Sappy endings

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"Dale?" Chip tries to wake up his friend and the bad guys were horrified to see Dale was...laying down.

"D... Dale, come on. Don't mess with me...Come on. Not this time, man." Chip was hoping it would be a joke but then wolf grabbed his shoulders with his finger.

"Chip...he's gone"

" he's's just-just a prank, I know you're just pranking me. I'm not falling for this twice. Come on"

"Chip...even a prank wouldn't go this far" webs says.

"No one couldn't survive a hit like that" snake says.

"Dale?" Chip then starts to cry.

Then everyone gathered around the two chipmunks, Diane catches up but sees what is going on, everyone mourn over the lost of a friend.

"I'm sorry chip" snake says as everyone frowns.

You... you know, before you guys, the morning I met you, before we met wolfie and the others,
when we were just kids at the cafeteria...I never told you this, but I begged my mom
to let me stay home from school because I didn't have any friends"

"I know the feeling bud, before you guys, I was scared to, I was about to get attacked when I met snake and the others"

Then a flashback plays, "You're a great kid, Chip, Remember, the biggest risk is not taking any risk at all. You'll find a friend. I promise"

"I was so scared and alone. And I was lost. Just like you wolf and Just like you too, Dale. And I needed you more than you needed me. As much as we both needed wolf and the others despite the fact that they are an unfounded stereotype, they were more then that to us...they were family"

"Hey. Mind if I sit?"

"All these years, I... I let you feel like you were second banana because I wanted
to feel like first banana, I was nothing without you. So that night when...In the trailer when... when you told me about Double- Dale,
I... I just should have told you that. I shouldn't have treated you that way"


He turns to wolf, "the day we left you schools, we didn't wanted to leave but...we just thought, we would just be bringing you guys down"

"You never brought us down wolf, we loved you guys like a family"

"And the reason we became FIB agents is because of princess, she was just a baby in a mansion with a father who never cared but nothing but greed but when I met her, she made me feel like I could be more then a bad guy, like we could be more then villains, and when you became stars, we had princess watch your show so she would like you guys"

"I'm sorry, Dale"

Then as everyone started to cry, wake starts to wake up.

" Really?"

" Dale!"

"Dale" everyone shouted in show.

" But how'd you..."

"This thing's too special to throw away" he reveals a pog

" Ow! That pog smashed my nose"

" That worked out well. ow" then we've started punching him.

"You son of a chipmunk, how dare you scare us like that, what's wrong with you"

"Ow ow ow ow ow ok ease calm down I just woke up"

"Calm down mama" piranha grabs her to stop her from hitting him.

"He nearly scared us to death"

" You saved my life"


"You'd do the same for me"

"So Would we" wolf says.

Then dale smelled something familiar, "wait. Hold on a second"

"What is it dale?" Wolf asked.

"If they were filming the bootleg movies here,
you don't think..."

"Monty!" They both were getting something as wolf was confused but they followed them.

"Whoa guys slow down, where are we going" wolf asked and they come across to a cargo.

Piranha ripes off the locks then bootleg characters came out free and running.

"Whoa. Okay, okay. Slow down"

"Do you see him?"


As they look for monty, the bad guys look for princess.

"Princess?" Wolf called out.

"I don't see him"


Then coughing in the distance, they see out of the darkness, monty bootleg as dumbo.

" Mates!"

"Oh, Monty!"

" We thought we lost you"

" Oh, thank goodness"

"You never gave up on me"

" Of course not"

" We'd never give up on friends"

It wolf felt a fear in his heart when they doesn't see princess anywhere.

"Princess?" His voice echoed in the cargo.

They all looked at each other scared, worried and sad.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

When suddenly they hear a whinnying sound of a dog.


They look in closer to see a purple girly doghouse with a big pink bow next to it was a pink purple bowl marked: princess.

" Oh, what did they do to you?"

"Princess?" Wolf called out a again.

Then they hear footsteps and out of the darkness was a cat dog hybrid.

A white fur house pet with a teal gown with a gold green blue slash and a red cape, wearing a crown but...she had princess pink eyes, had bay ears and a cat fluffy tail.

"Princess?" Wolf was surprised as he steps close to her.

"ello dad" She smiled nervously.

Then he smiles, his tail wags as he pulls princess in a hug then everyone gathered around to hug her.

"What did he did to you" he cried tears of joy.

"Ah, Chipper. They Dumbo'd me"

"He was going to turn me into every Disney princess bootleg movie then he was going to make a series called: the princess wolf, it sounds stupid I know"

"Don't worry. I've got a guy that'll fix those ears, no problem"

"Don't worry honey, we'll get you back to normal before you know it"

"Oh, thank you, Dale"

" No way. Is that..."

" Wow, those ears are huge"

"Gadget, Zipper. I must be dreaming"

"Can you believe it? All the Rescue Rangers together"

"It has been a long time. It's really good to see you guys"

" It is wonderful to see you all."

"Wow, look at what you guys did"

They looked around at all the free bootlegged characters then they turn to the bad guys and princess wolf Diane came up.

"You're under arrest, you low-rent Gumby. He's all yours, boys" wolf handed captain putty in a evidence bag.

"Don't forget this one too" snake pushed Thomas in.

"Nice work on this case. Amazing as always boss"

"Boss" chip and Dale were surprised.

"Well yeah i told you i got extreme measures to protect princess...speaking of which I wanna thank you guys got helping me find my daughter"

"Well she seemed really important to you"

Then Diane steps up, "speaking of which I want you guys to meet diane, so someone else who...inspired me to be an FBI agent, she's also my wife" Diane shows then the wedding ring and they were surprised.

"Oh wolf I didn't know you were into foxes" chip says.

"What can i say i got a type"

Then diane gets in front of them, "nice work you two"

"Thanks and sorry that we got off on the wrong foot"

"Aw it's ok, let bygones be bygones, but you know you guys could make great detectives"

"They always were" wolf says.

Then princess wolf bends down to them, "Thank you guys for the help, you guys are really great"

"You know your not too bad yourself kid" Dale says as he finally warms up to princess.

"Now the only thing next is to get our daughter back to normal" wolf grabbed princess shoulder.

"Aw do you have to, I kinda like princess wolf better"

Then princess and wolf growled at him casing him to flinch and fall back.

"Just kidding"

"I May be a wolf but i prefer a cat for a daughter"

"You know, Dale, I'm sorry it took all this
to get us back together"

"Oh, Chip. Come here" the two hug

"Crikey. I'd cry if they didn't erase
me tear duct"

"To err is human, to forgive, divine"

"Sometimes, I can't tell
what you guys like more"

" Eating nuts or driving us nuts"

Everyone laughs.

"I've always wanted to do
one of these laughs with you guys"

" How long does it last?"

" The worse the joke, the longer the laugh"

"So, Chip. Does this mean
we are officially friends again?"

"Heh. Sure. I guess some things
are worth rebooting"

"You said it. You wanna do a Rescue Rangers reboot"

"No, I didn't. That is not what I meant, I mean, maybe. I'd have to see the script first"

"Oh, yes. That's a yes. Hey, do you think we can get, like, a pop star to do the theme song?"

"Yeah, right"

"Like a super serious version, even though
everyone just wants to hear the original"

"Yes! That exactly"

After that everything went back to normal, Thomas is sent in prison, and the bad guys take a picture of them in the hospital with princess who is back to normal.

"Ladies and gentlemen,
the Rescue Rangers!"

" Boo! Hiss! We want Dark wing! We want Dark wing!" Say it with me! We want Dark wing! What a load of malarkey"

"Excuse me mr. Darkwing"


Looking down was a red hair girl, "can I get your autograph" but what she was holding up was a contract for a hit series for Darkwing.

"Sure kid" he smiles

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