I don't think that's such a good idea" Diane says wirried.

"But it'll lead us back to France" O'Malley says.

Then a Real train whistle blows, "Oh no!"

"All right, now don't panic. Down underneath here"

They hide under the rains hugging each other. When the train passes, but when trouble comes when marie and princess fall in the water, down in the river.


"Diane" princess shouts.

"Marie! Oh, Marie!"

"Princess" Diane jumps in.

O'Malley jumps in, "Keep your head up, Marie! Here I come!" Duchess runs up a branch hanging over water.

"Thomas! Thomas, up here!" He throws Marie to Duchess, then Diane gives duchess princess, and continues down the river.

"Gee, Marie, why'd you have to fall off the bridge?"

Marie pokes tongue at him and then the kittens follow Duchess.

"Thomas? Diane!"

"Diane?" Princess panicked

"Oh, Thomas! Take care!"

"I'm all right, honey, don't worry. We'll see you downstream" Diane says.

Then two geese started walking, one named Amelia the other Abigail.

"What beautiful countryside, Abigail. So much like our own dear England"

"Oh, indeed, yes. Amelia, if I walk much farther I'll get flat feet"

"Abigail, we were born with flat feet" They both laugh.

"I say, look over there" They see O'Malley and Diane on the log.

"Oh. Oh, how unusual"

"Fancy that, a cat learning how to swim" O'Malley, holding a twig, paddles closer to the shore.

" And he's going about it all the wrong way. But what about the fox, do foxes swim"

"Quite. But I'm so sure about the fox, We must correct him" They swim towards them.

"Sir. Madam? You are most fortunate we happened along"

"Yes. We're here to help you"

"That's so nice of you" Diane says.

O'Malley through clenched teeth, "Oh no, back off girls, I'm doin' fine"

"They're just trying to help" Diane scolds him.

"First, you must gain self-confidence by striking out on your own"

"Look governor I got this"

"Just like how you got us a ride, the bridge and the lake" she looks at them with a deadpan expression.

"Ok look I don't need you criticizing me, Go away! I'm trying' to get to shore"

"You will never learn to swim properly with that willow branch in your mouth"

O'Malley gets his hind legs on some rock, "Indeed not"

"Snip, snip. Here we go" O'Malley opens the mouth.

"Don't do that!" He splashes wildly.

"You're doing splendidly"

"And don't worry about form. It will come later"

"He takes to water like a fish, doesn't he? A very enthusiastic--" O'Malley tugs on their tailfeathers, they shiek.

"No! Now, this is no time for fun and games" They laugh, watching bubbles coming from where O'Malley was.. Laughing fades.

"Gracious me. You don't suppose--"

"Oh yes. Yes, I do. Bottoms up!" They turn over and look underwater, then turn back.

"Deeper!" Kittens and Duchess run to the shore.

"Look mama, there he is!"

"You really did quite well for a beginner"

"Oh Thomas! Thank goodness you're safe!"

"Keep practicing"

"And toodly-pip!"

"Diane" princess ran to help her.

"Can I help you, mister O'Malley, huh?"

O'Malley gasps, "Help? I've had all the help I can take"

"Don't be rude" duane hits his arm.

"Oh mademoiselles, thank you so much for helping mister O'Malley"

"I like your hat" princess tells them.

"Thank you, my dear. But first, introductions"

"Yes. We british like to keep things proper" They laugh.

"Now, I am Amelia Gabble, and this is my sister--"

"Miss Abigail Gabble"

"We're twin sisters"

"You might say we're related" They laugh.

"Oh, how silly!"

"Oh, how nice. I never would have guessed"

"Look! They got rubber feet"


"We're on holiday"

"For a walking tour on France"

"Swimming, some of the way"

"On water, of course" Duchess to wet O'Malley.

"Thomas, this is Amelia and Abigail Gabble"

" Yeah honey. Get those two web-footed lifeguards outta here!"

"Now, now, Thomas"

"Yeah show a little respect they did save us" Diane scolds him.

"Hey I was working on saving us"

"Oh yeah, like that?"

"You know I'm British too" princess says to the geese.

"That's wonderful dear"

"Okay, okay baby. Hiya, chicks" the Geese laugh.

"We're not chickens. We're geese"

"No. I thought you were swans" Duchess gives him a look.

"Oh, flatterer"

"Your husband is very charming and very handsome" O'Malley rolling on his back.

"Well, uh, you see.. I, I'm not exactly her husband"

"Exactly? You either are or you're not" O'Malley licks his paw.

"All right. I'm not"

"Oh? Hmm?"

"It's scandalous"

"He's nothing but a cad"

"Absolutely, possibly a reprobate"

"A roue. His eyes are too close together"

"Shifty too"

"And look at that crooked smile"

"His chin is very weak too"

"Obviously a philanderer who trifles with unsuspecting women's hearts"

"How romantic"

"Please, please, let me explain. Thomas is a dear frend of ours He's just helping us to get to--"

"Come on, Duchess, come on. Let's get out of here. Well, girls, see ya around. We're on out way to Paris"

"Oh, how nice! We're going to Paris ourselves"

"Do you know how to get it Paris?" Princess asked.

"Why don't you join us?"

"I think that's a splendid idea"

"Oh, no"

"Now, ah, you stand here, dear. And uh, let's see, you take this position"

"Duchess, you'll do nicely here"

"Yes, very good"

"And you dear, you take this place. Now that leaves mister O'Malley"

"Oh, we can't leave him, can we?"

"Mister O'Malley, I think you should be the rear end. Ready everyone? Now think goose! Forward, march!"

"Mama. Do we have to waddle like they do?"

"Yes, dear. Think goose"

"When we get to Paris, you must meet uncle Waldo"

"Who's Waldo?" Princess asked.

"Yes, he's our uncle. We are to meet uncle Waldo at le Petit Cafe"

"Le Petit Cafe? Oh, that's that famous restaurant. Ah, c'est magnifique"

They made it to Le Petit Cage,"Sacre blue! Ow! Oh! He bit my finger! Get out! Go! Go! Get out! Scram!" Waldo runs outside.

"Good riddance!" Waldo without tailfeathers puts his hat on, sighes and hiccups.

"Why, why, it's uncle Waldo!"

"Ahh! Abigail! Amelia! My two favorite nooses!"

"He seems kinda drunk" Diane keeps princess back.

"Uncle Waldo. I do believe you've been drinking"

"Oh dear! What happened to your lovely tail feathers?"

"Girls, it's outrageous! Why, you won't believe what they tried to do to your poor old uncle Waldo Look. Look at his! Prime country goose a la provencal stuffed with chestnuts and basted in white whine"

"Sounds yummy" Diane says.

"If it wasn't goose" princess whispered to her.

"Basted? He's been marinated in it"

"Dreadful! Being british, I would have preferred sherry" Three geese laugh.

"Sherry! Sherry"

"Oh! oh, oh, oh uncle Waldo, you're just too much"

"Who's sherry?" Princess asked.

"It's a type of drink princess"

"You mean he's had too much"

"Abigail, Abigail!"

"Yes, yes?"

"We best get uncle Waldo to bed"

"Why, I say there, now, what's all the whis-whispering about, huh?"

"Shh, shh! Waldo: Now, now, now, now, girls, girls! Don't shush your old uncle Waldo! Why you'll, you'll wake up the whole neighborhood!"

"Shh! No! Waldo: Whoopee! Neighborhood!"

" Come to sleep, uncle Waldo"

"Oh, yes, I think we'd better be going"

"Oh, righto, girls. Birds of a feather must together. Nice ducky" he pats princess head messing up her bow.

"That's stick together" They waddle off, Waldo singing and the other geese shushing him.

"You know something? I like uncle Waldo"

Duchess laughs, "Especially when he's marinated!"

meanwhile thomas and eagar take the motorcycle with a fishing pole to the country side to get the things back.

"Frou-frou, here comes Edgar!"

"Hurry, Roquefort, hop aboard the motorcycle and for gooness sakes, do be careful!"

Edgar appears with a fishing pole and in squeaky shoes.

"Thomas, tonight operation catnapper will be completed. Wish us luck frou-frou, Fisherman's luck

"Bye, Frou-frou! Whoop!" Roquefort soon falls off the motorcycle.

To the windmill and the dogs, Edgar's squeaky shoes wake up Napoleon.

"Edgar, keep it down, do you want to get caught"



Napoleon wakes up, "Lafayette! Lafayette! Listen"

"Oh, shucks, Napoleon. That ain't nothing byt a little old cricket bug"

"It's squeaky shoes approachin'"

"Oh, cricket bugs don't wear shoes"

"Hush your mouth. Let's see. They're oxford shoes. Size nine-and-a-half. Hole in the left sole, it sounds like"

"What color are they?"

"They are black - how would I know that?" Edgar takes off the shoes.

"Hey, now the squeakin' has stopped"

"I still say it was a little old cricket bug" I'm the leader. I'll decide what it was. It was a little old cricket bug"

"I'll see ya in the morning, Napoleon" Edgar tries to pick his hat from Napoleon, but it falls on Lafayette.

"That's my hat, I'm the leader!"

"Well, shoot fire. Don't get sore at me! I ain't done nothin'" Napoleon sleeps with his paws over his hat. Thomas scritches his side.

"Ooh, whoo, heh. Mmm. ohh. mm. ooh, oh, heh. oooh! Mm-mm.. that feels good, Lafayette"

"That's all alright"

"Mm-mm. ooh.. ooh! A little lower and faster there"

"I'm scratchin' as fast as I can"

"Hurry up, Edgar I can't keep this up"

"Right there. That's good. Oh. ooh, ooh!" Edgar picks the hat by teeth and hids in the hay.

Napoleon sinks back, "Ooh" Edgar lifts the cat basket where Lafayette slept in and lets him slide to Napoleon.

"Mmm. It's warm and, mm-mm, cosy" Edgar pulls on his umbrella and it makes the horn blow. Edgar falls on them.



"Wha-wha-what's goin' on? Lafayette, what in tarnation you trying to do?"

"Oh, I get blamed for everything"

"Wait a minute! Where's my hat? Where-- and somebody stole my bumbershoot!"

"Well, where's my beddie-bye basket?"

"And whoever it is, is gonna get it and get it good"

Lafayette chuckles, "This time I get the tender part"

"Hush your mouth, now come on" Lafayette steps into Edgar's shoes and walks.

"Hey, Napoleon! Ooh, it's them shoes again"

"Yeah, yeah, I hear 'em"

"Napoleon, I'm plumb goose-pimply scared!"

"Now this is no time to turn chicken. I got a feelin' this case is gonna bust wide open" Lafayette hits Napoleon, they run and hit each other.

"D-d-d-did you see him?"

"No, no, he sneaked up behind me and tailgated me"

"Well, he didn't hurt me, he hit me on the head"

"Shh! Listen! It smells like a cat"

soon they catches thomas's smell and high tail it back home.

"Sounds like a one-wheel-- ooh"

"A one-wheel what?"

"You're not gonna believe this, but it's a one-wheeled haystack. Hey, there it goes1 Come on! After it!" They jumps into hay with Edgar and fight.

"I got him, I got him, I got him, I got him!"

"Ow! That's me!"

"Get him, get him, get him, get him!" Edgar escapes with his things.

"Well, c'est la guerre, Napoleon. I guess you can't win them all" Napoleon hits him on the head.

"Ow! Ooh, ooh, ooh! Criminiddly!"

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