Chapter 15: Earth-785 Azeroth🌎

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Dragongirl04282004 BiancaSantana880 ReptileEdge chariobros92 LukeLiebig Caskev21 WolfHowl715 Quantumranger27 FahzTheGorilla
Jacquespawnee Bookoflifefan28 JadeSylvinaVA
Herosperger DonovenMorningstar GWilden2023
JadeSylvinaVA SuperNinjaDragon7 Dqthegr820
damianflashpoint GWilden2023 Kazumi-yoggan
hammert_Fitzerald DraalTheDeadly Ethan4389
DonovenMorningstar DragonRoarAtDaybreak
Kumakingkai40 ScarletQuakeWitch SuperNinjaDragon7 Thunderslash721 Miraculousgaurdian09 williamsmaurice1254

The Void

Snotlout is seen making a sandwich in the mess room of the Waverider.

"Yes! Mayonnaise, bacon, lettuce, tomato, cheese, salami, and some potato chips to make it extra crunchy." Snotlout said as he finished his masterpiece. "The perfect sandwich!"

Just as he was about to eat it, Gideon appeared to him.

"Apologies for interrupting, but the team is waiting for you to join them on the next mission." Gideon informs him.

"Gah! No! Why now? Fine!" Snotlout said as he grabbed his Flash ring and headed off to join them.


The Waverider then lands in the middle of a forest. The team then exits the ship as they look around.

"Whoa... where are we?" Marinette asked.

"Azeroth." Oliver said recognizing the place.

"I wonder what war we're in? The first, second, third, or the fourth?" Barry said as he comes out in his armored suit.

"Whoa... nice suit." Todd said to Barry.

"Yep. It's what I wore during the last war of Azeroth." Barry said.

"Only one way to find out. Shard, Supergirl, Geoff, Kilowog, Jeff, Snotlout, go and take a look in the skies." Oliver said.

They nodded as they flew up as Snotlout rode on Hookfang to the skies.

"Only 3 of our friends remain. Let's get to it." Molly said.

"Yes! The faster we do this, the faster I can get to eat my sandwich." Snotlout said hangry.

The team began to look around as the Justice League members remembered the war they were part of in their universe. As they do, Supergirl and the others came down.

"So I flew around and I could tell this is the fourth war of Azeroth." Kara said.

"So this is the Battle against the Banshee Queen... great." Sara said.

"Oh yeah... I almost forgot that you heroes were part of the war in our Earth. Before some of us were born." Wolf said.

"Whoa... really? You heroes were part of a war?" Fang asked.

"Yep. It was 20 years ago in our world when it happened. It was a rough war but we made it through." Ray said.

"The only friends we need to find are: Hyena, Jessica, and Drago." Shard said.

Suddenly a pack of Gnolls came out of hiding as they surrounded the team of superheroes.

"Hee hehe hee heh hee!" The Gnolls laughed as the leader, Hogger came out.

"Hee hee! Hogger found fresh meat!" Hogger giggled.

"Whoa! Take it easy! Look, we're not your enemies. We're just looking for a friend of ours who is lost." Sonic said trying to stop a fight.

"Oh! A friend? Hee hee! No friends around here!" Hogger said as he gripped his wrecking ball.

Suddenly they hear a horn being blown.

"Hey! He's returned!" One of the Gnolls said as everyone turns around.

Walking from a pack of the Gnolls was one who stood out from all of them. Miguel Hyena!

"What's up, dudes?!" Hyena laughed.

"Miguel!!! Boy am I glad to see you again!" Moe shouts as he runs to him.

As he goes to hug him, Miguel responded by punching him in the face, knocking him back. The heroes were shocked by this, mostly Wolf.

"Whoa! Take it easy pal. I ain't a hugger." Miguel said.

"What? Miguel, you've always love hugs." Moe said.

"No I don't. Also, I don't even know who you guys are." Miguel said.

"What? You literally don't remember any of us?" Todd asked.

"Nope. Honestly, I don't remember much of my life. But these guys found me and made me a part of their pack." Miguel explained.

The heroes were shocked to see that Miguel didn't remember anything of his life with them. Todd was shocked to see that one of his visions was true.

"So Commander, what do you have to report?" Hogger asked.

"Anduin and Saurfang's group are under attack. They need our help." Miguel said to Hogger.

"Then let's go! Hee hee!" Hogger said as they charge to the battle.

"What the hell just happened?" Ironhide said.

"Why doesn't he remember us?" Darryl asked.

"Looks like he's suffering from amnesia. The only thing that will snap Miguel's memories if we get him to remember us." Zane said.

The team follows the Gnolls as they see the battle happening. They then go off to help them. Baine Bloodhoof trapped in a corner as Rykarr jumped in front of them as he Sonic Roars them away.

"You... saved me? Thank you." Baine said.

"No problem." Rykarr said as he sped off.

Thrall and Saurfang were getting flanked when a big shockwave knocked the enemies away. They turn to see Orgrim Doomhammer looking at them with a confidence.

"Orgrim?!" Thrall exclaimed as he was shocked to see him.

"Nice to see you Thrall." Orgrim nodded as he whacked another enemy away with his hammer.

"How are you here? How are you alive?" Saurfang asked.

"I'll explain later." Orgrim said as he goes to help his friends.

Snotlout was running through the battlefield as he saw one of the orcs who was an ally about to be killed as he then threw a lightning fireball to knock back the enemy from the orc, as some of his lightning hits the orc, giving him power.

"You... saved me." The orc warrior said surprised.

"Ummm... yeah! Uh, I did. Hi. I'm Snotlout but my friends call me Speed Flare. And you are?" Snotlout sputters to the big orc.

"Gorzak Fistcrusher." Gorzak said as he beheaded an enemy.

"Cool. Um... stay safe!" Snotlout said with a little blush as he ran off.

"Looks like someone is in love." Jeff said to Geoff.

"Totally. Can't wait to see how this goes." Geoff said.

Flash runs around the battlefield as he gets all the heroes he knows from his world to safety. He then grabbed Jaina and pulls her to safety.

"Just hang on! We got this!" Flash said to Jaina as he dashed back in the fight.

The Speedsters gathered everyone up as they were ready to get out of there.

"Shadow! Do it now!" Sonic shouts.

"CHAIS CONTROL!!!" Shadow shouts as he uses the Chaos Emerald.

They then were teleported away to safety. Once they got everyone to safety, the people of Azeroth began to stare at them as they had questions.

"Who are you?" Jaina demanded.

"Where did you come from?" King Anduin asked.

"Why are you here?" Thrall asked.

"Okay, one question at a time. First off, we're not your enemies. Secondly, we're heroes from a different universe." Sonic explained to them.

"Different universe?" Baine said confused.

"It's a long story. One we'll try to explain the fastest we can." Oliver said.

"And as we do, please tell me you guys have food? I'm starving." Snotlout added.

3 Hours Later...

Snotlout and the other speedsters were now munching away at the big plates of food the Alliance and the Horde offered. They were surprised to see how fast they were eating.

"What? Us speedsters need to eat a lot of food. We have a hyper metabolism so we need to eat a lot of food and drink plenty of fluids. We burn through a lot of calories so we never get fat." Snotlout explained as he eats more.

"So what you're saying is that you are all from a parallel universe where you have already fought the war of your Azeroth?" Greymane said trying to understand.

"Yes. We helped the Azeroth of our world from the first war to the end. Our powers and advantages in technology were quite helpful." Barry said.

"I see... so you can tell us how this war ends?" Anduin asked.

"No. I'm sorry, but we can't reveal the future to you. Messing with time can have huge consequences, especially on your world's timeline." Sara said.

"Oh... I see." Anduin replied.

"So now that you found your friend... you guys are leaving?" Baine asked.

"No. Not yet. Even though we found him... he doesn't remember us and is suffering amnesia. But also, there's someone who Eclipso will use to cause destruction." Kara explained.

"And I have a bad feeling about who I know Eclipso will use." Oliver said.

Meanwhile back in Orgrimmar, Eclipso the Spirit of Wrath was standing alongside Sylvanas Windrunner.

"Remember, this power I give you will help conquer your world. Don't forget that I gave you this new power. And I can easily take it away." Eclipso said to her.

"Of course. Once I destroy my enemies... this world will bend towards us." Sylvanas said to the demon.

"Yes... my Queen." Eclipso said as he placed the Nega Wisp in her bow, transforming her.

As the heroes with the heroes of Azeroth get ready to fight, Orgrim Doomhammer was polishing his hammer as Thrall and Saurfang walked over to him.

"So... you're not our Orgrim, right?" Saurfang asked.

"No, I'm not." Orgrim answered.

"So I guess you're also part of Blackhand's clan, right?" Thrall asked.

"No. I'm actually part of the Frostwolf Clan. Second-in-Command of Durotan. I knew your father of my universe. He is a great warrior." Orgrim explained.

"Interesting. Looks like a lot is different from our universe." Saurfang said.


Saurfang turned to hear his name being called out. He gets up and follows the voice. Meanwhile, Miguel was getting his armor on as Constantine casts a spell to get Miguel to remember. A yellow orb floats as it bothers him. It gets bigger as it shows him a reflection of him in his super suit.

"Whoa..." Miguel said as he touched the orb, kick starting his powers. "How did you know I could do that?! No one knows of my powers, and nobody can find out!"

Miguel ran off in fear as the spell chased him.

"You sure that's gonna get him to remember?" Molly asked.

"Hopefully. Right now, we need to focus on stopping Sylannas and Eclipso." John said.

"So you're saying I now have a connection with this...Speed Force?" Gorzak said as he was trying to understand.

"Yeah. When I fired my lightning fireball, you must've absorbed some of my speed. I guess that makes you a speedster now." Snotlout said.

"I see... so what now?" Gorzak said.

"Best if you let me teach you and get or make you gear for your powers." Snotlout said.

"Heh... you're not bad, boy." Gorzak chuckled as he patted him on the back.

"Hey! I'm not a kid. I'm 30 years old." Snotlout said to the orc.

"Heh. You're feisty. I like that in a warrior." Gorzak said.

"Heh. Well, I am a Viking." Snotlout said with pride.

Saurfang follows the voice as he came across a mirror. For brief second, he could've swore that he saw his reflection glare at him. He rubs his eyes as he looked again, only the see the Spectre in his reflection. The Spectre then grabbed his hand as he pulled him through the mirror. Saurfang wakes up in water as he looks around in a cosmic void. He turns around to see The Spectre, Saurfang's doppelgänger standing there.

"Who... who are you? Why do you look like me?" Saurfang asked the ghost in the darkness.

"I am you. And you are me. I'm you from the universe of the Justice League. I died a hero, only to come back at something else. Something more. A Spectre that's in tune with the entire Multiverse." The Spectre said to his doppelgänger. 

"Why are you here? Why show me yourself?" Saurfang asked.

"To remind you to not lose hope. To not give up or lose faith in your friends and allies. Like you, I also struggled with it, but it was Supergirl who reminded me not to lose it. Hope is the light that cuts through the darkness." The Spectre said.

Saurfang started to understand as he saw his doppelgänger was wiser than he was. The Resistance goes after

Snotlout then puts on his suit as Gorzak puts on his armor suit that Jay was able to make quickly.

"So us speedsters will do our best to deal with the soldiers as the others deal with the bigger enemies." Shadow said.

"Oh, and remember that your suit doesn't dissipate energy like ours, so you need to take breaks, otherwise you're gonna build up too much charge." Snotlout tells Gorzak.

"Wait what?" Gorzak says confused.

"Just follow our lead." Barry said as the speedsters get ready. The team of heroes followed the Resistance against Sylannas' Horde.

"We'll deal with Sylannas." Oliver said with Ladybug and Cat Noir by side.

Vortex then breached them to her. Green Arrow appeared out of a breach as he side kicked Sylannas in the rib, knocking her backwards. as the Miraculous heroes face off against her warriors.

"This ends now, Sylannas... you've failed Azeroth!" Oliver said as he fires his arrows.

"Hmmm... we'll see about that." Sylvanas said as she dodged and pulls out her arrows.

The Ninja look at each other as they do Spinjitzu and began to transform.

Kai then draws in the magic as he transforms into a giant Fire Elemental monster to fight.

Jay then draws in the magic as he transforms into a giant Lightning Elemental monster to fight.

Zane then draws in the magic as he transforms into a giant Ice Elemental monster to fight.

Cole then draws in the magic as he transforms into a giant Earth Elemental monster to fight.

Nya then draws in the magic as she transforms into a giant Water Elemental monster to fight.

Sonic then draws in the magic as he transforms into a giant Wind Elemental monster to fight.

Lloyd then draws in the magic as he transforms into a giant Energy Elemental monster to fight.

"You ready?" Barry asked.

"LET'S GOOOOO!!!!" Snotlout shouts as the speedsters sped off full speed.

Streaks of red, yellow, green, and blue lightning shot across the battlefield as they punched or pushed every enemy they came across. Flash goes around as he throws lightning at the enemies. Shadow goes around as he does a Homing Attack at each enemy and fires multiple Chaos Arrows. Gruk runs around as he bashed every foe he came across. Snotlout smirks at Gruk who saw him shoot lightning fireballs at the enemy, burning and electrocuting them. Draal knocked a orc up in the air as he then slammed the orc down on his knee, pulling off a "Bane". Rykarr rushed in he does a Spin Dash knocking into the enemy like a bowling ball. Piranha goes all frenzy on each one as he hits them with lightning daggers he creates.

"I LOVE THIS!!! Pepé shouts in the air.

"CHAOS SPEAR!!!"  Shadow shouts as he fired a spear that destroyed most of the enemies.

Meanwhile, Miguel was still struggling with the orb as it keeps following him. It touches him again with a shock as it finally restores all his memories. All his memories flood back as he remembers who he is.

"I... I remember. I remember everything." Miguel said as he ripped off his Gnoll gear and puts on his superhero clothes.

Just as they thought they were gonna die, a huge energy blast knocked the enemy away. They turn to see Miguel Hyena looking crazy and happy.

"I'M BACK BITCHES!" Hyena shouts as he unleashes a wave of energy at his enemies.

He jumps down as he attacks enemies left and right. He then does Spinjitzu as he punched a orc away from his Super Friends.

"Hey guys!" Miguel said to them.

"Miguel! You remember..." Wolf said happy to have his friend back.

"Yeah... sorry if I couldn't remember before. But now I do." Miguel said.

"Then let's do this... together!" Mason Wolf said as they fight together.

"LUCKY CHARM!!!!" Ladybug shouts as she uses her superpower of Creation.

Reaching the end of the cord, the spinning disk hung in the air, blazing red-white light. Swirling flecks of luminescence flashing in every shade from blood-red to snow-white gathered together in the center of the light, coalesced into a single shape, flared-red and covered with large black dots, a trampoline fell down.

"So how is this gonna help us?" Oliver asked.

Ladybug looks all around as her Lucky Vision locks onto: the Lucky Charm, Cat Noir and his stick, Green Arrow, and certain areas of the place.

"Just with the right angle and bounce, this will be quick." Ladybug said as she sets up the trampoline.

"Now you will die like the rest!" Eclipso roared as he goes to attack Molly.

"MOLLY!!!" Todd shouts to his best friend.

Todd saw Molly grab hold of Eclipso's hand, pulling it away and causing it to burn and shrivel into purple dust. Eclipso roars in pain. Todd was stunned, when did Molly learn to do that? Eclipso regrown his arm as he goes to attack Molly again but touching her, ended up hurting himself. He roars in frustration as he teleported to a different universe.

"Cat Noir! Now!" Oliver shouts.

Cat Noir then threw his stick at the trampoline as it bounced all around before knocking Sylannas' bow out of her hands. Cat Noir then destroyed Sylvanas' weapon, releasing the Nega Wisp from it as it flew around.

"No more evil doing for you, Nega Wisp." Ladybug said opening her yo-yo to reveal the sparkling pool of cleansing energy inside of it and spins it around.

"Time to de-evilize!" the heroine in red shouted before she threw her yo-yo toward the wisp, catching it in her yo-yo.

"Gotcha!" Ladybug cheered when the yo-yo was back in her hands. A second later, she released the purified wisp, setting the white wisp free.

"Bye, bye little wisp," the spotted heroine said as the wisp flew away, right before throwing the Lucky Charm up into the air.

"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!!!" Ladybug cried out, summoning the cleansing cure and the magic ladybugs.

All of the damage was restored from the battle as Sylvanas' forces retreated and the Banshee Queen herself retreated as well. The Alliance and the Horde cheered in their victory in this battle. Soon the heroes were getting ready to leave.

"I wish you didn't have to leave. I... we could use your help in this war." King Anduin said to them.

"I know... but we still have two more friends to find. Plus, the whole Multiverse is at stake." Ray explained.

"I understand. I then wish you all good luck on your mission." Anduin said.

"Thank you. And we always wish you good luck with your war. Trust me, this war will end. It ended in our world." Oliver said.

"How?" Baine asked.

"By working together." Barry answered.

As they say their goodbyes, Snotlout walked up to Gorzak.

"Hey, ummm... I guess this is goodbye?" Snotlout said.

"I guess, even with these powers... I still don't think I understand them yet." Gorzak said.

"Hmmm... then why don't you come with me? I could teach you what I know and maybe you could help us?" Snotlout suggested.

"Me? Come with you? I don't know. I'm needed here." Gorzak said.

"Well, we could always return you back here, making it as if you never left. It's one of the cool perks of having a timeship." Snotlout said.

"Hmmm... I guess. Very well, they would be an honor to fight alongside you." Grozak said as Snotlout grins.

Once everyone waved goodbye, they headed back onto the Waverider. The Bad Guys celebrate as they found the sixth member of their gang.

"All that is left is Jessica and Drago. I just hope he's okay." Mason said thinking about their seventh member.

"Don't worry. We'll find him, along with Jessica." Lloyd said as Todd was in deep thought.

"Hey what's wrong, Scratch?" Libby asked him, noticing that he was distracted.

"Molly... what happened with you and Eclipso?" Todd asked his friend.

"I... honestly don't know." Molly said still shocked a bit.

"What are you guys talking about?" Barry asked.

"When Eclipso attack Molly, he got burned badly from her and even when Molly touched him." Todd explained.

"What? How is that possible?" Jeff asked.

"I honestly don't know. I didn't really do anything." Molly said.

"That's not all. While Eclipso was injured from you, I sensed emotions I've never felt from him. Fear and panic." Hubert said to them.

"Interesting. Then again, Molly's wraith form is the Phantom of Joy. Her positivity and joy energy destroy the Chairman of the Ghost World. It's possible that her energy is somehow a weakness to his darkness." Libby said as she tried to understand what's going on.

"Don't you see? Eclipso is afraid of you! You can actually kill him!" Hubert Snake said to Molly.

Molly is astonished by hearing this, as was Todd. This changes everything. They finally discovered something or rather someone who can actually hurt the devil of the shadows. Molly was the KEY to ending Eclipso.

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