Chapter 6: Screaming Banshee

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The main team of heroes of this story

Team Smash Bros Z

Mario the Plumber
Luigi the Plumber
Sonic the Hedgehog
Shadow the Hedgehog
Yoshi the Dino
Donkey Kong the Ape
King Bowser the Koopa King

Team Ninja

Kai Smith the Fire Ninja
Jay Walker the Lightning Ninja
Zane Julien the Ice Ninja
Cole Brookstone the Earth Ninja
Lloyd Garmadon the Energy Ninja
Nya Smith the Water Ninja

Team Trollhunters

Jim Lake Jr. the Trollhunter
Toby Domzalski the Warhammer
Clair Nunez the Shadow Witch
Blinkous Galadrigal
Aarghaumont or AAARRRGGHH!!!
Draal the Deadly
Dictatious Maximus Galadrigal

Team Bad Guys

Moe Wolf the Strength Force Wolf
Hubert Snake the Sage Force Snake
Tara Tarantula the Tech Meta Tarantula
Lou Shark the Hydrokinesis Shark
Pepé Piranha the Speed Force Piranha
Drago Komodo the Still Force Dragon
Miguel Hyena the Energy Hyena

Team Justice League

Oliver Queen the Green Arrow
Barry Allen the Flash
Kara Danvers the Supergirl
Sara Lance the White Canary
Kate Kane the Batwoman
Jessica Cruz the Green Lantern

Flatirons Zone

Black Tip was now running for his life as he accidentally got in the middle of some Rollodons migrating. From what Black Tip learned, Rollodons are peaceful Dinotrux, but very strong and will crush anything or anyone that gets in their way of rolling.

"Roll!" The Rollodons moaned as they continued to move faster, closing in on Black Tip. Black Tip runs faster as he saw them even crush rocks in their path. He then managed to jump to a nearby tree as he saw them pass by. He sighs in relief.

"This new world gets stranger by each turn I take." Black Tip said as he looks around for Octavia or Blitzo. As he does, he hopes he finds the JL to help him.


The heroes are seen on floating debris in space. Mario, Luigi, Sonic, Shadow, Yoshi, Donkey Kong and Bowser are jump up as they punched some debris out of the way.

🎶Lost in the unknown, so much to see🎶

Flash runs across the debris as Supergirl flies through with Batwoman swing across with her grappling gun.

🎶Together we will rise!🎶

The Ninja quickly do Spinjitzu as they landed on a floating rock with the Trollhunters as they slashed through flowing debris as Green Lantern constructed a landing pad for them.


Drago then jumps into the air as he morphs into his giant dragon form as he flies with the Bad Guys riding in his back through the space.

🎶We fight!🎶

Baby Riyu is then seen supercharging Green Arrow with his power as they all charge together as a team against the Chronarch, his general, and army.

🎶Be a ninja for what's right!🎶


The heroes were making their way through Pumpkin Hill Zone after escaping from the Illuminati and the Society of Spider-Man.

"So do we even know where we're going?" Jay asked eating candy corn.

"Before my father left us, he gave me this map that shows the locations of the four titans we need to destroy." Draal said giving Blinky the map as he pulled his mask off.

"It would seem each of them are in different areas of Battleworld. The closest one is in a place called Monsteroplis." Blinky said.

"Then that's where we go." Jim said.

"Hey, do you guys hear that?" Luigi asked as they stopped talking and heard some fighting.

"It sounds like a fight." Jay said as they followed the source of the sound.

On the hill was five muscular animals who were fighting Prelate Leatherhead, Prelate Rapunzel, Prelate Eugene, Prelate Kilrogg, Prelate Mulan, Prelate Barley Lightfoot, Prelate Ian Lightfoot, Prelate Officer Bronco, Prelate Kaid, Prelate Turner, Prelate Rose, Prelate Rowan, Prelate Dylan, Kratos, and Prelate Atreus. It was the Plague Squad of the Justice League.

"Come on! Is that all you got?!" Tigre Rojo roars as he does Spinjitzu and knocks Prelate Kilrogg and Prelate Kaid away as he blasted them back to a soul core.

"THUNDER ARROW!!!" Lobo Comando shouts as he throws a lightning arrow at Prelate Barley Lightfoot, Prelate Ian Lightfoot, Officer Bronco, Prelate Turner, and Prelate Rose as he lightning dashed through him.

"FEAR ME!" Espectro Gorila roars as he puts on his scary face and creates shadow claws to slash through Prelate Dylan, Prelate Atreus, and Prelate Kratos, turning them back to soul cores.

"BELLY FLOP!" Barril El Oso shouts as he belly slams down on Prelate Rapunzel and Prelate Eugene, sending them back to being soul cores.

"RUSHING BULL!!!" Macro Toro shouts as he charges at Prelate Leatherhead and Prelate Rowan destroying them back to a soul core.

"Tigre! Guys!" Barry shouts as they run to their furry friends.

"Barry! Boy are we glad to see you guys." Tigre said hugging Barry tightly.

"I see you guys have been busy." Kate said seeing the soul cores fly away back to their master.

"Yeah, we've been fighting those guys here and there." Lobo said using one of daggers to pick some food out of his teeth.

"They're called Prelate Warriors. Those balls of light are Soul Cores. They're concentrated life force. The new villain we're facing called the Chronarch and his general steals them from their victims and uses the Soul Cores to create their Prelate Warriors." Mario explained.

"Yikes! Sounds like you guys need our help." Barril said scratching his belly.

"Indeed we could." Sonic said as the Plague Squad tagged along with Team Alpha.

"So... what's their story?" Toby asked the team.

"Yeah, come to think of it, you guys never told us the backstory of the Plague Squad." Jim said.

"Okay, from the beginning. Long ago, before the meta-humans were created, in the building of Genesis Corporation, the scientists believe that they have done it. A scientist named Professor Silas and his team believed that they can create the impossible." Cole explained.

"Okay." Jim said understanding.

"After a few months ago, they managed to create 5 anthropomorphic super soldier animals. Using the DNA from one the strongest animals in the animal kingdom, a tiger for aggression, a wolf for speed, a gorilla for stealth, a bear for hunger, and a bull for strength. They were each numbered: Tigre number 1 on his arm, Lobo number 2 on his butt cheek, Espectro number 3 on his pec, Barril number 4 on his belly, and Macro number 5 on his throat. They called this idea Project A.L.P.H.A. which stands for: Anthropomorphic. Living. Predatory. Hybrid. Animals." Kai explained.

"Still following." Claire said.

"When they were created, the animals were kids at first who grew up learning so much about cultural life and activities. On December 7, 2013, Prof. Silas saw that they were ready. So they were sent on a little military mission to take out a bunch of terrorists. Just as they thought, they succeeded in the mission. The scientists saw them as the key to saving people, but Prof. Silas began to see them as weapons, weapons that can be used to cause destruction." Jay explained.

"Whoa... that's harsh." Toby said.

"So on December 11, 2013, S.T.A.R. Labs' Particle Accelerator exploded, the Dark Matter broke them free and upgraded their powers. Later on, they met the Justice League and became their friends. Together, they were able to take down the Genesis Corporation and live as superheroes." Zane explained.

"Wow... good for them." Toby said.

The heroes continue to press on their journey when suddenly...

*sniffs* Ewww! What's that smell?!" Jay said pinching his nose as the others do as well.

"Piranha, really?" Drago said.

"Hey! It's not me this time! I haven't had a burrito in a while to make me fart like that." Piranha said.

(This is what all the heroes' new suits look like above)

"Wait a minute! I recognize that smell anywhere!" Lloyd said as he follows the stinky smell.

The others follow him as they see a familiar Stegarbasaur fighting off some orc thugs.

"Fine! I warned you all to back, but you wouldn't listen so..." Garby said as he gassed off a large green gas cloud at the enemy.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Ack! *coughs* *coughs* disgusting! Let's get out of here!" The thug leader shouts as he and his gang run away holding their noses.

"That's right! Run away you cowards! *sniffs* Ahhh... the smell of victory!" Garby chuckled as he burps.

"GARBY?!" Lloyd shouts in surprise, getting the Stegarbasaur's attention.

"LLOYD! Guys! Good to see you again! Boy does it feel good to see some friendly faces." Garby said.

"Can't believe I'm saying this but... I miss your stink." Lloyd said hugging Garby.

"Awww... you're gonna make me blush." Garby said as he then burped.

"It's good to see you Garby, despite the stink." Flash said.

"Same with you guys. Are any of the other Dinotrux with you?" Garby asked.

"We found Ty, but we didn't find the others." Lloyd said.

"Oh..." Garby said sadly.

"Don't worry... they're tough. We'll see them again." Cole said.

"Yeah... I guess." Garby said feeling better.

"So what were you doing out here?" Oliver asked.

"Well, I've been traveling around looking for any of my friends. Those thugs back there tried to scrap me for parts before I gave them one of my gas off attacks." Garby said as he gassed off again, making everyone back away from the smell.

"Good to know." Jay said pinching his nose.

"And second, I've been guarding this." Garby said as he shows them a big beat-up dragon airship the Ninja instantly recognized.

"It's the Destiny's Bounty! You found it!" Cole said happy.

"Yeah, I figure I guard it in case you guys show up." Garby said as they all get on board.

"Looks a little banged up but I believe we can get it flying. Be a lot easier to fly instead of walking." Jay said as he, Zane, and Hyena began to work.

"You sure you know what you're doing, Hyena?" Webs asked.

"Ha! Please, I'm not just a former criminal but also a mechanical engineer. My dad taught me a thing or two about machines." Hyena laughs.

"This coming from the hyena who couldn't figure out the Lock Screen of his iPhone." Snake said which got him a glare from Hyena.

One Day Later...

The heroes were flying in the sky as they were training and explaining the situation to the Plague Squad.

"So you guys have been searching for the rest of your friends from the party?" Macro said.

"Yep. All that is left to find are Jack Sullivan, Quint Baker, Dirk Savage, June Del Toro, Rover, Orgrim Doomhammer, Hellboy, and Rayburn Jr. who we have no idea where they can be." Barry said.

"Wow... seems the Merge scattered everyone we know." Lobo said.

"Besides the Chronarch and his army, we're also been dealing with something else that's dangerous in these last few weeks." Wolf said.

"What could be worse than the Chronarch and his Prelate Army?" Tigre asked.

"Mergequakes. Mergequakes are like aftershocks. Places where worlds are unstable, trying to share the same area, like cracks in reality. And we learned that, for some reason, our powers can close them. But the mergequakes are getting more frequent and stronger. If they continue like this, it's only a matter of time before they rip Battleworld apart." Lloyd explained.

"Which is why we need all the friends we got to help us." Shark said.

"Wow... we really got our work cut out for us, don't we?" Barril said.

"Yep." Wolf said as he then noticed Drago groaning in pain.

"Hey Drago, you okay?" Wolf asked.

"During our breaks, I've been trying to connect with the Still Force. I thought I could use it to find Cade Yeager or the Time Ghosts." Drago explained.

"Okay, so what's wrong?" Wolf asked.

"I can't feel their presence anywhere. I've looked multiple times but nothing." Drago said.

"They... gone?" AAARRRGGHH!!! said.

"I honestly don't know, but I hope they're okay." Drago said.

"Now that I think about, I haven't been able to get in contact with the other Forces, Nora, Bashir, Deon, or Alexa." Barry said.

"Probably because the Merged world is messing with reality." Piranha said.

"Which would explain why they've been radio silent." Snake said worried.

"Let's just hope we can figure this out before it's too late." Barry said.


The heroes were now flying above the gigantic city to see many monsters below.

"Here we are... Monsteroplis." Lloyd said.

Suddenly, a rift in the sky opens up as it causes zero gravity in the area, causing all the monsters to float in the air and the buildings begin to tear apart.

"Is that..." Espectro said in horror.

"A Mergequake!" Lloyd shouts.

And if that wasn't bad enough, a bunch of black wraith monsters appear, causing more damage.

"Shadow Banshees!" Toby shouts.

"As if the Mergequake wasn't bad enough!" Snake said.

"What do we do know?!" DK shouts.

"Stop the banshees and save the civilians! Initiate omega maneuvers now!" Green Arrow shouts as the team sprung into action.

In one of the falling buildings, Pete "Claws" Ward falls out and starts spinning out of control in the zero-gravity of the Mergequake. Suddenly, Jay appears out of nowhere and managed to catch Pete "Claws" Ward drops him on the Destiny's Bounty.

"Hey buddy, you get lost?" Jay asked chuckling at Pete who still looks terrified and surprised he got saved by a human.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Up in the sky was Green Lantern, Supergirl, Drago, and Macro Toro were slashing through the Shadow Banshees and incoming rubble, clearing a path for them. Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Bowser, Snake, Hyena, Tigre Rojo, Green Arrow, Lloyd, and Kai were blasting the Shadow Banshees.

Cole, Wolf, Donkey Kong, Aarghaumont, and Barril El Oso jump to one of the floating ruins and see Mike, Sulley, and other monsters trapped under rubble. They then use their super strength to push off the heavy rubble and carried them away.

They then threw them on a slide of ice Zane created for them to the Bounty. Nya and Shark create globs of water to cushion their fall. The monsters looked surprised to see that they were being saved by humans. They then anchored the ground as they got ready to drop off the monsters.

"We got to get these monsters to safety! Green Lantern!" Green Arrow shouts to Jessica who nods and creates a slide constructs for the monsters as they slid down.

"Okay everyone, move it people! Quickly!" Blinkous shouts to the monsters.

"Hold on!" Jay said as he takes Pete down with the others.

"Who are you guys?" Ward asked.

"We're the Justice League!" Jay said as he winks at the Jokester.

The rest of the Justice League take care of the Shadow Banshees as the Ninja fire their Elemental powers at the Mergequake, closing the rift.

"Incoming!" Luigi shouts pointing at the Shadow Banshee.

Just as the Shadow Banshee was about to kill them, a giant earth boulder smashed the banshee into smoke.

"Alright! Way to go, Cole!" Sonic said.

"Ugh... Sonic, that wasn't me." Cole said.

"What? If you didn't do that... then who?" Sonic asked.

"Wait a minute... there's only one other person we know who uses Earth Elemental powers." Cole said with realization.

A big gutted red-orange monster appears as he Earth-Slammed the rest of the Banshees away.

"Rayburn!" Cole shouts.

"Cole?! Guys!" Rayburn exclaims happy. He shrinks down to their size using his A.T.O.M. Belt as he hugs them.

"Boy am I glad to see you guys!" Rayburn said. The other monsters look surprised to see a monster friends with humans.

"Is Winnie with you guys?" Rayburn Jr. asked hopefully. The heroes sadly shake their heads "no".

"Oh..." Rayburn Jr. said as his happy mood changed to sadness.

"She's tough, Ray. I'm sure she's okay, we're all sure of it. After all, she trained you from a loser to a champion monster wrestler." Cole said.

"Yeah... I guess." Rayburn Jr. said as he then saw the monsters were staring at him and his friends.

"I got this. Hey, it's okay everyone. These are my friends, the ones part of that League I mentioned before." Rayburn Jr. explained to the monsters.

"So they're not gonna hurt us?" A monster named Greg asked nervously.

"If we wanted to hurt you... we wouldn't have saved you all from the Mergequake." Draal-Prime said.

"You guys can relax. They're my friends." Rayburn Jr. said to his fellow monsters.

"I see they're not really comfortable being with humans?" Oliver whispered to Rayburn.

"Yeah... it's a complicated story. But enough about that, come on, let's go eat and discuss things." Rayburn Jr. said.

Soon everyone was eating at Harryhausen's with the monsters the JL saved. As everyone eats, Riyu sees a nearby bowl of gooey food and goes to eat. Pete looks down

"Hey little guy." Pete Ward said as he hands down the bowl for Riyu.

Riyu squawks a little as Ward pets Riyu who purrs as

"What cute claws you have." Pete Ward said as he sees the cute claws Riyu has.

After introducing each other and sharing a little bit about their stories, the heroes got down to business with the monsters.

"So you monsters use to scare kids to use their screams to power your city only later to discover that their laughs are 10 times more powerful than screams and now you monsters make kids laugh?" Piranha said as he ate.

"Yep." Mike answered.

"Wow, that's... interesting." Jim said.

"So you guys are from a different universe like Rayburn is?" Sulley asked.

"Yes, well technically, Rayburn Jr. is from the same Earth as us before the Merge." Batwoman said.

"None of us has left the city boundaries so we had no idea what's out there." Tylor said.

"But it's been interesting to learn that our world isn't the world out there... besides the Human World." Val said.

"So Rayburn, is this where you ended up?" Green Arrow asked.

"No, I ended up in some castle with a princess who wore glass slippers. I mean, who would ever choose to wear glass slippers? Imagine the blisters! Anyway, after leaving that place, I decided to look for any of the cities I'm familiar with. On my journey, I came across this city and saw it was being attacked by Shadow Banshees so I decided to step in. And I've been protecting this city ever since." Rayburn Jr. explained.

"Good to hear, Ray." Barry said.

"So why are you guys here?" Rayburn Jr. asked.

"It's probably best if we talk in private." Oliver said.

As Barry, Oliver, and Rayburn go to talk in private, the others are soon swarm by the monsters.

"So! I'm betting you guys have many stories of the battles and adventures you've gone through, right?" Fritz said.

"Oh boy! Do we have stories to tell you guys!" Jay said standing on the table as the monsters circle around the group.

"So how did all of you guys meet?" Tylor asked.

"Oh well, you see... how we all came together is when these aliens called Dominators attack our cities so we..." Jay goes on with the story.

As the monsters listened to the stories, Barry and Oliver were speaking with Rayburn Jr. in private.

"So there's a new villain who calls himself the Chronarch and he and his general are stealing the souls of heroes and villains along with merging more worlds together?" Rayburn asked if he heard correctly.

"Yeah, which is why we've been trying to find these Titans. I'm guessing the Banshees are connected to the Titan around here." Barry said.

"Well I haven't seen any Titans, only the banshees. When I defeat them, they retreat only to get stronger." Rayburn Jr. said.

"Where do the banshees retreat to?" Oliver asked.

"From the Dark Forest. They retreat in the forest outside of the city's limits. No monster dares to leave the city and I can't go there and leave the city defenseless." Rayburn Jr. explained.

"So let us go into the forest and take care of the problem while you stay here." Barry said.

"Sounds like a plan." Rayburn Jr. said. The three nodded as they rejoin the group.

"...and that's how we stopped the Crystal King." Jay said to the monsters, telling them their tales.

"Okay, good news! My friends will be checking the Dark Forest while I stay here to protect your city." Rayburn Jr. told the monsters.

"Are you sure you guys can do this?" Pete "Claws" Ward asked nervous.

"Please, we're superheroes. We've faced greater threats than some spooky forest. Nothing can scare me." Jay said as he turns to see a giant monster wearing clown makeup who smiles at Jay.

"GAH!" Jay screams as he hides behind Nya who groans.

"Anywho, we can handle this." Green Arrow said.

"What about me?" Garby asked.

"Best if you stay here, they might need your help around here." Green Arrow replied.

"You got it!" Garby said as he burped.

The heroes then headed off into the Dark Forest, as they do, they start to hear loud roaring that sounded like screaming. They look around only to come across more Shadow Banshees.

"We got incoming!" White Canary shouts.

Before anyone could fight, a green energy wave blasted the Shadow Banshees back. The heroes turn around to see 3 familiar ghosts who look weak.

"BEGONE BANSHEES OF THE SHADOWS!" Scratch shouts as the banshees disappeared.

"Hey guys." Scratch groaned in pain with Geoff and Jeff.

"Scratch! Geoff! J-Jeff! What happened to you guys?!" Drago asked as he tries to help them.

"This reality... it's... weakening us." Geoff said as the ghosts glitch out.

"Why? What's going on?" Barry asked.

The three ghosts look at each other and nodded. They then show a hologram of a straight line with other lines entangled and messed up.

"What is this?" Garby asked.

"The timeline." Drago said with realization.

"Correct. This straight line is our world's timeline, but the other ones are the other world's timelines, trying to make sense of each other. As you can see, they're a mess with each other. They're trying to merge together, but our world's timeline isn't meant for that." Scratch explained groaning in pain.

"Of course! That explains the strange memories of Draal-Prime, Wolf, and Drago. It's the memories of their doppelgängers trying to merge with theirs." Blinkous said.

"Yes... and will happen to all of you guys soon." Jeff said weakly.

"Wait! What happens if our memories are merged with the others?" Snake asked.

"Your original memories will get rewritten by the new memories, becoming permanent." Geoff said weakly as Jeff helps him up.

"Then we got to fix this world before it's too late." Mario said.

"You must! If you don't... then all of reality and the timeline will snap apart!" Scratch said before he and the others ghosts vanished away in pain.

The heroes soon arrive at the opening to see a giant monstrous Titan with screaming jaws all over its body. Four hollow eyes, sharp spiked armor, and a long gapping jaw with 3 rows of teeth. The Titan unleashes a loud sonic scream, echoing across the forest. As it does, more Shadow Banshees are created from its body.

"So that's the Titan monster we have to kill, huh?" Sonic-Prime said surprised.

"Looks like it." Wolf said.

"Great... just great." Jay whined.

Riyu then crawls to them as he blasted Sonic-Prime, Draal-Prime, the Ninja, and the Bad Guys with his power, supercharging their powers.

"Oh yeah! Thanks Riyu!" Drago said to Riyu who squawks happily.

Sonic, Draal, the Bad Guys, and the Ninja then absorbed the Chaos Emeralds as they transformed into their Super Forms.

"Let's go!" Super Sonic said. The Supers then charged into battle.

🎶I'm hanging on to the other side
I won't give up 'til the end of me🎶

Super Draal began to attack the chest of the Titan as each of the superheroes attacked different sides of the beast.


Super Draal charges as he creates fists constructs that landed hard hits on the Titan. The Titan tries to grab Super Draal with one of its arms as Super Draal sliced it off as he blasted the beast back. The Titan roars in pain only for it to grow back.

🎶Welcome to the mind of a different kind
Where we've been growing slowly
Think I'm on eleven, but I'm on a nine
Guess you don't really know me
Running from the past is a losing game
It never brings you glory
Been down this road before
Already know this story🎶

Strength Wolf and Sage Snake combined their power as they each in sync fought them beast as they sliced off one one of its arms.

🎶(Face your fear!)
(Face your fear!)🎶

Super Sonic and Super Mario went into a combo spin dash as Super Luigi and Super Shadow went into a combo spin dash as well, hitting the Titan extremely hard with such effect. Together they created a quadruple Spin Dash attack with more firepower.

🎶It's time to face your fear
'Cause when your time has come and gone
I'll be the one to carry on (carry on)
And you can throw me to the wolves (throw me to the wolves)
Cause I am undefeatable🎶

Speed Piranha and Still Drago each used their power as they increased their friends power and fought. Piranha attacks at sonic light speed as they attacked the Titan's hide. Drago morphed into his dragon form as he attacks and uses his Still Force to give his friends advantage as he slowed the beast's movements enough to land hits.

🎶I'm hanging on to the other side
I won't give up 'til the end of me
I'm what you get when the stars collide
Now face it, you're just an enemy🎶

Mario, Luigi, Sonic, and Shadow spin around the Titan, creating a whirlwind to lift the Titan high in the air as Cole and Draal ground pound the beast back with such force, leaving a crack in the ground as the extreme fight continues. The Titan sonic screams at them, knocking them back a little as they quickly recover.

🎶(Woah, woah) You're crossing the line
(Woah, woah) Now we've run out of time
(Woah, woah) I'll take what is mine🎶

The Titan growls as metal armor plates covered parts of his body and energy spikes popped out. It unleashed a louder sonic scream, knocking them backwards in the air.

"Great! It's angry now!" Sage Snake said.

"Looks like it's making itself stronger, and I don't think this area can handle our fight." Super Sonic said looking at their actions.

"Then we'll make ourselves stronger and end this fight faster!" Super Draal said as they increase all of their power, speed, strength, and stamina.

🎶Hrmm (Go!)🎶

Kai launches a rain pour of Fireballs as it burns the armor off the Titan and Jay creates the largest lightning storm as the lightning strikes the Titan's nerve system. Zane blasted the Titan's feet in blocks of ice as Cole Earth-punched the Titan down. Lloyd creates a dragon construct to strike the Titan as Nya creates a tornado of water to wash the beast back.

🎶And when the story ends
It becomes a part of me
I've given what it takes
I'll find another way
I used to never know
But now it's crystal clear
This feeling's just a ghost
It's time to face your fear
'Cause when your time has come and gone
I'll be the one to carry on (carry on)🎶

The Titan fires an omega sonic beam at the Supers as they together threw the blast back it it's owner. The Titan roars in pain and in anger as it fights back. He grabs boulders and starts throwing them at the heroes, along with Sonic Screaming.

🎶And you can throw me to the wolves (throw me to the wolves)🎶

Each of them sliced the rocks in half as they advanced their attack on the beast. Strength Wolf grabs one of the boulders and throws them back. Shark creates a whirlpool to trap it from moving as Piranha created duplicate constructs of himself as they go all frenzy on the Titan.

🎶Cause I am undefeatable
I'm hanging on to the other side
I won't give up 'til the end of me
I'm what you get when the stars collide
Now face it, you're just an enemy🎶

The monster Titan then fires another omega sonic beam straight towards Draal and Sonic as they holds it back. Sonic and Draal smile as they then throws the blast over their head as they resumes the fight. They slash attacks as they creates constructs of themselves as they foot slammed on the Titan Beast with a stab kick added.

"All worlds are under our protection! Mine, my friends and family!" Super Draal shouts as he grows stronger.

"Yeah! Here we go!" Super Sonic shouts as he grows stronger as well.

The Bad Guys and the Ninja uses their Cosmic Forces and Elemental powers to blast the Titan enough to damage it's legs as it fell to it's knees. Snake uses his psychokinesis as he held the Titan still enough for Sonic and Draal to finish it.

🎶I'm hanging on to the other side (to the other side) I won't give up 'til the end of me (end of me) I'm what you get when the stars collide (stars collide)Now face it, you're just an enemy🎶

Sonic and Draal flips backwards as they grins. They then flew straight forward as they shot through the Titan Monster's chest as the beast explodes into a ball of light. As it died, the Shadow Banshees die as well.

🎶Welcome to the mind of a different kind
We've been growing slowly
Think I'm on eleven, but I'm on a nine
Guess you don't really know me
Running from the past is a losing game
It never brings you glory
Been down this road before
Already know this story🎶

The Superheroes grin as they saw their work was done. They fly down to see a red crystal stone where the Titan use to be.

"What... is that?" Draal asked as they saw the stone closer.

"A shard of the Chrono-stone." Jim said.

"It must've been what the Chronarch used to power the Titan." Draal-Prime said.

"Best if we hold onto it." Shadow said as Classic Sonic nodded.

"Well now that the Titan has been destroyed, we should get back to Monsteroplis." Blinkous said as they start to walk back.

"Gah!" Donkey Kong shouts in pain as he collapsed on his knees. He clutched his head in pain screaming a bit.

"DK! What's happening?!" Mario asked as he tries to help.

Donkey Kong began to get memories of his other lives. He sees himself leaning his head out of girl named Sophia's window and his arm resting on the sill again.

"Wow, I still can't believe that's your dad." DK said.

"Oh my gosh!" She was both excited and annoyed and angry.

"What are you doing here?" She walks to the window and whispered so her parents wouldn't hear her talking to an ape.

"I came to see you, is that bad?" DK asked.

"Yes, you need to leave now." Sophia said.

"Why? Don't your family knows about us?" DK asked.

Then she makes a nervous smile which make him think she was keeping them as a secret.

"You mean to tell me that you never told them about us?" DK said surprised.

"Should they know that we're...together?" Sophia asked.

"Well yeah, how long have we been going out together?" DK asked.

"For a year." Sophia answered.

"Exactly, it's exactly why you should tell them." DK said.

"I don't know, I don't think they would like the idea of me dating a prince ape." Sophia said.

"Well they didn't like the idea of you get married to a king spiked evil turtle and look how that turned out." DK said.

"Still, I am glad to see you." she scoots closer to him and he leans his head in.

"I'm happy to see you too." DK said happy.

Then just like magic in the air, they leaned in closer and they kissed very passionately, lips pressed against the other, Dk's hand reaching out and cupping her head.

The memories stop as DK starts to relax a bit. Mario and Luigi help him up.

"I'm okay... I'm okay." DK said as he sits down.

"What happened?" Luigi asked.

"You were getting more memories, weren't you?" Blinkous said to DK who nodded.

"This is bad. It's what the Time Ghosts feared. Our memories with our doppelgängers are starting to merge with each other." Dictatious said.

"And if that happens... our own memories will be erased." Drago said with fear in his voice.
Soon Team Alpha was all packed up and ready to leave Monsteroplis.

"So you guys are going to help Cisco and the others?" Kara asked.

"Yep. Figure it be best for us to help them. Besides, you guys seem to be doing fine without us." Tigre Rojo said.

"What about you, Rayburn?" Cole asked.

"I... think I'm gonna stay here. Even with the shadow banshees and Titan destroyed, someone has to stay here to protect the city. And who better than this monster." Rayburn said with a chuckle.

"Well, if you ever need our help... you know how to reach us." Barry said.

Soon Team Alpha was flying off to search for the rest of Titans, to destroy them and save all of reality.

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