Chapter 1: New World

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Drago wakes up in bed groggy as he remembers what recently happened. It's been 3 days since the Earth merged happened. He looks at the time to see it's 7:30 am. He gets out of bed and pulls his robe over his boxers as he walks downstairs to see the mansion was empty... except HK-55.

"Ah! Master Drago, you're finally awake." HK-55 said.

"Where is everyone?" Drago asked looking around as he gets breakfast.

"The kids are at school. Master Wolf and Master Diane are on a romantic getaway. Master Snake is with his wife, visiting his wife's parents in India. Master Shark is visiting his family in Atlantis City. Master Piranha and Master Webs are in Milford City on a trip. And Master Hyena is on a wild drive with his old gang." HK-55 explained.

Drago nodded as he makes himself breakfast as he reads the paper. He saw what was on the headlines:


He smirks as he remembers that fight with his friends. Suddenly his phone buzzes off. He sees it's his Meta Alert, signaling him on a Meta Attack in the city. He sighs as he suits up and flies off.

"Guys, I saw the alert. Meta attack downtown. I'm on my way." Drago said as he flies.

"Sounds good, Dragon Claw."

"Chester? Is that you?" Drago said confused.

"Uh, yeah." Chester said in the Bad Guys' JL base underground. Drago's parents and brother were there as well.

"And your family too, son. Here to help in any way we can." Cade said.

"Why are you guys on comms?" Drago asked.

"Chester let us in. We just got here. We're the only ones here besides HK-55." Drake said.

"Okay, no worries. I'll do this solo." Drago said.

"Are you sure, son?" Cade said.

"We can help." Sandy said.

"Thanks, mom and dad, but I'm good." Drago said as he flies faster.

In the jewelry store, was a meta-croc stealing jewelry from each stand as people ran away in fear. It was Carter Croc in a green hooded outfit with power gauntlets. His suit was neon green and pear white marks on it. He then fired a sonic wave at the glass to steal more. Drago speeds in as he takes off Carter's gauntlets.

"Carter Croc... since when are you a diamond thief?" Drago taunts with a chuckle.

"It's Echo Croc now, Drago!" Carter snarled at Drago. "And you're really gonna ask me that after what you and your friends did to me?"

"Uh, what did we do?" Drago said confused.

"Wow, Dragon Claw. My brother, that is epically cold. How do you not remember? It was pretty bad." Chester said.

"Oh great. Another reality change." Drago mumbled under his breath.

"Apparently, there's something else you don't remember." Carter said as he takes his bag of jewels. "The gauntlets are just my backup singers"

"Wait, what?" Drago said confused.

Carter then lets out a sonic scream as he burst through the ceiling as he got away. Drago couldn't believe this as he watches his rival get away.

"Great. He can fly now." Drago growled.

"No worries, son. Your dad is all over it. That sonic boom had a specific frequency. If we scan for the same wavelength, I think we can..." Cade said as he types away on the computer as the satellites got Carter's location.

"Got him!" Cade said proudly.

"Drago, Carter's at 52nd and Palm." Chester said.

"Okay, I'm on it. I'll take Broadway." Drago said as he flies off.

"I wouldn't do that, son!" Cade warns him.

"Why not?" Drago asked as he landed on Broadway.

"Because there's—"

Drago dodges the incoming train in a split second as the train ran pass as he breathes heavy after almost getting rammed by the incoming train.


"Since always?" Chester said.

Drago groans as he's still struggling with his new world's reality as he flies off after Carter.

Arcadia Oaks

In the Hero's Forge, Arcadia's heroes were all together besides Draal. Each of them were given their memories back thanks to J'onn Jonzz, Doctor Strange, and Constantine. Blinky, Dictatious, and Krel weren't handling it well.

"I'm sorry. The Multiverse Quest is over, we beat the bad guy, and you three are still worried because..." Claire said confused.

"Because... our entire reality of Arcadia was easily moved to a different Earth along with another reality of another Earth." Dictatious said freaking out.

"Mm-hmm." Douxie said understanding.

"So now... not only do we live on the same Earth with Drago, the other superheroes and creatures, but now... our entire timeline has been rewritten so that it's always been like this, and I don't remember owning this shirt!" Krel said revealing the Superman symbol shirt.

"Great shirt." Aja said smiling as the three smack their heads against the wall.

"Besides, isn't that a good thing? We're all one big happy family now?" Stuart said.

"No. No! No, it is not. Not when these guys... are crashing the reunion." Krel said as they threw a big flash card binder at them.

"Not a single one of any doppelgängers of ours or of Drago's survived to make it to Earth-Prime, as far as I can tell, but we did manage to pick up a butt-ton of bad guys and aliens and more metas, and you know what the best part is? The best part... is a bunch of our old villains are back, with fresh paint jobs!" Blinkous shouts.

"When did you have time to do all this?" Jim asked as they flipped through the pages and saw so many metas and other creatures.

"Very well detailed." Toby said looking at it, seeing many faces. Abra Kadabra, Bug-Eye Bandit, Grodd, Hotness, King Shark, Girder, Block, Magenta, Top, Carnage, Dr. Light, Gul'dan, Gunmar, Sergeant Night, Red Death, Dreadtrux, Reverse Flash, Null, DREADTRUX, Splitter, King Bowser, Dr. Eggman, Castaway, the Deadly Six, and much more.

"Edencorp, the Top, Rainbow Raider, the Deadly Six, Sergeant Night, Multiplex! Our Earth has more threats than ever, and we don't even know where they're coming from." Blinky said pulling his hair.

"Blinky... scared?" AAARRRGGHH!!! asked.

"Yes! I'm scared! We have no idea what's out there in our new world. Plus with Gunmar still out there, we have a battle to end the GummGumm King!" Blinky said.

"Blinky, calm down. We're gonna be okay. Besides our worlds merge and new threats, nothing else has changed. We're still friends and family." Jim said to his mentor/father figure.

"That's something else I wanted to talk to you about, Master Jim. I've recently discovered that your mother and I are... what's the word you humans use? Dating?" Blinky said which shocked Jim.

"WHAT?!" Jim exclaimed in shock.

"I know! I've discovered this 3 days ago after our world's reality change. Apparently after your mother learned the truth, she and I... started to get close with each other." Blinky explained to Jim.

"You... and my mom?" Jim said with disbelief.

"Yes and I'm so sorry Master Jim. If you want, I can break up with—" Blinkous starts but Jim cuts him off from finishing.

"NO! I mean— if you do that, my mom will be heartbroken. But are you even comfortable with her?" Jim asked.

"Why yes. Your mother is a very sweet and loving, yet a tough, stubborn, and somewhat ignorant woman. I know she deeply loves you and is always trying to make you feel better about yourself and your life. She's a wonderful woman to me. I can see where you get your personality from." Blinky said with compassion.

"Well, I wouldn't want any one else to be my father than you." Jim said as he hugs Blinky who is shocked but smiles as he enjoys the hug.

Bad Guys' Underground JL Labs

Drago was now working on the A.I Gideon in their underground lab. He unfortunately lost Carter so he decided to head back home to work on her.

"System update complete. Is there anything else, Drago Komodo?" Gideon asked.

"Uh, just one more tweak. In the meantime, I wouldn't mind knowing everything that Draal's reality changed before I go back into the field." Drago said to the A.I.

"Calculating... Calculating... Calculating...


Drago groans as he works more on the tech of his suit. As he does, Chester, HK-55, and his family comes in.

"There he is! My son the superhero!" Cade said as he and the others enter the lab.

"Hey Drake." Drago said focused on his work.

"Well, what are you working on, son?" Cade asked.


"Analysis complete, Drago Komodo. I've calculated approximately 3.725 billion changes. Would you like to hear them in order of causality?" Gideon said as Drago groaned at the results.

"Whoa! Is this a mobile interactive artificial intelligence unit?" Drake amazed.

"Um, yeah, it——it is. I'm trying to upgrade it. It belongs to my friend, Barry Allen." Drago said as he types on the computer.

"Really?" Drake asked amazed.

"Mm-hmm." Drago said still focused on the computer.

"You know, if you just flip the positronic solenoid—-" Drake speaks as he tweaked on the unit as Drago saw him.

"HEY! You know, please, um... just leave it be bro. I know you're good with science but just leave it be, okay?" Drago said.

"Oh... uh sure." Drake said a little sad.

As Drake left, Drago felt pity for being harsh on him but continues to work.

"Your brother was just trying to help, Drago. You know how good he is with science." Sandy said with a disappointed look.

"I know... I'm just still adjusting to this new world, thanks to Draal." Drago said in frustration.

"I'm sure it's not that bad, son. Plus we haven't seen you in a while. Spend some time with us." Cade said to Drago as he works.

"Perhaps you two don't understand that Drago is now an official member of the Justice League. I was there before this world's reality change. Yours and Trollhunters' reality were merged to Earth-Prime. Things here aren't as Drago remembers them. Hence, why he's struggling with the changes." HK-55 explained to the dragon's parents.

"I see... I didn't know it was that serious son." Cade said.

"Are you sure there's nothing we can do to help?" Sandy asked.

"Not right now, but I'll let you know if I help." Drago said as he continues to work.

"Okay son, just don't overwork yourself." Cade said as he and his wife left.

"I hope you can understand that you're not alone in this, Master Drago. Other heroes of League are struggling as well." HK-55 said.

"I know it's just... my Bad Guys are gone. My world got merged with this one. I'm also married to a female Komodo Dragon named Lucy who I have zero memories being with her. Things that I remembered from my old world has been changed. My friends and family are the same but everything is... different. It's a lot to process." Drago said working.

"I understand... anything else I can assist you with?" HK-55 asked.

"Not now. I'm good." Drago said.

"Understand." HK-55 said as he left the lab.

"Like things could get any worse." Drago said.

House of Mystery

Walking into the Great Library was a blue hair figure who spotted a man in a tanish coat with a blue cloak.

"I wasn't expecting you to show up, my friend. After you and the other dragons answer the call back to your Dragon Isles." Constantine said as he reads his books.

"Something happened Constantine. Something... terrible." Kalecgos said.

Constantine then closed his book as he faces the Dragon Aspect of Magic.

"Kalecgos... tell me." John Constantine said.

"It all happened so quickly. Doctor Strange was with us when it happened. An intruder breached their way on our island and broke their way to the Vault below and freed the other Incarnate Dragons." Kalecgos said.


Scene shows Kalecgos and Doctor Strange flying down to the Vault as see a hooded figure standing there by under the orbs.

"You! Stop right there!" Kalecgos shouts.

"Stand down now!" Doctor Strange shouts as they prepare to fight.

The stranger then destroyed the orbs, freeing the dragons. standing before them were the three remaining Incarnates of dragons.

"WHO KILLED OUR LITTLE SISTER!!!" Vyranoth the Ice Dragon said.

"Our sister's death demands vengeance!" Fyrakk the Fire Dragon said.

"All who resist... shall face death!" The Earth Dragon known as Irdikron said.

"Strange... we're not gonna win this today. We have to get out of here!" Kalecgos said as he and Doctor Strange teleported away before Irdikron could snap his jaws on them.

Later on, Doctor Strange and Kalecgos were now with the other Aspect dragons.

"My friends. We sense trouble below." Alexstrasza said.

"We barely survived. The intruder has..." Kalecgos speaks.

"Raszageth's kin have been freed." Alexstrasza finished. Nozdormu began to groan in pain as he rubs his head.

"Nozdormu?" Kalecgos said.

"What is it?" Ysera said.

"The timeways. They are... chaotic but still obscured. A dark future looks on the horizon." Nozdormu said to them.

"We haven't long to prepare for their onslaught." Doctor Strange said.

"Raszageth's reckless haste cost her life, and they will not make that mistake again. They will regain their strength and choose their next moment carefully." Alexstrasza explained.

"Then we must take the fighting them. Strike them before they are recovered." Kalecgos said.

"That... will be difficult. Irdikron's mastery of the Earth will harbor the them and keep them out of our reach." Alexstrasza said.

"What is it about this "Irdikron" that vexes you so?" Doctor Strange asked.

"Of the three that remain, Vyranoth and Fyrakk were ever loyal to the Incarnate's ideals. But it was Irdikron who truly embraced the war. The last captured... and the most difficult to contain." Nozduormu explained.

"At the end, he struck terrible bargains to keep their cause alive. His violent desperation makes him dangerous. I believe the other incarnates never knew the true depths of his depravity." Neltharion said.

"It is also clear that they want to kill their sister's killer. Drago and the rest of the Justice League are in danger. We must warn them of what's coming." Ysera said.

"We must not despair. Their war is coming. And while we may not yet have our Aspectral powers, we can rebuild our unity. Heal the wounded flights, embraced our allies. Only together do we stand any chance of victory." Kalecgos said.

"Together." Doctor Strange chuckled.

"Together." Alexstrasza smiled.

Flashback over

"Our Queen is determined, John, but we've only just begun to find who we are again. And I fear that without help we may never get the chance to see our future secured." Kalecgos said.

John Constantine nods as he adjusts to all the new information. He then sent the floating books back to the shelves. His gargoyle Palisman, Knox flies to him as it took staff form in his hand firmly.

"Then it seems the mortal races too must answer the call and face the storms ahead." Constantine said as they look out the window to see thunderstorm clouds thundering.

By the shores of Azeroth were three dragons with a hooded figure with them. The three dragons then changed into their visages.

"The last echo of our sister's storm is fading. She is truly gone." Vyranoth said in pity.

"We should be out there killing her murderer!" Fyrakk said in anger as the fire burns hotter.

"Patience, brother. Do not underestimate this world's new age of heroes who are stronger than they look. So we'll just have to adapt to this world's change for the time being. But soon this world will be cleansed from its mistakes." Irdikron said.

"Perhaps with my help you can get what you want." The stranger said.

"You?! Ha! Like a mortal can help us." Fyrakk mocked.

"This "mortal" freed you from your endless sleep! Plus, the one who killed your lightning sister happens to be my sworn enemy. I know all about him. His strengths and weaknesses. If we work together... we can kill him." The stranger said.

"Then tell us, who is he?" Irdikron said.

"Drago Komodo."

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