Sweet polly

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The next morning, the bad guys were in a rush wolf write a letter sending it to the school.

Princess wakes up feeling drowsy and dizzy when wolf passes by.

"Hey sweetheart listen I'm gonna sent a note to your school, after last night I think it's best if stay home"

"Ok wolf" princess grandfather goes back to sleep.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm just feeling a bit ill that's all"

"Hmm" he touches her forehead.

"Maybe I should stay home" wolf says.

"It's ok wolf, I'm fine, I don't want you to miss a lot of work not when you have a ton of unsolved cases to solve, besides I have shoeshine here with me"

She pats the dog who was sleeping on her bed beside her.

"Well alright, just stay in bed ok, you take good care of her shoeshine ok" wolf rubs his head.

"See ya princess"


After they left, princess gets up after recovering, when shoeshine wakes up.

"Ahhh. Food. Yep. Definitely smell food"

"Hmm" princess heads to the fridge but as she opens it, but in doing so, princess accidenly breaks off the fridge door.

"Ah, oh, what?" She was terrified as she drops it, confused she heads upstairs to the bathroom while shoeshine heads to the kitchen at the same time.

"It's not dog food, but it's about to be" he crushes a can of chilli with his mouth and it splattered everywhere on the picture frame of princess and the bad guys.

"Oh, no. They're going to blame this on me. Oh, well, bon apptit" he starts licking the chilli.

"Aha. h*m* postalis, the Great North American
Mailman. Natural enemy of the dog" then the mailman shows up.

"Look, the Ungers got a new cat. Come on. Come on, come on. Come on. Is that the best you got? You want a piece of this here?" The mailman taunts shoeshine.

"Whoa" then he barked so loud it shattered the window.

"That's right. Run, mail-slinger, run. And never
come back here again Great. Two for one" then he finds a tennis ball.

"Hey. Is that a tennis ball? This day just
gets better and better" he finds it underneath the couch but flips it over.

"Whoa! That couch tried to kill me. There is something
mighty peculiar going on here"

Princess checks herself in the restroom to see what was going on with her when she heard a loud sound coming from downstairs.

"Huh? What did you do?" She was horrified, "wolf is going to kill you. And then me. Oh! I really hope
this is chili"

"Give me a break. It was an accident"

"An accident, how are we gonna explain to them that this is an accident and they know I wouldn't do anything like this"

"Whoa, whoa... Wait a minute. You can understand me?"

"Uh yeah, it's this gift I have, I can talk to animals, ok I think we need to stop and take a walk"

"Well If we're going for a walk, you may want to get
a poop bag"


"I'm just saying I have that special feeling"

but they put that aside as they take a walk in the park to ask more questions.

"Maybe you're the problem. A strange kid who can
suddenly talk to dogs"

"Animals, All right. How did you learn
to speak English?"

"How should I know?"

"Well Can you speak other languages?"

"A little retriever. Some shih tzu. My Chihuahua is
a little rusty, though"

"I mean other human languages"

"So English isn't enough for you?"

"Excuse me Mrs chesterfield"

they run into ace tv reportor sweet polly purebred who is a rival to tiffiny fluffet.

(♪ Styx: Lady)

♪ Lady ♪

♪ When you're with me
I'm smiling ♪

♪ Give me all your love ♪

Shoeshine gawked at her with loving eyes, "who is that?"

"Who? Her, that's polly purebred a ace reporter, but she and Tiffany fluffit aren't exactly on very good terms"

"You don't say"

"Polly's trying to get more scoops then her but Tiffany always manages to beat her every time"

"OK, here we go. Uh, hello. I'm Shoeshine-"

"Oh, well, hello. I'm Polly. I've never seen you.
Are you new to this park?

"Oh, yeah, I just, uh, relocated. You smell wonderful.
Like a half-eaten pig's ear"

"Oh dear"

"Excuse me. "Pig's ear"?"

"Is that what passes for a pick-up line?"

"No, no. I, uh...anyway I wanted to talk to you princess
asks last nights events, it must've been very traumatic for you"

"Not really"

"Not really we are talking about your own family your biological father who kidnapped you and tried to experimented on you"

"Well I wouldn't say that if it were for this dog who rescued me but he Dr BarSinister and cad are working together experimenting on other kidnapped animals with odd chemicals and get this he is going against the mayor"

she gets exicted as she writes everything down, "this might be the scoop i been looking for, this will get me a spot on the air and finally outshined that  perky pampered little miss perfection Tiffany fluffit, bah, thanks princess but my work calls me"

"So, uh, will I see you again?" Shoeshine asked.

"Look, you're a cute beagle and all, but I want a little pizzazz in a relationship. A guy who can sweep me
off my feet, you know? Let me know if you know anything else princess" Polly gives her card.

"Hmm...But we can be friends, OK See you later"

"Yeah. See you later "Friends"? "Friends"? I don't want to be friends. I'm looking to settle down, to find Mrs. Right. She could be Polly Shoeshine. Or is it Polly Shine? Or is it..."

"Now it wasn't that bad, she did say you were cute now I think we should try to check out our powers"

"Our powers?" He asked as princess throws a frisbee.

"Hey, Frisbee!" she leaves as princess and shoeshine test their other powers

"What was that? It's my instincts. I just can't help myself"

"Hmm, let me see something" she ran sonic fast and came back to him.

"Whoa kid What a rush. Wait you mean to tell me that you-"

"Got powered too yes"

"Huh I guess I didn't protect you on time"

"Think of it as this way I gained some strange new powers, the downside I don't know how I'm gonna explain this to my family"

"You're family is kinda different"

"They're my adopted family, OK. What else do you do?"

She hands him a stick, "go dig now"

"Hey, I think I struck oil" he digs deeper.

"Alright Shoeshine, get out of there. Come on. I hope no one saw that"

"What else do could we do? How's your smelling?"

"My schnoz ain't too good. Got me fired from my last job"

"I'm sure you tried your best Come on, just try it"

"Smelling makes me nervous, and I...Ah... ah... ah-choo!" His powerful sneeze blows him into some bushes.

"Glad I didn't try to hold that one in. I would have blown my brains out of my ears"

"Bless you"

after a while their ultra sonic hearing and seeing soon finds polly getting mugged and two thieves stealing her purse.

"Help! Let me go. It's Polly She's with two other guys.
They're stealing her purse. This way"

"Hey! Wait. Should we disguise ourselves so no one will notice, we could get in trouble for this, UGH, bloody hell" she ran after him.

"Oh dear, I never could run like this before and it feels great"

They ran though the streets, "This is incredible.
I've never run this fast before"

"I know right, It feels like my feet aren't even touching the ground..."

"It's because you're flying"

"Yeow! So are you" the two of them started flying.

"Whoo! I can fly?"

"Show some look out"

"Hey! Whoa! Look out! Whoo! This is way better
than sticking your head out of a moving car. Whoo hoo! Oh, no! I'm blind. I can't see. Oh, no. I don't want to see. Sorry. Excuse me. Pardon me. Excuse me. Out of the way. I'm good. I'm good. Whoo! Spicy mustard.
Ow! Where are the brakes on this thing?"

not knowing they are flying after doding opsticals they make it to her location princess beats up the thieves as showshine saves her purse they leave in a hurry to not get noticed by other people.

"I got a camera"

"Hurry up"

"Whoo! Whoa! Ahhh! Hello? 911?"

"Uh-huh. Someone just swooped in and saved you?
You think you could describe him?"

"Yes. He was white. he's a Caucasian? Actually, I think he was brown. He was light brown with white spots on his belly, paws, and tail. He had black whiskers,
brown eyes and a wet nose. Like this? And there was this girl with her I didn't see her because she was a white blurr"

later that night they are under the bed thinking about what happend this morning.

"Shoeshine? Shoeshine. Shoeshine, you here?"

"Sorry, princess I didn't mean to break those cars or those garbage cans or that building"

"It's alright, Shoeshine, you're a hero"

"No, I don't want to be a hero. I'll screw it up"

"Bright do I but look what happened Trust me on this one I just wanted a home, a place where I belonged.
Just because I have these powers doesn't make me a hero"

"Shoeshine, it depends on what you do with them.
Maybe. But promise me, no one can find out. Not even your your family"

"Oh, my dad. Yeah I don't think I could tell them either, I mean can you imagine their reaction to my new powers no they have enough problems to deal with"

"Easy. Easy" he helps princess with the couch, but with her strength she is easy capable of doing it on her own.

"Do you see a tennis ball anywhere? Yeah probably in the corner"

Then she hears the door bell ring, "Just put it in the corner"

"You know, traditionally, the dog makes the mess
and the human cleans it up"

Using her speed she immediately fixes up the house, with the bad guys returning home

A minute later the doorbell rings, wolf wolfs it to see bad in which princess panicked.

"I'm looking for my beagle. He, uh, does tricks and stuff"

"I'm... I'm sorry. I haven't seen him. Good luck
finding your dog"

"Wolf, that was him"

"What princess?"

"That was the man that kidnapped me"

"What? I better make an amber alert out for him what with Thomas still out there at large"

Princess went into her room with shoeshine on her bed, she flop on her bed exhausted.

"I don't suppose how this could get any worst"

not knowing the thomas and his two partners are underground planning.

"Yes. Yes, brilliant. Already the flames of inspiration are licking at my brain. Unencumbered, in this,
my new laboratory"

-"yes that's all well but what are we gonna do, I don't have the equipment and chemicals I need to finish your work, ugh and I wouldn't exactly call this place a  laboratory just a dump plus with the bad guys still looking for me-eh I mean us, the best thing to do is lay low for a bit" Thomas says.

"Kind of smells like a men's room"

"So much the better"

"I'm sorry but how is this any better" Thomas groans trying to not step on a sewer puddles.

"It seems like the wrong vibe for our work. Seems
a little precocious"

"I can't believe I'm saying this but the blockhead imbecile is right" Thomas says offending cad.




"Peppery? Prim

"Most of my thesaurus burned up in the fire. All I've got left are the P's"

"You obviously never graduated college Mr cad my vocabulary is infinitely expanding"


"Ooh. That's a good one"

"I don't think that's what he means clad"

"But Can I use that?"

"Dr chesterfield The material I require is going to be expensive. We're going to need to find ways to subsidize my work"

"Don't you mean our work" Thomas asked, "and anyway how do you suppose we fund our new lab work isn't cheap you know mad I have standards and high expectations and qualities"

"Nonsense Thomas I will get you everything you need" Dr BarSinister says.

"I know some guys who just got out of the clink
who can help us. Perhaps. Bam!"

So princess and I became good friends For the first time in my life, I really felt like Man's Best Friend....or girl's best friend or a cat's best friend whatever

They were watch a baseball game playing at her school.

"So clever. So inspired"

"Not our team. We're always the underdogs"

"Never heard of that breed. Is that a dog from Australia?"

"No. Look, an underdog is someone who has been counted out and nobody expects them to win"

"Yeah, I know the feeling. Huh? There goes the neighborhood" he sees a cat

"Shoeshine, no"




"So, what's the score?"

"I told you no"

"But every molecule of me was screaming "yes"

"It's time to teach you some manners."

"Right. I'm going to learn manners from a lot-" then princess grabs his mouth.

"Manners... maketh... man. Let me translate that for you. All right. Basic commands" she takes a book.

"Chapter one: sit"

"Let's start with a tough one"

"Chapter two: lie down"


"I was going to do that anyway"

"Chapter three: roll over"

"This book doesn't have much of a plot, does it?"

"And chapter four: speak"

"Arf. Arf. You can't be serious with this"

"Four weeks of lessons in four seconds? We're on a good pace"

"Chapter five: return the book and get your money back"

"May I remind you my father is a dog"

"He's a wolf, there's a different"

"He may be a wolf but at least he has manners that's what makes him the perfect gentleman, you could learn a thing or two from him" princess taps his nose with the book.

"I got you something"

"Oh. Never had one of these before"

"If you ever get lost they'll know where to bring you home"


"Wow, this is great!"

Suddenly I had a home and a family. I had all
that I ever wanted. The only thing that could
possibly mess this up was if a mad scientist
bent on revenge was living underneath the city. Well, guess what?

"Oh, the price I've paid. So be it"

"Ugh you look horrible, I'm a mad scientist too but at least I'm keeping my sanity and fur" Thomas was disgusted by Dr Barsinister appearance.

"It will happen to you too Thomas"

"I highly doubt it"

"Hi. How's it going? I'd love to, baby, but I'm busy.
Work out? Yeah, I work out. I think of my body
as a Buddhist temple" cad talks to his reflection

"Cad, stop talking to your. Reflection and get
in here !" Thomas shouts.

"Dan, it's Les. You got a shipment at the loading docks Can you buzz them in?"

"All right. I'm on my way"

"Is this thing going to help us make another super dog?"

"Why settle for just one when I can create a plethora?"

"That's a "P" word. I bet I have that one"

"You moron" Thomas says.

"Just pick it up, you ape"

"Give the dog your food. Give the dog your food. Give the dog your food. You are in my power. You will do as I command"

"Sorry, you didn't get the power of hypnotism"

"Aha. Not yet, I didn't"

"No but I did"

"Yeah right like you expect me to believe in th-"

But when princess looks him in the eyes, opens up her cutism, he sits and behaves.

"Wait how did you-" he was puzzled as she throws a chew toy at him, "Rubber? What kind of sick joke is this?"

"...this demonstration will convince international leaders that the Capitol City K-9 Academy is the future
for K-9 crime fighters"

"Maybe we should sign you up"

"I don't think that's a good idea"

"Why not my family works on the force. He was twice decorated by the mayor for bravery. He a real hero"

"Must be a big deal to him"

"He says he quit his job to spend time with me but he wants to make this city safe for me but I feel so weak not doing anything to help them"

"This is Tiffany flirting here, We're interrupting with breaking news. One of our camera crews following police have stumbled upon a local jewelry store
robbery. The thieves have taken several hostages"


"You never see dogs hurting each other for money

"As you can see, it is a tense situation"

"Hey, you can stop it, Polly"

"No, no, no way. Uh-uh. That was an accident. I had no idea what I was doing"

"Well, maybe this is why you're here"

"Look, I was just getting the hang of the whole "pet" thing"

"I even chewed up one of your dad's shoes".

"You what?"

"The truth is, I just want to be a regular dog"

"And I want to be a normal cild with a normal family
But you know what, life doesn't always work out that way. My family isn't exactly normal, their retired criminals but everything they do is for me, I think this is why I have new powers to finally help them"

"All right. I'll do it, for you. But just this once"

"And for once I'm not gonna play the damsel in distress"

"There better be something pretty special in that
dog dish when I get back"

"What do you mean I'm Coming with you, wait, stop, ugh bloody hell"

"You can put the dog door there!"


"Shoeshine! Watch out for the fish kite"

"What fish kite?"


"I'm good. I hope I don't look too ridiculous"

when they get word princess looks around for a disguise and she sees an old princess dress costume which she uses to disgises herself while shoeshine uses a fish kite since he was in a hurry they make it to the jewel store and fight off the goons.



"Hey, come on Don't look at me If she hadn't pulled the silent alarm you two wouldn't be getting a time out"

"Got it"

"We got it"

"Good" Thomas says.

"Unit 31, I hear you loud and clear"

"They got all the exits barricaded. We can't get a man
in there"

"Hold your positions. SWAT is on its way. ETA five minutes" but then the police sees two blurr visions.

"Did you see that?"

"I have no idea"



"Dogfish and a tiny princes

"Excuse me. Why do you people have pantyhose
on your heads?"

"Don't just stand there get them" pricness shputs as she uses her speed to bypass two thieves.

"I'll get him"

"I'm going to guess you're one of the bad guys"


One thieve walks up to princess chuckling, "oh this is two easy, you lost little girl" he tires to grab her but she grabs his arm and threw him.

"Cad, can you hear me? Cad answer what is going on"
that's where thomas recognizes them.

"That's our dog! And princess Grab them!"

"OK. Hey, you, grab that dog and the kid"

"Are you all right? Are you OK? Can you hear me?
Come on, little buddy. Breathe. Hey, guys, back off.
He needs some space

"I'll give you some space"

"I said give me some space"

"Hang tight, little buddy. I'll get some help"

"Shoeshine that's a fashionable clothing"

"What? Are you sure?"

"Yeah look it's not real or alive" she picks it up and shakes it.

"You humans Evening, officers"

"I'll see you at the house" princess shouts as she flies off.

"Whoa, whoa. Hold your fire"

"The jewels are safe, there's a fox passed out
on the floor, and, yes, I'm dressed like a fish. Keep up the good work"

but knowing princess and shoeshine have powers cad runs away leaving the heros to go back home.

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