Stopping jack horner

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"You know, ahen you said death wear a her you
thought you were being melodramatic," Kitty said, They were still at the wishing star
Puss handed the map back to Kitty.

What he had come here for, he no longer needed. The battle with the wolf had proved that.

Then snake turns to wolf, "so death was following us huh?"

"It's a long story" wolf chuckles softly.

"Well I'm sure you have time when we get home"

"The wish is yours. You deserve someone you can trust," Puss told her, and he meant every word.

Kitty took the map, but she needed it now just as much as Puss did.

"I don't need it," she admitted. "I've got what I've wished for. There was no magic required....but I think we should give it to someone who really deserves it"

Kitty and puss turns to wolf as he puts princess down.

"Go on kid, it's yours, happy birthday" kitty hands the map to princess, she looks confused then wolf turns to puss they both smiled.

"A promise is a promise after all, I got you the map lobo"

Wolf takes the map and he bends down to princess as everyone gathers around her, with warm smiles.

"Well here we are princess, I finally got you the wishing Star like I promise, so go on make a wish, this is my birthday present for you"

Princess takes the map, looks up at wolf who was smiling then she sees everyone eager to see her make the wish but instead....she shook her head slowly.

"Oh Wolf I been trying to te you all day, I don't want the bloody wish"

The bad guys were shocked, including kitty and puss.

"You don't?"

"No! I Don't see a wish or a perfect present not when I have you guys to celebrate my birthday, I don't care what you give me for my birthday you guys are all the presents I ever need and that's more then enough for me, I don't need anything else, not even a blood Wish, no wish required" she smiled at him then he turns to Diane who makes a-I-told-you-so-smirk.

"But i think someone else deserves the wish" she turns to Goldielocks and she was surprised to see princess giving her the map.

"Here, I think this belongs to you"

Goldielocks was touched as she takes the map, it was the kindest thing princess ever done.

"Use it to wish for your family back"

Goldielocks wanted to make the wish but she looked back at her real family, seeing how they'll missed her made her rethink everything.

"You know what, I don't really need the wish, I don't to find my real family, not when they were with me all along, besides it wouldn't be fair it take a wish on a birthday now would it"

She picks the map back to princess, "go on birthday girl, make a wish"

She looks around to see everyone was now encouraging her.

"Go on princess

Princess looks around as she sees everyone gathering around, encouraging princess to make the wish.

"Go on darling, make a wish" mama bear says.

"Go princess" wolf says.

"You earn it baby" snake says.

However, speaking of magic ... from inside the magical bottomless bag, Jack's voice could be heard. "Oh, magic snacks!" he said and chewed as loud as only a deceitful piemaker could.

Next came a old burp right from it, and the bag spewed out a cookie wrapper that said, "Eat Me."

And before princess could even make the wish "Ahhh," Jack's voice boomed, satisfied.

His voice thundered from inside the bag, very deep and with reverb.

BAM! A giant-sized Jack Horner arose from the tiny bag, like a wicked genie arising from a magic lamp.

"Holy frijoles"

Princess whimpered as she drops the map, wolf grabs her.

"Haha! I was worried for a second that I'd come out naked, but my clothes grew, too. Cool!" Jack said.

Harnessing the power of the "make-him-big" cookie, Jack stretched out one massive hand, snatched up the map, and held it high.

Princess panicked and the bad guys ran with princess keeping her away from jack.

It was the size of a playing card in his hands. Puss and Kitty were still holding onto it, too, but Jack knocked Puss and Kitty away with ease.

They landed near the edge of the star where the bears were.

But papa bear grabs them to keep them from being sucked into the magic.


Puss kept his hold tight on Kitty, "keep princess back wolf"

Wolf nodded.

"The wish. It's mine!" Jack laughed as the incantation sparkled, and he began to recite it. "Star light star bright, first star I see tonight"


"I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish to_"

The wish was almost complete. But then there was a voice.

"Señor Horner!" the voice rung out.

It was the Dog!

"Please. don't make that wish,please" Dog said.
One of Dog's eyes started twitching. It was getting bigger--bigger ..

"What are you doing?" Jack shrieked.
Puss and Kitty shrugged at each other. Then Puss stole another look at Dog. He realized something. He figured out what Dog was doing!

"Seriously, are you having a hernia or something?"

"Pretty Pleeeee-cecease!"

Ta-da! Dog had mastered the feline super-cute-eyes!

His eyes were big, dewy, and totally adorable but it was nothing compared to princess.

Jack softened. He was no match for the power of Dog's eyes.

"They're such pools of vulnerability. It's so cute-" Jack trailed off. But then he was back.

"Did you think that would work on me! Don't you know I'm dead inside? By the way, your nose is bleeding"

"Oh, Just buying some time for Team Friendship," Dog said with a grin.

"Team what?"

But that moment of distraction was all the Three Bears Crime Family needed. They sprinted toward Jack, with Goldilocks riding Baby in the middle. VAM! Baby catapulted Goldilocks forward, launching her toward Jack.

The family had struck a deal with Puss and Kitty, who were perched on Goldilocks's staff!

They'd all come to together defeat the would-be tyrant from acquiring too much power.

Goldilocks launched Puss and Kitty into the air.

When they reached as high as they were going to go, the cats shared a knowing look.

It was now or never. Both cats landed sword-first into Jack's thumbs.

(Yeesh! It looked like it hurt as Goldilocks landed on Jack's shoulder.)

But for Puss and Kitty, it was all part of the plan.

"The Spanish Splinter!" Puss and Kitty called out at the same time, echoing Puss's fight with the mountain giant that ended his eighth (and penultimate) life.

As Jack yelled in pain, he loosened his grip on the map. Goldilocks dove from Jack's shoulder and caught it before landing safely on the ground with the two cats beside her.

Knowing they couldn't risk Jack wishing for unlimited supplies of magic, and with all their wishes fulfilled, Puss gave the wish to wolf.

"Quick lobo, the wish"

"Right!" He nodded, he gives the wish to princess.

"Quickly princess make the wish"

She was terrified as she began to recite it. "Star light star bright, first star I see tonight"

"Hey" jack reaches for her but.....

"I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight, I wish...wish....I wish" she closes her eyes and made the wish, the map turned into dust and went on the star.

With the wish made, the wishing star began to deteriorate. It bubbled and burst with volcanic stardust.

"What have you done?" Jack called out.

But it was too late. The wishing star began to implode!

Goldilocks and the bears raced up a splinter of the collapsing star and landed in a heap on the edge of the star's crater. Then Puss, Kitty, and Dog ran up another vertical splinter of the star, making one giant leap to the cliff.

The bad guys ran to another and covered princess.

All the outlaws had made it to safety-all except for Jack.

Still corrupt with his dreams of power, Jack started sinking into the hot star-lava below.

"The map, my wish" he yelled.

The last thing anyone saw-or heard_of Jack Horner was a purple thumb going from a thumbs up to a thumbs down and sinking below the surface to his final demise.

"What did I do to deserve this? I mean, what specifically...?"

Once it was clear they'd won, the group of seven breathed a sigh of relief.

The star continued imploding, shooting light and power into the skies as it made princess wish, everyone gathered around her.


As it did, the cosmos shone with silver light, creating millions of shooting stars scattered across the sky, like Puss's original fireworks over Del Mar, only much, much brighter.

No one may have used the wish, but they got what they wanted all the same. And that was what was most important.

"What did you wish for princess?" Wolf asked.

"Well, I just wish for the star to turn into something beautiful and I guess, this was it"

"Nice wish kiddo"

"I hate to say it, but should we make a wish?"

"Kitty, one life spent with you is all that I could wish for"

Goldilocks and the three bears stood and watched the night sky glisten like magnificent fireworks.

Baby Bear had tears in his eyes.

"You saved my life, sis. You was gonna make that wish, but you didn't, 'cause you wanted to save your family. And I-I was really scared.
And then..."

"Oh.Oh, now you've made me cry"

"Aw.Now, what say we all go home and hibernate?"

"Hey, Goldi, you are a chip off the old block, you are"

"Well, what can I say?"

"I won the orphan lottery"

"Oi, don't get so blubbery about it. Whose porridge would I eat otherwise?" chimed Goldilocks as she smiled.

"I'm sorry you didn't get your wish, Goldi-love," Mama Bear said. All she wanted was for her cubs to be happy.

"But I did, Mama. I did get my wish," said Goldilocks.

"Everything is just right."

And so it was. Goldilocks's path had been right from the start. What she wished for-a family- had been in front of her all along.

Meanwhile, with the bad guys, everyone watched the star.

"All in all this has been the best birthday ever"princess says.

"Of speaking of which" wolf looks down at his watch and it was midnight, "it's midnight princess and you know what that means"

She gasped in joy when she saw everyone gathering around and shark pulls out a Birthday cupcake.

"Happy birthday princess, I hope this is was all you wanted"

"It's perfect wolf but honest, you're all the gift I need"

"Well go on princess, make a wish" snake says.

As they light up the candle, she closes her eyes and blows out the candle.

"What did you wish for again princess" snake asked.

"For this night to never end"

but then something came out of the shooting star, they were all surprised and see coming out was a piece of the star on a necklace.

"What's that?" Snake asked.

"Well...i did wish for the star to turn into something beautiful and I guess it turned into the necklace"

"Go on princess, take it" wolf motions her, princess nervously takes the necklace but was amazed for for beautifully it shined.

She puts it on then everyone gathered, "well yup finally did it wolf, you got us to see the star"

"Just like i promise"

"It's more then enough for me"

Puss and Kitty stared up at the most romantic night sky in history as thousands of falling stars struck across their view.

The cats smiled at each other. They didn't need a fancy event in Santa Coloma. They had each other--that's all that mattered.

Dog looked up at Puss and Kitty and basked in the happiness, too. But that reminded Puss ...

"Hey, Perrito, about that name. Let's pick one out for you," Puss said. After all their adventures, it was high time that Dog got some dignity!

"Yeah ah, What about Chiquito?" Kitty suggested. It certainly suited Dog well!

"Ah! Chomper! What do you think, perrito?"

"I got it, I got it.How about "Jeff"?"

"Jeff?" Puss and Diane says.


"He doesn't have a Jeff's face"

But Dog wasn't into either of those names. He had an idea all his own.

"You know, if it's the same to you, I think I'll just stick with "Perrito. I kind of like it, since that's what my friends call me." For once, Puss didn't bristle at the word "friends."

"Then Perrito it shall be," Kitty said as she smiled at him.

"You know, to be honest, Chomper is pretty good," said Puss.

"Puppy works too"

"Yeah, but no," replied Dog.

"It's okay, we'll keep workshopping it."

Then it became time for everyone to leave.

"Softpaws, Boots, bad guys"


"Hey, Baby, you got any ideas for our next job?"

"Oh! Remember that pie factory?"

"I suspect that they might be experiencing a leadership vacuum"

"Oh, family business"

"Oh, how exciting"

"Now's a good time to talk about ethical business practices"

"Ah, There's a talking cockroach on my nose!
Get it off! Get off!"

"Hold still"

"Oh, no, no, wait just a second"

"Ow! Hey! Hang on!"

Then wolf and the rest get up, "well thanks for everything puss, but I think its time for us to go home now, you take care ok"

"Adios lobo, you too princess, you guys take care of princess now you hear"

"Oh we will, you be careful with your last wish, come on princess say good bye"

Princess hugs perrito then puss and kitty, "bye puppy, bye"

"So long kiddo"

"Bye princess"

She walks up to puss and takes his hand but as they walk kitty looks up at diane, she knows that Diane would never talk to her again but this was her only chance to make things right with her.

"Diane wait?" She turns to see kitty rushing to her so she bends down.

"Look I know you won't forgive me after what happened but for my wish: if I could and if I can, I wanted to make things right with us, so here"

Diane was surprised to see kitty giving her a green diamond, like the one from the old heist.


"It's the diamond i stole, I know you won't forgive me but....I'm sorry about everything Diane, I really am"

But seeing how kitty was full of so much regret, she smiled and drops the diamond.

"Oh It's ok kitty i could never stay that mad at you, you are my sister after all" then the two hugged and it shocked everyone.


"Yeah, we're adopted sisters, form you see the family resemblance" kitty says, then she faces back to Diane.

"A wish person once told me, it's better to forgive then hold a grudge" she turns to princess who was being carried by wolf and she smiles.

"So long kitty" Diane walks back to them.

"So long Diane"

And after that, they were left alone with the shooting star's light.

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