Its a trap

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It's morning within the jungle of Nomanisan, and Dash is sleeping right on top of Violet while Diane was resting near a tree.

Dash wakes up, realising what he's doing, and instantly jumps up from being grossed out.

Dash looks around in awe at the beautiful jungles surrounding him, but is interrupted by what seems to be a blue macaw behind him.

"Identification, please"


Dash proceeds to try waking Violet up then Diane to get their attention on the macaw.

"Hey, Violet! Come here, look"


"Governor" he shook Diane.

"Huh? What is it?"

"It talks!"


"What talks?" Diane asked when she sees the blue macaw

"There, that one"

"What is that?" Violet asked.

"Voice key incorrect"Diane stare at the bird and as she gets a bad feeling, she gets in front of the kids keeping them back.

"Voice key?"

"Voice key incorrect"

"Stay back kids" Diane says.

"Wait a second..."

The macaw's mouth quickly opens to reveal a tiny speaker as it's eyes glow red, with it proceeding to start producing loud alarm sounds.

"Wha-What do we do?!" Dashed asked as they covered their ears.


"Come on kids" Diane grabs their hands and they ran with her

"Where are we going?"

"Away from here!"

"Just keep running" Diane tells them

But the P.A. Alerted the security, "Intruder alert. Intruder alert. Intruder alert"

Mirage releases Mr. Incredible. She slowly walks to him and the bad guys were shocked.

"What are you doing" wolf asked when she released them as well.

"There isn't much time"

Mr. Incredible suddenly grabs her by her neck and strangles her, lifting her up.

" No, there isn't. In fact, there's no time at all"

The bad guys were shocked by his rage, "whoa mr. Incredible what are you doing" wolf asked when he and the others try to pull mirage away from him then he pushes them to the ground.


"MR INCREDIBLE, DON'T!" Wolf begged him.


"Why are you here. How can you...possibly bring me lower? What more can you take away from me?"

"mr incredible just listen" wolf says.


"That doesn't mean you should stoop that low too, trust me...I know"

"...The... family..... survived... th..... crash...! They're here......on the island........!"

Mr incredible and the bad guys were surprised.

"They did?" Wolf asked.

"They're alive?" Mr incredible says.

Mr. Incredible drops her, as she is coughing. He then picks her up, and hugs her, much to the two's comfort.

Mirage quietly gasps, and the bad guys just stared with a disgusted look but wolf then turned and he gasped in worry.

"Ah-ah, Incredible"

Elastigirl arrived on the scene and they all looked surprised, Mr. Incredible drops Mirage by her feet.

"Oh, hello. You must be Mrs. Incre--" Elastigirl punches her causing her to get knocked out before she could finish, much to Mr. Incredible's shock and the bad guys.

"Whoa!" Snake says.

"Who knew elasticgirl had it in her" webs commented.

"She was helping us to escape!"

"How's Diane?" Wolf asked as he was a bit concerned.

"No! That's what I was doing and what's it to you"

Just then she looked down on his finger and she saw he had a wedding ring, which made her realized it.

"Oh...sorry,She's fine, She's with the kids"

Then wolf snapped, "WHAT?! You mean princess is here!" He made the bad guys looked worried.

"No, she's not here, I promise you"

Mr. Incredible grabs her arm and the the bad guys even more were relieved.

"Ok as long as she's somewhere safe that's ok with me"

Elasticgirl was surprised to see how wolf puts princess first, she pulls closer to him.

"Let go of me! Let go, you lousy, lying, unfaithful creep--!" But They kiss.

"How could I betray the perfect woman?"

"Oh, you're referring to me now?"

"Elasticgirl it's not what you think" wolf tries to assure her.

"Where are the kids?" Mr. Incredible asked.

"They might've triggered the alert"

"What?! What about Diane?"

"My guess is She's still with them, but Security's been sent into the jungle. You better get going"

"Ok now I'm really glad that princess isn't here" wolf says, "let's go"

"Great, Now our kids are in danger?!"

"If you suspected danger, why'd you bring them?"

"I didn't bring 'em, they stowed away. And I don't think you're striking the proper tone here!"

"Can we please deal with this later" wolf says.

Violet and Dash and Diane continue running when they get surrounded.

"Think they're supers?"

Diane had her good on and she gets in front of the kids.

"Kid, remember what your Mom said"


"Hey! Stop talking!"

Diane or the crimson paw gets into a fighting mood.

"Hold it! Freeze!" Then Violet disappears.

"Dash, run!"


Diane jumped on a guard then pounced off him pushing him down and jumped in a tree grabbing the guards attention.

"GUYS, RUN!" She jumped before they could jump.


"Oh yeah!" he runs away.

"What the--?! They're supers!"

"Get the boy! The rest of you, after the crimson paw"

Diane jumps from tree to tree as the others chased her.

"Show yourself!"


"Ha, ha!"

"I'm alive. Yeah!" Dash shouts


The incredibles and the bad guys ran.

"I should've told you I was fired, I admit it. But I didn't want you to worry"

"You didn't want me to worry? And now we're running for our lives through some godforsaken jungle!"

"You keep trying to pick a fight, but I'm still just happy you're alive"

She then turned to the bad guys, "and you went along with him"

"Hey! they had a convincing story, I was told they were the FBI, they offered us a big pay and although I could care less about the money, I was only doing this for princess, we all did, do you have any idea how hard it is to raise kids" wolf shout.

And she frowned, she and mr. Incredible did, they know what's it like to sacrifice everything for family's

Cutting back to the guard.

"I know you're there, Little Miss Disappear.

Violet hits him with a stick. The guard falls down but makes Violet fall over. Violet runs away and goes invisible, she goes into a small pond as the guard tries to shoot her.

"You can't hide from me"

The guard throws a bit of sand into the water. The sand trails in a certain shape.

"There you are" then Dash comes running.

Dash stops the guard from aiming at Violet.

"Hey!!!" Violet gets out.

"Don't! Touch! My! SISTERRRRR!!!!!"

The guard soon punches Dash and Dash flies back hitting a tree. The guard points a gun at Dash. The guard fires and Violet jumps between them creating a force-field that encases her and Dash.

"How are you doing that?!"

"I don't know!"

"Whatever you do, don't stop!" he runs, moving the force field.

Cutting to Elastigirl and Mr. Incredible, the bad guys stopped when they see the crimson paw.

"Diane?" Wolf says alerting the bad guys, they followed her.

While mr. Incredible and elasticgirl both soon get run over by Violet's force-field.

"Mom! Dad! Hey!" The force-field disappears.

"Kids! You're all right"

"Oh, you're all right!"

"We were so worried about you!"

"I thought I'd never see you again"

They all hug until they see more guards. They take down some of the guards surrounding them. Soon, Mr. Incredible throws a blade jets at another and causes a small explosion that falls to the ground.

" Aww, I love you"



The family encounters another group of guards. As they strike a fighting pose, they battle them.

When with Diane, she gets cornered but when the guards surrounded her.

They get knocked but shark as he bashed their heads together, piranha jumps on one of them back bad starts punching repeatedly.

A guard felt something crawling on his back, he looks to see webs, he runs around and when another guard tries to hit her off, she jumps form another guard to another, snake wrapped himself around a guard and starts punching the guard with us own fist.

Then wolf shows up, he helps Diane up then they both work together to punch some guards.

"What we're you thinking going on a secret mission"

"They gave us a offer we couldn't do"

"And what's worst is that you lied to princess about it"

"We didn't lie, we just didn't tell her the whole truth and we were doing this for her"

"So what happened" Diane asked.

"Thomas is behind this"

"Well that figures" she rolled her eyes annoyed.

"He's planning something big...and he's working with someone"

Suddenly they heard a gun cocking, "you got that right" they turned to see Thomas arriving with more guard then they can count, it was too much.

"Now hands up"

The bad guys glared as they surrendered in defeat.

Then syndrome comes in, "WHOA, WHOA, WHOA! HEY, TIME OUT!"

Until Syndrome arrives and freezes the entire family with both of his ZPE gloves.

"What have we here? Matching uniforms? Oh, no..... Elastigirl!?" He mockingly laughing, "You married Elastigirl? Whoa!!! Oh! And got BUSY!!! It's a whole family of supers! Looks like I've hit the jackpot! Oh-ho, this is just too good!"

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