Chapter 9: Zombie Attack!

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williamsmaurice1254 your lizard is in this one.
Shortcake_of_writers Dirk Savage is in this.

The main team of heroes of this story

Team Smash Bros Z

Mario the Plumber
Luigi the Plumber
Sonic the Hedgehog
Shadow the Hedgehog
Yoshi the Dino
Donkey Kong the Ape
King Bowser the Koopa King

Team Ninja

Kai Smith the Fire Ninja
Jay Walker the Lightning Ninja
Zane Julien the Ice Ninja
Cole Brookstone the Earth Ninja
Lloyd Garmadon the Energy Ninja
Nya Smith the Water Ninja

Team Trollhunters

Jim Lake Jr. the Trollhunter
Toby Domzalski the Warhammer
Clair Nunez the Shadow Witch
Blinkous Galadrigal
Aarghaumont or AAARRRGGHH!!!
Draal the Deadly
Dictatious Maximus Galadrigal

Team Bad Guys

Moe Wolf the Strength Force Wolf
Hubert Snake the Sage Force Snake
Tara Tarantula the Tech Meta Tarantula
Lou Shark the Hydrokinesis Shark
Pepé Piranha the Speed Force Piranha
Drago Komodo the Still Force Dragon
Miguel Hyena the Energy Hyena

Team Justice League

Oliver Queen the Green Arrow
Barry Allen the Flash
Kara Danvers the Supergirl
Sara Lance the White Canary
Kate Kane the Batwoman
Jessica Cruz the Green Lantern

7 Days Later...

Our heroes are seen stranded on the remote island. In the pass 7 days, they worked on repairing the Destiny's Bounty as well as find a way to survive off the island.

"You know, I always imagine myself relaxing on an island for a vacation, but not being stranded on one!" Drago said.

"It's been 7 days and we still have no way off this island!" Snake complained as he creates psychic constructs in training.

"There's gotta be something we can do." Jessica said.

"Like what?" Aarghaumont said.

"You guys are such whiners." Oliver said.

"Easy for you, Ollie. You were stuck on an island for 5 years. This is nothing to you." Donkey Kong said relaxing on a handmade hammock while drinking a coconut and eating a banana.

"DK, what are you doing?" Mario asked.

"Since we're not going anywhere for a while, we might as well relax and recharge our batteries. Coconut?" DK said as offered one of the coconuts he had.

"No thanks." Mario said.

"I'll take it! I'm so thirty!" Luigi said as he took it and drank the coconut.

Meanwhile in the Bounty, Nya, Zane, Hyena, and Blinkous were working on fixing the Bounty. Black Tip decided to see their process.

"Okay, try it again." Nya said as Hyena tries to start the engine but it fails.

"I think you're getting warmer. It lit up that time." Hyena said.

"Okay, good. I think I got it now. Try it again." Nya said as Blinkous tries to start it up only to fail again.

"Do you guys even know what you're doing?" Black Tip asked.

"If you think you can do better, you're welcome to give it a try." Nya said as they get back to work.

"Nope. You're all doing great." Black Tip said as he backs away.

Back outside, the rest of the Justice League were brainstorming ideas to escape off the island if they can't fix the Bounty.

"Maybe we can swim to land?" Webs suggested.

"Swim? To where? There's no sign of land anywhere. Only endless ocean." Cole said as he then eats a mango.

"Not only that but... is us trolls can't swim." Draal pointed out.

"What do mean you can't—oh! You guys are made of stone." Mario said seeing that they'll just sink.

"Jay, what are you doing?" Kai asked as he saw Jay carving something on a rock.

"Carving a message on this rock! So people know who we are when they find our bones!" Jay whined.

(The letters on the stone translates: NINJA)

"Can we at least try to be a little optimistic, please?" Lloyd asked.

"I'm afraid there is little cause for optimism. Our situation is dire. The Bounty's engine will not start without the Thermolytic Kinetic Inverter." Zane said.

"The thermo-what?" Toby said confused.

"It is a critical engine component." Zane said.

"Well, what's wrong with it?" Barry asked.

"It is missing. I believe when we crashed on the island, the part must've fell into the ocean since it's no where on the island." Zane explained.

"Oh fu—" Drago groaned.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The heroes are seen on floating debris in space. Mario, Luigi, Sonic, Classic Sonic, Shadow, Yoshi, Donkey Kong and Bowser are jump up as they punched some debris out of the way.

🎶Lost in the unknown, so much to see🎶

Flash runs across the debris as Supergirl flies through with Batwoman swing across with her grappling gun.

🎶Together we will rise!🎶

The Ninja quickly do Spinjitzu as they landed on a floating rock with the Trollhunters as they slashed through flowing debris as Green Lantern constructed a landing pad for them.


Drago then jumps into the air as he morphs into his giant dragon form as he flies with the Bad Guys riding in his back through the space.

🎶We fight!🎶

Baby Riyu is then seen supercharging Green Arrow and Black Tip with his power as they all charge together as a team against the Chronarch, General Kozeroth, and the Prelate army.

🎶Be a ninja for what's right!🎶


"The ocean! Seriously?!" Snake complains.

"I'm afraid so." Zane said.

"Well that's just great! We might as well as get use to living here!" Black Tip groaned as he picks off a red spiky berry and goes to eat it.

"Wait BT! That's a—" Kai shouts but it was too late.

"AAARRRGGHH!!!!" Black Tip cries in pain as his mouth is on fire. He quickly drinks coconut milk to cool him off.

"Tamato Berry." Kai finished as Black Tip sighs in relief.

Later at night, the team was sitting around a fire. They had just finished eating some cooked sea bass that Lloyd and Shark caught, along with some mangoes, coconuts, bananas, and pineapples.

*burps* "Boy! I'm so stuffed. It's official, Zane and Jim are the best cooks ever." Hyena said picking his teeth.

"I can 100% agree." Drago said finishing his meal and drinking some coconut.

"Seriously, where did you two learn to cook?" Shark asked.

"I guess I just picked it up." Zane said.

"And I taught myself how to cook." Jim said.

"Okay, now that we're full on food and drinks... we should figure out a plan." Oliver said.

"I see that there is only one option." Zane said.

"Which is?" Wolf asked.

"It's possible for the engine part to be intact. One of us must dive down into the ocean and recover it." Zane explained.

"Swim? You mean... go underwater? Into the unknown?" Sonic asked.

"I'm afraid so." Zane said.

"But we have no idea what's in the ocean? This whole world has changed so much, even the sea creatures." Webs said.

"What other choice do we have? We need to get off this island. This is our only choice of succeeding." Shadow said.

"Shadow is correct. What other choice have we?" Blinkous said.

"None." Aarghaumont said sadly.

"Okay, but quick question... who's going to dive down?" Claire asked.

Everyone then looked at Shark and Black Tip.

"What? Why us?" Shark asked confused.

"You guys are sharks, ocean creatures. If anyone could do this... it's you two." Jim said.

"But we don't know what this part even looks like." Black Tip said.

"Then I shall accompany you two. Since I don't require oxygen to breathe." Zane said.

"Then it's settled. The three of them will go into the ocean and recover the part while we supply ourselves for the trip to land." Oliver said.

Everyone nodded as they all go to sleep, except Black Tip. Before all of this, he was as a hitman, a hired assassin, but now because of the Merge, he was now apart of something more. The next day, Zane, Shark, and Black Tip dove into the ocean as they search for the part. As they swim down into the deep blue, they notice all the beautiful and exotic creatures of the ocean, even ones that they've never seen before. They then went back to focusing on their mission, unaware that something or someone was watching them. Back on the island, everyone was gathering food and other supplies for the trip back.

"I'm gonna go get more fruit. Be right back." Drago said as Riyu follows him.

As they leave, Snake then saw something moving in the sand.

"What was that?!" Snake pointed.

"I didn't see anything?" Draal-Prime said.

"There it is again!" Jim shouts as he points to the movement in the sand.

"Get off the ground!" Lloyd shouts as everyone gets on a rock as they see 3 humps in the sand. 

"We see them now." Nya said.

"I think we need to be quiet. I think they're attracted to noise." Blinkous said.

"Hey guys! Check how much mangos and pineapples I found!" Drago shouts.

"Drago, get off the— Aah!" Wolf shouts as a giant crab monster appears.

"Are you kidding me?!" Drago shouts as he then does Airjitzu to the Bounty.

"Just what we need!" Cole complained as they run to the Bounty.

"This way! To higher ground!" Drago shouts.

"To the Bounty everyone!" Blinkous shouts as they all do Airjitzu to the ship. They turn around to see the giant crabs roar in anger as they burrow underground again.

"We need to get off this island." Oliver said.

Back with the swimmers, they search the ocean floor looking for the part they need. Zane then saw the part in some coral. He then goes to pull it out as Shark and Black Tip smile at this. Suddenly, Black Tip senses a presence near by. They turn around to see a bunch of mermaids looking at them with glaring looks.

They back away as the mermaids revealed their sharp teeth and snarl at them. Black Tip growls as he reveals his sharp teeth as they fight. Shark blasts the mermaids away with his Hydrokinesis. Zane goes to freeze them in blocks of ice. As they finished off this mermaids, they saw more was coming. They then used the Orange Rocket Wisp to bolt out of the water.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

They blasted all the mermaids away as they shot out of the ocean and landed back in the bounty.

"Guys! You okay?" Jay asked. Zane then pulls out the engine part.

"Alright! You guys did it!" Sonic said.

"Yeah, along with fighting off some evil mermaids." Shark included.

"Come on! Let's get going!" Nya said.

Soon the they reinstalled the engine part into the Bounty and started to fly off the island and back in the sky. Everyone cheers as they flies away, heading to land.

"So evil mermaids exist, huh?" Sara said.

"Yep. They were not friendly at all." Lou Shark said eating a pineapple.

"Hey guys! We're reaching land." Lloyd said as they soon saw land nearby.

They anchored the ground as they jump down to look for the final Titan to destroy. They look around to see they ended up in some ruined city mixed with Midway City and Wakefield.

"The Titan must be hidden around here somewhere. We need to find shelter and locate the Titan." Oliver said.

"Good plan, but we have no idea we're to go?" Dictatious said.

"Oh! We ask those people." Hyena said pointing at the people walking in the shadows, in a way they were... limping?

"Ummm... guys? Those look like..." Cole said as the people turn around to reveal themselves as undead zombies.

"Zombies!" Toby shouts in fear.

"Why did have to be zombies?" Jay whines as he then blasted some of them with his lightning.

"Come on! This way!" Supergirl shouts as they run away from the zombies.

As they got far away from the zombies, they ended up in a grassy field where a giant monster appeared.

"A dozer. Incredibly strong, thick skin protects the internal organs, and they eat zombies. Good think they're slow and not very intelligent. So we should get going." Zane said.

"Agreed! No argument here!" Toby said as he runs only to bump into another dozer who glares at him.

"Toby watch out!" Zane shouts as he creates a wall of ice, blocking the dozer from getting Toby.

"Guys look!" Claire shouts pointing.

They turn around to see a familiar looking mall in the not so far distance. It was the Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Plex!

"It's Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Plex!" Jim shouts.

"Quickly everyone! We'll be safer in there!" Blinkous shouts as they run with zombies behind them.

They run to the mall only to find that the doors have been barricade.

"It's locked! It's blocked inside!" Snake shouts.

"Step back!" Claire said as she opens a Shadow Portal that allows them to go through the mall.

"That was close." Cole said panting.

Zane then covers the blockage in ice to keep the doors shut. Blinkous and Dictatious then used a Plant Glyph to add some more cover.

"We should be safe in here." Draal-Prime said looking around the mall.

Suddenly they got snatched in a net, hanging in the air. They look to see four kids and a big dog-like monster coming out from the dark.

"Kids?!" Barry exclaimed.

"Justice League! We're so sorry!" Jack shouts as he cuts them down.

"Nice trap." Jim said untangling himself.

"Sorry, we thought you guys were zombies." Dirk Savage said.

Soon the heroes catch the kids up with what's going on and how they're gonna fix this mess.

"So looks like you guys found everyone from the party, huh?" June said.

"Yep. Now we just need to kill one more Titan." Drago said as Draal-Prime noticed Bowser leaving the group.

"Where are you going, Bowser?" Draal-Prime asked the Koopa King.

"Going to look for other survivors, duh? Plus, I'm not staying in some ruined pizza mall." Bowser said as he goes to go back outside.

"Best if we go before he gets himself killed." Mario said.

Bowser was now running through the ruined city by hoping from roof to roof when he heard a scream... a woman scream. As Bowser turns around, he sees that the one who needed help was a young woman. Bowser growls as he goes to jump down and goes to fight. He breathes a wall of fire as he throws fireballs to destroy all the zombies. Once he was done, he turns around to see the woman was beautiful.

"Hi..." the woman said awed.

"Hey... uh... what's your name?" Bowser asked.

"I'm Sofia Lin." Sofia said as Bowser helped her up.

"I'm Bowser." Bowser said shyly.

He then helps her up. As they touch each other's hands, they felt a spark, a pull towards each other. Out of nowhere, a Wing Wrench goes to attack when Sofía blasted the creature with her fire powers.

"You're a meta-human." Bowser said surprised.

"Yeah. I'm from Central City. I'm single. Wait! I'm mean—sorry! I don't why I said that." Sofía said blushing in embarrassment.

Bowser chuckled as he saw how sweet she was. He then sees his friends join up as they then saw a little girl fight off so zombies. Sonic jumps in as he blasted a gust of wind to blow the zombies away.

"You okay kid?" Sonic asked.

"Yeah... thanks. I'm Ruby Rose." Ruby introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you Ruby." Sonic said.

More zombies show up as they surround the two when suddenly a green blur slashes through the zombies, slicing their heads as thy fall to the ground permanently dead. The figure then slammed his fist to the ground, kicking up dust and smoke as he knocked them away. Coming out of the smoke was a big, tough-looking muscular man with lizard-like skin, an anthropomorphic reptile. He looks at Sonic with a glare.

"Whoa! Who are you?" Sonic exclaimed.

"My name is Skane, leader of a city populated only by reptiles, taking into account the world I live in, my subordinates and I learned to be suspicious of foreigners, lived in a violent and complicated land, so everyone who lives in that city already growing up being trained from an early age, to be great warriors. I do whatever it takes to keep my people safe, including preventing strangers from approaching our lands." Skane explained.

"Cool! I guess you got dragged here along with everyone from the Merge." Sonic said.

They turn around to see more zombies coming around.

"We should probably get going." Sonic said as he grabbed Skane's hand.

The heroes continue to make their way to the Titan as the tracker picks up the signal. Just as they were going, a streak of red lightning knocks them back. They get up to see Reverse Flash, Zoom, Savitar, Godspeed, Red Death, and Death Racer standing there.

"Hello... Flash. Good to see you again." Thawne said.

"Thawne..." Flash said in hate.

"You're not going anywhere near the Titan." Zoom said.

"Then it's a good thing we called for backup."Jay said.

A breach opened as XS, Impulse, and Silver come out to join the fight

"Mind if we crash the party?" Silver asked.

"Don't mind at all." Piranha said.

"This is where we end this, once and for all." Death Racer said.

"All right! Let's get this party started!" Sonic said.

Flash vs Reverse Flash
Sonic & Mecha Sonic vs Zoom
Silver & Impulse vs Godspeed
Draal & XS vs Savitar
Piranha & Jay vs Red Death
Classic Sonic & Shadow vs Death Racer

Each of the speedsters ran against each other as they left their friends behind to deal with the villainous speedsters across Battleworld. Flash and Reverse Flash run against each other across the city of Zootopia. Godspeed creates lightning platforms to reach Silver as he catches Godspeed in mid-air with his Psychokinesis, throwing him away as Impulse throws lightning Shurikens at Godspeed.

Sonic and Mecha Sonic fight against Zoom as he throws lightning at them as they dodged. Sonic does a Homing Attack knocking Zoom back as Mecha Sonic blasted him away.

"Catch us if you can, Zoomy!" Sonic taunts as he and Mecha Sonic run from an angry Zoom.

Jay and Piranha are fighting the Red Death head on as Jay and Red Death fire lightning Batarangs and Shurikens at each other. Draal and XS were battling Savitar. Draal head rams Savitar as he throws Draal away by the horns. XS covers him as she lightning lassoed him away into a building. Savitar grabs XS by the neck and lifts her up as Draal watched.

"Your mother escaped her fate, but YOU WON'T!" Savitar shouts as he stabs her in the back.

"NOOOOO!" Draal shouts horrified as he saw he failed to save his friend's daughter...

But then he saw that she phased the blade through her stomach and rips the blade off and stabs him instead, knocking him down. Draal was surprised and impressed by her.

"Schway." Nora laughed.

"Ha ha! Impressive XS." Draal chuckled as he pats her on the back.

Meanwhile, Godspeed was fighting Impulse and Silver in Hell. They fought back back at the Gluttony ring where Hellhounds and Imps were partying. They all stop and take cover as the fight rages on in their party house.

"Silver! Impulse! Show yourselves!" Godspeed shouts as he sees them on the higher deck.

"August, let us help you. I can feel how scare you are. Are you afraid you can't beat us? Or that every time you kill, you lose another piece of your soul?" Silver asked with Impulse high above him.

"You want a piece of my soul? How about a few dozen?!" Godspeed shouts as he creates copies of him to attack.

Each of the clones charge after Silver and Bart as they fought back. Silver uses his Psychokinesis to blast them back as Impulse throws his lightning shurikens at them. One by one, they fell backwards off the different levels of floors. Godspeed then showed up in front of them.

"So you beat my copies. But I'm the real deal. The true God of Speed." Godspeed threatens.

"I don't think so. Do it Silver." Impulse said as Silver then used the Sage Force to knock out Godspeed, overloading his mind.

"Now that's what I call mind over matter." Silver chuckled.

Jay and Piranha run into Equestria with the Red Death behind them. They run through the kingdom as they crash and destroy much in their fight.

"You're gonna die for humiliating me!" Red Death roars at Piranha.

"Are you seriously still mad about that?" Piranha said as he punched back at him.

"Seriously, you got problems." Jay said as he blasted Red Death as Piranha creates multiple speed mirages of himself.

Red Death creates a shockwave that knocks back Piranha and the Lightning Ninja. Red Death then grabs Piranha by the throat.

"Once I kill you, I'll kill your wife and kids! I will finally win!" Red Death roars as he stabs Piranha only for him to phase free.

Jay then lands a lightning punch that knocks Red Death into a fountain that electrocuted him, knocking him out.

"Thanks chico." Piranha said as he fist bumped Jay.

Shadow and Classic Sonic were running through New Berk merged the Jungle Kingdom as Death Racer gains up them. As they run, Death Racer tries to kill them with Symbiote weapons and blasts. He creates a blade and nearly chops their heads off as they run.

"You can't run forever!" Death Racer roars.

"No. We can't. But we can do this!" Shadow said as he fires Chaos Spears and Classic Sonic throws a lightning bolt.

Death Racer gets hit back as roars in anger. Luckily, Shadow was able to get a Thunderdrum dragon to Sonic Roar at the Symbiote speedster, hurting the evil speedster enough he passed out. Shadow turns to the dragon and nods a "thank you". The dragon nods as it flew off. Classic Sonic gets Shadow a thumbs up.

"Hmph. Best we head back." Shadow said.

Sonic and Mecha Sonic were fighting Zoom in the Mushroom Kingdom merged with Wonderland and New York City. Zoom continues trying to grab them as each of them taunted the drugged speedster.

"You're too slow, Hunter!" Sonic mocks.

"I'm the fastest man alive!" Zoom roars.

"No you're not. You're just a junkie kid who needs drugs to make him faster!" Sonic taunts as Mecha Sonic punched Zoom in the guts.

"Do you really think you and your robot copy can beat me?! You can't! Because you can't lock up the DARKNESS!!!!" Zoom roars as he builds up lots of speed.

Zoom runs around the area as he then fires the storm of lightning at Sonic and Mecha Sonic. The two managed to grab the bolt of lightning and throws it back at him, using his truck against him.

"Too slow." Sonic laughs.

Lightning struck all over Zootopia as Reverse Flash and the Flash battled for supremacy. To the mammals that bore witness it was like a living thunderstorm had been unleashed on the city, electricity spat and arced between the two speedsters as they fought through each of the metropolises' unique environments. In Tundra Town, Thawne tried to drown Barry by shattering one of the frozen lakes with a bolt of electricity, but The Flash managed to keep his footing and pursued the evil speedster across the icy water and straight into Sahara Square. The two of them ran out into the districts more open regions, and sprinted around one another, stirring up a sandstorm as they did.

As they battled it grew in intensity, until the sand was so thick that observers could only make out flashes of lighting wherever the two speedsters traded blows. Inside the whirling vortex, both Barry and Thawne could barely make out one another as they fought, so, when presented with an opportunity, Reverse Flash tackled his opponent clear of the storm before taking off towards the Rainforest District. With The Flash in hot pursuit, Reverse Flash ran straight into the higher levels of the jungle canopy, weaving between the walkways as he looked to trip Barry by using the districts almost constant rainfall to his advantage. However, The Flash knew what he was getting into and managed to not only keep his footing, but built enough momentum to punch Thawne with the force of a freight train. Flying backwards, the dazed speedster flew off the walkway and tumbled towards the ground.

Fortunately, several large leaves slowed his descent and as a result he was able to recover and generate a cushion of air by rapidly rotating his arms. As Thawne landed, Barry was already there to grab him by the scruff of his neck and blasted him away into some trees, knocking him unconscious.

"Stay down... if you know what's good for you." Barry said as he runs off to join his friends.

Soon the hero speedsters ran back to their friends who were now in an abandoned open area of the city.

"You guys made it!" Black Tip said surprised.

"Was there any doubt?" Sonic smirks.

"Are you guys sure there's a giant monster here?" Skane asked.

"Pretty sure." Sonic said when the ground shakes knocking them off their feet.

Appearing from the ground was a giant Zombie Titan. This had heads and arms all over its body like a colossal mess of a monster. It roars as it hungers for more flesh and stares at the heroes.

"Seriously? A Zombie Titan?" Hyena said in shock.

"Please... like that's gonna scare us." Barry said.

"Do you guys seriously think you can take that giant monster down?" Ruby asked.

"Kid, you ain't seen nothing yet." Sonic said.

Riyu squawks as he walks to the heroes and he then supercharged their powers for the fight in the sky.

"Thanks Riyu." Sonic said with a grin.

Sonic, Draal-Prime, Wolf, Flash, and Lloyd then absorbed the Chaos Emeralds and turn into their super forms.

They then flew towards the Zombie Titan as Black Tip and the others watch their friends fight. They begin to launch strong powerful attacks as they attacked the Zombie Titan. Super Draal and Super Sonic charges as he creates fists constructs that landed hard hits on the Titan. The Titan tries to grab Super Draal with one of its arms as Super Draal sliced it off as he blasted the beast back. The Titan roars in pain only for it to grow back. The Titan tries to bite at them as they dodged each bite. As they fought, they soon realized this Titan wasn't getting tired yet.

"Uh... guys, this Titan is not getting weaker." Super Wolf said.

"Even with our super forms, we're gonna need some backup. Super backup." Super Lloyd said.

They turn around to see a giant sized breach up with Vibe, Vortex, Ironhide, and Claire coming out of it.

"Hey guys! Hope we made it in time." Vibe said.

"Your friend Claire told us they you guys were having trouble with this Titan." Vortex said.

"So we figured you punks could use a Titan of your own to help you." Ironhide said.

"Hope this helps you guys." Claire said.

Behind was loud footsteps coming from within the breach. Soon a giant figure emerges from the breach.
It was a giant black lizard with a sharp spiky back.

"Godzilla! ¡Corran por sus vidas!" Piranha shouts in Spanish. (Translate: Run for your lives!)

Everyone backs away as run away from getting squashed by Godzilla's feet. The Zombie Titan turns to see Godzilla and roars as Godzilla does the same.

"Oh yeah! This is gonna be fun!" Super Sonic said as they charge back into battle.

🎶On the ground I lay
Motionless in pain
I can see my life flashing before my eyes
Did I fall asleep
Is this all a dream?
Wake me up
I'm living a nightmare🎶

Godzilla goes to tackle the Zombie Titan as it fought back. One of its heads try to bite Godzilla but Super Wolf destroys it's head as he fires fist constructs at its waist.

🎶I will not die (I will not die)
I will survive🎶

Super Flash then launches multiple constructs of lightning bolts to strike down on the Zombie's back as Godzilla tail whips the Titan back.

🎶I will not die, I'll wait here for you
I feel alive when you're beside me
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
In my time of dying🎶

The Zombie Titan manages grabs to Godzilla's tail as Super Wolf upper cuts the Titan's jaw, breaking more of the bones inside. Super Lloyd then fires a storm of Energy Arrows at the Titan.

🎶On this bed I lay
Losing everything
I can see my life passing me by
Was it all too much
Or just not enough?
Wake me up
I'm living a nightmare🎶

Super Lloyd then fires a large construct of a dragon that tackles the Zombie Titan into Godzilla who rips off one of it's arms. Super Draal then does a Cyclone Kick in its chest that knock it back as Super Sonic launches lightning fast attacks on its sides.

🎶I will not die (I will not die)
I will survive🎶

Godzilla roars as he dodges the Zombie's bites as he uses his Atomic Breath and claws to beat it back. Godzilla manages to flip the Titan over him as Super Wolf then foot slams down on the Titan, sending it back to the ground, creating a crater.

🎶I will not die, I'll wait here for you
I feel alive when you're beside me
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
In my time of dying🎶

Super Sonic and Super Draal launches multiple rapid punches and kicks at the Titan as Godzilla blasted another bruise at its body. The Zombie Titan groans in pain as it was time to finish it.

🎶I will not die, I'll wait here for you
I feel alive when you're beside me
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
In my time of dying🎶

Godzilla then blasted his Atomic breath with the Supers combining his blast with their power. The blast ripped a hole in the Titan's chest. The Zombie Titan falls on its knees and explodes into a ball of light.

🎶I will not die, I'll wait here for you
I feel alive when you're beside me
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
In my time of dying🎶

The Supers see the a yellow shard of the Chrono-stone as it was the last one. Their friends at the bottom see it and grab it.

"The final shard of the Chrono-stone." Dictatious said as he holds onto it.

The Supers smile as they turn around to be face-to-face with the mighty Godzilla.

Godzilla glares at them as the Supers stood their ground. Godzilla growls a little as he nodded at them in respect. Godzilla then turns around to leave.

"Do you think he likes us?" Super Wolf asked.

"I think so, since we helped him fight." Super Sonic said as they then flew down to the rest of the heroes.

"Oh yeah! You guys did it!" Toby cheered.

"Indeed you guys did. Now we must destroy the Chronarch and his army." Kanjigar said appearing to them.

"Father! You're here." Draal-Prime said happy to see him along with Draal.

"Yes. I've just checked the Chronarch's castle and it's shield has been destroyed. You all have done it. Now we can face the Chronarch and his army." Kanjigar said.

"If we're going to face this guy, we're going to need an army of our own." Jim said.

"Master Jim is correct. There aren't enough of us to face the Chronarch and his Prelate Army." Blinkous said.

"Perhaps with the survivors and allies we've found could help us." Vortex suggested.

"Sounds like a plan. Cisco, head back with the others and bring them to the coordinates of the castle." Oliver instructed.

"You got it." Cisco said.

As everyone gets ready, Bowser talks to Sofía about getting somewhere safe with Cisco.

"What?! No way, I want to go with you." Sofía said holding Bowser's claws.

"Look, this could get really dangerous and you're not trained to fight like I am. My friends could keep you safe. Trust me." Bowser said to Sofia.

"Fine... but only to please you." Sofia said as she goes to leave.

"Sofia?" Bowser calls out.

"Yeah?" Sofia said as she turns around.

"Well...I uh... I think it would be great if we went a place or perhaps a... thing together after this war." Bowser said blushing a bit.

"Are you asking me on a date?" Sofia asked.

"Your pulse and heartbeat have quickened." Zane said scanning Bowser.

"No! No it didn't! But... once this whole Forever War is over, would you got out with me?" Bowser asked extending his hand.

"Yes, I would love to go on a date with you." Sofia said smiling as Bowser was happy to hear this.

"Now your pituitary gland is secreting hormones through your bloodstream..." Zane goes on until Bowser shuts his mouth.

"OKAY! THANK YOU ZANE! (clears throat) I guess... I'll see you later—" Bowser speaks as he was cut off when Sofia gave him a kiss.

"Go save the world big guy." Sofia said as she leaves with Cisco and the other Breachers.

Bowser is speechless as his face looked shocked as he the roars in excitement. He finally has a girlfriend! One who actually cares about him. He then turns back to his friends as they got ready to face off against the Chronarch... once and for all.

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