Chapter 3: Meeting the Autobots

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In Jasper Nevada, the Autobots were now focused on figuring out what the Decepticons are up to.

"So far we haven't been able to figure out why Energon crystals are popping up all over." Ratchet said looking the screen with Energon spikes.

"There must be a reason why they're popping up out of the ground." Ultra Magnus said.

"And not just in caves anymore." Strongarm said.

Bulkhead then sees it's getting dark and the kids started to yawn.

"I think it's time we get you kids home." Bulkhead said.

"Fine." Miko said as the Autobots drove the kids home.

"Goodnight, Bulkhead." Miko said as she heads to bed. Bulkhead smiles as decides to take a small drive through the streets.

Far up in space, a Green Lantern power ring flew its way down to Earth to the Autobot's base. Bulkhead was driving into a field looking at the stars above, thinking about his home planet Cybertron.

"If only we could've saved our home. I will do anything to save this world and my world." Bulkhead said looking at the stars.

Suddenly, he sees a green light flying straight towards him. He looks closer to see a green glowing ring floating in front of him.

"Bulkhead of Cybertron, you have the will to overcome the greatest of fears. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps." The ring said.

Bulkhead looks at it in awe as he reaches out for it. The ring slips on his finger as he's engulfed in green light. He was revealed with black, green, and white theme with a Green Lantern symbol on his chest.

"Whoa." Bulkhead said. He never felt power like this before. For the moment, he felt invincible.

"In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, Beware my power, GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!!!" Bulkhead said as his ring burst with energy.

He could feel the power ring's energy surge through him. He felt more confident and stronger. He then noticed he was floating in the air. He can fly?!

"Miko and the others won't believe this!" Bulkhead said as his eyes glowed green.

The next morning was stormy. Thunderclouds with lightning were roaring through the air. Ratchet was now examining the ring on Bulkhead's finger.

"Truly fascinating. I've only heard of lantern rings, but never got to see one in person." Ratchet said as he finished examining the ring.

"This is so cool! I can't believe that you got accepted into the Green Lantern Corps!" Miko said.

"How is that you know so much about the Justice League... and you don't know how to do your homework?" Jack asked.

"Uhh... because they're superheroes. Who doesn't love superheroes?" Miko said as if it was obvious.

"Maybe then you can tell me how this ring works since you know so much about them." Bulkhead said to Miko.

"That's the best part— it can create anything you will it to out of light energy." Miko said.

"How do I do that?" Bulkhead asked.

"Just picture something in your mind and the ring should create it." Miko said.

Bulkhead then focused on creating something with the ring. Green energy emerged from the ring creating an object as everyone was amazed. The energy formed Wheeljack's ship, the Jackhammer. Bulkhead laughed in joy as he did it.

"You did it!" Miko said. Bulkhead was amazed at what he accomplished. He stopped and looked at his ring in awe.

"Just imagine what this could do for us against the Cons." Bulkhead said.

"Until we know how this Power Ring works... I suggest you remain here for the time being." Optimus said.

Some of the Autobots headed of to do patrol and while the others stayed behind to guard the new base. Ratchet then continued his work on study of the meta-human file. As he does, he learns a lot about the meta-humans, seeing that humans are not as weak as he thought. Ironhide then hears the voices again. Calling to him. Reaching out to him.

Come to us
Claim your destiny
Follow me

Ironhide heard the voices over and over again. He follows the source of the voices in hopes it will end. He continues to follow it as the voices grew stronger. He then finds the source of the voices in the room.

It was the Dark Matter crystal in a container. Ironhide grabs the container and opens it. Hopefully the voices will stop in his head, as he smiles.

"Hey Ironhide!"

Ironhide turns to see Miko standing behind him.

"What ya doing?" She asked.

"Just... looking at this Dark Matter Crystal." Ironhide said sheepishly as he holds the crystal.

"Ironhide! What in the AllSpark is going on! Why are you touching that crystal?!" Ratchet shouts.

"Just looking at the crystal. Thought it could help me." Ironhide said.

"That crystal is too dangerous." Barricade said.

"You guys are so overprotective." Wheeljack said.

Everyone was arguing with each other that they didn't notice the crystal starting to spark.

The lightning strikes through the base to the crystal, creating a blast hitting Miko, Ironhide, Ratchet, Grimlock, Barricade, Smokescreen, Wheeljack, Sideswipe, Arcee, Bumblebee, Drift, and Optimus Prime. Each of them were given different powers from the crystal.

> Speed Force Conduit; Speed Force Generation,
God-like Speed, Speed Force Sense, Speed Force Sight,
>Speed Force Absorption, Speed Force Negation,
Molecular Acceleration; Phasing, Seismokinesis,
> Speed Force Aura; Superhuman Durability, Enhanced Strength, Super Stamina, Super Reflexes, Longevity,
> Accelerated Mental Process; Instantaneous Learning, Speed Mind, Super Perception, Enhanced Senses,
> Telepathic Resistance, Dimensional Travel, Time
Travel, Retrocognition, Temporal Manipulation,
> Speed Mirage, Time Remnant Construct, Limited
Electrokinesis, Limited Aerokinesis, Light Projection,

> Unique Meta-Cybertronian Physiology; Dimensional Energy Manipulation,
> Cosmic Awareness, Dimensional Energy Sense,
> Dimensional Travel, Vibrational Blasts,
> Shockwave Generation, Limited Speed Force Negation, Psychometry,"Viber" Mental Connection

Wheeljack—Speed Force
Optimus Prime—Aerokinesis

The blast of Dark Matter knocked them all down.
Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, the heroes were now trying to investigate the crystals. It was a mystery even Batman and the Gargoyles couldn't solve.

"Would you look at that?" Drago said as he looked at one of the crystals glowing in a case.

Drago then thinks about the year he spent here. He learned every fighting technique from every hero, mostly Oliver Queen and Sara. He even learned some magic from John Constantine and Zatanna.

Light - generates a glowing ball of light

Ice - generates a pillar of ice

Plant - generates any kind of plant

Fire - sets the casted object on fire

Water - generates a brief rush of water spawning from wherever the glyph is placed

Gravity - increases or decreases the gravity in a given area depending on which way the glyph is written

Dark - creates a temporary field of darkness that makes it hard to see, goes away with strong enough light

Smoke - creates a thick but temporary smokescreen to make it harder to see, user also has the option to make the smoke poisonous

Electric - applies a strong electric charge to the surface the glyph is cast on

Earth - spawns a wall of dense rock

Wind - spawns a temporary tornado on the exact spot the glyph is cast on

Lava - generates a massive crater full of molten lava

Future - allows the user to peer into the most likely future

Illusion - allows the user to project any kind of temporary illusion

Abomination - spawns an abomination from the glyph

Healing - instantly heals any injuries belonging to whoever the glyph is cast on

Glyphs from a Demon Realm and Backwards Magic were a new set of skills he learned. Comes in handy.

"So... Gobber. Why did you stay here? I thought you headed back to New Berk with the others?" Drago asked.

"I decided to stay behind and help repair the damage Starro caused. Who better than one of the best mechanics in the world. I also happens to be the government's weapon specialist." Gobber said.

"I heard Hiccup and his friends are now speedsters as well." Drago said.

"Yep. Barry and his speedster friends gave them a connection to the Speed Force. Thought it be best to give them that ability to protect New Berk." Gobber said thinking about seeing the Dragon Riders.


Running through Central City was streaks of different color lightning: black, green, yellow, blue, and red. Hiccup (black) was running through the city with Astrid (blue) by his side. Snotlout (red) was running with Fishlegs (yellow). The twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut (green) were running behind them. Flash was running ahead of them. They finally stopped at the roof of a building.

"That... was... AWESOME!!!!" Snotlout said loving the speed.

"It's pretty cool right?" Barry said.

"Definitely! The ability to move at super speed is exhilarating!" Fishlegs said.

"Just imagine what we could do with this speed." Tuffnut said to Ruffnut.

"Now just remember: use these powers for good. No trouble. You need my training to teach you how to use the abilities in your speed." Barry said.

"We will." Hiccup said.

"Or will we?" Ruffnut whispered to Tuff.

"Thank you again for this Barry." Astrid said.

"Of course. Now, let's go again. Try to keep up." Barry said as he sped off with the others behind him.

Flashback Ends

Oliver then turns on the screen to show Doctor Light's Robot Masters mining the crystals in Central City. So many of these crystals have emerged from the ground and across the world.

"So far these crystals have been popping up in parks, forests, caves, and craters. Yet we know very little about them." Brooklyn said.

"Except they contain a huge amount of energy." Mega Man said thinking about his dad doing experiments with the crystals to study them.

"I can only imagine what villains could do with it." Cade said. Suddenly the JL Alarm went off.

"Something is attacking the city." Cyborg said. They see on the screen dark purple robots trying to steal the crystals.

"They're stealing the crystals!" Shazam said.

"Justice League! Let's go!" Batman said. The heroes get ready. The Bad Guys then saw Athena, Princess, and Thrash coming out.

"Where do you guys think you're going?" Wolf asked.

"To help you guys." Athena said.

"No way. Sorry but it's too dangerous." Snake said.

"I have to help. I owe it to Shark." Athena said. The heroes understood what she meant.

"Fine. But stay close to us." Wonder Woman said.
The kids and Autobots finally wake up after the blast. All of them confused and feeling a bit strange.

"Is everyone okay?" Ratchet asked. Everyone nodded in signs of relief.

"What the AllSpark happened?" Arcee asked.

"All I remember was a bolt of lightning striking down on the crystal and getting hit by a wave of energy." Smokescreen said as his hand turned to smoke.

"Whoa! What the hell just happened to your hand?!" Hound said as rock boulders surrounded him.

"You guys have powers!" Miko said. She ran to Bulkhead but as she did, she sped off with Purple lightning tailing her.

"Did Miko just..." Jack said.

"Run fast?" Raf said.

"Awesome! I'm a speedster!" Miko said as she ran around more.

Soon all the other Autobots started to exhibit their powers. They were amazed to see they now have superpowers. It was unlike anything they've felt.

"You're not the only one kid." Wheeljack said as he sped off with White lightning tailing him.

"We're both speedsters!" The two said. Bulkhead was surprised to see his friends now with powers.

"The lightning combined with the Dark Matter in the crystal must have released the energy into the closest targets." Ratchet said with an energy ball in his hand.

"It appears we have now been gifted with the abilities of the Meta-humans." Optimus said checking out his wind powers.

Suddenly the alarm goes off, signaling Decepticons where out there.

"Decepticons are attacking Central City. There seems to be a large amount of Energon there." Ratchet said.

"Ratchet, prepare to open the Ground Bridge." Optimus said.

"The Ground Bridge? What for?" The medic asked in

"I believe I know where we can get answers about this attack." Optimus said.

"I'll stay and monitor the situation from here. That way, I can bridge you out before anyone sees you," Fowler added.

"Thank you for that, Agent Fowler. But Optimus had
figured that by getting involved with this invasion
meant that we'd have to reveal ourselves to the
humans. And what's about to happen, I'm willing to bet that humanity will be fully aware of our existence now. All we can do is finish the mission." Ratchet said.

Fowler remained silent as he stared at the Autobot
medic then activated the Ground Bridge. He couldn't
help but agree with Ratchet's belief of humanity now
knowing about the Transformers. He hoped that they would see that the Autobots were on their side. He hoped that they would stand with them against the Deceptions. He hoped... They would accept them

Bumblebee, Arcee, Ironhide, and Bulkhead then stood at attention near the Ground Bridge. Optimus gave Ratchet the coordinates while Fowler stood by the kids, if only to make sure Miko doesn't try to run off with them. With the coordinates locked and with a flick of a switch, the Ground Bridge's multicolored vortex came to life. Optimus joined his soldiers.

"Autobots! Roll out!"

With that, they all transformed and sped on into the
Bridge. But Miko sped off after them just in time.

Moments Earlier...

Superman was following Batman's plane after having just escaped the invaders at the military installation.

"That was close!" The Dark Knight said to his green

"We're not safe yet. Look." J'onn J'onzz said.

Batman caught sight of a squadron of flyers heading
right for them, they soon began to open fire on the
heroes. Superman flew in to engage them while
Batman ducked down into a canyon with several
fighters on his tail. Weaving about in the confined area, the dark knight managed to take out a few with the narrow walls before one literally clipped his wing; sending him and J'onn spiraling down. Things certainly looked bleak until.

"What happened?" Batman asked as the plane was
encompassed in a green glow.

"Help has arrived." J'onn said calmly.

Batman looked through the window of the canopy and, standing upon a cliff side, saw that Hal Jordan; assigned Green Lantern of sector 2814 had arrived
The former test pilot kept a firm grip on the damaged plane as more fighters attacked. Another ally came in the form of the Bad Guys using their powers against the Decepticons.

"So now we're facing against giant robots?! What's next?!" Drago said as he created a Gravity Glyph, sending the Decepticon away.

"That's just how our world is." Green Arrow said as he fired an explosive arrow at a Decepticon.

Athena and Frost froze a bunch of Decepticons in place as Princess blew them up with Firestorm's power.

"Sorry I'm late, there was an uprising on Rigel 9." Hal said as he placed the plane down and charged
at the incoming fighters with Superman, J'onn and
the Bad Guys. The Man of Steel plowed through a number of fighters, chucking away one of them into the mountain side. Green Lantern used his power ring to slice up a few of them. J'onn engaged the fighters using his intangibility to trick them into destroying one another.  managed to dodge many blast but one strayed in front of her and loosed shrapnel at her, with a cry she fell and was in long for a death blow, fate intervened then as Wonder Woman appeared.

"Allow me." She said before she deflected every shot
fired with her bracers back at the ship.

The redirected fire damaged the fighter enough to send it careening out of control, right at Cyborg and Wonder Woman. Acting quickly, Green Lantern formed a shield around the two just before the disabled ship crashed into it; leaving the two unharmed.

"Back in action, huh?" Wolf said to Snake as he Sonic Howled at some Decepticons.

"Just like old times!" Snake said as he psychic blasted a bunch of Decepticons to tearing them apart.

"More fighters coming in!" J'onn cried out.

Twelve more fighters were approaching fast and ready for another fight with the heroes. Not a moment later, however, a swirling vortex of energy erupted nearby.

"Now what?" Batman asked

He got his answer when a green truck came barreling out of the vortex at high speed and jumped the cliff right at the incoming fighters. To everyone's shock, the truck's body shifted and rearranged itself until it resembled a giant metal humanoid; its right fist then changed into a mace-like weapon.

Bulkhead, using his momentum and mass, smashed into the first fighter; breaking it in two, then broke off the wing of the next one before grabbing onto a third and climbing onto its top.

"Knock, knock," Bulkhead quipped as he brought his
mace down hard.

A yellow muscle car, a black truck, and a driverless purple motorcycle came out next and they two changed into robots before jumping onto the fighters, their hands now transformed into blasters as they fired point blank into the ships they were on. The ships began to plummet to the ground and towards each other; prompting Bumblebee, Ironhide, and Arcee to bail as the Decepticons crashed into each other. This drew the attention of half of the remaining fighters to them; the three Autobots responded by returning fire. A few shoots easily took out the four Decepticons. The three remaining ones closed in on Batman and Flash. A pink blur pushes Flash out of the way as a cement block nearly hits him. He sees a teenager girl sparking pink lightning. He smiles at her as she waved.

"Thanks kid." Flash said as Miko smiled.

Finally, before the vortex closed, a red and blue semi-truck roared out and transformed as well; leaping in front of the two human heroes. His right hand changed into a blade as the first fighter open-fired on them. The Decepticon got too close as Optimus drove his blade into the invader craft who then used it as a shield from the other two. When they passed over, Prime threw his make shift shield at them; only hitting one of them before he drew his Ion Blaster scored a direct hit on the other. He turned his attention to the human heroes; his face guard retracted.

"Are either of you injured?" he asked them.

"Uhhh... no, w-we're good," Flash answered as the other heroes landed beside them.The other four Autobots approached slowly.

"Good thing they break easily," Bulkhead joked with his teammates.

"Think we've had more trouble with Vehicon troopers, Arcee said smugly, Bumblebee chirped in agreement.

"Okay, this day just went to a whole new level of weird," Flash grimaced.

"And just who are you guys?" Green Lantern asked.

"We are autonomous robotic organisms from the
planet Cybertron; or Autobots for short. I am their
leader, Optimus Prime," Prime explained

"Cybertron, I don't think I've heard of that planet before," Hal responded.

"Cybertron... I've heard about it. Before the last days of Krypton, I remember learning about it once." Kara said.

"Look I'm usually pretty quick on the uptake but can
someone please tell me what the heck is going on
here?" Flash asked what many almost forgot about.

"I believe it would be best if we continued this
discussion in a more secure location. The enemy is
likely to send more troops when the ones we just
engaged do not report in; if they haven't already,
Optimus said.

"The big guy has a point; we're sitting ducks out here, Green Lantern agreed.

"I suppose you know a good spot," Flash asked.

Optimus, who placed a metal finger to his comm.

"Ratchet, open the Ground Bridge; we're returning to base. And inform Agent Fowler that we are bringing some quests.

/Roger that, Optimus/

Another vortex opened up in front of the heroes.

"This Ground Bridge portal will take us to our base; we can all be briefed on the full situation there. Agent Fowler, our liaison to your government would no doubt like to hear this as well." Optimus said.

Reluctantly, the heroes slowly entered the Bridge
followed by the Autobots; the portal closing just as
more fighters arrived.

"Lord Megatron. They got away, including the target." Blitzwing said.

"Let them go. It's only a matter of time before I get what I want from them." Megatron said.

After the human heroes got over the nausea, they took in their new surroundings.

"Whoa, what is this place?" Flash asked.

"Looks like an old Cold War-era bunker" Hal guessed.

"Looks like one of the bases I designed years ago." Gobber said looking around.

"Welcome to Autobot Outpost Omega One," a man's
voice called out from the catwalk. "I'm Special Agent
William Fowler. Prime, mind telling me why you
brought these guys here?"

"I had them brought here because they needed help against the Decepticons and we could use all the help we can get." Optimus said.

The Bots gathered to one side of the room
while the heroes of Earth did so on the other. Optimus then spoke.

"As agreed, I shall explain who we are. We are Autobots from the planet Cybertron." Optimus said.

"So why are you here?" Green Lantern asked.

"To protect your planet from the Decepticons." Optimus said.

"Okay, what are Decepticons and why are they here?
Flash asked growing more confused.

Optimus then went into detail of the Cybertron civil
war, mostly over control over the planet's supply of
Energon; the fuel and lifeblood of their race. He then
went to describe the leader of the Deceptions and
Optimus' former brother-in-arms, Megatron. When their planet had been rendered uninhabitable, the Autobots had to leave and find a new world.

However, the Cons attacked en-route and both sides ended up crash landing on Earth, continuing the war from there; but reduced to small skirmishes out if and away from human attention. It kept that way until three years ago, around the same time that Superman made his debut, the Cons went quiet and had remained so until Megaton's return last week. While they doubted Megaton is up to something new, they need to figure out what it is.

Superman, Supergirl, and J'onn understood how the Autobots felt; losing your home world was heartbreaking.

Diana understood war all too well; the former had been trained since birth while the latter's people was embroiled in one now. Green Lantern felt a little guilty about not trusting them earlier but made a note to ask the Guardians about Cybertron.

Batman was suspicious a bit, however, he sympathized with their plight of losing nearly everything. Flash as well understood the pain of losing everything and remained silent, not giving away what he was thinking but was the next to speak.

"So what happens now, do you guys go back to
hiding?" Flash asked looking at them.

"Everyone across the planet would have seen us now,
no sense in that." Ratchet answered; the other
Autobots looked to each other in confusion.

"Then don't hide."

The Autobots turn to Superman.

"You guys have clearly saved the world a few times now, under our noses. You've proved that you're heroes and care about the people of our planet. So why not do it with us? Be members of the Justice League?" Superman said.

"He's right. Plus, we can help you guys with the public accepting you and fight against the Decepticons. Since they're a threat to our world, they're now our enemies as well." Gobber said.

"What'd you say guys?" Flash asked the Bots.

"It would make things easier if we could do missions
without worrying about stealth," Bulkhead noted.

"Plus, we could use the help against the Cons," Arcee

Bumblebee chirped in agreement while Ratchet
remained silent. They all looked at Optimus for his

"It would seem my compatriots believe that it would be a good idea.. as I do as well."

"Looks like we're in" Arcee confirmed.

"Plus we can help train you guys with your new meta-abilities." Vibe said.

"Yeah, I can help train Bulkhead here with his Lantern Ring. Lantern to Lantern." Hal said smirking at Bulkhead.

"Plus, with Miko and Wheeljack being speedsters, Me and my team can help train you guys." Barry said looking at Wheeljack and Miko.

"I also can't believe that I'm going to train with the Flash! I'm also seeing the Bad Guys! I'm huge fans. Hey, weren't there five of you guys?" Miko asked.

Wolf, Snake, Piranha, and Webs looked down in sadness. It was hard to tell people he was gone.

"There was..." Snake said sadly. Miko soon realized that Shark was gone.

"Oh... I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean—" Miko started.

"It's okay, Chica. You didn't know." Piranha said.

"He sacrificed himself to protect the world." Webs said missing her bud.

"Actually, that's what we wanted to talk about with you guys." Cisco said.

"Talk about what?" Wolf asked.

"We're going to bring Shark back. And you guys are gonna help us." Caitlin said. The Bad Guys look in shock to hear her say those words.

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