Chapter 4: Doppelgängers

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Snow_Wolf9 Your Draal will be involved.
Jim, his sister Jade, Toby, Claire, Draal, Blinky, Aaarrrgghh watch as their reality begins to shattered into the merge of worlds. Draal suddenly gets sucked away as the void pulls him in.

"DRAAL!!!" Jade shouts as she sees her beloved fly away in the void of space.

As this happened, he hears a chant repeating.

"Worlds Await!"

BetaTheAutobotNinja Draal will be mentioned
Everyone in Arcadia was trying to help people as the trolls and humans get sucked in the void of space. Draal was there with his Trollhunters and Sonya as he and others experienced the MERGE.

Black Tip was walking through a place called the Crossroads, where the remaining people of the different universes meet. He was looking for his girlfriend, his boss and the team... but no luck.

"Excuse me. Have you seen... oof!" Black Tip said as he gets pushed by a Tauren.

"Hey! Wait! I'm looking for... ack!" Black Tip groaned as he got bumped by a Worgen.

"Hold on! I haven't been around this many people in a while... Whoa!" Black Tip shouts as he got pushed back into a tent by Spinz the Dozeratops.

"Are people always this pushy?" Black Tip wondered.

Black Tip gets up as he soon as he saw what was inside the tent. He sees portraits of different people who's pictures were covered in flowers and surrounded by candles, even some gifts were left.

"Who are these people?" Black Tip wondered as he saw a muscular goat and some kids place more flowers near the portraits.

"Excuse me but... who are these guys? What is all this?" Black Tip asked the goat.

"These guys? They're the Justice League, heroes of our world, Earth-Prime. It's our neighborhood of Earth-Prime's way of remembering our great heroes. They put this tent up every week. I'm Riker." Riker said as he shook BT's hand.

"Black Tip." BT said introducing himself.

"Once upon a time, the Justice League protected all of Earth-Prime before the Merge! And they had fun while doing it!" A girl elf child said.

"Then they risked their lives to save people during the Merge. Now no one knows where they all are. Some people think they're gone forever like all the other heroes and villains from the different worlds." A boy gargoyle child explained.

"Nah, I think they'll be back someday. They never quit... even when things looked bad. They stood for hope, truth, and justice." Riker said as he and the kids leave.

"Maybe this "Justice League" can help me out." Black Tip said as he grins.

He then goes to run off into the unknown, unaware someone was watching him.


The heroes are seen on floating debris in space. Mario, Luigi, Sonic, Shadow, Yoshi, Donkey Kong and Bowser are jump up as they punched some debris out of the way.

🎶Lost in the unknown, so much to see🎶

Flash runs across the debris as Supergirl flies through with Batwoman swing across with her grappling gun.

🎶Together we will rise!🎶

The Ninja quickly do Spinjitzu as they landed on a floating rock with the Trollhunters as they slashed through flowing debris as Green Lantern constructed a landing pad for them.


Drago then jumps into the air as he morphs into his giant dragon form as he flies with the Bad Guys riding in his back through the space.

🎶We fight!🎶

Baby Riyu is then seen supercharging Green Arrow with his power as they all charge together as a team against the Chronarch, his general, and army.

🎶Be a ninja for what's right!🎶


3 Weeks Later...

The heroes were now crossing through Jumanji Jungle merged with the Pride Lands and kingdom of WAKANDA. Cisco gave all of the heroes new ninja suits that all shared a similar design but in their own colors and style before he left them. They were now passing a few of the animals and saw there wasn't as many animals as there should be.

"Don't you guys think that it's weird that there's not as many animals and people in this Battleworld?" Zane asked as they passed some White Rhinos eating and rolling in the mud.

"Indeed, perhaps there's something sinister happening behind our backs?" Dictatious said.

"All the more reason to find our missing friends and figure out who's behind the Merge. The only ones left are: Jack, Quint, Dirk, June, Rover, Orgrim, Gobber, Hellboy, Ty-Rux, Rayburn Jr." Blinkous said as they walk to San Fransokyo.

"Huh, it's like San Francisco and Tokyo merged together... interesting." Jay said as they walked around.

They suddenly see a Bat vigilante fighting off some Badnicks as Supergirl instantly recognized the hero.

"Batwoman?!" Supergirl said surprised.

"Hey guys." Batwoman said.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Gotham City?" Jay asked.

"I was. One moment I'm arresting Two-Face and his gang and then the next thing I know, the sky rips open as the world changes. I ended in a place called Gravity Falls, got some help from two kids and made my way to look for other members of the JL." Kate explained.

"Did you find anyone?" Luigi asked.

"Well..." Batwoman said as a mighty roar echoed and a beam of fire destroyed the remaining Badnicks.

Jumping out of the fire was a big, muscular, and chubby Koopa who smiles at the heroes.

"Hey guys!" Bowser said with a cocky grin.

"Bowser?! What are you doing here?" Mario asked with suspicion.

"Trying to find my way home. Got stranded in a place called Auradon at a high school with a bunch of weirdo students. I came across Batwoman while I was fighting off some Badnicks while looking for my Kingdom." Bowser explained.

"Okay, so did you guys find anyone else?" Mario asked.

"Sadly no... but we detected someone from our Earth somewhere in this city." Kate said.

"Then let's-a go." Luigi said.

As Drago and the others look around the city, he suddenly felt like someone was watching him. Drago hears something and quickly reacts as he flipped the stranger on his back as Drago charged at with a Time Punch—only to stop when he see it was a familiar Viking Mechanical Engineer.

"What the—Gobber?!" Drago said surprised as he powers down.

"Ohhh... Nice move! I was wondering if I'll see you lads and lassies again." Gobber groaned as he got up and hugs Drago.

"It's good to see you again, Gobber. Where were you?" Drago asked.

"Right after Sonic and Draal shattered the crystal, I ended up in some kingdom called Corona. Met a bunch of Vikings there, they were friendly and very... musical. After a one night party, I began my search for any familiar faces in this mashup world." Gobber explained as he stretched his back.

"The Chrono-stone! I remember! Maybe if we find it, we set things back." Sonic said.

"That is possible, but we have no idea where to find it or if it's still intact."

"Well, we better get a move on." Jim said as they started to walk together.

"Hey, since you're here Gobber, do you know what type of dragon Riyu is?" Drago asked showing Riyu who pops out of his suit's hood and jumps down.

"I've seen many types of dragons in my life but not this type. Very interesting. Fishlegs was more of the expert than me. I honestly don't know." Gobber said as he pets Riyu who purrs.

"We found him locked up like an animal by this Empire. They said he possessed a special power that they were going to take. As we escape, Riyu here somehow supercharged Zane's power so maybe it's something like that?" Drago explained.

"Well, all dragons have special powers and can all travel between worlds of the Multiverse so it make sense anyone would want this little guy's power." Gobber said.

"Hmmm... guess you'll be under my care for now on, Riyu." Drago said as Riyu licks his face.

Suddenly, Prelate Warriors of the Hero 6, Pikachu, She-Hulk, Incredibles, Link, Samus, Meta Knight, Simba, Kaid Lycan, Ladybug, and Cat Noir appeared as they go to attack and tried to get Riyu.

"Oh great! More of those guys!" Jay groaned as they all pulled their masks on and fight.

They each fought against the Prelate Warriors as Riyu stayed snuggled in Drago's backpack.

"Who are these guys?!" Drago shouts as he fights Prelate Baymax.

"They are our warriors."

The heroes turn around to see the Inquisitors again, grinning.

"The Inquisitors again?! Don't you guys just give up?" Toby whines as some of them ignite their lightsabers.

Each the heroes began to engage the Prelates and the Inquisitors. As they fight, one of the Prelates, Mr. Incredible was about smash Webs.

"Webs look out!" Piranha shouts to his wife.

Suddenly, a streak of blue lightning dashed across the area as it bashed back Prelate Mr. Incredible back. It uncurls to reveal it to be Classic Sonic!

"Sonic?!" Kai shouts in surprise as he sees C-Sonic Spin Dash the Prelate Warrior, and kicked back Prelate Simba.

"Alright! Two Sonics are double the trouble!" Piranha shouts as he lightning throws a bolt at Prelate Dash.

"This is getting out of hand!" Drago said as he got beaten back. 

Riyu looks at Drago as he then blasted Drago with his power, supercharging Drago's power. Drago was now glowing red, yellow, green, and blue colors as he gives the Inquisitors a deadly glare.

"For the last time... LEAVE MY RIYU ALONE!!!!" Drago roared as he snapped their lightsabers out of existence and then blasted the Inquisitors off a cliff, killing them for good.

Drago then turns to the Prelate Warriors as he then bursted into a giant tornado of energy as he begins to do Dragon Spinjitzu, knocking all Prelate Warriors away, turning them back into cores as they flew off back their master. As this happened, Draal then fell down a deep pit.

"Draal!" Jim shouts as he and Jessica try to get to him but he was too deep in the pit.

"Don't worry about me! I'll find you guys! I promise!" Draal shouts as he runs off to find an exit.

"Draal!" Jim shouts as Jessica holds him back.

"We'll find him again! But we need to get out of here now!" Jessica said as they all run away.

Draal was now running through the tunnel of the cave as he suddenly gets visions or memories of one of his doppelgängers. It was him in love with a Loboan Wolf named Sonya.

"I love ya." she whispered in his ear.

"I love you too," Draal whispered as he claimed her lips in a kiss.

He snaps back to reality as he fell down on a metal floor. Draal then opens his eyes to see he was in Eggman's Chemical Plant Zone. He looks around as he runs off to look for a way back to his friends. As he does, he sees a blue figure flying towards him. Draal's eyes widen, instantly figuring out who it was. He begins to run faster. Metal Sonic quickly caught up to the troll and charges up a ring-shaped electrical field called the "Ring Spark Field" that destroys the road, causing Draal to fall. Draal uses the falling debris to get back up to safety.

Draal smirks while bouncing on top of Metal Sonic when it tried to drill attack him. Metal beeps and shakes his head and proceeds to attack Draal again but he jumped over him. Draal continues to run away from Metal Sonic who's powered up with dark quantum energy.

"We're not gonna race this time? I don't mind. Swiping the floor with you will be sweeter." Draal smirked.

Metal Sonic lunges forward at Draal, forcing the troll to jump out of the way. That stunt leaves Metal in a weakened state.

"Tired already? How disappointing," as Draal
spin attacks him.

Metal regains his senses and charges up his Ring Spark Field, unleashing two columns of electricity. Draal has to slow down to avoid getting hurt. After using it, Metal Sonic is left vulnerable again for Draal to counterattack.

"That can't be it, can it?" Draal continues taunting the Badnick.

Irritated, Metal snaps the street lights and throws
them at Draal who now dodges them. Metal Sonic powers up his "Maximum Overdrive Attack" to its maximum and lunges forward at the troll speedster. The troll was able to outrun his enemy's attack, which leaves Metal exhausted and vulnerable again.

Metal Sonic then starts flying into Draal's direction. The troll speedster follows up with a charged up spin dash and kick his friend's robotic doppelgänger away into the air, causing the Badnick to explode in the process.

Meanwhile, the heroes were now making their way through Duckburg merged Storybrooke. As they do, Jessica noticed Jim looking upset.

"Hey Jim, are you okay?" Jessica asked.

"I'm just worried about Draal." Jim asked thinking about his surrogate brother.

"I'm sure Draal's okay. He's tough and can handle himself." Jessica said with confidence about her husband.

Both Draals walk on the other side of a large black and white hallway with white chandeliers and a wall with transparent glass cutting through the middle of said hallway. And at each end of each hallway is a stone door. Both trolls stop for a second when they noticed their counterparts through the mirror, unaware that the other is actual real.

Both trolls check themselves out and straight their horns. Both Trolls open their mouth to check their teeth, The trolls rub their chests and pats them a few times, but something about Draal's prosthetic arm set something off about both trolls. The trolls give their counterparts a weird look and tap the glass to see what's up. Then, Draal-Prime all heard a familiar voice.

"Take a good look at yourself!"

"Dr. Eggman!?" Draal-Prime exclaimed.

"What?" Draal notice how his reflection are moving differently from him, then he look at the stone door ahead.

"It's the last look you'll get before I close your eyes forever! Hoo hoo hoo!" Eggman laughed.

"So you're the one behind all this!" Draal-Prime believed and charges into the door, leaving a very stunned Draal behind to notice him.

"Another Draal?! What?! Wait a second!" Draal says before he makes an immediate dash to follow his doppelgänger, but the doors closes before he could enter, blocking him out. Draal flip backwards, landing on the ground by his back flips and shakes his head with his eyes shut. He jump to his feet, with him putting one hand on his hip, stunned, while wondering what is going on now.

Death Egg

Meanwhile, Draal-Prime was now running through the Death Egg as he looks for Eggman.

"OHOHOHOHO!" A familiar daunting laugh is heard from behind the troll speedster as a fire beam almost hits Draal. The hero turn around to be surprised its Dr. Eggman piloting an upgraded Egg Dragoon to attack him.

"Eggman?!" Draal remarked, shocked as the Egg Dragoon flies past the troll.

"This is a good opportunity for me to FINALLY get rid of you!" Eggman launches a drill arm at Draal who missed his target.

"I don't need the rest of my friends to beat you this time!" Draal said to Eggman.

"Good! This machine was created to specifically counteract your abilities! You will be CRUSHED by my ultimate battle mech! FREEZE!" Eggman forms energy cannons on the Egg Dragoon's feet and flips in mid-air, releasing a waves of sub-zero ice that sweeps the ground. Draal jumps over the ice waves until he jumps off a nearby ramp to some grind rails up top.

"You won't get away!" Eggman launches another drill arm missile while Draal grinds the rails. He misses after the troll boosted away. At the end of the rail, Draal jumps up and homing attacks the cockpit Eggman's currently sitting.

"Switch offensive maneuvers!" Eggman ordered, with the doc starting to get serious.

The Egg Dragoon starts to fly at the left side of the heroe while the mech's still on his front. The mech fire off it's respective attacks: shooting ice and energy slashes in hopes to keep the hero at bay and open to his assault.

"Cool attacks, Doc, but I have something better!" Draal shouts as he swings over and aside the multiple sword slashes and ice blasts.

Draal throws himself at the doctor, bouncing off each mech's core like a super-speedy bounce ball.

"Spin Slash!" Draal shouts, spinning overhead circles several times before slamming the ball on the Egg Dragoon, causing it to slam into the mech in the process.

"GAAAH! Time for a change of pace!" Eggman traps the troll between two walls to slowly crush him whilst he shoots ice blasts.

The Draal wall jump from the walls while avoiding the doctor' attacks. He rise up and strike the Egg Dragoon's head at the same time.

"Get ready for this! Parallel Attack!" Eggman separates the Egg Dragoon into two, the main body and the tail, both attacking simultaneously.

The body fires multiple circling fire beams while the tail portion launches periodical ice waves, making this combo very difficult for Draal to avoid.

"Hahahaha!" Eggman laughed.

Draal goes for a homing attack to the belly to disrupt his separation attack, but Eggman shows up and deflects him back with a smack from his shield.

"Do you think it'll be that simple? Freeze!" Eggman taunted and fires another ice shot to freeze him and get skewed by his drill arm.

"Not today! I don't do well in sub-zero temperatures!" Draal joked, firing a lightning shuriken to destroy the ice block before it could reach him. Draal attacks the Egg Dragoon again.

"You're losing steam, doc!" Draal taunted, grinning.

Suddenly, a portal open up along the tunnel, sending Draal and the Doctor down falling into a long vertical tunnel.

"This tunnel will be your tomb!" Eggman declared.

Draal start diving away from Eggman's many drill arms. When Eggman fires another drill arm, Draal dodges it and Spin Dashed the lower cockpit, damaging the Egg Dragoon severely.

"Noooo! The controls!" Eggman cried.

"Good night!" He said, punching the glass cockpit so hard it breaks, causing the Egg Dragoon to start blowing up.

"Stay still, you ignorant monster!" Eggman menaced.

"You should know by now I don't stand still. I boost forward!" Draal roars as he delivers an almighty boost homing attack to the core, destroying the mech for good.

"NOOOOOOO!" Eggman screamed as his respective destroyed mech crash at the bottom of the vertical tunnel whilst Draal simply lands in front of them, unscathed and perfectly fine.

Draal turns around to hear Eggman coughing underneath the scrap metal. He rolls his eyes as he goes to get Eggman when suddenly a Shadow Banshee appears to take Dr. Eggman away.

"What?! No! Draal, save me!" Eggman shouts as he gets taken away.

Draal-Prime gets up as he wonders what just happened. He then sees a portal and decides to go through.


Draal-Prime then meets up with Draal and the rest of the Super Friends. Draal-Prime was surprised to see his doppelgänger from a different Earth.

"I can believe there's two of me." Draal said surprised.

"Hey, you're not the only one weirded out by this, Draal-Prime said to his doppelgänger.

"Well... after this, I've think me and my brother have figured this all out." Blinkous said.

"Indeed we have. We're not just traveling around new worlds but also...." Dictatious said.

"We're traveling through time and space!" Both Galadrigal brothers said in unison. This surprised everyone, but mostly Draal.

"So you guys are from a different universe?" Draal asked.

"Indeed, we are call the Justice League. A team of heroes." Blinky explained.

"So... Draal, what was the last thing you remember?" Sonic asked.

"It was right after the battle of the Eternal Night. We finally defeated Gunmar and Morgana. My Jim, his sister Jade, Claire, Blinky and I were about to go search for a new Heartstone with Merlin when the sky started to rip open. Things went out of control as I got sucked into the void. Next thing I know, I ended up in a place called Storybrooke." Draal explained.

"Well you're more than welcome to join us." Sonic said as C-Sonic smiled with a "thumbs up".

"I suppose so... very well. I will join your League of Heroes." Draal said.

The heroes continue their journey as they came across Redshore City merged with Eggman's Intercellular Amusement Park and Arendelle.

"Whoa... this city is beautiful!" Jay said looking around.

"I feel like we've seen this place." Wolf said as Drago thought the same thing.

Suddenly memories began to flow through Wolf and Drago's mind.

Then Drago's face drop as he dropped his guitar, he was also being visit by his family. His wife and daughter were there, he was nervous and terrified, he didn't know what to do. So he ran to them, the wife for a green sweater with jeans and black boots and the little girl a Christmas dress. The wife put the child down and ran to Drago, he picks her up and rushes to his wife, there she hugged him but they quickly let go.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, he was both happy but shocked.

"We came to see you, your friend sent us a ticket and told us you'd be here." she points out to Ash who was waving at them. "Why didn't you come back home, we got worried."

"Oh honey I'm so sorry, I lost all the money, I thought you guys were better off without me, I needed to think of an idea to come up with the money, I didn't wanted to come home to you guys as a failure." Drago said in shame.

"Oh, we didn't care about the money, we were more worried about you, you were all we needed, we could've figured another way to come up with the money, we missed you dearly and wondered what happened to you, we thought you gave abandoned us." His wife said.

Then Drago looks down at his daughter who was looking at him with sad eyes.

"I would never wanted to abandon you, you two are the only thing that keeps me going." Drago said.

"Are you final going to come back home to us?" his wife asked

"It guys want me back?" Drago said. But he could see the look on face, they wanted him back, "Looks like I'm coming home for Christmas and I'm staying too."

"Daddy!" the little girl hugged her dad tight and the family reunited, Drago looks back and mouths "thank you" to Ash.

"I wanted to say...thank you for everything, I know I wasn't nice to you, I guess after what happened to be and jimmy I lost my trust in wolves but I know not all wolves are like Jimmy, so I'm sorry for how I treated, you didn't deserve it and you are a great dad." Buster said. Wolf was surprised by Buster but then he smiled.

"It's ok Buster I forgive you, you see a friend once told me, forgiveness is everything even after what happened...not everyone deserves to be hated but I do have to say...ohh." Wolf speaks.

Then suddenly he was surprised to find Buster was hugging his leg.

"Thank you...thank you so much for everything, for saving me, even after I treated you, you could have let-thank you so much...thank you." Buster said. Wolf then smiled, he bend down and hugged him back.

"It's no problem, it's what we do, we help people even when they won't admit it." Wolf said.

Wolf and Drago groans in pain as the memories sink in their minds.

"Wolf! Are you okay?" Snake asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just had these weird visions." Wolf said.

"Same here. It was like living a different lifestyle." Drago groaned.

"It must be a side affect of Battleworld." Blinky said as he helps up Wolf and Drago.

"Anyway... we should check the city out." White Canary said.

"Here we go!!!" Sonic shouts as they all run into the city.

Play song above!

🎶Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go now
Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go

Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go now
Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go now

Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go now
Gotta go, gotta go🎶

Kai dodging Egg Pawns and their rocket launchers, absorbing the Red Burst Wisp and starts attacking them as a Red Fire Ball.

🎶You've got me going out of my mind
I've got to see you one more time

🎶(Gotta go, gotta go)🎶

You've got me going out of my mind
I've got to see you one more time🎶

By his side, Sonic and Flash run around the park, homing attacking a few Egg Pawns that bounces them in the air where they meets two Cyan Lazer Wisp. The four high-five each other before Sonic and Flash absorbs them and turns themselves into a lightning-fast lazer that blitz through all the robots in sight.

🎶Gotta go, gotta go🎶

🎶Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go now
Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go now

Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go now
Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go🎶

While Sonic and Flash enjoy themselves as Lazers, they bypasses Wolf who bounce off and clinged to a nearby wall. He smirks when he spots the Yellow Drill Wisp flies below her and jumps down to absorb it, transforming him into a Yellow Drill and burrows through the ground while surrounded by a yellow aura.

🎶You've got me going out of my mind
I've got to see you one more time

You've got me going out of my mind
I've got to see you one more time🎶

On Planet Wisp, Mario is a rocket by absorbing the Orange Rocket Wisp to fly high to the sky.

🎶(Gotta go, gotta go)🎶

🎶You've got me going out of my mind (mind)
I've got to see you one more time (one more time)

You've got me going out of my mind (mind)
I've got to see you one more time (one more time)🎶

Nearby, a Pink Spike Wisp-powered Draal-Prime rolls up a wall while at the time Shark drops down as a Blue Cube pounding the ground revealing gold rings.

🎶You've got me going out of my mind (mind)
I've got to see you one more time (one more time)🎶

Up in the skies, Green Arrow having fun soaring in a Green Hover form, leaving green sparkles behind. 

🎶(Gotta go, gotta go)🎶

Drago as a Jade Ghost is phasing through objects. Passing by Drago was Frost who absorbs a Azure Ice Wisp creates ice as she passes around.

🎶You've got me going out of my mind (mind)
I've got to see you one more time (one more time)🎶

At the Aquarium Park world, a Purple Frenzy Aarghaumont monster bounces off the air and the water with a Violet Black Hole-Bowser bounces around with it and before slashing the screen with it's teeth.

🎶(Gotta go, gotta go)

Gotta go, gotta go

Gotta go, gotta go🎶

Once the heroes made it through the city, they decided to split up to look for any of their friends. As Kai looks around the city, he suddenly gets knocked back into a wall. He gets up to see a big, tough looking snapping turtle mutant glaring at him.

"Where are they?!" The turtle mutant demanded.

"Who?" Kai asked as he dodged the angry turtle's attacks.

"Where are my brothers?!" Slash roared as Kai jumped back and did Spinjitzu, knocking Slash away.

"Look! I'm not here to fight you! I don't know anything about your brothers! Some of my friends are missing as well!" Kai said.

Slash stops fighting as he sees Kai was telling the truth. He lowers weapon as Kai lowers his.

"You lost your friends?" Slash asked.

"Yeah, my friends and I are looking for the rest of our friends in Battleworld." Kai said.

"I see... I apologize for attacking you. Sometimes my anger gets the best of me." Slash said.

"Hey, I hear you buddy." Kai said as he then sees a explosion.

"What was that?!" Slash exclaimed.

"One way to find out, follow me!" Kai said as he and Slash jump from building to building.

The heroes soon see what the commotion was and see a giant monster, a Catoblepas roaring at two Web-Slingers fighting it.

"Whoa! What is that?!" Jay shouts.

"A Catoblepas! Ancient Ninjago boar demon beast." Zane said.

"But who are those guys?" Nya said pointing at the meta-humans.

Back with the Web-Slingers, Miles and Gwen both try to stop the monster as it wasn't looking good.

"I don't know how much longer we can keep this up!" Miles shouts as he webs up its face as the Catoblepas burns it off with its Fire.

"We just have to keep up a little longer!" Gwen shouts as she was about to get killed when Draal-Prime saves her.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Who are you guys?!" Gwen asked.

"We're the Justice League!" Draal-Prime grins.

All of the Justice League look at each other and nodded as they each began to do Spinjitzu with their own style moves. Each of their Spinjitzu tornadoes represented themselves as they began to spin around the monster, trapping it. As the beast is cornered, Zane freezes the beast with Blinkous and Dictatious using Ice Glyphs to trap it. But the beast broke free and roars angry.

"Now what do we do?!" Jay shouts as they try to come up with a plan when...


"Gah! What the hell was that?!" Luigi panicked when Kai starts to smile.

"Wait! I recognize that roar anywhere!" Kai said as he turns to see a red armored T-trux charging in and smashing the beast with it's wrecking ball.

"TY!" Kai shouts happy.

"Hey guys! Getting ready to feel the HEAT!" Ty shouts as he breathes fire at the monster.

The heroes then do Spinjitzu again as they jump up and blast the with all of their powers as Riyu supercharged all of them. With the combination of the powers, the beast exploded.

"Boom! Did it!" Ty said.

"Ty! Boy am I glad to see you." Kai said as he hugs Ty's foot tread.

"So... you guys are Spider-People like Peter Parker and Eddie Brock?" Jay asked.

"Yeah, my name is Miles Morales." Miles said as he unmasked himself.

"I'm Gwen Stacy." Gwen said as she unmasked herself.

"Cool." Jay said.

"So Ty, is this where you woke up?" Barry asked.

"No. I woke up in a Stone Age city, I had to avoid many cave people to get out of there. I made it here and decided to stay for a bit when I heard you guys." Ty-Rux explained.

"So I'm guessing you guys know what's going on, right?" Miles asked.

"Indeed. Multiple worlds of the Multiverse have merged themselves to our world, Earth-Prime." Dictatious explained.

"Maybe you guys can go join Cisco and the other survivors." Zane said.

"Sounds like a good idea." Ty said as he lets Gobber, Slash, Miles, and Gwen ride him.

"You going to stay with us?" Claire asked Batwoman and Bowser.

"I have no idea where Gotham City is now so I guess I'll stick with you guys for now." Kate said.

"What about you, Bowser?" Mario asked.

"Well... since I have no idea where my kingdom is, I'm better off with the team than being on my own." Bowser said.

"Great! Here, you two need to change." Hyena said as he tossed Kate Kane and Bowser their own Ninja suits.

Meanwhile, back at the Chronarch's castle, the Chronarch was working hard on getting Battleworld to be stabilized. As he works, General Kozeroth shows up with more Soul Cores, this time of the Flinestones, Emma Swan, Regina, Killian, Blitzo, Loona, Octavia, Anna, Elsa, and Kristoff.

"Ah, my General... how's it going?" Chronarch asked.

"The Inquisitors failed... just as I expected they would. These Earth-Prime heroes are tougher than they look." General Kozeroth said as he added the cores with the rest.

"It would seem that these heroes are more persistent and determined than the heroes and villains we defeated." The Chronarch said as he holds up Ms. Incredible's, Octaiva's, and King Dedede's soul cores.

"Shall I go after them and kill them for the baby?" General Kozeroth asked.

"No... let the mice run through my maze. It won't be for long before the power of that dragon will be mine." Chronarch said as he looks at Battleworld at a high view in his castle.

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