Chapter 2: Realms and Trouble

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Minutes ago during the Merge of the Chronarch
All prehistoric animals run around for shelter as they get captured by the Chronarch's warriors and get their souls taken.
The Bad Guys and everyone in their city get sucked into the void as the Merge happens.
The Gargoyles of New York and Ponies of Equestria run around in a panic as their world is being merged in chaos as there is zero gravity.
All the monsters run in fear as they saw humans and their world getting merged. Tylor looks up see the sky ripping apart.
Black Tip was running around as he tries to take cover as Hell was breaking apart. Demons running around in a panic as the world was tearing apart as there was now zero gravity. Black Tip looks at the sky to see the fabric between time and space rip apart as he sees his world merge with others.

"What the hell..." Black Tip said in fear before he gets sucked away into the void.
Jim, his sister, Toby, Claire, Draal, Blinky, Aaarrrgghh watch as their reality begins to shattered into the merge of worlds. Draal suddenly gets sucked away as the void pulls him in. As this happened, he hears a chant repeating. "Worlds Await!"
The Bad Guys with Princess try to take cover when they are discovered by the General of the Chronarch and traps them.

"Stay away from her!" Snake hissed.

"You'll never get away with this!" Wolf barked as he stands in front of Princess.

"Oh, but my master will! You see, he has a better way in using useless people like you!" General Kozeroth snickers.

Kozeroth then charges at them and rips their soul cores out of their bodies as they screamed in pain. Their bodies dropped like bricks to the ground. He then created Soul Prelate Warriors out of them.

"Rise Prelate Warriors of the Chronarch... go and do my master's bidding!" General Kozeroth commanded.

He then continues doing it to other helpless victims, using their souls to create more Prelate Warriors. He finds Diane, Princess, Marmalade Luggins, and does the same to them as well. Not even Puss in Boots could defeat the general. The Scooby-Doo gang were next to be attacked, only Scooby-Doo managed to escape.
All the Werewolves in Milford City run cover and do what they can to protect their people. Flasheart Lupin looks up at the sky as he saw other worlds. He, the Lycans, the Teen Titans, and the Night Patrol soon become Prelate Warriors like the other victims.
Everyone in Arcadia was trying to help people as the trolls and humans get sucked in the void of space. Draal was there with his Trollhunters and Sonya as he and others experienced the MERGE.
Jack, Quint, Dirk, June, and the other survivors try to get to shelter as they saw something more terrifying than zombies coming.
All the people in New York City are trying to take cover as the pets whimper in fear. Rooster saw the sky cracking with worlds as he gets sucked away. Rooster wakes up as he sees he's not in his city.

"Hello? Hello! Anyone there? Anyone?" Rooster calls out in the open.

He saw he was all alone. His friends, his owners, everyone and everything was gone. He was in uncharted territory. Suddenly, floating down to him from the wind was a black domino mask that was the Black Wolf's mask. He looks at it and decides to put it on as he begins to search for his family... somehow.


The speedsters were now running around the city of Zootopia mixed with Green Hill Zone. They do their best to avoid being seen by the people of Zootopia.

"What a strange city." Jay said.

"Yep. Come on, let's find our friends in this city." Flash said.

They look around while trying to blend in. Sonic saw the different climate districts and was amazed by them. Suddenly they heard fighting. They stop to see Flasheart, Hotspur, and Freddy fight some ZPD officers.

"Usually I'm not one who fights the police, but I'll make an exception for our friends!" Sonic said as he and the others jump down and fight alongside the werewolves.

"Flasheart! Hotspur! Freddy! We found you guys!" Jay said as he lightning blasted some of the other wolves away.

"Better late than never!" Hotspur said as he threw a fireball at a Officer Jackson the tiger.

"We were just exploring around to find the rest of our friends when the police arrived and are trying to arrest us!" Flasheart said as he Sonic Howled Officer McHorn away.

"Okay, enough playing around!" Draal said as he then Thunder-Clapped, creating a burst of lightning that tazed all the officers in the area.

"Nice move, Draal." Freddy said as Draal grunt in approval.

Sonic then sees a red glowing light and investigates what it is. He then sees a floating red gemstone.

"Another Chaos Emerald." Sonic said as claims it.

"Great! Now let's head over to the ZPD and save Amy and Knuckles." Freddy said.

"Wait! How do you know where they are?" Draal asked with suspicion.

"Because we heard over the ZPD's radio reports of two individuals described like them being brought there." Freddy explained.

"Okay, you guys take this breach back to the others so we can find our friends." Flash said as he opens a breach with the extrapolator.

The werewolves go through as the Bad Guys come out to help the speedsters bust their friends out. They sneak pass the officers and climb on top of the building of ZPD.

"Okay, now what do we do?" Drago asked.

"If we are to free our friends in this city, we must show no mercy! I'll charge the doors and tear the officers limb from limb!" Draal roared.

"Whoa whoa whoa! We need to be careful. The guards will notice." Jay said.

"That does not matter if none survive to tell the tale! I will split them with my lightning axe!" Draal said as he constructs an axe out of lightning.

"No! We're not murderers. There's a better way to handle this... somehow." Flash said.

"Let's do some magic." Shark said as he pulls out pieces of paper and pencils.

Shark and Draal then created a Sleeping Glyph spell to knock everyone in the building to sleep. They then sneak inside. They head to the holding cell rooms and see Officer Rhinowitz and Officer Wolfard standing guard.

"There are two guards left." Wolf whispered.

"On it." Piranha said as he charges in and freezes them both in blocks of ice with the Ice Glyph.

"Too easy." Piranha said.

They check through the cells when they spotted an echidna and a pink hedgehog.

"Knuckles! Amy! Boy are we glad to see you guys!" Sonic said as he uses a Fire Glyph to melt the locks of the cell.

"Sonic! I thought I never see you again!" Amy cried as she hugs Sonic tightly.

"Amy! Let go! Can't breathe!" Sonic squeaked.

"I could've gotten us out of there." Knuckles said.

"Sure you could." Wolf teased as he opens a breach with the extrapolator.

They exit through the breach outside of the ZPD as the sleeping spell begins to wear off. Chief Bogo then catches the heroes leaving through the entrance.

"Stop! All available officers, stop those crooks immediately!" Bogo shouts through the speakers.

"Crap! The fuzz is awake!" Hyena shouts as run as fast as they can.

The heroes run as Draal opened a breach for their friends to escape through.

"You guys go on ahead. Sonic and I will deal with them." Draal said as he closes the breach.

Suddenly many officers appeared. From medium to large size, they all stood together as one united team and blocked my exit. The largest animals - such as the elephant - stood in the back row, and the smallest animals - such as the wolves - knelt down in the front row with mildly confused but strongly focused facial expressions as they prepared for action. Ears were pointed, and animal instincts were kicking into gear.

As they wish...

Time for battle but no time for war.

Their tranquilizer weapons didn't scare the blue speedsters, for they were far inferior to their own weaponry, but the animal diversity of their force and the bravery they manifested were what hit me most. After all, the floor had the words 'Trust, Integrity, Bravery' engraved, so they had to live up to it, even if it meant death.

All the mammal officers held their positions except for one of them, that stepped forward through the crowd. He wasn't the tallest, but the horned officer had the most intimidating scowl of them all.
The uniformed cape buffalo took a defensive stance and glared at me for a few seconds.

Then, while pointing at them, he said, "You're not going anywhere! We've got you surrounded."

The buffalo chief waited for our response, but Draal and Sonic gave him none. Growing impatient, he sighed and took a deep breath before speaking.

"Now, let's make this simple," the buffalo continued. "Turn yourself in and we can resolve without further conflict."

"Without conflict? Possibly." Sonic said.

"Splendid. Now prove it." Bogo said.

"But turn ourselves in? Not going to happen." Draal declared.

The mammal officers tightened the grip on their pistols, and the water buffalo disapprovingly shook his head. "I don't know what the devil you two are, nor do I care, but you will NOT be leaving here!"

"We'll see." Draal challenged as his lightning crackles.

"I'm only going to ask this once." he fumed. "STAND DOWN!"

Sonic and Draal exchanged glances with the other officers, and some shared the same serious face as their chief while others seemingly begged them to give in.

"No, sir." Sonic replied.

Everyone briefly looked at each other like they was crazy, but they had no idea who Sonic and Draal truly were.

"It's not worth it, buddy," the grey wolf officer warned.


"Don't make us do this!"

"Just get down on the floor, and put your hands up!" the elephant urged.

"Never." Draal said as Sonic and Draal's bodies crackle with blue lightning.

"Final warning! On the floor, face down!"

"Right now!"

"Down on the floor now!"

The buffalo grumbled before glowering at me for a few seconds, probably wondering why they was being so stubborn. With no more patience to spare, he raised his arm and lowered it while issuing the command, "Drop them!"

The tiger officer fired the first shot, as the tranquilizer dart hit just above the heart of Draal's chest. Dead silence filled the lobby as the only sound one could make out was a soft metallic ping. Sonic slowly looked down and saw the dart resting on the floor, with a bright green stabilizer and a completely broken tip. The needle failed to implant itself which caused a great wave of bewilderment among the animal officers. The dart's structural integrity was no match against stone. Thus, Draal remained standing and they somehow thought that they be brought down with ease. They were wrong. However, instead of reevaluating the situation, their next move was to simply try again.  Thus, they all rechecked their pistols - to ensure they were actually loaded - and pointed them at Draal's chest.

"Sonic! Get behind me!" Draal ordered as Sonic did what he commanded.

The two kneeling wolves upfront took their shots, sending two more darts flying in Draal's direction.
The first dart skidded off his right shoulder and the second one crashed into his lower abdomen and likewise fell to the floor. That was close but both darts failed miserably. The two wolves desperately checked to make sure their weapons actually fired and sure enough, they did fire.

"He's not dropping!"

"But...but how?"

"What's going on?"


Never had they seen so many wide-eyed animals before. Even the chief's jaw hung slightly open and the cheetah behind the circular desk had one sprinkled paw over his mouth. None of them knew what to think... or what to do.

"Again!" the chief ordered. "Everyone on my mark!"

The ZPD officers tightened their stances and prepared for the ultimate squad attack. The chief raised his arm to give them the signal.

"One!" he started, pausing for a brief moment.


Sonic and Draal looked at each other in the eye.


Bogo's arm dropped and all the animal officers fired their tranquilizer dart pistols in unison. The hippo took a shot.

The elephant pressed the trigger. The jaguar aimed and fired. The timberwolf launched a dart. The two polar bears both hurled darts. The black and grizzly bears sent off their shots. The tigers fired again.
And the sheep fired together. But it all resulted in the same outcome. The darts simply bounced off the troll with zero effect. Draal sighed at their pathetic attempts. Needle tips were crushed, darts grazed off to the side, and their pathetic supply of useless ammunition diminished.  Now they had a collection of broken needles at their feet which summed up their tactical failure. It was as if a bunch of children was using rubber bands to launch sharp pencils at a solid concrete wall. Now they were beyond the border of confusion.

"It can't be!"

"But... but that's... that's not possible!" an officer gasped. "There's no way..."

"Are we done here?" Sonic asked with a smirk.

The animal officers looked at each other and shrugged. None spoke but they pondered on how they ought to proceed. Close in on them or retreat from them? Hopefully, the latter. Thus, a couple of them looked to their chief for an answer. But Bogo wouldn't have it. Shaking his head in anger, he reached for one of the bear officer's pistols and swiftly snatched it from their paws.

"Give me that!" he snarled.

With his arms fully flexed, he primed the pistol and aimed it right at Draal. With an aggressive gaze of pure determination, he squeezed the trigger and fired a shot.

This time, instead of a repeated ricochet like the last few shots, the dart he fired successfully implanted itself in the worst spot:

Draal's head.

That certainly caused Draal to flinch and jolt back.
Draal pull the dart out. It was tightly wedged between his forehead.

What a great shot.

Draal held the dart in the palm of his hand, casually examined it, and then Draal tightly closed his grip around it. Within seconds, the dart shattered into multiple fragments, and he discarded them like mere bread crumbs. He growls at Bogo angrily.

"That was a bad... move." Draal growled.

"Wha?" one of them murmured.

"Wait... did he just...?"


The exit was only a couple of yards away and the animal officers were standing in staggered positions. It was now or never. In a blink, they rapidly strode their way to the double doors, pushing their way past the smaller officers - such as the pig, sheep, and wolves - causing them to tumble over until a lion and a polar bear officer stood in the way. They were too big to push with ease and both raised their arms up to block the speedsters from advancing.

"Stop right there, sir!" the lion roared, whose nametag read as 'Delgato'.

"Don't move!" the arctic bear raised a paw, keeping the other on his taser.

Right behind them, Sonic and Draal saw the rhino and elephant officer stand guard by the doors, arms folded, and blocking their only escape path. What fools to think they could stop them.

"Stand aside," Draal huffed, clenching both fists tightly.

"Get down on the floor, right now!" they shouted.

"Paws up!"

These animal officers were getting on Draal's nerves. All they had to do was back away and no harm would come to them. However, at this point, Sonic couldn't make guarantees anymore with his troll friend getting angry.

"Careful," Draal warned, "We're forces to be reckoned with."

"Which is why you're not leaving," the buffalo menacingly chimed in from the side. "We're taking you in!"

Sonic pivoted 45 degrees to face him and shook my head. "That's not going to happen."

"If you won't let us resolve this with tranquility... then we'll do it by brute force," the buffalo said with seriousness in his tone. He waited for them to respond but they continued to stand in place, stare him down, and kept my fists closed. Realizing this, he continued, "If that's how you want it... then so be it."

"I'd like to see you try." Sonic taunted.

The chief appeared to be increasingly belligerent but he impressively maintained his composure. "Sir, maybe you can't count..." he warned, "there are twenty of us... and only two of you."

Upon hearing this, Sonic and Draal looked around at the surrounding officers, smiled at each other

"Get some more mammals then it'll be an even fight." Sonic chuckled.

Their prideful remark caused a few animals to look at one another as if they were a complete lunatic. However, some seemed to be sincerely concerned and didn't like where this was going. A grizzly bear officer rushed in from the side to pounce, Draal blocked his incoming paws and jabbed him in the throat. He fell hard on his hip and coughed uncontrollably.

The lion and polar bear both charged from the front, Sonic flung the lion to the ground, pushed the bear back, and threw a Spin Dash downward. The lion rolled away, dodged it, causing his fist to strike the floor and crack it. Sonic then did a Homing Attack on a bear, a rhino, a pig, and a lion.

"Time to Spin Dash!" Sonic declared as he and Draal began to spin into spiky balls and began to bounce all around the room.

As they do, they hit every officer in a blink of an eye. Along with running around at super speed dodging all the darts and knocking out the officers with a push or a punch. Soon they were surrounded by bodies of unconscious officers.

Finally, the exit was clear.

Well, almost. All the animal officers were either behind me or still on the floor, recovering from their temporal injuries. The hippo was on the ground and dizzyingly grabbed Sonic's shoe to pull him down but kicked him hard in the nose and knocked him out.  The jaguar reattempted his attack, Sonic swung his fist at him, he dodged it, punched Sonic in the lower abdomen. His eyes widened in surprise as Draal gripped him by the neck, jumped straight up, and used his other arm to strike him down on the top of his head with a single blow. He was finally knocked out and likewise incapacitated.

The timber wolf desperately charged again, he swung his baton at Draal's face, it snapped in half upon impact, and Draal punched him right in the nose.  The force was great enough that he fell back a couple of yards and remained motionless.

Now the coast was clear.

"Now that... was fun!" Draal growled.

"Here we go!" Sonic laughed as he and Draal sped off in a blur of blue lightning.

Oh, yeah!🎶

Sonic and Draal began to run away from the ZPD in a high getaway. They could hear the police cars chasing them. Mostly Judy and Nick.

🎶Rolling around at the speed of sound
Got places to go
Gotta follow my rainbow
Can't stick around, have to keep movin' on
Guess what lies ahead
Only one way to find out🎶

Sonic and Draal look at each other and grin as they bounce from wall to wall as they get above the buildings and run across the roofs.

🎶Must keep on movin' ahead
No time for guessin', follow my plan instead
Trusting in what you can't see
Take my lead, I'll set you free🎶

They run around through the park as they knocked a bunch of mice away due to the gust of wind from their super speed.

🎶Follow me, set me free
Trust me and we will escape from the city
I'll make it through, follow me
Follow me, set me free
Trust me and we will escape from the city
I'll make it through, prove it to you
Follow me!🎶

Draal sees some helicopters fly above them and steps on the gas as he and Sonic run through the Desert District.

🎶Oh, yeah!🎶

Sonic and Draal dash across the rails of the buildings and jumped and spins over a wall and ended up in the Rainforest District.

🎶Danger is lurking around every turn
Trust your feelings
You've got to live and learn
I know with some luck that I'll make it through
Got no other options
Only one thing to do🎶

The speedsters continue to run as they lost all the police cruisers except for one. One carrying a bunny and a fox.

🎶I don't care what lies ahead
No time for guessin', follow my plan instead
Find that next stage no matter what that may be
Take my lead, I'll set you free🎶

"Stop in the name of the law!" Judy shouts as she and Nick catch up to the hedgehog and troll.

"We can't! You fools have no idea what's going on!" Draal shouts at them.

"Then help us understand!" Nick said.

🎶Follow me, set me free
Trust me and we will escape from the city
I'll make it through, follow me
Follow me, set me free
Trust me and we will escape from the city
I'll make it through, prove it to you
Follow me!
Follow me!🎶

"Sorry guys, but Draal and I need to bounce!" Sonic said as he and Draal left Nick and Judy in a gust of wind as they left the city.

🎶I'll make it through, oh, yeah!🎶

Sonic and Draal laugh together as they made it out of Zootopia while making the police look stupid.

"Okay, I'll have admit... that was fun. Humiliating those officers trying to catch us was glorious." Draal chuckled.

"Hell yeah it was." Sonic agreeing with him.

"Sonic! Draal!"

The two turn to see Flash run up to them.

"Boy am I glad you're okay." Flash said.

Suddenly, the trio then heard barking and followed the source of the sound. Sonic Barry, and Draal then saw a Welsh Sheepdog barking at some Badniks who have Rooster cornered. Draal and Sonic then Spin Dash attacked the robots as they landed in front of sheepdog. Rooster growled at them not knowing if he could trust them.

"Hey boy... take it easy. We're not gonna hurt you." Barry said as he unmasked and held his hand out for Rooster.

Rooster then walks slowly to Barry as he sniffs him.

"Cisco's Translation Collar. Able to translate any vocal patterns." Barry said as he placed the collar on Rooster's neck.

"What did you—WAIT WHAT?! I can talk now?" Rooster said.

"See! There you go. I'm the Flash. That's Sonic and Draal. What's your name?" Barry said.

"The name's Rooster." Rooster said.

"Nice to meet you, Rooster. So where is your owner?" Sonic asked.  Rooster then looks down in sadness.

"I... don't know. I lost them during the Merge." Rooster said.

The speedster trio looks sad and felt great pity for the sheepdog.

"We're... so sorry." Draal said with pity. Then Barry got an idea.

"Why don't you tag along with us? Just until we can find your owner." Barry said.

"Really?" Rooster said surprised.

"Sure. We're heroes. We help those in need." Sonic said.

Rooster smiles as he follows the heroes on their journey. Later on as they ran through the Jungle Realm mixed with Pumpkin Hill Zone and spotted a princess locked in a prison bubble.

"A Princess? What's a Princess doing here?" Sonic said as he looks at the prison bubble she's trapped in.

"Looks like we'll need a key to free her." Wolf said looking at the key lock.

They then look around as Draal found the key and used it to free the prisoner. She land on the ground as she appears to be in a hologram digitized state.

"What's happened to me?!" The Princess said.

"It seems that you're stuck in a digitized state. Mind telling us who you are?" Flash said.

"My name is Princess Zelda." Zelda said.

"Zelda... nice name." Sonic said.

"Where am I?" Zelda asked.

"In a mashup world mixed with different realities." Draal answered.

"I see... I wish I could help but I can't touch anything or anyone." Zelda said as she glitches a bit.

"Just hang on tight, Princess. We'll restore this world ASAP!" Sonic said as he and the heroes run off.

As Draal ran he suddenly got a vision of him dying by Angor Rot in Merlin's Tomb. He took the hit of Creeper's Sun Poison to save Jim and Jessica. He groans in pain as it was from a different timeline. Draal shakes it off as he rejoins his friends. As they run throughout the city, they find Mega Man fighting a Prelate Warrior of the Teenager Mutant Ninja Turtles.

"How can turtles be so deadly?" Aki exclaimed as he blasted them back.

Just as Prelate Leo was about kill Aki, Sonic spin slashed Leo away as he turned back to a Soul Core and flew back to his master. Soon the other heroes arrived and joined in on the fight.

"Elemental Ninja vs Ninja Turtles! Who will win?" Lloyd taunts as he fired an energy ball at Prelate Mikey with Kai burning him, turning back into a core.

Jay and Cole then lightning-earth punched Raph away, turning him into a core. Zane and Nya then froze Donnie as Sonic finished him off.

"Glad we found you, Aki." Sonic said.

"Glad you found me, I wasn't sure how much longer I would've lasted." Aki said.

"What were those things?" Zane asked.

"No idea, but we should get going before more show up." Aki said.

Draal then sees a glowing cyan gemstone floating in the window of the building.

"The fifth Chaos Emerald." Draal said as he takes it.

"Come on, the others are waiting for us." Jay said as they ran back the rest of the group.

"So far from what we could understand from our new world, it seems like someone or something has manipulated reality to bend at their will." Cisco said as he helps Tails.

"It gets stranger as we see past villains we've faced." Donkey Kong said.

"Well, then we need to find this guy and stop him." Sonic said.

"I'm sensing Chaos Energy coming from the the Northwest." Shadow said.

"Then I guess that's where we'll go." Sonic said as they charged together.

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