Spider-Man and Venom

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Characters in this story

Peter Parker aka Spider-Man

Peter Benjamin Parker is a former Midtown School of Science and Technology student who gained superhuman abilities and fought crime across New York City as the superhero Spider-Man. While he juggled his hero duties with the demands of his high-school life, he was recruited by Tony Stark to join the Avengers Civil War, putting Spider-Man into a brief conflict with Captain America. Parker was given a new suit as well as new Stark technology in exchange for his help and was allowed to keep them when he returned home to continue his own hero work.

While he continued to try and prove himself as a worthy hero in the eyes of Iron Man so he could join the Avengers, Parker began investigating the illicit criminal activities of Vulture, who was attempting to sell his Chitauri based weapons onto the black market, with only the assistance of his best friend Ned Leeds, while also trying to win his academic decathlon finals. Eventually, Parker gained the affections of classmate Liz Allan, but learned her father, Adrian Toomes, was Vulture. Spider-Man thwarted Vulture's robbery of a Stark Industries cargo plane, to which Stark showed his respect by offering Parker an official place with the Avengers. Parker turned this down in order to continue being a small-time hero in New York, despite his Aunt May discovering his secret identity.

Parker was pulled back into the Avengers' conflict when the Black Order had invaded Earth, joining Stark as a stowaway to rescue Doctor Strange from space. Given a new Iron Spider armor, Parker, Stark and Strange joined forces with the Guardians of the Galaxy, joining their attempts to prevent Thanos from collecting the six Infinity Stones. But the heroes failed to defeat Thanos during the Battle of Titan; resulting in half of life being wiped out; including Parker. Five years later, Spider-Man was resurrected in the Blip, and rejoined the fight against Thanos, ultimately watching Stark sacrifice his life to defeat the Mad Titan.

The bereaved and traumatized Parker decided to take some time off his hero duties, seeking refuge on his school trip to Europe. However, despite wanting to focus his attention on winning the attention of Michelle Jones, Parker witnessed Hydro-Man's attack in Venice and was recruited by "Nick Fury" to work with Mysterio to defeat the Elementals. Dubbed Night Monkey after defeating Molten Man in Prague, Parker bequeathed Stark's glasses to Mysterio, only to discover that Mysterio manipulated him in doing so to gain access to Stark's weaponized drones to stage more threats. Recruiting Happy Hogan's help, Spider-Man traveled to London and defeated Mysterio, who died of a misfired gunshot on the Tower Bridge.

Upon Parker's return to New York, doctored footage was sent to The Daily Bugle incriminating him as the mastermind of the drone attacks, as well as the murderer of Mysterio, while exposing his true identity to the world. While he was eventually cleared of all charges with Matt Murdock's help, the resulting controversy upended his and his friends' futures, leading Parker to enlist Doctor Strange to cast a memory-altering spell, wishing to make the identity of Spider-Man a secret once more. However, Parker's repeated amendments mid-casting ruined the spell, resulting in a multiversal rift that unleashed foes of Spider-Man from alternate universes. Although intending to cure them before sending them back to avert their ill-fated deaths in their native universes, Green Goblin convinced the villains to betray Parker, ultimately resulting in his aunt's death. Parker then met two alternate versions of himself who helped him overcome his grief and cure their enemies in a battle on the Statue of Liberty. Faced with an impossible choice, Parker had Strange cast another spell to make their universe oblivious to his existence in order to protect the Multiverse from collapsing, erasing himself from his friends and allies memories in his universe. Starting anew and believing to be dangerous to those around him, Parker decided to isolate himself from everyone, including his friends and allies, in order to keep them safe and resumed his duties undisturbed as an independent Spider-Man.

Eddie Brock & Venom aka Lethal Protector

Edward Charles Allan "Eddie" Brock is the human host of the symbiote Venom. After being transported to another universe as a result of a spell cast by Doctor Strange, he learned about the Avengers, Spider-Man and Thanos before being returned back to his universe.

Eddie Brock is an inquisitive individual, seeking to learn as much as he could upon being transported to another universe. However, he is not extremely open-minded, reacting skeptically when informed about the existence of Iron Man, Hulk and Thanos and refusing to believe that an alien like Thanos would seek magic stones instead of eating brains due to his experience with Venom.

Eddie Brock was bonded to the symbiote known as Venom and together they became the vigilante known as the Lethal Protector. Unbeknownst to Brock, in another universe, a spell cast by Doctor Strange transported people from any universe who knew Peter Parker's secret identity as Spider-Man into his own. As a result of Venom accessing a multiversal symbiote hive mind, Venom became aware of Parker being Spider-Man and thus was taken out of its universe, along with its host Brock, and brought into Strange's universe. Finding themselves in a resort room, Venom and Brock saw a report on television from The Daily Bugle where J. Jonah Jameson showed a photo of Parker and hashly criticized Spider-Man for his actions. Upon seeing Parker's face on the television, Venom took over Brock's body and licked the television.

"Señor, he made my family disappear. For five years."

"Five years? That's a long time. I mean, maybe I should go to New York and speak to this... Spider-Man."

Brock then left the room and went to the resort's bar in an attempt to make sense of his surroundings. He conversed with a bartender and learned that he was in another universe where several individuals with superhuman abilities existed. Brock was told of Iron Man and Hulk's existence, as well as how an alien named Thanos sought to obtain the Infinity Stones and caused people to disappear. Brock dismissed the story as he believed all aliens had the singular desire to eat brains as Venom did. The bartender took offense at this, informing Brock that Thanos caused his family to disappear for five years.

Brock took sympathy on the bartender and expressed a desire to go to New York City and meet with Spider-Man. Brock stood up to leave while Venom suggested that they go skinny dipping instead. As Brock informed Venom that they would not go skinny dipping, the bartender reminded him that he needed to pay the bill. However, Brock was swiftly transported back to his own universe as a result of Doctor Strange's spell.

Venom is impulsive and quick to anger, chastising Eddie Brock for disliking the name "Lethal Protector" and for making assumptions about aliens. It is also opportunistic, seeking to go skinny dipping and expressing disappointment at being sent back to its own universe after such a short time.

Venom and its host Eddie Brock went into hiding in a secluded coastal area. Inside their hotel room, Venom told Brock that symbiotes shared a hive mind that transcended the Multiverse. Unbeknownst to Venom, in another universe, a spell cast by Doctor Strange transported people from any universe who knew Peter Parker's secret identity as Spider-Man into his own. As a result of accessing the hive mind, Venom was aware of Parker being Spider-Man and thus was taken out of its universe, along with its host Brock, and brought into Strange's universe.

Finding themselves in a resort room, Venom and Brock saw a report on television from The Daily Bugle where J. Jonah Jameson showed a photo of Parker and hashly criticized Spider-Man for his actions. Upon seeing Parker's face on the television, Venom took over Brock's body and licked the television.

Venom and Brock then left the room and went to the resort's bar in an attempt to make sense of their surroundings. Over the course of the next several hours, Brock conversed with the bartender and learned that the universe they now occupied contained a multitude of individuals with superhuman abilities, with Venom having to remind Brock of this due to his intoxicated state. The two learned about Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, with Venom chiding Brock for disliking the name "Lethal Protector" after learning that Banner went by the name "Hulk". They also learned about Thanos and how his quest to obtain the Infinity Stones resulted in the Snap. Brock did not believe the story about Thanos' desire for the Stones, as he believed all aliens had Venom's singular desire to eat brains.
When Brock decided to go to New York City and meet Spider-Man, Venom suggested that they go skinny dipping instead, although Brock refused. As the bartender reminded Brock that he needed to pay the bill, Venom, along with Brock, found themselves enveloped in a bright light. Realizing what was occurring, Venom stated that it did not wish to return yet as they had only recently arrived, but its attempts to resist were futile as it and Brock were transported back to their universe. However, Venom unknowingly left a detached piece of itself behind in the other universe, which began to move on its own.

San Francisco (First Time of the two meeting)

Spider-Man and Venom managed to jump away from the big explosion. They then swing by their webs to the next closest building.

"It still won't be easy to get past." Venom said as they saw the Carnage Symbiote block their path.

Spider-Man then began to shoot multiple webs at the entrance to block off Carnage.

"Nope! This wall won't hold long, but maybe we can have a second to think. Which I'm gonna need. This thing is making my spider-sense go nuts." Spider-Man said rubbing his head in pain.

"Kid, do you think you'd be able to lead the Symbiotes to the Incinerator by yourself?" Venom asked.

"What?! I know this building less than you. Besides, what are you gonna do?" Spider-Man asked.

"We don't have time to explain. But we'll still be with you, guiding you." Venom said protective.

"Guiding me?" Spider-Man said confused.

"No time. Do you trust me?" Venom asked with his head closer to Spider-Man.

"Not really, but I guess I don't have much of a choice." Spider-Man said.

"Good enough." Venom said as he opened his jaw at Spider-Man.

"What the—?!" Spider-Man said before he could react as some of the Symbiote took over SM.

"I've got my own plans, but Venom here will help you get this thing down to the Incinerator while helping me here. (Can't be totally defenseless.)." Eddie Brock said.

"Splitting my consciousness is tough. So, the bulk of the heavy lifting is on you." Venom said.

"So how's it feel Spider-Man—to be part of the Symbiote family." Eddie and Venom said as Spider-Man was now covered in the goo, in a new suit.

Spider-Man was now fighting against the Carnage Symbiote with his new powers of Venom.

"Any luck yet?" Spider-Man asked as he fights.

"Not really. All the files relating to Symbiotes are encrypted. Almost like they don't want anyone seeing them. Shocker." Eddie said as he looks on the computer.

"Have you tried 'surfing the web'?" Venom asked, jokingly.

"You're not funny." Eddie Brock said still trying to find what he's looking for.

"I thought it was funny." Peter said.

"Peter thought it was funny." Venom said.

"Just get down to the basement. The longer we wait, the more we give them the advantage." Eddie explained.

"Okay, guy in the chair." Spider-Man said.

"Guy in the chair?" Eddie said confused.

"Yeah! Ya' know, the guy who coordinates the mission." Spider-Man said.

"This isn't some spy mission and this isn't a headpiece. You don't need to touch your ear to talk to me." Eddie said annoyed.

"Well, regardless... this is amazing! I don't waste any webs and before I had a hard time with— oh, hold on..." Spider-Man said as he punched a Carnage Symbiote away. "With keeping up with these things, but now—"

Spider-Man continued to fight and push back the Symbiotes.

"They're having a hard time with me!" Spider-Man said in joy.

Suddenly, the elevator opened showing the empty shaft.

"Well that wasn't ominous." Spider-Man said.

"When in Rome?" Venom said.

"You know what Rome is?" Spider-Man asked.

"Eddie watches the history channel." Venom explains as Spider-Man jumps down the elevator shaft.

"You realize it's a trap, right?" Eddie asked.

"Maybe. Probably. Definitely. But at this rate, this is the fastest route down." Spider-Man said as he continued to fall.

Meanwhile with Eddie and Venom, he was continuing his search on the computer as Venom saw something.

"Um, Eddie, we may have a problem." Venom said looking behind his host.

"I know! Kid needs our help. But we need these files. And it's hard enough without you jokesters in my head." Eddie explained as he searches.

"Looks like we got company." Venom said.

"Uh, Mr. Brock I—" Spider-Man starts as the Carnage attacks.

"Wait! I got it! Artificial Symbiote Program! Uh... yadda yadda... ah, here we go..." Eddie said as he reads.

"Um... Eddie..." Venom said seeing danger.

"In order to stabilize specimens, enhanced humans DNA needed..." Looks like they found some... came from a crime scene on Coney Island in NYC involving... Adrian Toomes. "DNA sample suspected to be from..." Eddie read as the last part shocked him.

"Eddie!" Spider-Man shouts struggling to break free from Carnage's grip.

"Spider-Man." Eddie Brock said as Carnage got ready to eat him.

Carnage roars in hunger as he goes to kill Eddie and Venom, but then suddenly a black and red figure comes crashing in as it shocked the Carnage back. Eddie and Venom turns to see it was Kid Arachnid.

"Hey." Kid Arachnid said as he electrified the Carnage more to allow Venom to take over.

"Whoa... who are you?" Venom asked.

"Kid Arachnid! Spider-Man sent out a message to us to help you guys out!" Kid Arachnid explained as he clears a path for them to the Incinerator.

"Us?" Venom said confused.

Meanwhile with Spider-Man, who struggled with Carnage, a spiderweb shot out, pulling Spider-Man out of the murderous Symbiote's reach. Spider-Man looked to see it was one of his friends, Ghost Spider.

"Hey, Spider-Man." Ghost Spider said as she helps him up.

"Hey GS, glad you and KA could make it." Spider-Man said.

"Can't let you guys have all the fun." Ghost-Spider said.

The two then lead the Carnage to the Incinerator as Spider-Man locked the door on them and activated the Incinerator. The Carnage roars in anger and pain to be free as the fire burns them. But as the Incinerator activated, the building was about to blow up.

"Eddie, Kid, we need to get out of here! This place is gonna blow!" Spider-Man said.

Soon the four managed to escape the building just in time as it exploded behind them. They then look back on the destruction.

"You sure all of the Carnage Symbiote got destroyed?" Miles asked looking at the destroyed building.

"Positive." Venom said hanging off Eddie's shoulder.

"We managed to download everything on that computer before it got destroyed." Eddie said pulling out a flash drive. 

"Good. Then we can find out who is behind this." Peter said.

The four web-slingers then swing away into the night as they head off to continue on saving the world. But as they do, a small remain of Carnage managed to escape through the rumble of the lab. It growls as it now searches the perfect host, one who will destroy the Spiders and Venom.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man voice actor: Tom Holland
Eddie Brock/Venom voice actor: Tom Hardy
Miles Morales/Kid Arachnid voice actor: Caleb McLaughlin
Gwen Stacy/Ghost Spider voice actor: Sabrina Carpenter

Dragongirl04282004 for you

Blinkous Galadrigal shouting at Dictatious Galadrigal on the football field.

Aarghaumont with Draal finding the Amulet.

Aarghaumont and Blinkous judging performances at the school.

Aarghaumont and Blinkous reading a book together on the couch.

Blinkous and Dictatious Galadrigal together as the brothers they are.

More trolls for you can use for the story as OCs.

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