Summer Vacation: Part 1

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(A/N: Up There Is The Private Yacht)


Nine Months After Professor Marmalade Got Arrested For Stealing The Love Crater Metorite And The Bad Guys Being In Prison For A Year While Omega Was In The Hospital For A Year, They Were Living In Their Mansion Near The Beach.

The Bad Guys Were In Their Living Room With Diane, Daphne, Jaguar, Jackal And Hyena Discussing Where They Could Go For Their Month Vacation.

"Okay, Guys, Our First Annual One Month Vacation Starts Tomorrow, And We Still Haven't Decided Where We're Going." Diane Stated.

"I Say We Don't Visit The International Museum Of Calculators!" Jackal Suggested.

"Yeah, Because Normal Museums Aren't Boring Enough." Snake Agreed.

"Okay, I Say We Go To A Bunch Of Baseball Stadiums." Hyena Said.

"I Love Baseball!" Wolf Said.

"And Do What? Watch Baseball?" Webs Asked.

Wolf Just Looked At His Archanid Friend Like It Was Obivious.

"Better Idea. Let's Go The Dude Ranch And Get Our Ride On!" Jaguar Said.

"Because Nothing Says Vacation Like Saddle Sores." Wolf Said.

"Oh, Snake And I'll Make Sure You're Sore No Matter Where We Go." Omega Said As She And Snake Fistbumped Each Other.

Everyone Except Wolf, Diane And Daphne Started Arguing.

"Enough!" Wolf, Diane, And Daphne Exclaimed.

They Stopped Arguing As They Looked At Them.

"As The Leaders In Charge Here, We Will Decide Where We're Going." Daphne Said.

"We're Gonna Take A Trip On Daphne's Private Yacht." Diane Said As Daphne Nodded In Agreement.

"I Already Bought Boat Shoes, Some Boat Clothes, And For Snake; A Big Floppy Hat." Wolf Said, Laughing As He Put A Big Floppy Hat On His Head.

"Maybe It's Too Floppy." Piranha Said.

"Wolf, I Think I Hate You." Snake Said As He Took Off The Hat.

Everyone Laughed At Him.


The Next Day, The Bad Guys Were On Their Private Yacht In The Mediterranean.

Everyone Was Wearing Their Boat Clothes.











(Webs) (Ignore The Bottom Piece)

"Oh. This Is The First Time I've Ever Been On A Boat That Didn't Have Shark Hunters. I Always Had To Be So Careful Where I Swam." Shark Stated.

"This Was A Great Idea, Guys." Webs Said, Sitting On A Tiny Beach Chair.

"For The Next Month, We Can Just Cruise The Mediterranean And Relax." Snake Said, Relaxing On His Beach Chair.

Then, Piranha Blew A Whistle And Made Everyone Cover Their Ears.

"Look Alive To Stay Alive, People!" Piranha Shouted. He Walked Up To Jackal And Asked, "Pop Quiz! Where Are The Emergency Exits?"

"Fish Sticks, We're On A Boat. If I Wanted To Escape, I'll Just Do A Sick Cannonball." Jackal Said, Walking Away From Him.

Then, Shark Walked Up To Omega And Asked, "Omega, If We Are Capsizing And You Can't Find Your Life Jacket, What Is The Most Suitable Floatation Device?"

"You, If You Don't Shut Your Porthole." Omega Sassed.

"Shark, Piranha, I Know This Is Your First Time On A Yacht That Doesn't Have Any Hunters And It's Good To Be Safe. But, You Two Wanna Have Fun, Right?" Daphne Asked.

Piranha Scoffed Before Saying, "Of Course."

"Right After The Astral Navigation Lesson And Survival Skills Seminar." Shark Added.

Daphne Gave Them A Look That Said 'What?'.

"What? There Will Be Refreshments." Shark Said.

Omega Pulled Wolf Aside And Said, Quiety, "First Uncharted Island We Come To, Shark Is Off The Boat."

"Maybe Before The Island." Wolf Suggested.

Piranha Was Carrying A Bucket Full Of Smelly Fish That Everybody Cover Their Noses.

"Oh! Piranha, What's That?" Jackal Asked.

"It's Making The Air Near You Smell Nastier Than Usual." Snake Said.

"Oh! This, Chico, Is My Chum Bucket. I'm Gonna Catch A Giant Squid And Tame It." Piranha Answered.

"You're A Weird Guy." Hyena Said.

Pirahna Looked At Him, A Little Bit Offended.

Omega And Wolf Went To The Edge Of The Boat To Look At The Mediterranean Sea Together.

"You Know, Being Out Here In The Water With Everyone Makes Me Think Of My 5 Ex-Families." Omega Said.

"The Families That Abused And Left You?" Wolf Asked.

Omega Nodded In Confirment.

"They Aren't Here, Are They? Do I Need Go All 'Big Bad Wolf' On Them?" Wolf Asked, Frantically.

"Dad, I'm Not A Little Kid Anymore. I Don't Want Anything To Do With Them." Omega Assured.

"Good." Wolf Said, Calming Down A Little Bit.

Jaguar Wrapped Her Arm Around Omega And Asked, "Do You Guys Know I'm Looking Forward To On This Vacation?"

"What?" Omega And Wolf Asked.

"I'm Hoping To See A Real Mermaid Out Here." Jaguar Said.

"All Righty." Wolf Said.

"We'll Probably Might. There's Supposed To Be A Bunch Of Them In The Mediterranean. I Read That On The Internet." Omega Stated.

"Ah, The Internet. Where You Can See All Da Vinci's Greatest Works And Video Chat With Bigfoot." Wolf Said.

Omega And Jaguar Laughed At His Statement As Daphne Walked Up To Them.

"What Are You Guys Talking About?" Daphne Asked.

"Oh, Just Talking About What We're Looking Forward To On This Vacation." Omega Answered.

"Do You Wanna Know What I'm Looking Forward To?" Daphne Asked.

"What, Mom?" Jaguar Asked.

"I'm Hoping That Certain Wolf Would Ask Diane Foxington Out On A Date." Daphne Said.

Wolf Blushed Heavily As Omega And Jaguar Laughed.


While Everyone Was Relaxing Under The Sun, Shark's Watch Alarm Went Off.

"Ooh, My Sunscreen Alarm! Time To Re-apply, Everyone! I Have SPF 20, 30, 45, And A Can Of White Paint." Shark Stated.

Omega, Snake, Jaguar, Hyena, Jackal And Webs Groaned In Annoyance.

"Guys, Shark's Right. It's Important To Wear Sunscreen." Diane Said.

Shark Then Sprayed Sunscreen In Wolf's Mouth.

"Great, Now My Tonsils Won't Be Sunburned." Wolf Said, Trying To Get The Taste Of His Mouth.

While Piranha Was Fishing, Something Big Got Caught On The Fishing Line.

"Whoa! Hey! Hey, Guys! I Got A Bite!" Piranha Said, Trying To Reel It In.

Everyone Went Towards Piranha To Him Real It In, Except Snake And Jaguar.

"People! Shadows!" Jaguar And Snake Shouted.

"Whoa!" Piranha Said As He Tried To Hold Onto His Fishing Rod With Omega, Wolf, Diane And Jackal's Help.

"I Cannot Find "How To Prevent Being Hauled Overboard!" Hull Maintenance, Sea Sickness..." Shark Said.

Diane, Wolf And Omega Let Go Of Piranha And Went To Shark While Jackal Was Still Hanging Onto Piranha.

"Help!" Jackal And Piranha Exclaimed.

"Let's See, Tying Knots... Did You And Piranha Do These Tiny Illustrations Yourself?" Diane Asked, Impressed.

"I Did. Thank You So..." Shark Said Before He Got Cut Off.

"Guys!" Piranha Exclaimed As He And Jackal Were About To Fall Over Board.

"Oh! Go, Go!" Wolf Exclaimed Everyone Ran Up To Jackal And Piranha.

Everyone Pulled Jackal And Piranha Back Onto The Boat As They Tried To Help Them To Reel In What Got Caught On The Fishing Line.

Then, The Fishing Line Snapped As Everyone Groaned In Disappiontment.

"I Lost Her! She Was A Monster. Two... No, Four Rows Of Razor Sharp Teeth. And Cold, Dead Eyes." Piranha Said, Dramatically.

Snake And Omega Just Rolled Their Eyes In Annoyance.

Then Out Of No Where, A Woman And A Young Polar Bear Grabbed Onto The Boat, Causing Everyone To Scream.

"Uh, Your Monster Has A Manicure." Diane Said.

"And The Other One Is In A Desperate Need Of A Bath." Snake Added.

Everyone Ran Towards The Edge Of The Boat And Pulled Them Up.

"Whoa! I Will Not Be Throwing Her Back." Piranha Said, Liking The Girl.

"Oh No. Here We Go Again." Snake Grumbled As Omega Pats Snakes Head.


After They Pulled The Woman And The Polar Bear Up, They Wrapped Them Up In Towels.

"You Might Have Hypothermia. Let Me Warm You Up." Piranha Said As He Hugs The Woman.

Then, Omega Walked Up To Them.

"Here, Have Hot Chocolate Instead." Omega Said As She Gives Them A Mug While Jaguar Pulled Piranha Away From Them.

"It's A Lot Warmer And It Won't Watch You While You Sleep." Webs Said As She Gave Piranha A Look.

"So, What Were You Two Doing All Alone In The Ocean?" Diane Asked.

"Actually, We Don't Know. We Have This Terrible Headache And We Can't Seem To Remember Anything." The Woman Answered.

"Oh, My Gosh. They Have Amnesty!" Shark Exclaimed.

"The Word Is "Amnesia"." Omega Corrected.

"How Did He Get Out Of School?" Daphne Asked Wolf.

"The System Is Broken." Wolf Said, Shaking His Head.

"Wait. So You Two Don't Remember Anything?" Hyena Asked.

"It's All Pretty Fuzzy, But I Kind Of Remember Dancing. And For Some Reason, The Word 'Lazuli'." The Woman Stated.

"That Must Be Your Name." Jackal Said.

"Lazuli Piranha." Piranha Said, Lovingly.

"Putting That Love Nonsense Aside, What About The Kid?" Jaguar Asked.

"Hey, Hon. Can You Tell Us Your Name?" Daphne Asked.

The Young Polar Bear Shooked His Hand.

"You Can't Tell Us?" Hyena Asked.

He Shook His Head Again.

"Do You Have A Name, At Least?" Snake Questioned.

He Nodded His Head.

"Guys, I Think He's Mute." Omega Stated.

The Polar Bear Nodded His Head Again.

"How Did You Know He Was Mute?" Piranha Asked.

"I Had A Hunch. Nothing More." Omega Shrugged.

"Well, Your Hunch Was Right." Shark Said.

"Do You Think You Can Write It Down?" Webs Asked, Giving Him A Pen And Paper.

The Young Polar Bear Took The Pen And Paper And Wrote 'Nico'.

"He Said His Name Is Nico. Webs, You Think Can Find Any Information On Him?" Diane Asked.

"Sure." Webs Said.

"Wait A Minute. Why Do I Get The Feeling We're Keeping Them?" Snake Asked.

"Hey, I Caught Them. Finders Keepers." Piranha Said.

"Boys, They're Not Pennies On The Sidewalk." Omega Said, Breaking Up The Fight.

"Yeah! Wait, What Are Pennies?" Lazuli Asked.

"She Must've Hit Her Head Pretty Hard." Jaguar Whispered To Snake, Who Nodded.

"Don't Ask Us. We Round To The Nearest Thousand." Hyena Stated.

"Okay, We Should Let You Two Get Some Rest. Daph And I'll Show To The Stateroom." Diane Said As She And Daphne Helps Them Up.

While They Were Walking, Lazuli Almost Tripped On Her Feet.

"Whoops! It's Like I Don't Know How To Work My Legs." Lazuli Said.

"Ah... Been There." Daphne And Omega Said.

"After My First Spin Class When Jaugar Turned Three, I Couldn't Walk For A Week." Daphne Stated, Carrying Nico In Her Arms.

"It's True." Jaguar Said In Confirment.

"When I Woke Up From My Coma, I Couldn't Walk For A Month." Omega Added.

"She's Not Kidding." Wolf Said.

Daphne And Diane Took Lazuli And Nico The Stateroom.

"I'm Gonna Go Get A Snack. Anyone Hungry?" Wolf Asked.

"I'm In." Snake Said.

"Us Too." Shark Said.

"We'll Be There In A Sec." Hyena Said.

The Bad Guys Went Back Inside As Jaguar, Hyena, Jackal And Omega Stayed Outside.

"Guys, I Think I've Figured It Out." Jaguar Said.

"Figured What Out?" Omega Asked.

"Swims In The Ocean, Wears A Shell Bra And Seaweed, Doesn't Know How To Work Her Legs. Don't You See What Lazuli Is?" Jaguar Asked.

"A Clumsy Shell Collector With No Fashion Sense." Omega Guessed.

"No. Well, Maybe. But, She's A Mermaid." Jaguar Said.

"You Sure About That?" Hyena Asked.

"Yeah. She Was Wet When We Found Her And I Didn't See A Mermaid Tail." Jackal Said.

"True." Jaguar Said.

"Plus, Everyone Knows They Don't Exist. Right, Omega?" Hyena Asked.

Jaguar, Jackal And Hyena Looked At Omega Was Looking At The Ocean.

"Omega? Are You Okay?" Jackal Asked.

Omega Snapped Out Of Her Thoughts Before Turning Around And Said, "Did You Say Something?"

"Are You Okay? You Seem Not Yourself." Jaguar Stated.

"I'm Just Worried About Nico. I Think His Parents Abandoned Him." Omega Said.

"What Makes You Think That?" Jackal Asked.

"I Don't, But I Just Have A Feeling That He Might." Omega Explained.

"Are You Saying This Is Because That's What Your Instincts Are Telling You? Or Because You're Speaking From Personal Experience?" Hyena Asked.

"A Little Bit Of Both." Omega Answered.

"Well, We Don't Know For Sure. Webs Is Looking Them Up, So I'm Sure Nico Wasn't Abandoned." Jaguar Stated.

"Well, I Really Hope He Wasn't. Nobody Feeling Abandoned Because Of What You Were Born Into." Omega Said.

"Okay, But Let's Head Inside. We Need To Make Sure Piranha Isn't Planning On Proposing To Lazuli." Jackal Said.

"We Just Met The Girl. He's Better Off Being Alone Forever." Omega Said.


Inside The Rec Room, Everyone Was Hanging Out While Diane And Daphne Walked In.

"Okay, Lazuli And Nico Are Lying Down." Diane Said.

"Are They Gonna Okay, Aunt Diane?" Jaguar Asked.

"I'm Sure She'll Be Okay. Don't Worry." Diane Assured.

"What About Nico? Is He Gonna Be Okay?" Piranha Asked.

"He's Fine. I'm More Worried About The Fact He Was Out On His Own In The Ocean." Daphne Said.

"You Guys Think His Parents Abandoned Him Out There?" Snake Asked.

"That's What Omega Thinks." Jaguar Said.

"I'm Sure He Wasn't Abandoned." Diane Said.

"I'm Just Saying It's Possibility. Besides, Omega Has Been Abandoned By 5 Families Before She Met Us. So, Let's Just Make Sure We're Wrong About This. For Nico And Omega Sake." Wolf Stated.

"Do You Guys Think She's A Mermaid?" Shark Asked.

"Shark, Don't Be Ridiculous. Lazuli's Not A Mermaid And You Better Not Tell Her She Is. The Poor Kid Is Confused Enough." Snake Stated.

"Exactly. We Don't Wanna Confuse Her More Than She Already Is." Omega Added.

"I Know A Sea Creature When I See One." Shark Said.

"Okay, Webs, Back Us Up." Snake Said.

"Actually, More Than 95% Of The Ocean Is Unexplored. New Species Are Discovered Everyday. So A Mermaid Is Not Altogether Implausible." Webs Explained.

"See? Smarty McTechnology Over Here Agrees With Me." Shark Said.

"But There's A Chance That Mermaids Don't Exist." Webs Added.

"Ha! Told Ya!" Snake Cheered.

"Either Way, I Have So Many Questions For Lazuli. I'm Gonna Get My List." Shark Said Before Running Off.

"Thanks. You're About As Supportive As A Tube Top." Snake Said.

"Speaking Of Bad Fashion Choices, Lazuli And Nico Really Needs A Makeover. And Since They Can't Remember What Their Style Was, They'll Be Like My Own Personal Models." Jaguar Said.

"I Thought Omega And Your Brothers Were Your Personal Models." Daphne Said, Laughing A Little.

"I'm Allowed To Have More Than Three. Don't Judge Me." Jaguar Said, Waving It Off.

"Stop Treating Them Like An Object, Lazuli Belongs To Me!" Piranha Said.

Everyone Looked At Him Like He's Stupid.

"I'm Gonna Take Of Her For The Rest of Her Life. However Long Fish Live." Piranha Said.

"Don't Worry, I'll Make Sure He Stays Far Away From Lazuli." Snake Said.

"Oh, Snake. Always Willing To Make Sure We Don't Do Anything Stupid." Webs Said.

"And Yet When I Was A Buck Short At The Diner That Opened Three Weeks Ago, He Made Omega And Jackal Pretend They Didn't Knew Me." Wolf Said.

"What? I Don't Remember That." Snake Said.

"I Do. When I Insisted Omega To Give Me The Money, You Made Omega And Jackal Scream, "Stranger Danger!" And The Guy Behind The Counter Beat Me Unconscious With A Brisket!" Wolf Stated, Annoyed.

"Oh, Yeah!" Snake Said.

Snake, Jackal And Omega Chuckled And Then Stopped When They Saw The Irritated Look On Wolf's Face.


In The Stateroom, Wolf, Snake And Diane Were With Lazuli And Nico.

"Hey, Don't Worry, We're Gonna Get You Two Home As Soon As We Can." Diane Assured.

"So, Any Chance You Two Remember Where That Is?" Wolf Asked.

"Sorry, No. But, I Think My Memory Could Come Back With A Little Peace And Quiet." Lazuli Said.

Then, Shark And Jaguar Came Into The Stateroom, Making Some Noise.

"Peace And Quiet Is Doesn't Really Last Long If You're With Us." Snake Stated.

"Do You Sleep In A Piant Pearl Encrusted Seashell? How Do You Get The Sheets From Getting Wet? Also, Do Trampolines Work Under Water?" Shark Asked.

"Dude, Who Cares? Lazuli, Nico, I Want You Two To Try On Some Clothes I Made For You Guys." Jaguar Said, Gesturing To The Clothes.

"Okay." Lazuli Said As She And Nico Stood Up.

After A Few Minutes, Jaguar Walked Out Of The Bathroom.

"Lady And Gentlemen, I Give You The New And Improved Lazuli And Nico! Out Fit By Jaguar Hunter." Jaguar Announced.

Lazuli And Nico Came Out In Their New Clothes.


(Nico) (Just Choose Whatever You Think It's Best)

"Wow, You Look Great!" Shark Said.

"Great? They Look Amazing. Like Two Whole New People." Diane Said.

"Thanks." Lazuli Said.

"Jaguar, Have You Ever Considered Of Being A Fashion Designer?" Wolf Asked.

"Yep." Jaguar Said.

"Wait A Minute. I Just Had This Random Memory. I'm Seeing A Man With A Big White Beard Carrying A Giant Fork?" Lazuli Said, Confused.

"Maybe That's Your Dad." Snake Said.

"Nico, Can We Talk To You For A Minute?" Diane Asked.

Nico Nodded.

"Why Don't We Leave These Ladies To Try On More Outfits, Okay?" Wolf Asked.

Jaguar And Lazuli Walked Back To The Bathroom To Try On More Clothes.

"Hey, Nico, Do You Think You Can Give Us Your Parents Name?" Snake Asked.

Nico Shooked His Head In Fear.

"You Don't Want To?" Diane Asked.

He Shooked his Head Again.

"Kid, Listen. You Don't Have To Tell Why You Don't Want To, But Can You At Least Tell Us Their Names?" Wolf Asked.

Nico Thought It Over Before Nodding His Head.

Nico Grabbed A Pen And Another Piece Of Paper And Wrote, 'Pedro And Emily Olsen' Before Showing It To Them.

Shark, Snake And Wolf Looked At Each Other, Shocked.

"You Boys Okay?" Diane Asked, Seeing Their Face.

"Uh, Snake, Shark, Why Don't You Get Everyone To The Rec Room?" Wolf Suggested.

"Sure." Snake Said Before Heading Out With Shark.

"What's Wrong?" Diane Asked.

"It's Better If I Tell Everyone." Wolf Said.


Everyone Was Having A Meeting In The Rec Room.

"Lazuli And Nico Are In Their Rooms, Resting." Daphne Said.

"Snake And Shark Said Something Was Wrong. Is Everything Okay?" Jackal Asked.

"We Have Good News And Bad News." Snake Said.

"What's The Good News?" Jaguar Asked.

"Nico Told His Parents Names." Wolf Said.

"The Bad News Is It's Not What We'd Hoped. His Parents Are Pedro And Emily Olsen." Snake Added.

"What?!" The Bad Guys Gasped, Shocked.

"You Do You Guys Know Them?" Hyena Asked.

"They're One of Omega's Ex Families." Piranha Said.

"Until Left They Left Her On The Side Of The Road When She Was Either 3 Or 4." Shark Said.

"Three And A Half." Omega Corrected.

"Oh, My God." Daphne Said.

"You Guys Don't Think They're His Real Parents, Do You?" Wolf Asked.

"I Highly Doubt It. They Think Kids Are A Waste Of Money. And Even If They Had Real Kids, They Probably Either A: Sold Them For Money Or B: Gave Them Up For Adoption." Omega Explained.

"I'm Not Trying To Be Mean Or Anything, But If They Don't Like Kids, Why Did They Adopt You?" Hyena Asked.

"Good Grief, Hyena. What Kind Of Question Is That?" Daphne Asked.

"It's Fine. Snake Asked Me The Same Thing. The Foster System Gave Them A Large Amount Of Money And They Used It To Pay Their Bills." Omega Said.

"They Don't Deserve To Be Parents." Jackal Said.

"Oh, We Know." Wolf And Snake Said.

"If I Could Test Nico's DNA, I Could Be Able To Determine Whether Or Not Pedro And Emily Are Nico's Real Parents. And Maybe Get Lazuli's DNA, Too. So, I Could Identify Her." Webs Stated.

"Brillant!" Daphne Exclaimed.

"If DNA Testing Is What It Takes To Show You Guys Nico's Isn't Their Real Son, Then Be Our Guest. But, Wouldn't You Need Lab Equipment For That?" Omega Asked.

"Yeah, And What Kind Of Lame-o Brings A Microscope On Vacation?" Snake Questioned.

"Hyena "Lame-o" Hunter." Hyena Said, Bringing Out His Microscope.

"Now All We Need From Lazuli And Nico Is A Skin Sample, Or Better Yet, A Swab Of Her Saliva." Hyena Said.

"I'm On It!" Piranha Said, Laughing.

"Nice Try. The Only Thing You're Gonna Swab Is The Poop Deck." Wolf Said, Grabbing A Hold Of Piranha.


Everyone Was Outside Having Dinner While Sun Was Going Down In The Horizon.

Hyena Walked Up To Nico And Lazuli And Asked, "Nico! Lazuli! This Is Going To Sound Odd, But Could Webs And I Trouble For A Flake Of Your Dead Skin?"

Nico And Lazuli Looked At Him, Weird.

"Lazuli, Nico, Would You Two Like Some Water?" Shark Asked.

"Okay." Lazuli Said As She And Nico Nodded Their Heads.

"I Better Warn You In Advance, I'm A Little Clumsy." Shark Said.

"No!" Wolf Said, Grabbing The Two Glasses. "Mmm. Sorry, You Two, I'm Just Really Thristy."

Wolf Gave Shark An Irritated Look.

"Lazuli, Nico, I Can't Wait To Take You Two On A Shopping Spree. Mom And I Know Every Designer Shoe Store On The Upper West Side." Jaguar Said.

"Lazuli Doesn't Need Shoes Because She's A..." Jackal Said Before Getting Cut Off.

"Uh, More Of A Flip Flop Kind Of Girl." Diane Said.

Piranha Got Up From His Seat And Said, "Uh, Excuse Me, Eeveryone! I Wrote A Little Poem."

"Oh, Piranha, Is It Another Love Poem About Wolf And Diane?" Snake Asked.

"Wait, What?" Wolf And Diane Asked, Looking At Each Other While Blushing.

Piranha: Oh, Lazuli, My Lazuli

"Okay, Now I'm Irritated And Disturbed." Omega Said, Disgusted.

"You And Me Both, Kid." Snake Said, Patting Her Shoulder.

Your Skin Is As White As Hand Soap

Your Is Blonde Like A Lily

Your Hands Are Soft Like A Washcloth

I Loce You, And This Poem Is Proof-i

"Let Me Guess: You Wrote That In The Bathroom?" Webs Asked.

"How Did You Know?" Piranha Asked, Rolling Up The Paper.

"The Toilet Paper Roll Gave It Away." Jackal And Omega Said.

"What A Moving Poem." Daphne Said, Clapping Slowly.

"Here's A Napkin For Your Tears." Hyena Said, Holding The Napkins.

"But, Nico And I Aren't Crying." Lazuli Said.

"Then Blow Your Nose, We'll Take It When You're Done." Hyena Said.

Lazuli Tried To Get The Napkin Away From Them.

"I'm Sure What Lazuli And Nico Needs Is A Nice Glass Of Water." Omega Said, Grabbing Two Cups.

"No!" Wolf Grabbed The Two Cups Again. "Water Is Bad For Amnesia. I Read It On The Internet."

"Oh, No, Lazuli, Nico, You Have Something On Your Cheek." Hyena Said. Lazuli And Nico Touched Thier Cheeks, But Felt Nothing. "No, The Inside Of Your Cheeks. Just For Fun, Retrieve It With These."

Hyena Held Up Two Large Q Tips And Tried To Get Their Saliva. 

"Just... Just..." Hyena Said While Lazuli And Nico Were Trying To Push Them Away From Them.

"Hey, Whoa, Whoa! If Anyone Is Gonna Pick Food Out Of Lazuli's Mouth, It's Gonna Be Me." Piranha Said.

"Okay, I Am Gravely Concerned About You're Idea Of Romance." Wolf Said, Walking Up To Them.

"Can Everyone Just Leave Me And Omega's/ Jaguar's Friends Alone?" Omega And Jaguar Asked As Nico And Lazuli Nodded.

"Webs And I Will. Right After A Quick Swab!" Hyena Said.

"Wait. Wait!" Piranha Exclaimed.

"No, Hyena! Hyena!" Daphne Said.

Hyena Used The Q Tips, Got Lazuli And Nico's Saliva, And Walked Off With Webs, Who Was On His Left Shoulder.

"Uh, I Know You Don't Remember, But That's How People Say Goodbye." Wolf Said.

Lazuli And Nico Nodded, Understanding As Everyone Just Went Along With What Wolf Said.


Everyone Was Sitting On The Couch Outside Under The Stars.

Wolf, Diane And Daphne Walked Up To Them.

"Guys, We're Changing Course." Diane Said.

"I Told The Captain ToStop At The Nearest Port To Lazuli Find Her Family." Daphne Stated.

"What About Nico? What's Gonna Happen To Him?" Hyena Asked.

"The Plan Is Ask Lazuli's Family If He Could Stay With Them. So, Nico Isn't Going To His Parents." Wolf Said.

"Oh, Good." Jaguar Sighed In Relief.

"And Who Are We Supposed To Find Lazuli's Family Once We Get To The Port?" Piranha Asked.

"Scuba Gear?" Jackal Asked.

"Dude, We've Been Through This Already. Lazuli Is Just A Very Nice, Very Confused..." Omega Said Before Getting Cut Off.

Just Then, Shark, Hyena And Webs Came Out, Being Shocked.

"Mermaid! Lazuli's A Mermaid! We Have Proof!" Shark, Hyena And Webs Exclaimed.

"Seriously?!" Snake Asked.

"What? Let Me See That." Wolf Said, Grabbing The Clipboard.

"According To Our Analysis Of Lazuli's DNA, She Is Part Fish!" Webs Explained.

"I Know! Okay, Listen, When I Asked If She's A Mermaid, I Was Just Joking Around. I Wasn't Really Expecting Her To Be An Actual One." Shark Said.

"And What About Nico? Are Emily And Pedro Nico's Real Parents?" Jaguar Asked.

"No, They're Not. So, They Must've Adopted Him." Hyena Stated.

"We'll At Least Omega Was Right Him Being Adopted." Snake Said.

"I Can't Wait For Our First Kiss. Imagine How Long Lazuli Can Hold Her Breath." Piranha Said.

"She's Gonna Have To If She's Anywhere Near You." Omega Sassed.

"Your Farts Smell Like Lowtide Burped." Jaguar Stated.

Unknown To Them, Lazuli And Nico Walked Outside.

"This DNA Evidence Is Incontrovertible Proof That Lazuli Is Really A Mermaid!" Hyena Said.

Lazuli And Nico Looked At Each Other, Confused.

"You Know What? Fine. Then Maybe You Should Put Clipboard Away While Shark Gets His Safety Binder Back Out." Daphne Said.

"Mind If I Ask Why?" Snake Asked.

"Well, You Better Hope She's Not A Mermaid, Because They're Famous For Singing Their Siren Songs Causing Boats To Crash Into Rocks." Wolf Said.

Lazuli And Nico Looked The Bad Guys, Shocked.

"Oh, No! Lazuli Is Going To Kill Us All! Safety Drill!" Shark Exclaimed.

"I'm A Mermaid? And I'm Going To Sink This Ship?" Lazuli Asked.

"To The Lifeboats! Women And Children First!" Shark Yelled.

"That's Almost All Of Us." Diane Said.

Shark Screamed Before Running Into The Wall And Fell On His Back.

Everyone Except Lazuli Ran Up To Him.

"Shark Down! First Aid Procedures Are On Page 296 Of My Safety Binder." Shark Said, A Little Dizzy.

"Just Get Some Ice." Wolf Said.

Snake, Jaguar, Jackal And Omega Each Grabbed A Cup Full Ice And Dumped The Ice On Shark's Face.

"If I'm A Mermaid, Then You're All Doomed! And You've Been So Nice To Me!" Lazuli Said.

Piranha Chuckled.

"Some Of A Little Too Nice." Lazuli Added.

"Way To Smother Her, Webs." Piranha Said, Blaming Her.

Webs Gave Him A Look That Said 'Seriously'.

"The Point Is, I Don't Want To Hurt You Guys." Lazuli Said.

Lazuli Went To Edge As Everyone Ran Up To Her.

"No! You Can't!" Omega Said.

"Goodbye, Omega." Lazuli Said Before Putting Her Finger In Mouth.

Lazuli Put Her Leg Over The Edge, About To Jump Off The Boat.

"No, No, No! Lazuli, Get Down! You're Going To Get Hurt!" Diane Said.

"I Won't Get Hurt! I'm A Mermaid!" Lazuli Said, Going Into The Water.

Everyone Went To The Edge To Search For Her.

"You Know What? Not A Mermaid!" Lazuli Screamed.

"That's What We've Been Saying!" Omega And Snake Exclaimed.

Wolf Grabbed The Water Safety Buoy And Threw Overboard.

"Go, Go!" Shark Said.

"Help Her!" Omega Urged.


After Saving Lazuli, She Sat Down On One Of The Chairs.

"As Soon As I Hit That Freezing Cold Water, My Life Flashed Before My Eyes. Which Was Actually Helpful, Because My Memory Came Back!" Lazuli Said.

"So, What Do You Remember?" Diane Asked.

"Well, I Work On Cruise Ship Called To The Leaping Lazuli. I Work As Magician And Perform For The Kids When Their Parents Hit The Casino." Lazuli Said.

"So Your Name Isn't Lazuli?" Omega Asked.

"Nope. It's Roxy." Roxy Said.

"Ah! Roxy Piranha." Piranha Said.

"What Were You And Nico Doing In The Middle Of The Ocean?" Jaguar Asked.

"The Last Thing I Remember Is That I Went Jet Skiing To Get Away From All Those Kids. You Have No Idea How Annoying They Can Be." Roxy Said.

"Wanna Bet? Piranha Here Has The Mind Of A Six Year Old." Snake Said.

"He's Not Wrong. And I Don't Regret It." Piranha Said.

"While I Was Jet Skiing, I Saw Nico Getting Thrown Off The Ship And Landed In The Water. I Was Able To Get Out Of The Water, But We've Must've Fallen And I Hit My Head." Roxy Finished Her Explanation.

"But What About Your White Bearded Dad With The Giant Fork?" Shark Asked.

"That's My Dad, Peter, Farmer Of Berries, With His Pitchfork." Roxy Answered.

"Well, That Explain Everything How You Got Amnesia And How You And Nico Ended Up In The Ocean In The First Place." Webs Said.

Wolf Looked At Omega, Who Was Looking Sad.

"Hey, You Okay?" Wolf Asked.

"I Feel So Stupid." Omega Said Before Walking Off.

Wolf Stopped Her And Said, "Omega, You Are Not Stupid. Okay? Do You Think Maybe That There's Some Part Of You That Misses Them?" Wolf Asked.

"No. It Just Seems Like That There Are Some Part Of Me That Hoped That There Some People Like Them Can Change. And If I Can't Hope For That, What Can I Hope For?" Omega Questioned.

"An Awesome Vacation And You Get To Do It With Your Favorite And Handsome Dad?" Wolf Said, Smoldering.

"True. I Am Hoping For That. But, That Still Doesn't Mean People Like Emily And Pedro Can Change." Omega Stated.

"Actually, They're Might Be." Wolf Said.

"What?" Omega Asked.

"Yeah. I Mean, It's Like Daphne Said, Orphans Always Gonna Have Parents They Might Be Able To Trust And Who Won't Be Able To." Wolf Explained.

"So You Don't Think I'm Just A Waste Of Money?" Omega Asked.

"Absolutely Not. I Think You're An Amazing Young Wolf Lady With A Creative Personality. It's One Of The Things I Love Most About You. And No Matter How Old You Get, I Hope You Never Lose That." Wolf Said.

"I Won't. I Plan On Being An Independent Woman Who Doesn't Care What People Say Or Think About Me." Omega Said.

"The Fact You're Staying Single Is All I Could Ask." Wolf Said.

Omega And Wolf Laughed And Hugged Each Other.

"Nico Said He's Sorry For What You Went Through With His Adpoted Parents." Roxy Said As She And Nico Walked Up To Them.

"It's Okay. I'm Over That. We Can Still Be Friends Even If You Can't Talk." Omega Assured.

"And If You Two Are In L.A. California, We Can Still Give You Guys A Tour Of The City." Daphne Said.

"I Can Give You Guys A Ride My Car." Wolf Said.

"Sure. If You Want Them To Get Car Sick." Diane Sassed.

"Diane's Not Kidding. Wolf Likes To Drive Fast, So You Might Wanna Bring A Barf Bag With You." Shark Warned.

"And We Can Still Go Shopping. All Us Girls Can." Jaguar Stated.

"And We Can Still Get Married. If You Don't Mind, I Registered Us At Paintball Plus." Piranha Said.

"Every Girls Dream." Omega And Diane Said, Sarcastically.

"I Still Don't Understand. The Expirement Was Flawless." Hyena Said.

"Let Me Take A Look At That." Omega Said, Pointing At The Clipboard.

Hyena Gave Omega The Clipboard So She Could Look At It.

"Uh, Hyena, Did You, Webs And Shark Ever Think Maybe Lazuli's Saliva Came Back Positive For Fish Because That's What We Were Having For Dinner At The Time?" Omega Asked.

"Ah, Yes." Webs Said.

"That Would Explain Why She Also Tested Positive For Tartar And A Squeeze Of Lemon." Shark Said.

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