crime wave in LA/ city hall meeting

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(A request from: coollion2873 )

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Simon Barsinister,
the wickedest man in the world. He was evil and crazy.
Simon and his wacky henchman, Cad, schemed to rule
the universe. But each time they were foiled by me,
the greatest superhero who ever lived...Underdog!"

♪ When criminals
in this world appear ♪

♪ And break the laws
that they should fear ♪

♪ And frighten all
who see or hear ♪

♪ The cry goes up both
far and near for Underdog ♪

♪ Underdog ♪

♪ Speed of lightning
Roar of thunder ♪

♪ Fighting all
who rob or plunder ♪

♪ Underdog ♪

♪ Underdog ♪

♪ There's no need
to fear ♪

♪ Underdog ♪

"But little did I know my word was about to get awhile lot bigger"

Then in the city hall the mayor and governor Diane were discussing the crime rates.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I come to you this evening
to discuss the growing problem of crime in our city.
Here in front of me" Diane says.

"are files of unsolved cases"

"But we're getting ahead of ourselves. That's me in the uniform. I was raised since I was just a little puppy to fight crime" underdog was just a police dog.

"Never had a family or a place to call home. I was raised with one purpose and one purpose only: to help people, to keep them safe. Nothing was going to stand in my way"

Then underdog started to smell something in one of the boxes.

"Easy, boy"

"However, to the families involved..." it grabs Diane's attention.

"You got something, boy?"

"What was that?"

"Alpha Dog has got a lock on the stage. I think it's the boxes"

"The criminals should not be allowed to keep their own freedom"

"What about the bad guys?"

"The bad guys have changed their ways for the better,  but since the bad guys went good there has been a new mob boss in our beloved city and that someone is responsible for it, a wolf gangster named riff raff " but she was interrupted when she and the mayor had to evacuate.

"Clear the building!"

"Oh dear"

"We need SWAT here, now! Please hurry, your honor"

"Everybody out!"

"Blue team, go, go! Move!"

The swat team arrived as they checked the crate for a bomb.

"No radiation. No metal. Tweezers, and we'll lift.
Easy. Right down the side. Yeah. Slow. And slide"

"I bet you didn't know a beagle's sense of smell
is 55 times stronger than a human's"

But instead was just ham...

"Well, mine's not"

"It's a gift from the American Pork Association.

Everyone including the dogs laughed at him, "I want a full debrief, now"

"Nice work, rookie. You found an exploding ham Quiet, I smell a bomb. You! You should just turn in your tags"

Underdog leaves outside, "All right, I'll be honest with you. I wasn't exactly the best dog on the force. In fact, I was probably the worst. The ham was just the latest of my mistakes. Like the time I chewed that extension cord and it was still plugged in. Or when I met that cute poodle and it turned out to be a guy. It's hard to feel destined for greatness when you keep messing up.
But, destiny's a funny thing. It'll creep up on you
when you least expect it"

But as he walks down the streets he gets grabbed by cad.

"Gotcha. Last one for tonight"

He gets locked up in what appears to be a pound with other dogs.

"Excuse me. Uh, there's been a big mistake. I'm not a stray. I shouldn't be in the pound"

"This ain't no pound, son. This place makes the pound
look like the dog park. By day it's OK, but at night, once everyone's left, that's when the freaky stuff happens"

"What kind of "freaky stuff"? What did they do to your hair"

"What's wrong with my hair?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all"

"You were saying about the "freaky stuff"

"All I'm saying is when the guy in the white lab coat pulls out the giant needle, run!"

Then he sees a 10 year old girl chained up to talking to some dogs.

"Who's that? Hey kid?" He calls her.

"Huh?" She turns her attention to him and crawls over.

"What's your name?"

"Princess, princess chesterfield"

"What are you doing in here"

"I don't know, I was on my way home from school when this big blond man grabbed me and chained me up like a animal

"Do you know his name?"

"I think it was cad I don't really know but I think my family is worried sick"

"Don't worry kid I'll get you out of here"

Then somewhere in chesterfield industrial, "Hey"

"Welcome to the graveyard"

"Yeah, nice and quiet, just like I like it"

"Uh, sir, excuse me. We're not open right now"

Simon Barsinister the most deadliest and mad scientist who's been released from prison makes an entrance.

"There's no access to the labs"

"Oh, really? I'm sorry."

"That's all right. Don't worry about it"

"Oh, wait. What's this? What does this say?"

"Uh... "All Access. Sorry"

"It's OK. You all make mistakes. But I forgive you.
Because that's the kind of person I am... humble.
A humble genius"

"It's OK" says cad, "Let him in"

"Please. Again, I'm sorry, Dr. Barsinister. I'm terribly sorry"

"It's OK"

"How were you to know that I am the most important scientist this company has?"

"You couldn't have"

"Who's the new hire?"

"Him? He, uh, used to be a cop. I was thinking that maybe we should take it easy on the after-hours stuff.
You know? Clandestine"

"A three-syllable word? I'm impressed"

"I bought a, uh......thesaurus"

"Good for you" a familiar sound was heard.

Princess gasped when she sees Thomas, in a lab coat mixing some chemicals.

"Father?" She whispered and hides.

"But even if he is an ex-cop, we don't have time
to skulk about. Look" Dr Barsinister hands him the newspaper.

"Police Dog Training."

"It won't be long till they figure what we are up to and I'll be dam if I get sent to jail again" Thomas slams the beaker in frustration.

"Ease yourself Thomas everything is under control" dr Barsinister tries to calm him.

"It's a great idea. Why didn't you think of that?"

"Because training is a fool's process. I've met with the mayor and I told him how we could take this city to new heights through genetic manipulation. With Thomas degree in biology genetics, chemical engineering"

"I study in the arts of mutation theory I had experimented on my own flesh and blood till those those those muppets the bad guys ruined everything by framing me and taking my daughter away oh I swear they are gonna pay" Thomas mixes two chemicals together.

"Yeah? What did he say?"

"The fool actually laughed at me and so did the governor Diane foxington"

"Oh don't get me started with her, it's because of her I was framed for a crime I didn't commit and then there's marmalade if he haven't convinced those has been criminals to give up everything for princess I wouldn't have lost everything so glad you too over Dr"

"That happened to me once. I had my pants on inside out. Nobody told me for the entire day"

"Stop talking now"

"Oh, right I'll be the silent partner"

"Just because you're the only one here, Cad, does not make us partners"

"Wow. A real-life mad scientist"

"Yeah, and he ain't even mad yet"

"Do you know that man?" He asked princess.

"Yes he was my father or do he was till he lost everything when he was arrested for trying to kill me"


"Look car kidnapped me ordered by father, my father is a madman and I should know he's been taunting me and my family for years"

"All right. Bring me the new dog" says Dr Barsinister

"And bring me princess"

"Your lucky day" cad grabs underdog then he turns to princess.

She panicked and struggles when he grabs her, she kicks and swings.

"And now, the most important DNA. Dr if you will" Thomas says as he hands him human DNA.

Pribcess whimpers and panicked, "Oh. Don't worry, little girl It will only hurt... a lot"

"OK, let's do it, partner"

"Just hold her still" Thomas says.

Cad holds princess while Simon holds her hands down Thomas brings the needle when underdog bites Thomas leg.

"AH! Why you little!" Thomas kicks the dog off swinging him on the board.

"THOMAS NO!" Dr Barsinister warns him.

Then princess scratches car, "AH!" He lets go of princess.

"Hey, Doc! Get him!"

"Get in the game, Doc. He's right there"

Barsinister and cad try to grab underdog while Thomas prevents princess from leaving.

"No, no! No, no!"

Then underdog knocks down a shelf of serums onto him and princess.

"My research!" Barsinister cried.

"NO! You stupid dog what have you done, GET HIM!" Thomas growls.

"The serum"

"He's going for the door!"

Thomas tries to shut the door when princess follows underdog and they both end up break through the strong metal and glass.

"Run, boy. Run, run!" The other dogs encourage him.

"Bring me a chew toy from the outside. And maybe some hair gel!"

"It works" Barsinister gasped.

"Of course it does I told you I'm a genius, I have a degree in: Chemistry Biology Mathematics Physics
Biochemistry Environmental science Statistics
Ecology Physical science Psychology Electrical engineering Microbiology Engineering Biological Sciences and Environmental engineer" Thomas went on.

A fire started and some debris fell on Dr Barsinister and Thomas tries to help him.

"Doc!" Cad shouts.

"Don't just stand there give me a hand you idiot" Thomas yells.

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