Chapter 5: Truth

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Everyone was shocked to hear that name. A name that they never wanted to hear.

"Who's Gul'dan?" Wolf asked.

"Only one of the most dangerous warlocks in Azeroth. He was the one who opened the portal to allow the orcs to invade our world (no offense) to destroy and conquer our world as well." John said.

"He's the one who killed my father, King Varian." Anduin said as he grips his sword.

"He always knew how to deceive and manipulate people. Out of all you guys, he scared me the most." Cisco said.

"It can't be him. Constantine and I saw Gul'dan get killed by Illidan." Sara said remembering his death.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"He must've found a way to come back. No doubt he's the one who is buying those Dark Matter crystals." Batman said.

"But why does he need the Dragon Aspects?" Kara asked.

"Probably needs their magic for his evil plan." Wolf said.

"Then let's get to work! Each of us will begin to search for him." Anduin said. And so they got to work.

"Prepares we should set up a trap for him." Grommash said. Cisco laughs.

"What's so funny?" Garrosh asked.

"Oh, this reminds of the time you guys captured me and I escaped with modifying your cage you had me in." Cisco said.


Cisco was locked in a cage with a power dampener as he heard Grommash and Garrosh were planning on striking the JL with the Alliance in a village. He saw there was some metal parts in with him. He then began to build a way out as a Orc named Bashuk, a Goblin named Gazlowe, and a Tauren named E.T.C comes by.

"What is he doing?" Gazlowe asked.

"I think he's making something?" Bashuk said.

"What are you doing? Are building something?" E.T.C asked Cisco Ramon.

"Cage reverser." Vibe said simply as he works.

"Oh, cage reverser." Bashuk said.

"How does it work?" Gazlowe asked.

"Hopefully, like this." Vibe said as he flipped a switch.

With a click, flip, switch, the bars changed and opened around as Cisco released and the 3 guards were pushed in the cage.

"Whoa! That was awesome!" Gazlowe said.

"Not bad!" Bashuk said.

"Sorry guys, got to warn my friends you're coming." Vibe said as he runs away to open a breach.

"Okay, good luck!" E.T.C said. Suddenly Garrosh and Grommash appeared angry.

"What are you doing?!" Grommash roared.

"Vibe created a cage reverser. Look!" Gazlowe said as he flips the gears switch.

With a click, flip, switch, the bars changed and opened around as the three are released and Grommash and Garrosh were pushed in the cage.

"Pretty cool, huh?" E.T.C said.

"Gah!!!" Grommash exclaimed as he hits the switch.

With a click, flip, switch, the bars changed and opened around as Grommash and Garrosh are released and the 3 guards were pushed in the cage again.

"After him! Before he warns the JL and the Alliance!" Garrosh roared.

"We can't! We're in the cage!" Bashuk said.

With a click, flip, switch, the bars changed and opened around as the three are released and Grommash and Garrosh were pushed in the cage again.

"Just go after them!" Grommash shouts at them.

Flashback ends

"Good times." Cisco said. Garrosh just growls.

Blackhand walks past Jack and spots the necklace with his clan's symbol.

"Where did you get that necklace?! It has my Clan's symbol on it." Blackhand demanded.

"This necklace is my birthright. Left to me on the steps of an orphanage. Along with a name and nothing else." Jack said.

"Oh, so you're an orphan. What is your name then?" Blackhand asked.

"It's Jack.... Jack Sullivan." He said as Flare perched on his shoulders and cuddled him.

Blackhand got a closer look at the Dragon Palisman and saw it had the scar over the eye. Just like...

"Could it be...?" Blackhand thought as he remembers that there was only one dragon palisman he saw with a scar like that. It belonged to an old friend.

"Sullivan? Interesting name." Blackhand said as he suddenly realized that the kid he's talking to is Amber's son... his son!

"I guess it is." Jack said as he rubs the necklace.

Blackhand then walks away from the kid. He couldn't believe that he was seeing his human son. He thought never see him again. This was one of his biggest secrets he's kept from everyone.

"Sullivan? Sullivan is quite an unusual name. Did we not once... know someone called Sullivan?" Lo'gosh wondered with Durotan, Orgrim, Grommash, Oliver, Dal'rend, Maim, Griselda, Wolf, Snake, and Barry by him.

"Shut up." Blackhand said as he approached them.

"What was her name? It's right on the tip of my tongue. Oh!" Lo'gosh said as Blackhand holds a blade at him.

"Do you want to lose that tongue?!" Blackhand threatened.

"Amber Sullivan. The fire elemental mage who helped us in the battle against the Burning Legion." Grommash said with a grin as they figured out that Blackhand and this human Amber had a child.

"Shall you explain things? Or should I tell you-know-who what we both know is true?" Lo'gosh said.

"We all take this secret to our graves." Blackhand said seriously.

"You mean it's true, I was just bluffing." Lo'gosh said in surprise. Barry, Oliver, Wolf, and Snake were surprised to hear that Blackhand is Jack's birth father.

"I'm not!" Blackhand said in anger.

"So the old rumors are true... you actually mated with a human." Maim said in surprise.

"That human kid... is our baby brother?" Dal'rend said surprised.

"I think you better explain, father. How did you produce that kid with a female human?" Griselda said.

"Amber died. I summoned as much honor as a Warchief ever could. After the war against the Burning Legion, Me and Amber hanged around together a lot. We then soon started to have feelings for each other. I knew that the Alliance and the Horde would never accept both of us together, so we left each other. 5 months later, she had given birth to a baby boy... a halfbreed child, but she was dying of a disease. She wanted me to keep him safe no matter what. So I had the baby sent away from Azeroth to an American orphanage... never to see him again. I thought the necklace would give him some ease in life, but I never imagined that I run into him again. A forgotten son of mine." Blackhand explained as he felt a little relief of getting it off his chest.

"Sounds like an old romance novel story." Barry said in surprise to hear that.

"You have to tell Jack the truth. Your son deserves to know the truth." Oliver said to Blackhand.

"No. I won't. A young stubborn boy such as that would never believe... that a monster like me could be his blood." Blackhand said.

"He knows his father is an orc. That's why he came along with us on this mission. To find his father." Wolf said.

"He's been an orphan for most of his life. All he's been looking for his family to love him." Snake said.

"He's my son and I'll decide when to tell him the truth" Blackhand said. But as he did, Jack heard him and runs off.

"Uhhh... I think he just heard you say that." Wolf said.

Blackhand sees this, and realized it's time to tell his son the truth. So he goes after him. Jack looks across the high-view as Blackhand walks up to him from behind. Jack then turns to face him.

"So... your my father, huh?" Jack said incredulous.

"Yes... I am." Blackhand said standing by his side.

For a moment, the two stood in quietness with the sound of the wind blowing. Jack finally spoke.

"Why? Why did you leave me?" Jack asked.

"I didn't mean to, Jack. I did it to protect you. You were a baby when the war was still going. I couldn't watch over you back then. The Horde wouldn't have accepted you. You don't understand." Blackhand said.

"No, you don't understand! I've been an orphan for most of my life. I've lived in a lot of places with a lot of different people... but I never had a family. A real family. Only foster families. Never loved." Jack said.

Blackhand clearly saw he was speaking the truth. He couldn't believe his son never got adopted.

"How did you figure out I was your son?" Jack asked.

"Your name, my necklace, and your Palisman." Blackhand said as Jack looked at Flare.

"My Palisman?" Jack said confused.

"Flare was your mother's Palisman." Blackhand said. Jack was shocked to hear Flare belongs to his mom.

"Flare knew my mother?" Jack said.

"Yes, he was always by her side." Blackhand said.

"So what happened to my mom and you?" Jack asked. Blackhand sighed but knew it was time.

"It was during the battle against the Burning Legion. The Alliance, the JL, and the Horde fought together against this threat. Among the warriors, I met your mother, Amber Sullivan...."

The scene shows Blackhand fighting alongside Amber as they fought against the Fel monsters.

"After the battle, Amber and I would secretly meet each other so we could spend time together. We had our first kiss and did everything. I hated humans after coming here, but your mother changed my mind about them. She somehow changed my heart."

Blackhand was then seen with Amber as they watched the sunset. There were times they would train against each other. Amber then walks over to Blackhand with a gift box.

"What is this?" Blackhand asked.

"Open it." Amber said. He opens the box and sees a Wolf Palisman. It barks and smiles at him.

"Is that...?" Blackhand started.

"Your own Palisman." Amber said. Blackhand smiled as his Wolf Palisman took staff form in his hand.

"But as the war got more intense and Sylavanas became Warchief. Times got hard for us, we couldn't risk being seen... so we broke up."

Blackhand and Amber were seen at their spot talking with each other.

"Why don't we just leave Azeroth?" Amber said.

"I can't! My clan needs me!" Blackhand said.

"So we're just gonna leave each other?" Amber said.

"I'm afraid so. We can't let anyone know about us." Blackhand said.

"I... understand." Amber said sadly. So they each left each other.

"5 months later I got a message from her. She got sick and was dying. I found out that she had given birth to you."

Blackhand arrived at a cottage house to see Amber laying in a bed sick.

"What happened?!" Blackhand asked.

"I'm dying, Blackhand." Amber said as she coughs. He comforts her and he then sees a basket with a baby boy inside it. He picks him up and goes to her.

"Is this..." Blackhand started.

"Meet your son, Jack." Amber said weakly. Blackhand smiles a bit at seeing his son.

"I want you to promise me something. Promise me that you'll keep him safe, no matter what." Amber said. Blackhand nodded.

"I promise." He said. Amber smiled as a tear rolled down her face as she had faith in him.

"I knew if I took you with me... the Horde would find out and if Sylvanas knew, they would take you away. So I gave you away to some travelers heading to America, knowing you'd be safe there."

Blackhand was now handing Jack as a baby to a hooded figure to that was heading on a ship to America. Blackhand took off his necklace and placed it on Jack's neck. He then lets Jack hold his finger.

"Remember, you are the son of Blackhand and Amber of the Blackrock Clan. A line of unbroken warchiefs. Be strong... my son." Blackhand said as Jack cooed at his father as he hugs his father's finger. Flare then flew on Blackhand's arm.

"Flare, you were Amber's most trusted friend. Watch over our son. Wherever he is, wherever he goes, watch over him. Guard and protect him with your life. Now go, protect my son." Blackhand said.

Flare nods and flies high in the air as he follows the figure on the ship and kept a close eye on Jack. Blackhand watched as he starts to feel regret and shame. But he knew that he was keeping Jack safe. His worg whimpers a bit and Blackhand comforts him.

"I know boy, but this is the only way to keep him safe." Blackhand said. He hops on and rides back to his clan.
Flashbacks ends

Jack was surprised to hear all that. Everything Blackhand did was to protect him from the war.

"After that, I resumed my life fighting for the Horde, hoping you be safe." Blackhand said.

"Wow... I didn't know that."

"If only she was here... maybe things would have been different." Blackhand said.

"What happened to your Palisman?" Jack asked.

"I hid him away from everyone." Blackhand said. Jack saw this hurts him.

"Do you even like me? I mean as your son?" Jack asked.

"Even though I didn't get a chance to raise you, I was happy to have you as my son." Blackhand said.

"I'm just... glad I finally found you." Jack mumbled.

Blackhand listened patiently as Jack stuttered through what he wanted to say, setting the blade aside and doing the only thing he really could at this point. He hugged his son tightly to him. Jack stiffened for a moment before relaxing, hiding his face in his... Dad's shoulder and did something most boys would never do in front of their fathers. He cried. They stayed like that for a moment before Blackhand pulled off Jack.

"Okay, don't get mushy with me." Blackhand said.

"Thanks..Dad." Jack swallowed hard, not sure if he
should call this man that so soon. "I mean..." He wanted to ask Blackhand's permission and felt foolish because they truly were father and son.

"Sorry..." Jack said.

"Why're ya apologizin'?" Blackhand asked, sinking down in the chair and gestured him over, placing a large hand on his shoulder.

"I AM yer Dad, Jack. Call me that if ya want. Or call me Blackhand like you've been doin'. I'll leave the decision up to ya." Blackhand said.

"Dad." Jack smiled genuinely, feeling confident when the word came out of his mouth. "Thanks Dad."

It did Blackhand's heart good to hear that. He pulled the boy in his arms, hugging him tightly and cupped the back of his head affectionately, rubbing his back. It would take time for all of them to get used to the major changes that happened in all of their lives over the course of the past 24 hours.

"So now that we're done... I suggest we join the others on dealing with this threat." Blackhand said.

"Agreed." Jack said. They head off to join the others. For a moment, Jack heard creepy laughing.

"Did you hear something?" Jack asked Flare. He shook his head.

"Probably just in my head. Nuzzle down, Flare." Jack said as Flare went into his pocket. But as he did, green energy grew on his skin.

Jack began to collapse in pain as visions began to pour in his mind. He then sees where the Dragon Aspects are being held captive. He then pulls John, Blackhand, and the Bad Guys with him.

"I saw them! I saw Gul'dan and the Dragon Aspects!" Jack said.

"What?! How?" Blackhand asked.

"I don't know? But I saw they were on a island with other dragons on it." Jack said.

"The Dragon Isles." John said as he recognized it.

"The Dragon Isles? What's that?" Snake asked.

"An island that is the birthplace of all dragons on Earth-Prime." Constantine said.

"Then let's go!" Jack said as he pulls out Flare and they fly off.

"Jack! Wait!" Blackhand shouts but it was too late.

"After him, lads." John said as they pull out their Palisman and fly after him.

"Has anyone seen Jack? I can't find him." June said.

"Nope. Now that I think about, I haven't seen Blackhand or Constantine." Frost said.

"Hey! The Bad Guys are gone too!" Princess said.

"Not a problem, Jack's suit has a built-in tracker. I just need to activate the satellites to pick up it's signal and he is..." Cyborg said as she saw where they are.

"Dragon Isles." Cisco said in surprise.

"That's the home of all dragons." Thrall said.

"That's my homeland!" Garble said.

"Then let's go!" Barry said as Vibe opens a breach there.

The Bad Guys, Blackhand, and Constantine finally reached the Dragon Isles to find Jack. They continue on their Palismen until they stopped by a lake. Wolf and Constantine use a Ice Glyph to cross over.

They reach the other side of the lake to see a giant door with the five Dragon Aspects bonded in magic chains to the ground. Blackhand used a Plant Glyph to vine them up to Jack with the Dragon Aspects.

"Jack! There you are! You found the Aspects! Have you seen Gul'dan?" Constantine said. Jack didn't look at them and continued to look at the dragons chained as prisoners.

"Oh, no I didn't. Just my imagination. Why don't you guys try to free the Dragon Aspects while I try to find my Palisman. He got scared off." Jack said.

"Good idea." Piranha said as they go to the dragons.

"Can you free them?" Blackhand said as John examines the spell.

"It's a tough spell, but I think I can break it." John said.

"Have you freed them yet?" Jack asked.

"We're on it. I just—" John started but he heard whimpering. They look behind a rock to see Flare curled up, shaking in fear.

"Flare? What do you look scared?" Shark said.

"Something's wrong." Blackhand said.

"Warchief Blackhand... John Constantine... it's you."

Jack slowly walks to them as his eyes glow red with spikes popping up from his back. Blackhand then hears the rest of the heroes coming closer. Just as he, John, the Bad Guys go to walk away, they bump into Jack who is now possessed by Gul'dan.

"Hello, Blackhand and Constantine. It's been a while." Gul'dan said through Jack's body.

"Gul'dan! You're back! How?!" Blackhand said.

"I am indeed. You wouldn't be able to understand how I came back if I'd told you." Gul'dan said as he blasted them but they dodged.

"You fools fell right into my trap." Gul'dan said. Blackhand growled.

"Gul'dan, you nasty old demon. Possessing a human child? Now that's a new low." Constantine said.

"John Constantine! The pain in my ass. Surprised to see you still alive." Gul'dan said as he noticed the Bad Guys.

"I don't think I remember seeing you." Gul'dan said.

"We're new members of the Justice League." Wolf said with a growl.

"I see." Gul'dan said as Blackhand and Wolf use Fire Glyphs to attack Gul'dan but only sent him back, not to harm him since he's possessed Jack.

"You're not even trying. What, afraid you'll hurt your son?" Gul'dan teased. Blackhand growled at him. The other heroes arrived.

"Is that Jack?" Green Lantern said.

"Something is wrong." Quint said.

"Released him, Gul'dan!" Blackhand shouts.

"Oh don't worry, this body is just a temporary body I'm taking. Once my true form is made, I will destroy ALL OF YOU!!!" Gul'dan shouts as he fires at the heroes.

"Look out!" Green Lantern shouts as he blocks it with a shield. Each of them attacks Gul'dan.

"Be careful guys! Jack is still in there!" Dirk shouts.

"Hello, Anduin! How's being king?" Gul'dan taunted.

"You'll pay for killing my father!" Anduin said as he clash his blade against Gul'dan.

"Kill me, and you kill the child!" Gul'dan said as he throws Anduin in the air.

"MY KING!" Greymane shouts as he catches Anduin.

Gul'dan then throws a boulder at Wolf who was too late to move as he crushed him.

"WOLF!!!!" The Bad Guys shout. Suddenly, the boulder is pushed off by Wolf who is sparking with blue lightning.

"Wolf... you have the Strength Force energy." Flash said surprised. Wolf grins as he rejoins the fight.

"Hey Gul'dan!" Hogger shouts. He then starts to absorb his energy to drive his spirit out of Jack. Gul'dan roars as he goes to blast him.

"HOGGER, LOOK OUT!!!" Drago shouts as he pulled him away from the blast. The heroes charge at Gul'dan again.

"ENOUGH!!!" Gul'dan roared as he blasted a wave of Fel Magic, knocking the heroes away.

Flare then changed to staff-mode in Blackhand's hand and he sling shot at Gul'dan with Wolf tackling Gul'dan.

"I know you're there, Jack! Fight him off!" Blackhand shouts hoping Jack could hear him.

"Come on, Jack! Don't let this demon win!" Wolf shouts as he tries to hold down Gul'dan.

Gul'dan breaks free and throws the two away. Snake uses his Safe Force power to catch them. Flare then goes to fight Gul'dan only to get grabbed.

"That's right. You wouldn't want me to harm your precious Palisman, right? Then again, I don't care about what you want. Goodbye, Amber." Gul'dan said as he cracks Flare's body.

Blackhand, Quint, Dirk, June, and the others gasped at the sight of this. Gul'dan was about to absorb Flare's energy, but suddenly lets him go as Flare flies to Blackhand weak.

"FLARE! Hang in there, you'll be okay." Blackhand said as he tries to stop Flare from bleeding his life force.

Jack begins to struggle in staying in control as Gul'dan tries to contain him. His eyes glowed from normal to red as he fights.

"I've already been possessed once by a crazy villain before, I won't let you control me as well!" Jack said as he used a Light Glyph on himself. The power of it pulled Gul'dan's spirit out of his body.

"Jack!" Blackhand shouts as he rushes to him. He catches him as he collapsed.

"Jack! Are you okay?" Blackhand asked. Jack looked at him and nodded with Flare nuzzling him.

"I'm okay." Jack groaned as Blackhand helps him up.

Gul'dan then approaches the crystal statue of him with his servant holding the Firestorm Matrix.

"Do it!" Gul'dan shouts as his spirit entered the crystals.

The orc activated the Splicer along with the Dragon Aspects pouring a spark of their magic into the crystals as the Splicer starts to form the crystal body into a physical form as Gul'dan began to come back to life. Flesh began to reform on the body along with crystal shards poking out. Gul'dan has returned.

"At last... I'm back!" Gul'dan said as laughs. Everyone was shocked and terrified to see him back.

"Now to release my new master!" Gul'dan said as he used his power to unlock a sealed door.

"Oh mistress of the storm. The primal power has risen... to set you free." Gul'dan said.

The door suddenly broke open. Coming out was a giant storm dragon called Raszageth.

"At last... I'm free. The elements sing. They herald a new age for this world. Have you found my kin?" Raszageth asked.

"Not yet. But I know where they are, Storm-eater." Gul'dan said. Raszageth turns to see the heroes.

"So... these are the world's heroes? Pathetic! This world will soon belong to my kind!" Raszageth said.

Gul'dan then opens a portal and Raszageth grabs Gul'dan and flies off into the portal. The heroes watched as a greater threat has been unleashed. They then released the Dragon Aspects from their prison.

"Neltharion, Alexstrasza, Ysera, Nozdormu, and Malygos! Are you okay?" Green Arrow asked.

"Yes, we're fine." Ysera said as she and the others get up from being used to help Gul'dan be whole again.

"Good... then maybe you can explain... WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Cisco exclaimed.

"That... was Raszageth. Youngest of the primal incarnates." Alexstrasza said as she gets up.

"Incarentes?" Wonder Woman said confused.

"Four dangerous adherents of the elemental forces. At the dawn of the aspects. Our flights embraced the titans' gifts. They... did not." Maylgos said as he helps his siblings.

"The war that followed was unimaginable, and it took all of our strength combined to banish them." Neltharion said remembering the war.

"If they were so dangerous... why we're they not destroyed?!" Grommash asked.

"I hadn't the heart to do it. We were once close as clutchmates." Alexstrasza said.

"Time, it seems... has not quelled their fury. And look at us. Should she free her kin now... we haven't the strength to stop them. And if Irdikron's hunger is unleashed..." Nozdormu said.

"Then we have no choice. If we are to be protectors once more... the aspects of our dragonflights must be made anew." Alexstrasza said.

"It's going to take more than dragons to defeat this new threat. For an old foe... has returned." Flash said as they all look at the sky as storm clouds came.

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