Chapter 7: Race against Time

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"Look, uh, I hate to break the pity party, but we're running out of time. We only got a 2 hours left. And Barry, Draal, Sonic, Piranha, Shadow... you guys have to do this." Snake said looking at the father-clock. 

"Trust me, we want our lives back and everyone we love more than anything, but I've run the numbers. We will have two minutes to accelerate before our destruction destroys the world." Barry said.

"Well then, you guys better run fast." Snake said.

"Snake, the odds of us hitting Mach 20 in two minutes is 2%!" Barry said.

"It's better than nothing!" Snake said.

"You don't understand. Death said we cause the Armageddon and destroy the world. This is exactly what he described." Piranha said.

"We won't be responsible for killing every single person on the planet." Draal said.

"And what happens to those people if you give up? You're leaving 8 billion souls to a world where Red Death has everything that he wants and nothing to lose." Snake argued.

"We're still not fast enough. Even with our speed back, we're not at our fastest yet." Piranha said.

"Fast enough? How dense are you? Speed isn't the only thing that guides you through these things. It never is." Blinky said.

"What else is there?" Barry asked.

"Love, you idiot! You're the Paragon of it. We saw what you guys did in the Time Stone with the other Paragons during Crisis. You guys restarted the Multiverse with love. This should be peanuts!" Blinky said to Barry.

It's not gonna work. Not this time." Barry said.

"Really? Well, it's guiding us right now. Do you think I want to be a criminal again? Of course I do, I spent most of my life as a criminal and enjoyed it, but a life without my wife and kids... I'm willing to sacrifice everything of that old life just to have my family back." Snake said to Barry as he understood.

"Okay... let's do this." Barry said as they headed out as Draal stayed behind.

"Draal, you coming?" Jim asked.

"Yes, but there's something I must take care of." Draal said.

Coast City

Draal ran to Jessica's apartment. He peaks through the window to see Jessica depressed and scared. He gulps as he knocks on the door.

"Who's there?! Go away! I'm not interested!" Jessica panicked as she held a bat close to her.

"Jessica... look... I know you don't know me but I want you to know... that you're not alone. A wise friend once told me: Destiny is a gift. Some go their entire lives, living existences of quiet desperation, never learning the truth that what feels as though a burden pushing down upon our shoulders is actually a sense of purpose lifting us to greater heights. Never forget that fear is but the precursor of valor, that to strive and triumph in the face of fear is what it means to be a hero. Don't think. Become. In the brightest day and blackest night, you shine brighter than any star. Goodbye my love." Draal said as he zoomed off before Jessica could see him.

Arcadia Oaks

The heroes were now waiting for Draal in the empty streets as a blue blur of lightning ran to them, revealing it to be Draal the Deadly.

"How'd it go with the love one?" Silver asked.

"She listened to my voice." Draal said.

"That's good. Let's do this. We'll stay here at your point of origin, just in case we get some visitors, but we'll be in touch." Doctor Strange said.

"How?" Barry asked.

"Magic. You'll hear our voices wherever you go. Now remember, you guys got 2 minutes to reach Mach 20 and open that temporal portal. Once you open it, Draal will throw Jim in there with the Amulet and the P.E.D. connected with the Time Stones." Silver explained.

"Thank you guys... for helping me. I promise I will fix this!" Jim said to them all.

"We know you will." Claire said.

"Get going. Run Jim, my son, run!" Blinky said.

Jim nods as he hops onto Draal's back as the speedsters run off. Streaks of red, green, yellow, and blue lightning dashed across the Earth. They were now crossing the Atlantic Ocean. As they do, they cause hundreds of earthquakes. A tsunami hits Japan. They were now passing Europe as Red Death is now trying to catch them. Now they ran straight through Paris in France.

"Hey guys, you got company!" Doctor Strange said as he dodged a blast attack.

They turn to see the people from Area 49-B pointing their Thermo-radiant pulse guns at them.

"You're all under arrest!" One of the soldiers said.

"Oh, great! These guys!" Wolf said.

"We need to hold them off for our friends!" Blinky said as they engage in the fight.

"It's not working! We're still not fast enough!" Flash said as they try to run faster.

"Keep going guys! Do not stop! Or we'll be damn in this timeline!" Silver said as he blasted some the soldiers and cops.

Doctor Strange then used his magic to open a portal to drop them into Australia.

"That should hold them off." Sliver said.

"They only have 60 seconds left!" Doctor Strange said.

"Come on guys! Go faster!" Toby said.

As the speedsters run, they soon see Red Death behind them.

"You're too late, idiots! You're too late!" Red Death roars as he starts to catch to them.

As the speedsters run faster, they start to see visions of their old lives as they run faster. Soon, they saw a portal ripping open.

"TROLLHUNTER, NOW!!!" Draal roars as he threw Jim into the portal.

"FOR THE GLORY OF THE UNIVERSE! IT'S POWER IS MINE TO COMMAND! CHRONOS CONTROL!!!" Jim shouts as he falls through the portal.

As he does, the area explodes into a ball of light as everything and everyone gets absorbed as the timeline resets. But the result... who knows?

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