Chapter 10: Earth-775 Atlasia🌎

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Dragongirl04282004 BiancaSantana880 ReptileEdge chariobros92 LukeLiebig Caskev21  WolfHowl715 Quantumranger27 FahzTheGorilla
Jacquespawnee Bookoflifefan28 JadeSylvinaVA
Herosperger DonovenMorningstar GWilden2023
JadeSylvinaVA SuperNinjaDragon7 Dqthegr820
damianflashpoint GWilden2023 Kazumi-yoggan
hammert_Fitzerald DraalTheDeadly Ethan4389
DonovenMorningstar DragonRoarAtDaybreak
Kumakingkai40 ScarletQuakeWitch SuperNinjaDragon7 Thunderslash721 Miraculousgaurdian09 williamsmaurice1254


5 Weeks Later...

A muscled Squealer was running for his life from some Bots chasing him. He runs and jumps over incoming obstacles in his way as he runs for his life. Suddenly, he stops in an alleyway as he sees he's trapped. The bots come closer to him when...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A loud Sonic Howl wave knocks back the bots, destroying them. The Squealer looks relieved, but wonders where did that howl come from? He then hears footsteps above him as he then saw a figure jump down to him. It was a gray wolf in a black & gold leather suit with a mask. He smirks at the Squealer as he twirled his baston.

It was Moe Wolf, the Obsidian Claw. He looks at the Squealer who looked afraid of him as he scooted away.

"Relax, bud. I'm not gonna hurt you. Here." Obsidian Claw said holding out his hand.

"You're... not?" The Squealer asked as he hesitantly took his hand as Wolf pulled him back up on his feet.

"No. Even if you are a Squealer. Even if what you Squealers do is wrong, that doesn't mean you deserve death." Wolf said as looks to see if the coast is clear.

"Wow... you're the first guy who actually helped and umm... care about us, Squealers." The Squealer said surprised.

"Eh, it's part of the hero job." Wolf said.

"Who... who are you?" The Squealer asked.

"The Obsidian Claw. You got a name?" Wolf asked.

"It's Rodrick." Rodrick answered.

"Cool." Wolf said before you saw some bots coming.

"Come on, this way. Follow me." Wolf said as the Squealer follows the meta-wolf.

The Void

The Waverider continues to swim through the sea of Earths. The crew continues to search for their friends.

"Hey guys! I think I may have located the Bad Guys!" Jay said.

"What makes you think that?" Lloyd asked.

"I'm detecting geothermic and electric chemical isotopes." Jay explained.

"Strength and Sage Force energy." Barry said in realization.

"From which Earth?" Logan asked.

"This Earth." Jay says as he shows them the Earth on the hologram map.

"Earth-775. A world that exists in the future." Jay explained.

"Then let's go." Jim said.

3035 A.R
The Waverider then entered another universe. They landed in a clearing as the ship camouflaged in the surroundings. They get off where they saw nothing but a wasteland with some small towns, along with a big city inside a dome.

"Whoa... this place looks sad and depressing." Molly said.

"No kidding. Are you sure we're on a different Earth and not a different planet?" Todd asked.

"Definitely, looks like this Earth went through some hard times." Shard said looking at the place, seeing so much pollution.

"Looks like everyone here is an animal, just like on Earth-23." Barry said looking at the people.

"Best if we don't draw attention to ourselves." Zane said as he scans the area. "We can go through the sewers."

"Good idea." Blinky said as they hop down.

They began to explore the tunnels of the sewers as they try to come up with a plan.

"So what do we do?" Libby asked as she saw some insects crawl by on the pipes.

"Zane or I should find a computer to connect to so we can learn more about this world and try to locate our friends" Shard explained.

"Now that's a plan." Cole said.

"Oh no... trouble." Oliver said as they saw a bunch of rat thugs and gangsters standing in their way.

"Now where do you think you're going?" Chief asked them.

"We're just passing by. We don't want any trouble." Kai said.

"Too late. You're crossing over our territory." Chief said as more Squealers show up. 

"Oh, looks like we got some new toys to play with." Kins said.

"These guys look pathetic." Dart said.

"Finally we get to have some fun." Gene said.

"Hmph! Squealers. You guys just love bullying others." Barry said.

"Trust us, you don't want to mess with us." Cole said as his fists glow orange.

"Ha! Please... get 'em boys!" Chief shouts.

The Squealers jump out of the shadows and go to attack the superheroes as they fight back. Unfortunately for the rats, the heroes were way more skilled than them. All but the Chief and a few remained conscious.

"Gah! Who the hell are you freaks?" Chief said in disbelief.

"We're just a bunch of superheroes, that's who." Kai said with his fist on fire.

This cause some of the Squealers to back away in fear. Draal and Rykarr ran ahead of them to cut them off.

"W-what do you want?!" Chief asked in fear.

"Relax, we're not gonna kill ya. We just want to talk. JUST talk. Okay?" Jim said.

"Talk about what?" Chief asked.

"You Squealers have eyes and ears in most areas around here in this place, right?" Lloyd asked.

"Yeah... so?" Chief replied.

"We're wondering if you rats have seen any of our missing friends." Sara said as she displays as a hologram of the missing friends.

"No... wait, that wolf!" Chief said in shock.

"You've seen him?" Darryl asked.

"Yeah! He and his friends beat us up before. You guys are friends with them?! You're gonna pay!" Chief shouts as he goes to attack only to get punched in the nose is by Oliver.

"Gah! Grab the boss and let's get out of here!" Dart said as they do so and run away.

"Should we go after them?" Jay asked.

"No. We got what we needed. Now that we know that the bad guys are here, we need to look around for them. Who knows what kind of dangers are in this world." Bowser said.

"Let's head back up. Hopefully we'll find them." Lloyd said.

They then headed back on top and began to look for the Bad Guys. As they look around the area, they then see a familiar croc... or gator.

"Brok?! Is that you?" Sonic said surprised.

"Oh... hey? Do I... know you?" Brok asked.

"Oh yeah, it's a long story." Zane said.

"I don't recall seeing people like you around here." Brok said.

"Yeah, you can say that we're not really from here." Todd said.

"Oh no! Bots!" Brok exclaimed as they saw a bunch of bots showing up.

"Come on! We can take—*wheeze* *cough*" Jay coughed as he clenched his throat.

"Jay! What's wrong?" Nya said as she goes to comfort her husband.

Soon everyone began to cough and choke as they try to breathe.

"I can't... (cough) breathe!" Mick coughed.

"Oh no! You guys didn't take your Toxout pills, didn't you?" Brok said with horror.

"A what pill?" Adrien coughed.

"Everyone here takes a Toxout pill daily in order to survive the haze and the pollution in the air." Brok explains as he punched some bots away.

"We don't have one! *WHEEZE!*" Rykarr said as he gasp for fresh air.

"Oh no! And I don't have any on me!" Brok said in panic.

Suddenly, smoke began to fill the air, creating a smokescreen. This confused the heroes and the bots. Then out of nowhere, a Squealer wearing black silver pants and a black mask appeared out of a puff of smoke as he attacked and destroyed each and every bot. He then turned to Brok and the heroes as he flexed his muscles.

"Come on! This way!" The Squealer said to the heroes.

"What?! Who are you?" Lloyd coughed.

"And why should we trust you, Squealer?" Brok said.

"Ugh! I just saved you guys from those bots. Unless if you want to die out here, choking to death, be my guest. But if you want to live, follow me!" The Squealer said to them.

"(Cough, cough) What choice do we have? Let's go!" Oliver coughed.

The heroes then follow the Squealer into a secret doorway that leads to an underground bunker filled with high technology. The Squealer then grabs a bin and brings it over to them. Inside the small bin was dozens of Toxout Pills.

"Here, Toxout Pills. Take them. Quickly!" The Squealer said as holds it to them.

Each of the heroes then quickly swallow a Toxout pill as they were soon able to breathe normally again. They gasp and sigh in relief.

*sighs* "Thank you." Lloyd says to the Squealer.

"You're welcome. Didn't want you guys to die." The Squealer said.

"So why did you help us? Usually Squealers don't help people." Sara asked with suspicion.

"Well, I'm not like them. I left my clan... to be better." The Squealer said.

"Huh. You're the second Squealer I've met who's not a bully." Brok said.

"So you got a name? Or do we just call you "the Squealer".? Jeff asked.

"It's Rodrick, or Rick for short." Rick said.

"Nice." Geoff said.

"Hey... you guys look familiar." Rick said looking at heroes closer.

"We do?" Ray said confused.

"Hey guys! Come down here! You're gonna want see this!" Rick shouts.

The heroes look up to the stairs as they see someone coming. Their eyes widen as they saw it was Moe, Hubert, Tara, Lou, and Pepé. The Bad Guys!

"The Bad Guys! You guys are okay!" Sonic said in joy.

"It's good to see you guys again too." Wolf said as they hugged them.

"Wait! Where's Drago and Hyena?" Libby asked looking for them.

"They... weren't teleported with us." Webs said sadly.

"Oh..." Molly said sadly.

"Don't worry, we'll find them." Jay said to the Bad Guys.

"So... since it looks like you guys been here a while, mind telling us about this world and what's going on lately?" Shard asked.

"Well... You guys better get comfortable because it's a long story." Wolf said.

1 Hour Later...

"So, this world is crazy, huh?" Jay said.

"Apparently it is." Shark said.

"The Drums and Slums both have their own problems. It's an unfair society in this country." Orgrim said.

"Yeah. Ever since we've arrived here, we have been doing our best to help the people of the Slums. That's how we met Rick here." Snake said looking at Rick.

"So that whole smoke trick was some special tech?" Ray asked as he cleans his A.T.O.M. suit.

"No. It's my... ability." Rick said looking down as he rubbed his arm.

"You're a meta-human?" Barry asked.

"Yeah, the Bad Guys already explained what a meta-human. Webs scanned my body for Dark Matter and I'm positive. I don't know how or when I got these abilities, but it's been a secret I've been keeping... even from the other Squealers." Rick explained.

"Well, do you don't have to hide that secret from us. We're all just like you." Mick said as he creates a fireball in his hand.

"I'm still surprise that you guys come from a different universe. Guess the theories of it that Shay told me aren't just silly theories." Brok said.

"Yep." Libby said.

"Okay, so now that we found you guys, we just need to find the one Eclipso wants to use to plunge this world into darkness." Marinette said.

"That will be your mission. Not ours."

The heroes turn to see the Bad Guys in their super suits as they were ready for action.

"We've got other business to attend to now." Wolf said.

"Wait what? With whom?" Sara asked.

"We're meeting up with someone who's gathered information about the malfunctioning Pipe-Pills." Shark said.

"What's wrong with them?" Geoff asked.

"The Toxout pills are not coming out of the pipes anymore. If this keeps going, people out here will die. We have to get to the bottom of this." Webs said.

"Agreed. I have to go. See ya and good luck!" Brok said as he left.

"We got to go too." Shark said.

"What about the Multiverse and stopping Eclipso?" Shard asked.

As the Bad Guys were about to say something, they hear a loud screeching outside. Screeching that they instantly recognize as they rushed outside to see a riff open, releasing dozens of Shadow Banshees to cause chaos.

"Look, we got to get to our mission. We'll signal our location to you guys once you take care of the Shadow Banshees." Wolf said as they headed off.

"Fine. Let's go then!" Green Arrow said as they go into action.

As the team deals with the Shadow Banshees in their area, Sonic goes to deal with any other loose Shadow Banshees. He stops running as he then notices a bunch of the Shadow Banshees heading to the Drums as they try to smash through the dome.

"Hey airbags! Over here! Come and get me!" Sonic taunted them.

The Shadow Banshees roar in anger at Sonic as he leads them away from the Dome.

The Shadow Banshees roar as they chase after Sonic through the Drums as he leads them to a clearing and began to trap them in a tornado. He then jumps up high as he then unleashed a bolt of lightning that destroyed them all.

"Shadow Banshees 0, and Sonic 1!" Sonic grinned as he then heard an explosion.

"Whoa! What was that? I'd better fine out!" Sonic said as he runs over to the area, but as he does, he's surrounded in a blue aura again.

"Huh? What's going on?!" Sonic shouts as he runs when a ghost of Shadow appears again.

"Keep going! Do not stop!" Shadow shouts to Sonic before disappearing.

"Shadow?!" Sonic exclaimed as he sees him disappear. He then focused back on running to his friends.

He soon showed up with the others as they saw Commissioner Wes who turned out to be a robot.

"Hey guys... what did we miss?" Sonic asked.

"Nothing much except that the commissioner is a corrupted cop, an evil robot, and behind the Pipe-Pill problem." Jay said.

"Corrupted cops... hmph! Dealt with a bunch myself." Oliver said with a growl.

"Ahh... more criminals like the Bad Guys. Good thing I'm prepared for all the eventualities. Even this very improbable situation you've all shown resistance." Wes said as he clicked a button.

The ground shakes as the trash they're standing on collapse, sinking them deeper into the pit of trash.

"Good news. I've proceeded as planned. You all won't leave this place alive." Wes said.

"How is that good news?" Brok asked.

"It is. For me!" Wes said as dozens of bots come out to assist Wes into taking them out.

"Obviously..." Brok said.

"It's bad. They keep coming." Rick said.

"Looks like we're gonna have the trash a bunch of bots!" Sonic said as blue lightning sparks off him.

"We'll handle these tin cans. Brok, deal with that corrupted cop." Kilowog said with hate at Wes.

"I'll help you." Green Arrow said as he readies his bow and arrows.

"Hey. Guess what the penalty is for attacking a police officer?" Wes said.

"Lemme guess... Death?..." Brok said.

"You got that right!" Wes growled.

"Here we go!" Nya said as she water blasted a bot.

The heroes with Brok and Dee began to fight We while the superheroes fight the bots.

"Nya! Shark! Do it now!" Oliver shouts as he fires an arrow at a bot.

"NINJA GO!!!!" Nya and Shark shouted as they created a tornado of water.

They then sent it towards Wes and his bots away as the water destroyed the bots.

"Impossible. My faithful bots. They're... They're not returning my calls anymore...!" Wes said in disbelief.

"That's it. The game is over, bag of screws." Dee said.

"Not... Till I..." Wes said as he managed to shoot her in the leg.

"Gah!" Dee shouts in pain as she fell backwards.

"Dee!" Brok shouts as he rushed over to her.

My leg! I can't move!.." Dee cried in pain.

"That devil! Come on, I'll carry you." Brok said.

"Don't... Don't mind me. You guys got to finish him." Dee said to them.

"We will... after you've safe! Someone's waiting for you at your home." Brok said as they put her somewhere safe from the battlefield.

"Wait! Where did he go?!" Jay exclaimed as they looked around.

Suddenly the ground began to shake as Wes reappeared inside a giant robot mech suit.

"Gah! This is a nightmare!" Brok exclaimed.

"How do you like my new shell, Pork?" Wes mocked.

"Do you guys even stand a chance against that?!" Dee said in shock.

"Ha! Please! I've faced mech suits far more dangerous than this one! And you know what they had in common? I trashed them all!" Sonic said.

"As long as we're standing... we'll keep fighting! Ninja NEVER QUIT!" Lloyd said.

Flash, Piranha, Sonic, Jay, Snotlout, Draal, and Rykarr began to run around Wes, building up a lot of energy as they shot it right at the mech, knocking it down.

"Yes!... Hope you liked that, giant tin can." Brok said.

Suddenly the ground began to rise up.

"Phew... For a sec, I thought we were done f... Oooof!" Brok exclaimed as Wes grabbed him.

"I can't believe... you've almost had me... twice! That final mistake will cost you your life." Wes said.

"Uuuurgh! That hurts, ya know!" Brok grunted in pain as Wes squeezed him.

"Don't worry. You won't die immediately. I'll break you bit by bit, slowly. Let me savor this moment." Wes laughed.

"No!" Dee shouts.

"Dee! Heroes! Stay there! Arghhh!" Brok shouts. But Cat Noir was coming up with his own idea.

"Well... running out of ideas here. Dee?" Brok said.

"Before you kill us... I need to know... why? Why insist on wiping out Slumers?" Dee asked as Cat Noir slowly steps out of Wes's eye point of view.

"Isn't it obvious? ... Pork... the first time we met... Many years ago... I wasn't a bot." Wes explains.

"To me you've always been an old wreck... Urgh!" Brok grunted.

"After I was turned into this... I resumed my job at the police department. Slowly... year after year... I encountered the worst in humanity. Murders... thefts... aggressions... frauds... every new case worse than the last. All concentrated in the Slums." Wes explained.

"This is hogwash! The result of a buggy stack of algorithms inside your head!" Brok

"No. It's a very reasonable way of thinking. A reasoning only possible thanks to my human side!"

"Human side... yeah right." Snake scoffed.

"You see. I may look like a machine. I still cannot do high calculations. On the contrary. I was conceived in order to replicate the human brain. I have all my memories from my past. I've never felt any different from the person I was before. No. I've simply been in the police long enough to understand. Humans never learn. Criminals always recidivate. Bad seeds need to be eliminated. This is the only way. To ensure the safety of everyone who deserves it!" Wes explained.

"Let me guess. The Drums citizens?" Wolf guessed.

"Evidently." Wes replied.

"This part of humanity deserves to be saved. Sooner or later, this plague infesting every living being outside the Dome will be spread inside. Why do you refuse to understand?" Wes asked.

"Because... you're a filthy piece of metal junk. Humans have a heart. You don't." Brok answered.

"Oh, he has borrowed something from humans indeed. The ability to lie." Rick growled.

"The prisoners that were terminated... you're behind that too, aren't you?!" Dee said.

"Of course. My first plan. Back when I still thought of a selective approach could work." Wes admitted.

"How? Dr. Gherkin said three votes are needed." Dee said.

"That's right. I'm not almighty. My power to take action has limits. Three votes needed to approve a proposal... one to block. So... I exploited a loophole in the system. The ability to reform questions." Wes said.

"Reformulate?" Sonic said.

"Instead of "Should this person be conned to death?" I simply re-wrote it as... "Should this person be freed?" And reversed the replies. Same thing, wouldn't you say? Except this way... Only one vote "against" becomes needed! Amongst the crowd of question we received, no one even noticed." Wes explained.

"What a joke... whoever designed that system was a stupid moron." Brok said.

"Totally." Barry said.

"Agreed." Oliver said.

"Not stupid. The Creator is imperfect, like all humans are. The plan I concocted was safe, subtle and simple. Yet far from enough. I thought they realize I had to act a larger scale. Taking more risks." Wes explained.

"And condemn all the Slums inhabitants?!" Dee said.

"Be realistic. Cheating, stealing and fighting constitute the way of living for Slumers. Who among you never did such a thing?..." Wes said.

"Yeah... we are not perfect... but everyone deserves a second chance! We can better ourselves!" Brok said.

"People can chance! If you give them the chance to. It takes patience and understanding for them. Same with criminals, they can be rehabilitated." Wolf said.

"You all cannot." Wes said.

"Yes we can!" Brok and the heroes said in unison.

"Silence!" Wes said as he squeezed Brok a bit more.

"Urgggghh!!! Wait... Lia's case... you lied about that too?!" Brok grunted.

"I did not. As far as I know... It truly was an accident. By the global power shutdown. The whole city was a mess." Wes admitted.

"I... don't believe you!" Brok said.

"Granted. For all my career... this was the only case I couldn't solve with absolute certainty due to the data loss. It has always haunted me..." Wes said.

"You and me both, then!" Brok said.

"Shut up! We're nothing alike, scum!" Wes said as he squeezed Brok again.

"Aaaargh!!!" Brok screamed as he then tried to play dead.

"Brok?" Nya said.


"Brok!" Jay shouts worried.

"Playing possum, huh? Don't think you can fool me. I have sensors. Even a dead cat can bounce when it falls from high up!" Wes said.

"What you say... Urgh!... doesn't make any sense!" Brok said.

"Ha! Enough playing. While you're still able to talk, let me know... what should be your last words before I terminate you!" Wes asked as Brok saw Cat Noir in place.

"Well... Cataclysm!" Brok shouts.

"Ummm... Cataclysm?" Wes repeated confused.


Cat Noir jumps as he activated his superpower as he touches the back of the mech, destroying as it rusted to dust. Draal then catches Brok as Wes fell into the rumble of his mech.

"Who did this?!" Wes said angrily.

"I did. Guess this black kitty gave you bad luck." Cat Noir chuckled.

"Why you..." Wes growled.


Cat Noir turns around to see the Director of Graff's school come.

"Prototype 26. You derailed from the track that was assigned to you. It's my duty to step in. " The Director said.

"How dare you mess with my business, P-19! I'm right and you know it!" Wes said.

"You okay?" Brok asked Dee.

"I should be the one asking you this!" Dee replied.

"Well... not dead but I almost wish I was... man, my body hurts everywhere!" Brok moaned.

"We'll get better. If we manage to get out of here alive. Who.... Or rather... what's this?" Dee said.

"My son's school Director... or so I thought." Brok said.

"Huh. Hey, piles of scrap pretending to be humans! How many of you are there?" Dee asked.

"Only the two of us. I'm afraid there's no time to explain. Mister Brock. Let me handle this." The Director said.

"Erm... okay?..." Brok said unsure.

"I've been watching you, P-26." The Director said.

"Of course you have. I have attempted so many times to get rid of our positioning connection." Wes said.

"And always failed. What you want to do... this isn't the will of our creator!" The Director said.

"Who cares. He's no longer there." Wes said.

"This isn't true. He's... still living... inside..." The Director spoke.

"Oh, cut the crap. You know what I mean. Now get out of my way before..."

The Director then locked herself onto Wes.

"What...? I... can't break free! How... How can you do this?! Release me or you'll regret it!" Wes growled.

"Not until you promise. Let go. Let go of your plans." The Director said.

"Ha ha ha! You seriously think I've went this far... to give up at the last second?" Wes said.

"It's never too late... to do the right thing." The Director said.

"Nonsense! I can say anything. Whatever you want to hear. How would you know it's true?" Wes said.

"... You're probably right. I would trust the human inside you. But he no longer exist. You... We... Shouldn't have allowed to live this long." The Director said.

"You can't hold me like this forever. Your battery will drain faster than mine. As soon as I'm free... I'll dispose of you and all those cockroaches around us." Wes said.

"Hey, we're not... actually, he's making me hungry." Brok said.

"Now's not the time to think about food!" Cole says to the crocogator.

"You're hopeless." Dee added.

"I'll rip open that croc to get that memory device back. Then I'll catch that Dr. Gherkin they mentioned. Thanks for the hint by the way. I've been looking for the third member for years. I never suspected he was a human in the flesh. What was our creator thinking?!" Wes growled.

"How could you forget? We were all humans when the triangle was planned." The Director reminded him.

"Wait. Does this imply the Director is...?" Brok said.

"Soon I'll be the only one to decide for this country!" Wes said.

"That's dictatorship!" The Director said.

"What other choice? You're all blind! Who else is fair enough to make the hard decisions to keep Atlasia on track?" Wes said.

"Making... hard decisions..."

"You can't get rid of me. The same way I can't annihilate you. Otherwise you'd be a pile of screws right now! This feels safe is implemented into our hardware. There's no working around it." Wes said.

"Yet... there's always a way." The Director said.

"N... no. You're lying! You... you cannot beat me. You're a weak, older model!" Wes said.

"I was. But Mister Brok kindly remedied this." The Director said.

"He did what?!" Wes exclaimed.

"Erm... Actually... what did I do?..." Brok asked.

"Stand back!"

"What are you going to do?" Brok asked.

"N... No! It cannot be! You... overlocked yourself?!... S-Stop! Immediately!" Wes shouts.

As this all happens, Ott comes in panting.

"Mister Brok! Mister Brok! ... Director?... what's going on here?" Ott asked.

"Ott! Where's Graff?" Brok asked as Graff showed up.

"I'm here." Graff said.

"Thank goodness! I was so worried about you!" Brok said in relief.

"Those Squealers had kidnapped us. Fortunately that bear was there." Ott explained.

"Where is he now?" Brok asked.

"He gave us time to run away. I hope he's okay." Ott said.

"I should have been there. But as you can see, things got even more complex..." Brok said.

"See what you've done, P-26? By involving them... can you think of the consequences if..." The Director asked.

"None of my concerns. One cannot govern without the grand scheme in mind. A single individual means nothing over the fate of a thousands." Wes said.

"That voice..." Ott said recognizing it.

"Ott. You... weren't supposed to see me like this." Wes said.

"How? How could this robot speak like my uncle?!" Ott asked.

"I am."


"Ott. Whatever you hear from the others. Don't believe them. I've tried to make things right. For the future of this country. But people refuse to change." Wes said.

"Your change involves a genocide!" The Director said.

"Director! What are you doing?! He's my uncle! Release him!" Ott said.

"Ott! Look at him. He's not. He never was." The Director said.

"That's a lie!" Wes shouted.

"It will be hard for you to accept. Your real uncle died when you were nine. What you see here is a failed experiment." The Director explains.

"Don't listen to her, kiddo! She's the failure! Free me!" Wes shouts.

"But... even if it's true... I love him anyway." Ott said.

"Good boy!" Wes said.

"And if he's a fake... what about you?" Ott asked.

"Right! Go ahead, break her!" Wes encouraged him.

"I guess... we're both shadows of the past. And that's why... we must disappear." The Director said sadly.

"I... I think I understand." Ott said.

"No! No no no!" Wes shouts.

"Ott... please... forgive me... and tell my son... tell Klay... I'll always be with him... no matter the form I take. Promise me!..." The Director said.

"I... I will." Ott said to her.

"Goodbye." The Director said as she activate self-destruct.

"N-NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Wes screamed as they then exploded.

The blast knocked them back as there was nothing left. 

"..." Brok mumbled.

"Is everyone okay?" Zane asked everyone as R.J the Bear showed up.

"R.J!" Brok said surprised to see him.

"Hey. Squealers are all down." R.J said.

"I can't thank you enough." Brok said.

"Why the explosion?" R.J asked.

"Long story." Brok said as Wes's head fell down. Still alive!

"No..." Wes moaned.

"You got to be kiddin'!... that thing just won't die?!" Brok said.

"He won't go very far like this." Rick said.

"He should've quit while he was... a-HEAD. HA! Get it?" Rykarr laughed.

"Ugh... your jokes are bad as Jay's." Cole said.

"Hey!" Jay said insulted.

"Who would've thought... defeated by... another machine... all these years... all the arrests, the paperwork... my whole life has been a gigantic waste of time." Wes said.

"A bit too late to have regrets. You chose this fate." Dee said.

"No. That's not it. When I'm gone... it's all over. The country will fade into obscurity. It will extend to the Drums. Humans never played by the rules. That's why...this society cannot work." Wes said.

"We do what we have to do to survive!" Brok said.

"Funny you should say that, Pork. As far as I'm concerned... you're the worst criminal of all! What you did... is... un.. acceptable..." Wes said.

"Explain yourself!" Brok demanded.

"You... don't... deserve... Graff..." Wes moaned.

"What?" Brok asked as Wes stopped speaking. "Hey! What do you mean?!"

"System failure. Rebooting... operating system not found." Wes said as it started to rain.

(Sighs) "I guess... we won." Brok said as Wes turned on. "Argh!"

"Reverting to default OS. Triangle NMER 0.9 Beta. Press any key to release any hold." Wes said.

"Any hold?..." Brok said as he goes over to the head.

"Hmm... there's a button here." Brok said.

As Brok pressed the button, a "clink" sound is heard in the Pipe-Pill.

"Hey! Look!" Ott said.

"The Pipe-Pill... it works?" Dee said.

"Yeah. You did it guys!" Piranha said.

"Brok... don't let what he said get to you. He was a wrecked human inside a defective machine." Barry said to the croc.

"Was he? Everything he said made sense... in a twisted way. He... knew something." Brok said as Ott looks at the remains of Wes. "Ott... I'm sorry you had to come to this. Despite his plans to eradicate the Slums... He was still family to you."

"No. He lied to us. To me. To my parents. To everyone. Could someone really be family ...when they spend their life lying to everyone close to you?" Ott said as Brok looks at Graff.

"Graff... I..." Brok began when a giant claw grabbed Graff by the waist.

"Gah!" Graff shouts

"Graff!" Brok shouts.

What appeared to have Graff in its claws was a giant monster rat that turned out to be the Chief of the Squealers. He was purple, red eyes, and sharp teeth and claws. He wore a chain necklace with a cage in the center. His leather jack was now magically armed with bombs.

"You!" Brok growled.

"Devil! Should've broke his neck." R.J said.

"Heh! I'm back and here to destroy everything you love, just like you did to me!" Rat Boss roared.

He then threw Graff into the cage on his neck and then started to throw bombs at them.

"LOOK OUT!!!" Blinky shouts.

Everyone takes covers as Rat Boss threw bombs everywhere.

"Brok! Help!" Graff cried in the cage.

"GRAFF!" Brok shouts in fear.

Bowser then unleashed the butterfly in his cane as it flew into his claws. He then puts his hands together as he creates a Kamiko out of it. It flies off into Brok's pendant as a butterfly mask appears over his face.

"Drago-croc, I am Betterfly. I sense a heart of a worried father for his son. I'm giving you a power that will make you stronger than ever before to save him. Do you accept this power I give you for the greater good?" Betterfly said to Brok.

"I do!" Brok said as purple ooze covers him as he changed into a dragon.

"Fear me, rat!" Brok roared as he breathed fire.

The heroes continue to fight off Rat Boss as Kai fired fireballs at him.

"Wait no! You'll hit Graff!" Zane said.

"Then how are we supposed to fight him?" Kai asked.

"LUCKY CHARM!!!!" Ladybug shouts as she uses her superpower.

Reaching the end of the cord, the spinning disk hung in the air, blazing red-white light. Swirling flecks of luminescence flashing in every shade from blood-red to snow-white gathered together in the center of the light, coalesced into a single shape, flared-red and covered with large black dots, a catapult fell into down.

"A catapult?" Ladybug said confused.

"What's that gonna do?" Brok asked.

"Now this Lucky Charm got me interested." Todd said.

Ladybug looks around as her Lucky Vision locks on: her Lucky Charm, Brok, Cat Noir, Jay, and Aarghaumont.

"Got it!" Ladybug said.

Rat Boss continues to throw bombs as he gets zapped in the back.

"Ow! Who did that?!" Rat Boss demanded.

"I did!"

Rat Boss turns to see Jay running to him as he then threw a Lightning Shuriken at him. It then cuts Graff free as Aarghaumont catches him.

"Gotcha!" Aarghaumont says with a grin.

"Oh I'm gonna crush you now!" Rat Boss says as he goes to stomp his foot on them.

"SHEL-LTER!" Aarghaumont shouts as he casts a green energy shield around him and Graff.

"GRRRR!" Rat Boss growled as he tries to break the shield.

"Hey Squealer! Over here! Try and hit me!" Brok taunted.

"That does it!" Rat Boss shouts.

Rat Boss then starts throwing bombs at Brok as he dodges every one as he then goes to grab one and throws it into the catapult's launching bowl.

"Lock and load!" Snotlout said as he then aims it at Rat Boss.

"Huh? Rat Boss grunted.

"FIRE!!!!" Ladybug said as she launched the bomb back at Rat Boss.

"GAH!" Rat Boss yelled in pain as he fell backwards.


Cat Noir then destroyed his jacket as he fell down, releasing the Nega Wisp as it flew around.

"No more evil doing for you, Nega Wisp." Ladybug said opening her yo-yo to reveal the sparkling pool of cleansing energy inside of it and spins it around.

"Time to de-evilize!" the heroine in red shouted before she threw her yo-yo toward the wisp, catching it in her yo-yo.

"Gotcha!" Ladybug cheered when the yo-yo was back in her hands. A second later, she released the purified wisp, setting the white wisp free.

"Bye, bye little wisp," the spotted heroine said as the wisp flew away, right before throwing the Lucky Charm up into the air.

"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!!!" Ladybug cried out, summoning the cleansing cure and the magic ladybugs. All the damage Rat Boss did was fixed as Chief returned back to normal.

"Ugh... What happened?" Chief moaned.

"Oh, I'll tell you what happened! You hurt my son!" Brok growled as he goes to punch him.

"ENOUGH!" Lloyd shouts as he blasted both Brok and Chief away from each other. "That's enough violence!"

"He's right, with no one in charge of this country... It gives us a chance to make a difference here. To make things fair for everyone." Barry said.

"How? We were banished." Chief said.

"And even if you get them unbanished, they're still criminals." Brok added.

"Well... Chief, what did the Squealers do here before they were banished?" Lloyd asked.

"We were called in after Rebirth Day to help rebuild without the help of technology. Soon the government had those darn bots replace us. Our jobs. Condemned us to live in poverty. We protested, but they didn't listen to us. So we tried to rebel against them only to be defeated and banished. Many of us died that night." Chief explained.

"Well that was then... This is now. Like my master once told me; the past is the past, and the future is the future." Lloyd said.

"Now with Wes gone, new leaders will be needed. Leaders who will put the needs of the people first. Everyone. Both the Slums and Drums." Marinette said.

"It's clear that robots can't do everything. Especially police work. You need people." Kilowog said.

"But with Wes gone, who will run the police?" Todd asked.

"Why not Ott?" Rykarr suggested.

"Me? I'm not sure if I could be a leader... but I'll do my best." Ott said. "But I need staff. People willing to help."

"Like R.J?" Brok said looking at the bear.

"Sure. I could rehire him. But not just him, maybe you Squealers could help too." Ott said.

"You want... Squealers to be cops?!" Rick said shocked.

"Ha! Man, you're desperate." Chief said.

"Yeah, but I don't think we should judge. There's gotta be a first to everything. I can't rely on those tin cans. Especially after what happened. Wouldn't you guys say yes to a paid job? A clean job?" Ott said.

"Paid?!... deal! Guess I'll have to tell the others." Chief said.

"So you got an actual name?" Ott asked.

"It's Ryan." Chief said.

Ladybug then opens up her yo-yo and pulls out a magical charm for Ryan the Chief Squealer.

"Ryan, keep this magical charm with you. It magically protect from dark powers like Eclipso and will remind you to never give up hope for a better future. You just have to a little faith." Ladybug said putting the charm in his paw.

"Wow... you people are so weird. Heh, our world could really use people like you here." Ryan said.

"Glad that's over." Brok said as he then noticed Graff gone.

"Huh? Where's Graff?" Brok asked as he looked around.

"He left. Brok, go be with your son. We'll take care of this." Oliver said.

Brok then heads back to his home as he finds Graff there, safe and sound.

"You're here! Thank goodness!" Brok said.

"That man... you almost..." Graff said.

"I know... I shouldn't have. But... seeing you like this, inert on the ground... I couldn't help it. I won't let anyone hurt you. Ever." Brok said.

"Anyone but you?" Graff said.

"Huh?..." Brok said.

"It's not intentional... everything you do ends up having terrible consequences. Today... I didn't pass." Graff said.

"Oh no... what happened?" Brok asked.

"I got a penalty. You weren't supposed to be a Drumer." Graff said.

"Me? A Drumer?... oh... I see... what a fool." Brok said.

"You didn't tell me the truth. Again." Graff said.

"You're right. I didn't think this was important. Two days ago I had to cheat and get access to the Dome for a case. I never imagined..." Brok said.

"That doesn't matter." Graff said.

"How can you say that? I just shattered your dream. Listen. I'll find a way. There's always one. Even if I have to cross through a room filled with deadly lasers again... yeah. I'll do it!" Brok said.

"Always so optimistic. You say you'll prevent anyone from hurting me. But... you're looking at this the wrong way. I don't need anyone but myself to be miserable... I'm a failure." Graff said.

"That's not true and you know it." Brok said.

"You're wrong. Today... I did something... awful. And... I'm afraid... when you find out... you'll never want me again." Graff said as he tears up.

"Whatever you've done... I've done worse. Bet on this! Come on. Tell me." Brok said as Graff showed him the account.

"This." Graff said showing him.

"Oh... it was supposed to be a surprise." Brok said.

"A surprise?" Graff said confused.

"When we moved here... right after the accident. I suddenly was responsible for you. We left everything behind for this lousy place because of me. I promise myself I would make you come back to the Drums. But you couldn't start a new life with empty pockets. So... I saved up. For 5 years. 50 Unis per transferred to that account." Brok explained.

"Wait... this money... isn't Mom's?" Graff asked.

"No. She opened this account for you but never deposited anything. It may be hard to believe but..." Brok explains.

"Oh gosh! That makes it even worse... your money... I... I've wasted it." Graff said.

"What?" Brok exclaimed.

"After the results... I was devastated. It and I found a solution which involved hacking into the Center's data." Graff explains

"So... the hacker?" Brok said.

"Yes. I... gave him the money... then he turned against us and sent the Squealers to capture us." Graff said.

"Ohhh... I hate them so much." Brok growled.

"I'm... (sobs) I'm so sorry...!" Graff sobs in shame.

"Don't worry about it." Brok said.

"You're... not furious?" Graff asked.

"Well I can't say this is good news... but you shouldn't feel bad for this. You did what you thought was best. It's just money. We can get that back." Brok said.

"So... you forgive me?" Graff asked.

"Of course I do." Brok said.

"Why? You shouldn't! I'm just a stupid crybaby... weak... you try your best and yet I constantly blame you for all of my problems... I'm despicable. I don't deserve your forgiveness!" Graff cried.

"Graff..." Brok said with sympathy.

"Why should you be so kind to me when there are so many people who deserve it more?! I wanna know!" Graff cried.

"Because... you're here... you're there when I come back late and you're the first friendly content I've had for a whole crappy day. You're there when we're sorting stale food to decide what we can make for dinner. You're there when you pretend you're playing video games but you actually take a peek at what I'm doing. Ever since that accident... you've always been there. It's all those small insignificant details. And whether you admit it or not... I know you care as well. I pretend to watch over you, but... it's the opposite. You're the only reason I wanna fight for this life." Brok explains.


"When I was your age... I've been through this myself. Grandpa told me those things. He made me who I am. That's why I won't let you sink! You're brave. Hard working. You've got everything you needed to live and achieve whatever you choose to do. All you need is to trust me and believe in yourself." Brok said.

"I trust you." Graff said.

"Then you know what's left to do." Brok said.

"But..." Graff started.

"No but." Brok said.

"Okay..." Graff said as Brok goes to hug him but Graff scooted away.

"Huh..." Graff squeaked.

"Sorry.. I just wanted to comfort you." Brok said.

"I know... I... I just can't stand it when someone makes physical contact with me." Graff said.

"It's okay. I understand. Maybe someday... You'll trust me on this as well. Well! Looks like I'll have to force that hacker to do his job. After all you still need to go to the Drums." Brok said.

"No! I don't want to." Graff said.


"You're not listening! I won't go to the Dome! Because... you couldn't be there. I want to stay with you.

"... Graff... this is a mistake." Brok said.

"Then it's my mistake. My choice. Please... let me." Graff said.

"If this is what you truly want... alright. Gotta admit... that makes me happy. After all of this, I'm still curious why you would want to lead such a terrible life." Brok said.

"It's not. You've always protected me. Provided me shelter and food. I don't regret one single moment spent here." Graff said.

"Even though times we argue to each other?" Brok asked.

"Yeah. Even those. Because it made me understand a lot of things. Yes you I found out who I really am. That makes you the best detective there ever was." Graff said.

"Well I don't know if I deserve all of this praise." Brok said.

"That makes two of us." Graff said.

"Ah oh! Oh, man. You're right. It's really time we both stop feeling sorry for ourselves." Brok laughed when suddenly...

"..? That's weird? Somethings tickling in my pocket." Brok said as he pulled out Shay's letter.

"An envelope?" Graff said.

"Open when desperate?" Brok read.


Suddenly it disappeared, as if it didn't exist.

"What just happened?" Graff asked.

"Dunno..." Brok said.

"Weren't you... holding something?..." Graff said.

"I was?" Brok said.

"Well... that's weird. Now I can't remember." Graff said.

"Ha ha. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one losing my memory!" Brok said.

"Yeah. It's much better to lose our memories together!" Graff said.

"Definitely! Now! What would you say about making new memories?" Brok said.

"You mean..." Graff said.

"Come on! Follow me." Brok said.

"Where are we going?" Graff asked.

"To buy some good food! Our fridge is still empty as my wallet, ya know. And when we're back... I shall cook you the best meal you've ever had!" Brok said.

"Oooh... I like that idea! I thought you had no money left?" Graff said.

"Let's just say... this day wasn't so worthless after all. Oh and... lemme get you a surprise on the way." Brok said.

"A good one?" Graff said.

"An excellent one!" Brok said.

The Next Day...

"Ladies and gentlemen. Please welcome the infamous band you've been waiting for. The MasterTweaks!"

"I can't thank you enough for buying those tickets!" Graff said to Brok.

"Yeah! Thank you Mister Brok!" Ott said.

"Don't mention it, kiddos." Brok said.

"So... when will you move, Ott?" Graff asked.

"Tomorrow. Actually... I don't know. If you're staying here..." Ott said.

"Ott. You have to go! You've worked so hard for this." Graff said.

"So have you. What change?" Ott asked.

"I just realized... my place is here." Graff said. "Hey, that doesn't mean we can't work together! Being on both sides, we can collaborate to better understand the world and make it better."

"Maybe you're right. Will you be okay?" Ott asked.

"No worries. Brok and I can watch each other." Graff said.

(Sighs) "Alright. I'm gonna get us some drinks." Ott said as he gets up.

"Hot flowing water for me!" Brok said.

"Sure!" Ott said as he goes to get the drinks.

"He'll be fine." Brok said.

"I know." Graff said.

"Say... Tomorrow I'll need to make some moolah. Now that things have settled down, I'm back to my usual activities. What would you say of assisting me?" Brok said.

"For real?!" Graff said surprised.

"Well... you know how this is. Clearly not as exciting as you may think. Usually more of a bunch of tiring tasks." Brok said.

"That doesn't matter. I can't wait!" Graff said excited.

"Great. Graff... there's... one last thing I've been hiding from you. And I feel I can never gain your full trust until I tell you." Brok said.

"No." Graff spoke.

"No?..." Brok said confused.

"I don't wanna know. I trust your judgement." Graff said as he smiled.

"... Thanks kiddo. Thanks... for being here." Brok said to Graff as they continue to enjoy the show.

The 3 Days Later...

The Waverider was parked on top of a building as the superheroes prepared to leave.

"Do you guys really have to go?" Brok asked.

"Sorry, but we have our own friends and families to get back to. Plus we still have our friends to find and stop Eclipso." Wolf said.

"I understand." Brok said.

"Here, take this." Wolf said handing Brok a tablet. Brok and Graff take a look at it and their eyes widened in shock.

"Wait! Is this...?" Brok said shocked.

"Yep. 62 billion Unis... and it's all yours." Wolf said.

"What?! You're kidding!" Brok exclaimed.

"All of this money... how?" Graff asked.

"Let's just say... we have our ways. The important thing is, it's your money now. Webs has already transferred the money to your account, Brok." Wolf explained.

"But... this money, I can't accept it." Brok said.

"It's yours now. Besides, we don't need it anymore and that type of money doesn't work in our world. Just promise me one thing you two. Promise me that you two will stay together no matter what happens. No matter how bad things get, stay together." Wolf said.

"I promise." Brok said.

"I... I promise." Graff said.

Brok, Graff, Ott, and Rick wave goodbye to the heroes as they flew off into the Void.

1 Month Later...

Surprisingly, things started to turn out for the better. New leaders were running the government who listened to everyone's need and problems. Both the Slums and Drums. Ryan and his Squealers were doing great as cops, more reliable than those bots. But that's not the only thing that changed. Walking up to a door were two figures as one knocked, a male wolf answered the door as he opened it.

"Oh, hello. Are you the one I called to help solve this mystery?" A Slumer wolf asked.

"Yep! I'm Detective Brok, and this is my son/partner, Graff. How can we help you?" Brok said showing his official badge.

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