Chapter 5: Error in Time

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ReptileEdge BiancaSantana880
After school, Jim rushed back home and then uses his computer to search up anything related to the Justice League, but he found nothing. He then came to a conclusion...

There were no superheroes in this timeline!

"How can this be?" Jim thought in his head as he tries to find more information. He later heads outside when a streak of red lightning pasted him.

"Hello... Jim." Red Death said in a taunting way.

"YOU! Red Death! What did you do?!" Jim demanded.

"Your Super Friends can't help you... anymore." Red Death said.

"What the hell did you do?" Jim demanded.

"Nothing that you've done before. Something that your friend, Barry did." Red Death said.

"You created a Flashpoint." Jim said in horror.

"Wrong. I created a Red Death-point. After you and your friends took down the Titans and was gonna reset everything, I saw it as an opportunity to get what I wanted. I fed your Time Stone with my Negative Speed Force energy to remake your timeline into something of my own." Red Death explained.

Jim couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Why? Because it was clear that your friends were faster than I was, and the only way to defeat them...was to make them disappear." Red Death said.

"How?" Jim demanded.

"So I ran back to the year 2013 and made sure Barry never got struck by lightning. Oliver's parents never died. Kara and Clark's planet is intact. The Bad Guys stayed criminals. I fixed all of their lives to prevent any of them being superheroes." Red Death explained.

"It was you... it was you who messed with the timeline. That's why no one has ever heard of the Justice League. Red Death, what you've done destroys the world. It creates Armageddon." Jim said.


"No, it's true, damn it!" Jim shot back.

"I would not create a perfect world just to watch it die. As a matter of fact, the only thing that is set to expire... is you. Because I did what I should've done. I killed you as a little toddler." Red Death snickered.

Jim gets mad as he punches Red Death only to phase in an out. He soon saw his body began to fade away.

"You can do that all you want. But the fact remains, by 3 days at the stroke of midnight, my timeline will solidify... and you will cease to exist." Red Death said.

"If you don't fix this I'll..." Jim threatened.

"You'll what? You're not the Trollhunter. You got no powers. And you can't call any of your super friends because they don't exist. I've won. I've finally won! WHO'S THE FASTEST AND STRONGEST NOW?!" Red Death roared as he blasted Jim away with his lightning.

Jim wakes up as he heads off to figure out what to do. He sits in the Arcadia cafe as he looks for a way to fix this. If none of the superheroes were created... then who can he rely on? As he thinks, he hears the news on the TV.

"Tiffany Fluffit, from Channel Six reporting action news from Los Angeles. Tonight at the Good Samaritan Awards, the Golden Dolphin was stolen by the infamous criminals, the Bad Guys, who succeeded in where other criminals have failed to do." Tiffany said on the screen.

Jim looks surprise as he sees a footage scene of them driving away. He then gets a brilliant idea. He then purchased a bus ticket to Los Angeles and ends up in the city. He then heads to the secret hide out of the Bad Guys as he remembers where it was. He goes into the elevator as it brings him up. The doors opened as he is awed by all the treasures and stuff they've stole. Money, jewels, art, games, and more.

"Whoa... they weren't kidding on how bad they were." Jim said as he admired all of their loot.

He walks around to see all their stuff they stole. When they use to tell him, Toby, and Claire on the stuff they stole, they thought they exaggerated a bit.

Jim then sees the fridge with the pictures of them having fun. He goes to find them when...


Jim gets hit on the head by someone falls unconscious. He starts to wake up and finds himself tied in a chair. He looks to see the seven Bad Guys talking with each other.

"I can't believe you did that?!" Wolf said.

"I took decisive action. I've got no regrets." Hyena said holding a shovel.

"And now we have a teenager here who we can't let go." Snake said.

"Wait, why?" Piranha asked.

"Because this kid might rat us out to the cops! We'll go to jail, Fishface!" Drago scolded the confused piranha.

"Bad Guys?" Jim moaned as he starts to regain consciousness.

The Bad Guys turn around as they saw Jim awake and stood intimidating at him.

"Well, well, well.... Look what we have here. An intruder who found us." Wolf said in a glare and a cocky smile.

"The Bad Guys! Ha ha! Boy am I glad to see you guys." Jim said with such happiness.

The Bad Guys look both shocked and confused as Jim wasn't scared of them when most people would scream, cry, or faint in the sight of them.

"Wait... you're not scared of us?" Shark asked.

"I think you hit the kid too hard in the head." Drago said to Hyena.

"You do realize that we're criminals right? People are afraid of us." Snake said circling the tied up boy in a creepy way to inflict fear.

"Yeah, but I'm not scared of you guys. I know you're not killers, just thieves and crooks." Jim said.

"Oh! Brave and feisty, I like that. But that still doesn't answer on how you knew where to find us." Drago said leaning closer to Jim's face.

"Okay, look. This may sound crazy but, the reason why I know you guys because in an alternate timeline, you guys become superheroes of the Justice League. You guys gave up being criminals and started to help people. We're good friends there and it's why I knew where to find you." Jim explained.

The Bad Guys were silent for a moment before they burst into tears of loud laughter.

"Ha ha! That has got to be the most craziest thing I've ever heard of." Wolf said through his laughing with the others.

"I'm telling the truth! I even know your real names. Mason "Moe" Wolf, Hubert Snake, Tara Tarantula, Lou Shark, Pepé Piranha, Drago Komodo, and Miguel Hyena." Jim said.

Each of the Bad Guys stopped laughing as they were both shocked and surprised to hear this kid knowing their first names since none of them told each other about it. Hyena suddenly bursted out into laughter.

"Ha ha hah ha! Hubert?! You're first name is Hubert?" Hyena laughed as Snake looks embarrassed and mad.

"What are you laughing at, Miguel?!" Snake insulted back.

"Hey!" Hyena barked back as Drago grabbed Jim by the shirt while growling.

"Who are you, kid? How do you know our real names?" Drago growled.

"I'm Jim Lake. I even know about when you were bullied in high school in a result that got your venom glands removed." Jim said.

Drago's eyes widened in pure shock as no one from his old hometown knew of that story.

"Wait! Is that true, Drago?" Wolf said surprised. Drago instantly grabbed Jim tighter by the shirt in a cruel way.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?! That case was sealed! No one knows about it? You FBI? CIA? MIA? NSA? SCC?" Drago growled as he accused Jim.

"No! None of those. Look! On the outside, you guys are villains, predators, remorseless sociopaths." Jim said to them.

"Oh stop it you're making me blush." Shark said as he blushed as Jim's words.

"But deep down, you guys have a spark of goodness. I know it, there's a part of you guys that don't want to be treated as monsters." Jim told them.

The Bad Guys look at each other as they begin to think deeply about Jim's words. Their faces soften a bit as the words begin to sink deep in their heads.

"Jim Lake Jr. is speaking the truth."

Jim and the Bad Guys turn around to see a sling ring portal open with Doctor Strange and Silver the Hedgehog coming out of it before it closes.

"Strange? Silver? You guys are still here?" Jim said.

"Yes. Luckily, our Time Stones protected us from the changes in this alternate timeline." Silver said.

"So first Barry, next was Sonic, then Draal, and now it's you Jim, who decided to mess up the timeline." Doctor Strange said.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for all of this to happen. But it was mostly Red Death's fault." Jim said.

"I'm sorry but you are you two and what are you guys talking about?" Wolf asked.

"Perhaps it's best if we discuss it with all of your available friends." Silver said.

1 Hour later...

"Why are we here? And who are these guys?" Claire asked looking at the trolls and Bad Guys.

"Believe us, we're just as confused as you weirdos are."  Drago said as he looked at the trolls.

Suddenly a sling ring portal opened as a forensic scientist man fell through. The man got up as it was Barry Allen.

"What just happened?! Wait, wait, wait, wait, how did I get here?" Barry Allen said in a panic.

"Oh great! Just what we need, a cop here." Snake said as he hissed at Barry.

"Look I think there's a mistake of me being here, and wait! You're the Bad Guys!" Barry said with realization.

"Yeah we are." Wolf said with pride.

"Look I know this is confusing for you guys but it will make sense. Strange, Silver... do it." Jim said.

Strange and Silver then casted a spell on the confused group as their true memories come back.

"Draal? You're back!" Barry said surprised.

"I... am. The last thing I remember was being in Merlin's tomb when.... I died." Draal said shocked.

"I'm back too? Jim... what happened?" Toby said.

"It's... a long story." Jim said.

So Jim did the best he could to explain everything that has happened and what he did to save them all, only for it to be corrupted by the Red Death. And that no superheroes remain or exist.

"So what you're saying is.... THIS is all Jim's fault!" Snake said pointing at the boy.

"Hey!" Jim said.

"Snake! Take it easy on the kid." Wolf said.

"What! It is! Because of him, we're criminals again and our kids don't exist anymore." Snake said.

"My little Jewel... gone." Drago said with a little tear.

"Hold on! It's not entirely Jim's fault." Toby said defending his best friend.

"Tobias is correct! Red Death corrupted and twisted Jim's idea to suit his lust for power and dominance. Now we're living in an alternate timeline for his own benefit." Blinky said.

"And now we have to fix it." Claire said.

"How? This world doesn't have superheroes." Shark said.

"Oh, I know! Drago, you can use your Still Force powers to restore the timeline!" Hyena said.

"Umm, Hello? I don't have my powers, none of us do. If I had my Still Force powers, I could." Drago said to the dumb hyena.

"So we'll have to find another way and fast." Barry said.

"Indeed, if what you say is true, Master Jim. We now only have 3 days before this timeline is permanent and you cease to exist." Blinky said.

"Okay so you guys can use your Time Stones to fix all the anachronisms." Toby said to the time masters.

"It's not that simple. To restore the timeline, we would need to travel at super speed through the timeline." Silver said as Jim came up with an idea.

"Then we restore the three of your powers." Jim said looking at Barry, Draal, and Piranha.

"Us?" The three of them said confused.

"You guys are speedsters, you guys can use the Speed Force to reset the timeline." Jim explained.

"One problem though, Trollhunter. We don't have our super speed." Draal said.

"Hang on! I think I might know just the guy who can help us." Silver said.

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