Chapter 8: Reunion

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The battle against Gul'dan and Raszageth was finally over. All the remaining Dark Matter Crystals were now in the Justice League's possession.

"That's all the remaining Dark Matter crystals." High Tinker said.

"Good. These crystals will go the Justice League's Vault where they'll be safe." Wonder Woman said.

"That's good to hear." Anduin said.

"What about Gul'dan?" Grommash asked.

"Even though his powers have been stripped, he's going to Stryker's Island. A prison island where he won't escape or hurt anyone." Batman said.

"Good." Grommash said. Hogger and Harley are seen with Hogger's old pack.

"You sure you won't stay?" One of Hogger's packmates named Roadbuster asked.

"Sorry, boys, but my home is in America. With my beautiful girlfriend." Hogger said as he kissed Harley.

"Then let us come with you, boss." A pack mate named Gus said.

"Seriously?" Hogger said.

"Sure! We missed you so much! We feel lost without you." Roadbuster said. Hogger smiles to hear that.

Blackhand and Jack were now discussing on what's going to happen now.

"So... what happens now?" Jack asked.

"I... don't know, son." Blackhand said.

"Why don't you come to America? I... don't if I can live without you." Jack said trying not to cry.

"As much as I wish I could... but my clan needs me. I can't just leave them, and I know you can't leave your friends." Blackhand said.

"Not true, father."

Blackhand turns to see Dal'rend, Maim, and Griselda walking to him.

"The three of us having been talking about it... and we want you to go with Jack to America." Maim said.

Blackhand surprised to hear this from his other children.

"What? But who will be Chieftain of the clan?" Blackhand asked.

"I will, father." Dal'rend said as he pounded his chest in respect and as a pledge to his father.

"Make me Chieftain... so that you can be be with Jack. You two clearly need some time together." Dal'rend said.

"Are you sure about this?" Blackhand asked.

"We're sure. Plus, with crime over and the threat ended, there's no need to worry." Griselda said.

Blackhand smiles as he turns to Jack who is excited.

"I guess I'm coming home with you, son." Blackhand said. Jack immediately hugs him as they join their friends on the JL jet.

Princess was about to head on when Thrash pulls her away.

"Uh, Thrash... what are you doing?" Princess asked.

"Princess... from the first day I met you... you've been the best and only girlfriend I've ever had. I want to be in your life forever." Thrasher said. He then plays a song. (Play Song Above at this moment)

🎶Can I say how the days will unfold🎶

🎶Can't change what the future may hold🎶

🎶But I want you in it🎶

🎶Every hour, every minute🎶

🎶This world can race by far too fast🎶

🎶Hard to see while it's all flying past🎶

🎶But it's clear now🎶

🎶When you're standing here now🎶

🎶I am meant to be🎶

🎶Wherever you are next to me🎶

🎶All I want to do🎶

As he sings, he twirls her around in a dance as he gets ready.

🎶Is come runnin' home to you🎶

🎶Come runnin' home to you🎶

🎶And all my life, I promise to🎶

🎶Is keep runnin' home to you🎶

🎶Keep runnin' home to you🎶

🎶And I can see it🎶

🎶Right from the start, right from the start🎶

🎶That you would be🎶

🎶Be my light in the dark, light in the dark🎶

🎶Oh, you gave me no other choice🎶

🎶But to love you🎶

🎶All I want to do🎶

🎶Is come runnin' home to you🎶

🎶Come runnin' home to you🎶

🎶And all my life, I promise to🎶

🎶Keep runnin' home to you🎶

🎶Keep runnin' home to you🎶

🎶Home to you🎶

🎶Can't say how the days will unfold🎶

🎶Can't change what the future may hold🎶

As he sings his final lines, he pulls out a small box, as Princess covers her mouth in shock and surprise. He opens it revealing a beautiful silver sapphire gem ring.

🎶But I want you in it🎶

🎶Every hour, every minute🎶

"Princess... will you marry me?"  Thrasher asked as he presented the ring. Princess tears up as well as the Bad Guys, mostly Shark who's eyes were pouring a river.

"Yes... YES! Yes I will!" Princess cried as Thrash slips the ring on. The two then kiss. Everyone on the platform clapped in congratulations.

Wolf and Snake clear their eyes of tears and smile happy for their little girl, the girl who changed their lives for the better. Who was all grown up.

After finally being back in America, the Bad Guys got all dressed up in the suits they wore at the gala years ago. Cryptor saw them and looked puzzled.

"Why are you guys dressed up?" Cryptor asked.

"Well, now that Princess and Thrash are getting married, Thrash wants us to meet his family." Wolf said.

"He said he has a sister who is a computer scientist." Webs said excitedly.

"Some of them even speak Spanish." Piranha said.

"He said his family is huge." Shark said.

"Oh please, how big can Thrasher's family be?" Snake said in a mocking way.

Minutes Later...

"Brother-in-law Keith brought salmon sushi." Thrash said as a Charizard came in with sushi.

"My sister Carrie, brought salmon loaf." Thrash said as a female Obstagoon badger came in with loaf.

"Great Aunt Ida brought salmon patties." Thrash said as a Nidoqueen came in with patties.

"And half-Uncle Fred brought salmon pot pie." Thrash finished as a Dragonite came in with a pie.

It's seen that the room was full of different family members of Thrash.Venusaur, Blastoise, Feraligatr, Rhydon, Nidoking, Gengar, Machoke, Abra, Jolteon, Incineroar, Aggron, Draonite, Totodile, Arcanine, Mudkip, Nidoqueen, Mightyena, Alakazam, Dewott, Marshtomp, Pangoro, Swapert, a bunch Obstagoons, Samurott, Charizard, Tyrantrum, Rapidash, Zoroark, Lycanroc brothers, each of them holding salmon or fish based food for Princess and the Bad Guys. Plus his band members, Ralliboom and the Toxtricity brothers were there as well. The Bad Guys and Princess didn't know he had such a big family. Full of his parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, half, and in-law ones. He wasn't kidding.

"Is now a bad time to mention I don't eat fish?" Princess asked innocently.

"Oh, that's okay. Cousin Clifford always brings extra burgers." Thrasher said as a Swampert gave her a cheeseburger.

"Guess he wasn't kidding about having a big family." Shark whispered as he eats a lot of salmon.

"You got that right!" A Totodile said in surprise, scaring them.

"Hi! I'm Toby. One of Thrasher's many cousins. Nice to me you." Toby said as he shakes their hands.

"Nice to meet you." Webs said to him. Suddenly, the Tyrantrum bear hugs Wolf and Snake.

"Hey there! Your daughter is a keeper to my favorite cousin!" The Tyrantrum laughs as he squeezed the life out of them as they squeak to breathe.

"Yeah, that's Tyler. Watch out, he's a hugger." Arron the Aggron said who was a cousin-in-law. Piranha was seen have a full conversation with Jolteon, Mudkip, and Gengar in Spanish.

"I like your family." Princess said looking at each of them.

"Thanks. Wait until you see what we do on holidays." Thrash said as he kissed her cheek.

7 Days Later...

Bells were ringing at the church to see Thrash in a suit with Princess in a beautiful dress.

"You look absolutely beautiful, my love." Thrasher said to her. Princess blushes at the comment.

"And you're quite the handsome Devil yourself." Princess said as he sighs in love.

"Dearly beloved, we all gather here to witness the
marriage between my beloved daughter, Princess Pandora and her lovely husband, Thrasher Obstagoon!" Shark announced.

"Now before we can begin, I am inclined to ask that
if there's anyone out here who objects to this
marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace!"
Shark said, only to be met with silence.

"I don't think there is but thanks for asking."
Faintly shouted a man from the far back.

"Okay, I guess we'll move on..... now the couple has
written their own vows they'd like to recite, I don't
care who goes first, just give me a minute to
prepare myself for when I cry." Shark said as he
almost tears up.

Princess went first as she took out a sheet of paper,
unfolded and read it.

"Thrasher, when I first heard about you, I thought of
you as just a stoic, tough badger."

Thrash chuckled a little.

"But once I got to know you, it really changed how I
saw you. I was a little surprised that you first said
you actually loved me, I was pretty sure it was
just a con but somewhere deep in my heart, I knew
you were serious somewhere in there. Ever since you stood up for me in school against those bullies, I instantly fell in love with you. After meeting you, you got a whole lot more interesting. Turns out there was more than meets the eye with you. I promise that even though I'm busy being a hero to the city, I will always make time for you and I will ways cherish you as your wife and your lover because I deeply, truly love you."

Thrasher smiled at her best friend.

"Your turn, man!" Shark said gently nudging his

Thrasher did as Princess did and took a paper from his pocket and read it out loud.

"Princess, you are one the best things that ever
happened to me. I didn't think I'd ever stand here
and get married....... let alone to the daughter of the Bad Guys!" He said. Princess smiled.

"When I first met you, I was just stopping some bullies picking on the innocent, after a while... I started to get interested in you. When I saw you alone at that party, I saw my moment to know you better. I first thought you act like an actual princess,  but I was surprised you didn't and I'm glad. I fell in love with the person you are now. All I can say is, that it was destiny that we ended up together. I am so grateful you gave me that chance and that you didn't give up on me or, because I wouldn't be here
standing across from you on our wedding day if it
weren't for that. During times away on tour with my band, you were on my mind the whole time.  Princess , it was time that I show the world that I am
more than a scary tough stereotype and I fell in love with you because showed me that it was possible. I
promise that I will always be by your side, regardless if it's the one time of year I cook dinner for you or a surprise visit in the office, I'll do those things because I love you! You're the coolest and so pretty."

Princess chuckled in order to save him some
embarrassment. Shark was getting a bit misty eyed
from hearing those vows.

"I'm sorry, I'm gonna need a minute..." he said
trying to compose himself.

"Snake will probably vomit a little over how
sappy this was getting." Tarantula whispered to

"I heard that!" Snake snapped.

"He definitely will." Piranha chuckled.

"Now before we can go any further, who has the
rings?" Shark asked.

"He does." Wolf pointed outwards and running
down the aisle was their pet kitty wearing his cute
sunglasses above his head, a blue bow tie on his
collar and a pillow on his back that carried two
golden rings. The feline made his way over to Wolf
as he grabbed the two rings off the pillow.

"You did great, buddy!" Wolf said as he gently
scratched the cat's chin, receiving a gentle purr as

Thrasher and Princess each took a ring and placed it on their fingers.

"Now comes the fun part!" Shark said. "Do you, Thrasher, take this fine, powerful, sweetest, beautiful cat to be your lawfully wedded wife, for better or worse? In sickness and in health for as long as both of you are still around?"

"Yes..." Thrasher said as he looked into Princess's eyes, as he felt happy, in love and terrified, all at the same time. "I do."

"And do you, Princess, take this handsome, hunky beefcake of a badger to be your lawfully wedded husband, all with the same rules applied?" Shark asked.

"I do." Princess replied, looking back at Thrasher with the same, exact mix of emotions.

"Then by the power invested by me, by the state of
California and the online priest certification course
that I completed in preparation for this moment, I
now pronounce you badger man and cat wife!" Shark

Thrasher and Princess continue to happily stare at one another for a moment, their eyes developing a
shine to them.

"Well, kiss her already!" Shark interjected.

Both Thrash and Princess both lean into each other as their lips made contact with one another. As they do, Princess used her Speed Force power to get them in Flash Time, the world was moving at a snail pace.

"Flashtime, huh?" Thrasher smirked.

"Do you blame me? I want this moment to last forever." Princess said as they kissed more. It felt like an eternity to them, as if they were the only two in the area.

The crowd cheered, Piranha was shouting happily while shaking his fists in the air triumphantly, Wolf howls in joy, Snake cheers for them pumping his tail in air, Tarantula gave a thumbs up and Shark started crying gallons of tears.

"Sorry, I always cry at weddings!" Shark blubbered.

Shark took a minute to pull himself together just
long enough to say the next line.

"May I now present, Mr. and Mrs. Obstagoon!" Shark announced.

As Piranha made his way over to Thrasher and Princess, Shark grabbed everyone into a big group hug.

"I am just so happy for us!" Shark said as he
hugged everyone, still blubbering.

Outside, Blast Man fired bombs in the air which exploded into fireworks. It was a great-No, a fantastic day for Princess and Thrasher.

Far away, in a dark mansion was a dark figure looked at photos of the Bad Guys and threw a knife down the group photo of them in hate.

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