Coming Up Next!

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"You guys have been through a lot in these past few years." Lenny, Wolf's father said to his son.

The scene changes to Drago in a room with the Bad Guys and Diane in their pajamas.

"I call it my map book. It's a record of everything that happens to us in future. The near future. A catalog of everything I know and what Gideon has in her records. " Drago said as he shows them all.

"Wolf,'re gonna have another son in three months." Drago said as the news shocked them in a way that wasn't really joy.

The scene changes to be a dark, big, and muscular figure standing on a rooftop glaring at the city.

"There's a new speedster out there and he's trying to build a time machine." Barry said.

The scene shows Vector, Espio, and Charmy appearing in S.T.A.R. Labs all confident.

"Vector? What are you Chaotix doing here?" Sonic asked.

"Here to solve a case." Vector said.

"I'm trying to keep you guys safe!" Drago argued at the Bad Guys.

"Yeah, but we don't want to know what's gonna happen next!" Wolf said.

"We want to find out ourselves." Snake said.

A scene shows Drago looking at himself in his bathroom's mirror. He looked like a mess.

"I warned you that you become obsessed with the future but you didn't listen." Death said.

Drago the roar in anger as he punched the mirror, breaking it. Another scene shows the Bad Guys with Flash and Green Arrow fighting off brand new Rogue Criminals with nanotech weapons.

"Someone is gathering new criminals together and have them steal parts for his treadmill." Blinky said.

"If this guy is creating his Rogue gallery... then let's create our own Rogues of Justice." Jim said.

"My man!" Both Bebop and Rocksteady said as they fist-bumped.

The scene changes to the heroes with their Rogues fighting off the Speedster's Rogues. A dark black figure appears who was stuck in a vibrational form with yellow and black lightning sparking off of him. His eyes glowed a sinister yellow as he glares at the heroes.

"Who the hell are you?" Flash demanded.

"You can call me... the DEATH RACER!" The dark Symbiote speedster said before he charges at them with his jaws wide open.

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