Rescue rangers

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Dale was watching a episode from their show.

"Listen up, you rejects
from a science lab"

"I didn't think of this extraordinarily" Dale laughs.

"brilliant plan, only to have you idiots wreck the wrong ship"

"Still holds up. It's a great show"

"A ship full of worthless junk!"

"Ah, no! Focus, Dale. Come on"

"Snake is sending a message, but what?"

" know?"

"Your little friends would never dream
of leaving you hanging here, Would they?"

"All right. Think, Dale, think"

"Gadget is stuck in a lantern. Lanterns provide light by using fire. fire is really cool, but also really dangerous. Someone is in a dangerous situation. Oh, like that time I dropped
Slipped on a banana peel , snake has slippery skin probably likes Thai food. He is tied up with the others and is in danger,
and Chip is with them. It was Putty working
with Sweet Pete the whole time. I cracked it. I'm coming, guys. Come on. Start, start, start, start! No. No, no, no"

He tries to take off but when his car wouldn't start, he finds another way.


He heads back to the police station where he finds wolf half asleep from drinking.

"Wolf! Buddy wake up" Drake jumps in, he sees the empty crushes cans of beer on the floor, he pases by them and jumps on the desk waking wolf up.

"Ugh what is it...Dale?" He opens his red tired eyes.

"Look buddy I need your help our friends our in trouble, it was captain putty, he's been working with sweet Pete this entire time"

But wolf groans then he gets up and looks around to find any more beer it alcoholic drinks.

"But wolf princess needs you, she's still out there and you know it, things happened been the same with us but that doesn't mean you shouldn't fight for the things you loved or the people you love, you need to get up, Drop the sad act and go get your daughter back"

Feeling encouraged by dale's speech, wolf gets up and grabs his fedora and coat.

"What do we do"

"I know who can help us"

"Honey, someone's doing
a cool pose in the drivewa

They arrived at an repair shop owned by gadget.

"Excuse me. Dale, old chum. The sight of you lights my heart aglow"

"Rangers, we need your help"

"We love you, bud, but we just can't invest
in any more of your independent movies"

"What... No, I'm not here for that.
I'm here for something very important...Although that script was pretty good.
Did you even read it?"

"Dale!" Wolf looks down at him, gets in front if Dale and scolds him.

"Look there is a child in need of a rescue, please" wolf asked.

Then chip gets grabbed by jimmy, "chip, I wanna do something extra special for you.  How would you feel about playing your old character, but with feet for ears, and a dog snout where your tail should be?"

"Okay, honest feedback,
that sounds terrible"

"You're gonna like the way you look. I guarantee it"

"You'll never get away with this" snake hissed as him while his snake was pick locking the locks.

"The Men's Wearhouse reference? Yeah, I think I will. Okay, let's make some changes.

"NO!" Snake yelled.

Dale was flying in the air next to wolf who was driving.

"Whoo-hoo-hoo! Whee! This is awesome!
I'm amazed this thing actually flies. And you know how to fly it"

"Yeah. I guess my character from the old show, and my character in real life are basically exactly the same"

"Yeah, I guess so. Zipper, how are the kids?"

"Splendid. I mean, sure, being a stay-at-home dad has its challenges, but it's the most rewarding job I could ever ask for and it just..."

"Whoa! It's actually my agent. Sorry, can you hold on for a second? Wow! Dave Bolinari.
Haven't heard from you in a while. Did you not get my last seven years of messages?"

" Oh, Daley, brother, so sorry. Look, I got a new assistant, and then we were off for the holidays.
Anyways, I'm watching the news. You're the talk of the town. We've got heat. We've got offers. I'm thinking book deal. I'm thinking reboot"

"Hey, actually, can I call you back?
I can't talk now. What? But, Dale, you gotta get
your priorities straight, dawg"

"You know what? I think for the first time in my life, I am getting my priorities straight.
Friends are more important than business" he threw his own phone out in the air.

"Dale, brother"

"Good for you, Dale.

"Dale, brother"

"Good for you, Dale. Probably shouldn't have
thrown your phone, though"

"Nope. Immediately regretted it"

"Hey Dale!" Dale turns to wolf as he called him.


"I just wanted to say...after what happened, when we left you guys, we just thought it was for the best and that you guys would never wanna talk to us ever again"

"What? That's not true"

"When we left we became agents after we got princess and when we found you became movie stars, we had princess watch your show so she would grown up liking you guys"

"Really?" Drake was in shocked.

"Yeah, After what happened we though we could make up to you guys by having princess like you by watching your show"

"Oh wolf, I didn't know, now I feel bad for what I said about princess"

"Why? What did you said about her"


"Well, it was a good run. No, it wasn't. Who am I kidding?"

"Dale I wanna say sorry about leaving you guys, it was nice seeing you guys again" snake says.

"Same here snake and I'm sorry about princess"

"Okay, let's see. Dog snout right on the butt.
It's hilarious. Chip doesn't know what he's talking about"

"Stop him, Captain! You know You're better than this" shark shout out to him as he was tied up with the others.

"No, I'm not"

"Ah, there it is. The foreboding fortress on the horizon"

"Oh, I love it when you talk fancy, honey"

"Thank you, my love"


"Looks like the only way in is through that exhaust pipe"

"Okay, good. Try to line me up with it"

Wolf gets out the car and pulls out his gun, "I'll meet you inside ok"


"Are you sure you wanna do this, Dale?"

"As sure as I've ever been"

"But you're, like, known for constantly making terrible decisions"

"I know, right?"

"Rescue Rangers, away"

"Huh. At least that's gone"

"Whoo! Hold on, Chippy!"


"No! No, no, no, no. Come on!"

"Hey, hey. Fix that. You should fix it"

"Oh, yeah. Thanks for the input, genius"

"What is going on?" Thomas asked as he enters the room.

Wolf enters just in time, "guys" Dale says.

"Dale" everyone called him name as he unties them.

"Hey, are you okay? Where's Chip?"

"He's still in the machine"

"Over here"

"Chip!" Wolf called for him.

"Wolf" chip jumped in his arms and they both hugged.

"Chip, you're okay" Dale says.

"Yeah, You came for us. I never doubted you, buddy"

"Oh Sure you did" snake says sarcastically."See? He understood the clue"

"Of course, it was obvious"

"In "When You Fish Upon a Star,"
Gadget was double-crossed. Just like us.
Right. Totally" shark says, "I should know because it's princess favorite episode and...I watched the show with her"

"I know it" dale says.

"You had a completely different take, didn't you?"

"Yes, mine involved Thai food"

"Uh guys...I hate to break up the reunion but we're not done yet...look out!" Webs warned chip.

But he was then grabbed by Pete a erase held against him.

"Stop! Or I'll erase him right here"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay"

"Wait" the bad guys try to stop him.

Then wolf clocks his gun and aims is right to his head.

"HEY! you drop that eraser or I'll blow your head right off" he growled.

"Wolf wait, Let's talk about this" Dale calms him down, "Listen, I get how you feel. Things didn't work out the way you wanted, right?
You had big hopes and dreams and, well...
then the world"

"just sort of breaks your heart. And it feels like the only emotions you have left are anger and loneliness. But you're not alone. None of us are"

"Wow. It's true. You two really are
the worst actors in Hollywood"

But then putty's phone hit the glass along with his gun.

"Hey! What the... No!"

Then wolf's necklace with princess ring was pointing out to the machine then everything started to hit the machine, like some kind of magnetic pulse.

"What the...What is going on with this thing?"

Then the machine exploded, sending everyone flying.

"No, no, no. No!"

"Ah" Thomas grunts as he ducks.

The Walt Disney theme song played and a firework of Mickey Mouse soar in the sky, the bad guys saw.

"Classic" piranha smiled.

"That was not cool"

Wolf gets up as he grabs his head, snake shook the ruble off, shark wiped the dust off and Piranha helps webs up as she coughed.

"Hey, guys you okay?" Wolf asked as he grabbed his sore arm.

"I think so"

"Dale, you good buddy?" Snake slithers up to Dale.

"I'm ok"

"Are you hurt?" Piranha asked webs as they all get together.

"No, I'm good"

Although the machine exploded, it was still activated.

"Huh?" And it turned jimmy into a hippo and a fairy from sleeping beauty.

Pete laughed but he soon he was going to get the last laugh when the machine aimed at him.

"Uh-oh. Hey!"

"Oh" they watched him get blasted.


"Ugh! And it smells too"

"Stupid glass. Okay, I'm out"

"Putty, he's getting away"

"We're on it" wolf says.

But then he sees Thomas panicked and runs away.

" guys go after putty, I'm going after Thomas" so the bad guys split up.

But after the machine malfunctions, Sweet Pete is turned into a giant amalgamation of various toons, he had the head of a cat with his arms and legs in different forms. He resembles a combination of animated characters:

Head: Combination of Fat Cat from Chip N' Dale Rescue Rangers, Felicia the Cat from The Great Mouse Detective and Marie from The Aristocats.
Left Leg: Optimus Prime from Bumblebee.
Right Leg: Woody from Toy Story.
Shorts: Mickey Mouse (despite the buttons instead of being round, they are now a diamond shape).
Right Arm: Shredder from the 2003 incarnation of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, with its gun for a right hand being a Banzai Bill Blaster from Super Mario.
Right Shoulder: Utrom Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003).
Left Arm: Wreck-It Ralph from the film of the same name of the title character.
Torso: Same as Sweet Pete's form.
Coat/Jacket: John Silver from Treasure Planet, Yokai from Big Hero 6, and Maleficent from the film of the same name of the title character.
Voice: Cruella De Vil



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