The mask behind the black claw

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Outside it was snake and wolf, they take the elevator to the top.

"Ok first things first snake we find Luciano Rossi and warn him about the assassin, we keep an eye out till the black claw shows" wolf explains

"Unless he attacks first"

"Precisely the point snake"

But when they reach to the top, they see two guards on the ground unconscious, this has them worried.

"Oh no" wolf muttered.

They ran down the hallway, wolf bashed the door open with his arm and they were in a shock.

They find bodies of unconscious guards on the floor, piled on each other while groaning.

Then wolf gets a bad feeling, "oh no no no no no" he ran inside looking around.

Snake goes to the bedroom and his face drops in horror.

"Uh wolf you might wanna see this" snake says.

Wolf runs to the bedroom and he sees the windows over, looking out he gasped when he sees Luciano Rossi hanging by a rope, his chest was stabbed and his neck cut, his clothes were red form the blood and his eyes were left open.

It was a gruesome scene, it almost made wolf vomit, but he covered his mouth and he and snake drag the body back in.

"Oh you got to be kidding me" snake groans.

"Just great, the black claw beat is to him" wolf says, "what do we do know, we got no leads and this black claw always knows when to strike"

"We don't even know who's next" snake added.

Then wolf starts to think and he pulls out his phone to call webs.

"Webs, there has been another killing, Luciano Rossi he's been cut and stabbed and we found him hanging, how fast can you guys get here"

A few minutes later, police and paramedics arrived at the scene.

They rolled the deceased of Luciano Rossi on a stretcher to the morgue, police tape the crime scene when the chief arrived.

"Please tell me you got anything because I got a much of reporters out there asking questions about a dead mafia boss" she asked wolf.

"Nothing yet but we do know one things clear they're all connected"

"So basically we're at a dead end" she says.

"Yeah pretty sure"

"Hang on wolf it's not over yet" webs interrupted.

"What's up webs?" He asked.

"I hacked into his phone and computer, apparently before Luciano Rossi died he was on the phone with Isaiah Bianchi"

"Do you know what the conversation about?" The chief asked.

"Well judging by the computer Luciano was supposed to finish up some paperwork which he did before he was gutted" she check his computer.

"What was the paperwork for?" The chief asked.

"Don't know but I see an email from Isaiah Bianchi that he sent, if Luciano finish the paperwork Isaiah would get him a ride out of Los Angeles, huh black claw has struck the fear of the criminal underworld"

"What?" Snake asked.

"Luciano was in a hurry to get out of the city, he was willing to do whatever it takes, so looks like only Isaiah knows what the paperwork is about"

"Do you have any idea where he is" wolf asked.

"Well according to his databases he usually has lunch at a cafe with Marco De Luca, maybe we can schedule a meeting with him tomorrow"

Wolf hooded as he thought of a plan, "what time can you schedule a meeting with him" he asked.

"Let's see, does 2 o clock sound good" she asked.

"That's great, me and snake will meet him tomorrow"

"I'll have all my men secure the area" Misty says.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The next day, at a little cafe, police were guarding the place.

Wolf and snake approached the building when inside Isaiah Bianchi a Hispanic mafia boss in an emerald suit was eating.

Wolf nods to snake, then they sit with Isaiah Bianchi but outside someone was watching them.

"Isaiah Bianchi" wolf says his name.

"Well if it ain't the ex big bad wolf" Isaiah taunts them with a laugh, "he's life been treating you since you retired"

"Enough with the pleasantries Isaiah, we need to talk"

"If it's about the bank robbery you have no proof" he eats a cocktail.

"No no, it's about your friend Luciano Rossi, he was found dead last night gutted in his room" wolf explained.

This news had Isaiah looking up in worry, "dead? No that's impossible I talked to him last night"

"Yeah we hacked into his phone, what was the paperwork you had him do" wolf asked.

"Like I'm gonna tell you" Isaiah crossed his arms.

Then snake gets in his face, "listen here you old cougar, if you don't tell us what we need to know, I'll be only a matter of time till you're next"

Isaiah sighs, alright the paperwork was to help release an inmate from prison"

"What's the inmates name?" Wolf asked.

Isaiah looks around to make sure no one was looking then he whispered.

"His name is-"

But suddenly there was a gunshot, everyone duck covering their ears.

"What was that?" Snake asked when the chief rushed in.

But then they looked at Isaiah who looked paled, then passed out dead o hai plane, he was shot in the back.


Everyone panicked, police gathered around when up above a building across from the cafe was the assassin.

Wolf looked around then he sees the assassin running away.

"It's the assassin" he pointed.

"Where?" The chief looks around.

"Over there" he points, wasting no time wolf ran after the assassin.

He chased her through the streets, the black claw shoves people out of the way along with wolf, then he sees her getting on the train.

"Stop right there" he shouted.

But the train took off, he chased the train to the next stop and once he runs inside.

He nearly runs into princess, she was surprised by him.

"Oh, wolf, hello"

"Princess" he grabs her shoulders and he looks around for the black claw..

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"Yeah, listen you didn't happen to see anyone else get on the train did ya?"

"No, but there was this strange person who left his things behind and jumped out the window"

"What?" He finds a duffle bag and inside was the assassin's clothes and gun that killed Isaiah.

He grunts frustrated, "dang it" then snake calls him.

"Hey buddy did you get him"

"Afraid not he got away but he left his things behind, have the chief send out an amber alert for around the train stations, oh and bring the car around to the second train station I have princess with me and I want her to get home safely"

"Will do see ya"

He hangs up and he grabs princess shoulders, "come on princess let's go home"

Wolf lols back, glaring at the window, this was far from over.

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