Message from mirage

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A Woman was on the phone, "Request claim on claim numbers 158183...."

Bob presses his telephone message button


Mr. Huph's Secretary spoke over the intercom, "Mr. Huph would like to talk to you in his office"



He eventually gets up from his office and heads to Huph's Office. Mirage slowly walks and leaves something on his desktop.

At Huph's Office, he sharpens his Pencil and aligns it with other 3.

"Sit down, Bob"

He does, moving the 4th pencil. Huph re-aligns it and starts.

"I'm not happy, Bob. NOT, HAPPY" He gets up, "Ask me why"

"Okay. Why?"

"Why what? Be specific, Bob"

"Why are you unhappy?"

"Your customers make me unhappy"

"What, you've gotten complaints?"

" Complaints? I can handle. What I can't handle is your customers' inexplicable knowledge of lnsuricare's inner workings!! They're experts! EXPERTS, Bob! Exploiting every loophole, dodging every obstacle! They're PENETRATING the bureaucracy!"

"Did I do something illegal?"

Mr. Huph responded begrudgingly, "No........"

"Are you saying we shouldn't help our customers?"

"The law requires that I answer no"

"We're supposed to help people!"

"We're supposed to help OUR PEOPLE! Starting with our stockholders, Bob! Who's helping them out, HUH?!" He sighs and regains composure.

"You know, Bob...." He moves a letter that says: Memo: Policy Notification.

To: Employee
From: Gilbert Huph

Due to financial cut-backs, you will be expected to self-expense all office supplies, including but not limited to pencils, erasers, pens, paper, stationery, folders, staples, paper clips, brads, and photocopies. All parking will now be metered by the hour. Electricity consumption and all telephone charges will be deducted from your paycheck.

The Board of Directors at Insuricare wishes to thank you for your selfless sacrifice through this time of financial uncertainty. It is because of you, the employee, that Insuricare has recorded its highest profit in years. Remember, a successful company makes for successful employees. Every penny you save is another penny that goes in...the rest is covered by Huph's finger.

Salutations, Gilbert Huph.

"...a company..."

"Is like an enormous clock"

" like an enormous clo--- Yes, precisely! It only works...if all the little cogs...mesh together! Now, a clock needs to be clean, well-lubricated and wound tight. The best clocks have jewel movements, cogs that fit, that cooperate by design. I'm being metaphorical, Bob...You know what I mean by cooperative cogs? Bob? Bob."

Mr. Huph furiously grabs Bob by the chin and angrily pulls him toward him.


Outside Mr. Huph's office a man is being mugged.

"That man out there, he needs help!"

"Do NOT change the subject, Bob! We're discussing YOUR! ATTITUDE!"

"He is getting mugged!"

"Well, let's hope we don't cover him!"

Bob gets up out of his seat and heads for the door.

"I'll be right back"

And just when Bob puts his hand on the doorknob, Mr. Huph threatens him.

"Stop.....RIGHT NOW, OR YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!!" Bob stops; Mr. Huph grins evilly.

"Close the door" Bob reluctantly does.

"Get over here....... now"

Bob lets go of the door knob, now crushed out of shape, and walks over to Mr. Huph.

Bob watches the mugger getting away, "I'm not happy, Bob. Not happy"

"He got away..."

"Good thing, too. Heh! You were this close to losing your j-"

Bob angrily grabs Mr. Huph by the throat and somewhere webs was in her desk, she was working  on the computer when she answered the phone.

"Hello, this is lnsuricare how May I help you-AH" she jumped when she saw Mr humph gets
accidentally throws through 4 office walls, including hers.

She and along with Everyone stares at Bob in disbelief.

"Uh-oh..." webs and Bob said.

"Please report to operating room 722 immediately"

Rick Dicker comes out of the room where Gilbert Huph is hospitalized.

Bob and Rick conversate while heading to the elevator.

"How is he?"

"He'll live"

"I'm fired, aren't I?"

"Oh, you think?"

"What can I say, Rick?"

"Nothing you haven't said before"

"Someone was in trouble"

"Someone's always in trouble"

"I had to do something"

"Yeah. Every time you say those words, it means a month and a half of trouble for me, Bob" he reaches and presses the elevator button, "It means hundreds of thousands of taxpayer's dollars"

"I know"

"We gotta pay to keep the company quiet. We gotta pay damages, erase memories, relocate your family. Every time it gets harder. Money, money, money, money, money. W-we can't keep doing this, Bob" he enters the Elevator, "We appreciate what you did in the old days, but those days are over. From now on, you're on your own"

The door closes, but Rick stops it to say some more words:

"Ummmm.....Listen, Bob. Maybe I could relocate you. You know, for old times' sake"

"No. I can't do that to my family. Everyone just got settled. I'll make it work. Thanks"

Maybe I can help" they both turned to see wolf in a gray suit.

He walks up to them both, he tips his hat at rick.


"Mr. Wolf, Take care of yourself bob"

Then wolf and bob walked, "webs told me what happened"

"Wait? How did she know?"

"She's been working at lnsuricare's for two and a half years now, it's a boring job but it's a good pay"

Then webs appear on wolf's left shoulders, "I got to set a good example to princess"

Bob was in disbelief, "I can't believe this, I been working this job for a long time and I didn't recognize you, how is this possible"

"I told ya we were turning over a new leaf"

Bob looks down to see wolf had a badge and a gun, he was curious.

"So what is it that you do exactly"

"Oh, I'm a FBI agent, it's a very good pay and I can support princess, look Bob I know we never really liked each other but I want to help you, maybe one of the guys could help get you a new job, one that can help provide you and your family"

"I think I'll be fine, thanks mr. Wolf" bob walks home.

"Ok but if you change your mind you know where to find me"

Bob gets out of the car shuts the door, in one successful try. He turns to the driveway. The same child from before was watching him.

"Well, what are you waiting for?"

"I don't know...something amazing, I guess...."

Bob sighs, "Me too, kid"

Then somewhere in a FBI agency headquarters, wolf leaves his desk as he gets ready to head home, when mirage passes by in disguise.

She puts something inside his case, then he heads home.

Bob enters his old office. He pulls out his Insuricare Employee Manual, and rips it in half.

On the same time, wolf enters his own office, he puts his case up but when he opens it, he sees something strange.


Bob throws is manual in the trashcan, along with his paper work on his suitcase. While doing so, a strange package hits the can.


Wolf finds a package, at the same time, they both open the package, only to find a tablet.

They touches the screen, but something activated on it.

"Hold still"?" They both said.

The tablet emits a sound and a facial recognition scan.

"Match: Mr. Incredible"

"Match: agent Wolf AKA mr. Wolf"

Wolf throws his tablet while bob gets startled and throws the tablet on the floor. Unharmed, it scans the room for a few seconds.

"Room Is Secure. Commence Message"

"Hello, Mr. Incredible"

But both tables played different messages, mirage was dressed up as an federal agent.

"Hello mr wolf"


"Yes, we know who you are"

"You were once know as the bad guy"

"Rest assured, your secret is safe with us. My name is Mirage"

"I am a federal agent for the FBI, I know your recent history with the bad guys, you stopped a madman named Thomas and switch sides to raise a little orphan named princess, we seen what you and your friends have done"

"We have something in common. According to the government, neither of us exist. Please pay attention, as this message is classified and will not be repeated"

"You and your friends are exactly what we are looking for, but this message is for you and your friends and will not be repeated"

Mr. Incredible quickly gets to his pencil case and tries to get a pencil, one is not working and then one is working. He starts taking notes on Mirage's message.

While wolf steps out of his office, "GUYS! COEM QUICK YOU MIGHT WANNA SEE THIS" everyone gets inside his office and sees the message.

"I represent a top secret division of the government, designing and testing experimental technology, and we have need of your unique abilities"

"I represent w new department of the FBI far away, We are in need of your special skills"

"Something has happened at our testing facility. A highly experimental attack robot..."

" Honey!"

"Huh? What?"

"Dinner's ready!"


"...has escaped control. Although it is contained within an isolated area, it threatens to cause incalculable damage to itself and to our facilities, jeopardizing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of equipment in research. Because of its highly sensitive nature, this mission would have not existed"

"Is someone in there?"

"It's the TV, trying to watch"

"Well, stop trying! It's time for dinner!"


"If you accept and your friends agreed to accept, your payment will be triple your current annual salary. Call the number on the card. Voice-matching will be used to ensure security, and another thing mr. Wolf you and your friends are what we exactly need, this could help get your daughter in a better school"

"The supers aren't gone, Mr. Incredible. You're still here. You can still do great things"

"You five will not only be known as great people but you'll also be known as the greatest none super powered group"

"Or you can listen to police scanners"

"Your choice. You have 24 hours to respond. Think about it"

The tablet shuts off, wolf and his friends turned to each other, then they all nodded in agreement.

Bob figures out what Mirage said.....and he looks at his past, knowing that this one chance could bring his glory days back....he then looks at his old suit, with a smile, Beeping, as Mirage's phone number is printed.

"This Message Will Self-Destruct"


Offscreen, the tablet explodes. He stumbles out of the office in a cloud of smoke. The smoke rises and triggers the fire alarm and sprinkler system. Violet shouts off panel, while Dash expresses joy.


Wolf and snake look at the card, he was second guessing everything.

"Well this could be great, with a big pay just to shut down some robot, we could get princess a bodyguard, and we could get her in a private school" snake says.

"I don't know snake, I never heard about this new FBI department"

"Well things have been pretty slow recently" webs says.

Wolf turns to a picture of him and princess, "ok , but I'm only doing this for princess"

Scene 14- Bob Tells Helen About His "Conference"

Helen was ordering the dining table. She then walks to her husband and idles.

"You...are one distracted guy"

"Hmm? Am I? I don't mean to be"

"I know you miss being a hero, and your job is frustrating. And I just want you to know how much it means to me that you stay at it anyway"

"Honey? About the job?"


" Something's happened"


"The, uh..."


"The company is sending me to, uh, a conference"

"A conference?"

"Out of town. And I'm just gonna be gone for a few days"

"They've never sent you to a conference before.....This is good, isn't it?"


" You see? They're finally recognizing your talents, you're moving up!"


"Honey! Awww...This is wonderful!"

"Yes, it is"

Bob and wolf were both Phone calling. Mirage's number was shown: 866-787-7476.


"This is Mr. Incredible"

"This is mr. Wolf"

"I'm/we're in" they both said.

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