Defeating the meg

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"I prefer you alive."

"She's not breathing."

Diane wake up later confused and disoriented. She open your eyes to find wolf  already on her.

"Thank god, you're okay." Jonas says.

She is trying to sit up, ignoring wolf try to stop her.

"Take it easy. You were dead a minute ago." Wolf tells her, she look at him with wide eyes. Mac is standing in the doorway. look back at wolf beside her.

"You got us out." She state to Jonas.

"It was closer than I would've liked." Jonas tells her, bothered by the close call.

"Let's give them a moment." Mac tells Heller, who nods in return and goes to leave with Mac and Jonas.

"There's something you might want to see." Wolf tells her unenthusiastically.

"Wow." Diane whisper she you see the shark hanging off the crane.

"Hey!" The wall notices them coming toward the shark.

"Look who's up" shark says.

"Hey." Diane say.

"How are ya?" Snake asks.

"I'm better. Thanks." She tell him as Jonas helps get her jacket on.

"Jonas, get a picture of me with this big smelly beast." The wall tells him, throwing his phone to him.

Jonas laughs, catching the phone.

"Okay. Wait. Here." The Wall gets close to its mouth.

"Hey, you want to get a proper picture, get your head inside." Jonas tells him. He gets a little closer to the mouth.

"Closer." Jonas whisper.

"Closer?" He asks laughing.

"Come on. Get in." Jonas encourage him.

"Okay." The wall takes his head into its mouth, gagging at the smell before pretending to kiss the shark for the camera.

As he does so the crane loosens the line a bit and the dead shark moves. The Wall screams and falls into the water.

"Nice one." Jonas say, laughing at DJs prank.

"Yo, Jonas, please tell me you got that." DJ exclaims laughing.

"I got that, DJ." He shouts to him. They others laugh and clap.

"That's not funny, man." The Wall shouts from the water.

"No. Like seriously, it's funny. Look, watch this." And DJ lets out a laugh throwing his head back. Which earns a little laugh from The Wall too. DJ starts singing about him and dancing.

"Hey, suyin." Jonas takes her attention away from the others.


"Look at him next to the Meg." He shows her the picture.

"Look, remember the bite marks on the O-level?" He asks and she look at him and back to the picture trying to remember.

"Well, how do you like that?" Morris asks Dr. Zhang.

"That was a serious man vs nature moment. I'm just glad things went our way." The older man looks at him.

"It didn't go our way." He tells him.

"Not for Toshi. And not for science. We did what people always do. Discover and then destroy." Morris just rolls his eyes and goes away with an Ugh.

"Hey, i will end you." The Wall threatens DJ.

"At least you can use this as your dating app pic." DJ says.

"Give you a little leg, you know." The Wall jokes propping his leg up over the surface.

"Oh, yeah!" DJ cheers. "Jellyfish."

"Whoo-hoo!" They shout and laugh.

Then out of nowhere another meg swallows The Wall as it gapes to bite the shark hanging on the boat. It bites down on it and the boat overturns from its weight.


Jonas has instinctively taken a hold on suyin, wolf to Diane and shark with princess and jumped away from the shark. Diane and webs are thrown over board at one side, DJ grabs the crane, but falls off. The others are trying to grab onto anything. Jonas wolf shark snake piranha grab the railing with him.

But as the boat tips they all have to let go, to not get sucked under with the boat.

As they reach th surface they hear DJ exclamation.

"Two! There's two!?" He yells. "Nobody said there were two! How are there two?"

"Oh, come on" webs whines.

"You got yo head kidding me" piranha panicked.

"That's impossible" shark gasped.

Wolf look around for Jonas, but can't find him right away.

"Jonas!" He shout desperately.

"I'm here." He says coming swimming to him from behind. Then they swims toward an unconscious body floating a few feet away from them.

"Help me! Get me out of this water! Help. Somebody help, please." DJ exclaims. Frantically splashing around in the water. Piranha looks at him after he gets himself up on the boat.

"What's wrong with you?" He asks him.

"I can't swim." DJ tells him.

"No! Get outta here! Really?" Shark asks confused.

"Don't pull that racist stuff on me." DJ says as he tries to swim toward him.

"Come on, man. Give me a break." Morris says as he pulls Dj up on the boat.

"You work, literally, on the middle of the ocean."

"This wasn't part of the job description. None of this was part of the job description!" DJ yells at him.

"They left that part out!"

"Well what did you expect" shark asked.

They get on the boat yourself, suyin helps snake up before she stand to look around.

"Ba? Ba!" She shout for Dr. Zhang. They instantly look toward where Jonas was swimming and see he has reached the body.

"It's time to get some real help." Morris states.

"Yeah. Go get some help." Dj says.

"Mac! Give me a hand." Jonas shouts for him as he gets closer.

When they see the body Jonas is dragging with him.
Suyin let out a little gasp. When she sees her father unconscious she gasps.

"Ba!" Mac helps him get Dr. Zhang up on the boat and i look around for the rest.

"Hey, I need you to find my location." They hear morris on the phone.

"Track my sat phone. There's a second shark. Yes, two. How the hell should i know? Just hurry up and get us some help."

They hear Zhang speaking and suyin let out a sigh in relief.

"Thank you, Jonas. Thank you." He says.

"Bring whatever you got!" Morris yells into the phone.

"Just relax. Relax." Jonas tells him.

"It's not good. He need a hospital fast." He then tells Suyin. She nods and focuses on her father.

Jonas looks up to her. She's still frantically trying to locate the others in the debris.

"Where's Heller?" He asks her.

"I... i don't know..."

"I can't see them... Jax, Heller...webs...
Wall.." she whisper the last name in realisation as they been looking around for him too.

"Hey. Hey!" Jonas comes up to suyin, he grabs her upper arms making her look at him. As he's about to say something they hear shouting.

"Jax!" They see Heller Diane and webs in the distance waving toward another figure a few meters away. She doesn't hear the rest because they're to far away.

"Jax, are you okay?" He asks her.

"Yeah! Kind of." She answers then they hear a sound and th meet is surfacing the see the fin turning toward them.

"Webs. We can do this." Diane tries to reassure her.

"Swim gently back to the boat. Nice and easy."

"We're not gonna make it." Webs says.

"Webs. You're gonna be okay." Wolf tells the girl.

"You're a good person, webs"

"Wait, what?" She asks confused before he starts splashing like crazy around with his arms and shouts.

"Hey!" He yells, trying to get the megs attention away from webs and Diane.

"No!" Webs yells.

"Heller, no! What are you doing?" Jonas yell from the boat.

"Hey! Come on!" Heller gets the sharks attention.

Suddenly he's grabbed and dragged under.

"Heller!" Jax screams and webs cover her mouth with her hands turning to suyin who is hiding her face in Jonas chest.

Morris and Jonas helps jax Diane and webs up the boat as they sit down beside suyin and Dr. Zhang. Jax starts crying.

"It's okay, Jax. You're gonna be okay." Jonas tells her.

"What was that? What the hell was that?" DJ asks

"What was the meg dummy" shark says.

"I know that" shouts DJ

"Okay, come on, DJ" Morris tries to calm him down.

"No! No!" He yells. "This is why don't leave the station, okay? That's why you don't do that! And you went down there and you pissed it off, now it's gonna come back and kill every one of us!" He explodes his frustration out. "Now, what are we supposed to do? I shouldn't even be out here in the first place.
Swimming in this ocean. That one ate th other one. Is another one going to eat this one? Man, it's..." He takes a breath. "It just killed Heller. It killed The Wall. It killed Toshi. It almost killed suyin and webs. These are my friends, man."

"Okay, can i just point out that this thing is sinking?"  Snake asked,

Jonas and wolf looks down to notice there are significantly less room on the boat than earlier.

"What are we gonna do now?" Wolf asks.

"Where's Mac?" Jonas asks and he turn his eyes away from his feet to look around confused and worried, then wolf notice him swimming toward a lifeboat.

Mac tries and it starts, he gives a thumbs up and Morris cheers as some let out a long sigh in relief.

driving toward Mana One, sitting in the boat with suyin and her father with Jonas driving.

"What happened to you hair?" DJ asks Jax in the other boat.

"What happened to you hair?" She backfires gesturing to his bald head.

"Guys!" Morris shouts, loud enough for to get their attention as well.

"Ten miles, its still with us." Jonas states.

"That thing is the devil." DJ says.

"You got us?" Morris ask into his phone. "The ocean.
The middle of th freaking ocean!"

"Do you think it'd slow down the shark if we threw him over?" Piranha asks annoyed with him. DJ shark and webs laughs.

"You gotta work on yourself." DJ tells her, chuckling.

"Okay. Good news, guys. It's payback time." Morris tells them. Helicopters fly toward and then past them.

"He seriously think that a rifle is gonna hurt that thing?" Webs ask in disbelief, looking at the scene.

"He got it off our back atleast." Jonas says. He gives Morris a thumbs up, when he's standing in the boat cheering toward them.

Suyin webs and her father starts having a conversation they don't understand. Suyin look at Jonas sadly, hearing Dr. Zhang's weak voice. He shakes his head slowly to webs. And her head falls. When they hear suyin start crying Jonas let her have a few minutes with her father and the bad guys do the same with webs, before Jonas touch suyin shoulder and turn her around so you can give her a hug.

She cries in his arms the rest of the way. When they reach Mana One, webs has pulled herself together for princess. She takes off her jacket and covers her father with it.

"Wolf!" Princess comes running toward us and wolf jumps out the boat to stop her before she gets too close to ses dr zhang.

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