Break In/ Betrayal/ Girls Trip/ Marmalade's Deafeat/ Going Clean

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In Marmalade's Mansion, The Meteorite Was Glowing Bright Blue And Sparkling With Electricity As All The Mind Controlled Guinea Pigs Were Running After The Trucks With All Of The Charity Money.

Marmalade Was In A Room Laughing Maniacally As He Looked Through A Computer Screen To See His Heist Going According To Plan.

"Faster, Faster, My Little Pigs." Marmalade Said As He Pushed A Lever On The Control Panel To Make The Guinea Pigs Run Faster.


Groups Of Guinea Pigs Have Taken Out The Drivers And Drove The Trucks Away Causing Explosions And Making People Scream.


Wolf Drove The Car Toward Marmalade's Mansion And Stopped It.

"Once We Steal The Meteorite, We Take It Straight To The Police." Diane Said After Rolling Down The Window.

"And All Will Be Forgiven." Wolf Added.

Diane And Kaguya Looked At Each, Uncertain.

"So, How Are We Putting This? What He Needs To Hear Or He Wants To Hear?" Kaguya Asked.

"I Don't Know About 'All', But It's A Start." Diane Stated.

"An Odd Start." Kaguya Said, Making Wolf Glare At Her.

They Got Out Of The Car As Wolf And Diane Went Over An Electric Fence While Kaguya Turned Into A Wolf And Flipped Over It. They Ran Through The Front Yard And Hid Behind A Tree. They Climbed The Wall With Suction Cups As They Made It To The Top. When They Got To The Top, They Opened The Trapdoor As The Three Canines Slid Down A Rope Inside The Chamber.

They Landed Next The Meteorite Until Wolf Save The Golden Dolphin On A Pedestal.

"That's Strange. Why Would Marmalade Leave The Golden Dolphin Unprotected?" Wolf Asked As He Walked Towards It.

"Because Maybe It's A Trap." Diane Said.

"Yeah, It's Obvious Since He Wants Us To Think That It's Unprotected When Really It Is. Besides, Only An Idiot Would Fall For Something Like That." Kaguya Stated.

"Or Maybe..." Wolf Said As He Was About To Grab It.

"Wait, Wait, Wait!" Diane And Kaguya Yelled As She Ran Towards Wolf.

But As Soon As Wolf Grabbed The Golden Dolphin While The Girls Touched Him, They Got Electrocuted.


Kaguya Started To Wake Up And Saw Herself Chained Up.

"Where... Where Am I?" Kaguya Asked.

Kaguya Looked Over To See Marmalade With Cuddles Standing Behind Him.

"Oh, Kaguya, How Nice Of You To Return Back To Your Father." Marmalade Said.

"Yuru Neba Bi Mai Faza!" Kaguya Exclaimed.

"Huh?" Marmalade Asked, Not Understanding A Word She Just Said.

"I Said, You'll Never Be My Father, You Good For Nothing Rodent!" Kaguya Shouted.

"Well, Too Bad." Marmalade Said, Not Caring. "Cuddles, Put Her In The Machine."

Cuddles Grabbed Kaguya By The Chains And Put Her In Machine.

"You Won't Get Away With This!" Kaguya Exclaimed.

"I Surely Doubt That." Marmalade Said As He And Cuddles Leaves Her Alone.


Wolf And Diane Are Tied Up And Hanging Upside Down.

"Yeah, It Was A Trap." Wolf Said.

"Well, Well, Well. If It Isn't My Prized Pupil. And You've Brought Along The Governor. Or Should I Say... The Crimson Paw?" Marmalade Said.

Diane Growled At Him.

"What An Ingenious Way To Disguise A Zumpango Diamond, Hiding It In Plain Sight." Marmalade Explained As He Took Out The Diamond From The Ring.

"You Got To Be Kidding Me." Wolf Said.

"What? I'm Sentimental." Diane Said.

"You Always Did Have Panache. And Yet, You Still Fell Right Into My Trap." Marmalade Said As He Put The Diamonds In His Pocket.

"But How Did You Know We'd Even Be Here?" Wolf Asked.

"Oh, I Got A Little Tip From A Friend." Marmalade Said.

The Door Opened As They Heard Hissing And Sees Snake.

"Hey, Buddy. How's It Hanging?" Snake Asked.

"Snake." Wolf Said As He And Diane Glared At Snake.

"(Chuckle) What Can I Say? We Just Clicked." Snake Said As He Wrapped His Body Around Marmalade.

"Oh, Yeah? How Does It Feel To Be Working For Your Favorite Food?" Wolf Asked, Angrily.

"Ah, You're Just Jealous To Be Missing Out On The Heist Of The Century. The Kid's Right. It's Got Everything: Betrayal, A Meteor, Mind Control. Can I Try It On?" Snake Asked.

"Of Course, Partner." Marmalade Said As He Took Off The Helmet And Gave It To Snake.

"Nice. All The Crime With None Of The Exercise." Snake Said As He Pressed A Button On The Helmet.

The Helmet Made A Whirring Sound With The Two Light Bulbs Blinking.

"Wait. What Are You Doing With Kaguya?" Diane Asked.

"Oh, My Daughter Is Helping Me By Giving The Meteorite More Power." Marmalade Said.

"First Of All, She's Not And Never Will Be Your Daughter! And Second, Why Are You Doing This To Her? She Doesn't Deserve Any Of This. She's Just A Child!" Wolf Said.

"Isn't That Whole Point Of Being Bad? Enjoying Seeing Innocent People Suffer?" Marmalade Pointed Out.

"What About All That 'Flower Of Goodness' Talk Was It All Just A Lie?" Wolf Asked.

"Uh, Pretty Much, Yeah. You See, I Never Cared About What's 'Good'. Only What's Good For Me. Like, Say, A Billion Dollars." Marmalade Said Before His Body Vibrated. "Ooh, I Just Got A Tingle."

Marmalade And Snake Laughed As Wolf And Diane Watched Them Leave.

"Go Bad..." Snake Said As He And Marmalade Fistbumped.

"Or Go Home." Marmalade Said.

The Two Animals Left The Room.

"Cuddles, Finish Them." Marmalade Ordered Before The Door Closed.

As Cuddles Pushed Down The Lever, The Two Canines Gasped When They Saw The Floor Open Up And Reveal A Bunch Of Spinning Blades.

Wolf And Diane Screamed In Fright As They Struggled To Free Themselves From The Restraints They Were Tied In As They Were Lowered Closer And Closer To What Seemed Like Inevitable Doom.

Suddenly, A Puff Of Green Smoke Seemed To Shoot Out From The Vents.

"Poison Gas, Don't Breathe It In!" Diane Shouted.

"Wait A Second. That's Not Poison Gas!" Wolf Stated After Smelling It.

Cuddles Caught A Whiff Of The Green Gas And Retched Before Falling Over And Passing Out.

A Faint Familiar Voice Was Heard In The Vents, "Sorry!"

Wolf Gasped In Shock.

On The Floor, Shark Broke Through The Bent Door, Gasping For Air, With Webs Coming Out From Inside His Mouth And Piranha Popping Out Afterwards.

"Surprise!" Piranha Exclaimed.

Webs, Shark And Piranha Were Wearing Black Bodysuits

"What? Ah, Guys! I Can't Believe It's You!" Wolf Said.

"You Were Right, Wolfie." Webs Commented.

"We Felt The Wag, Man!" Shark Added, Excitedly.

"And The Tingle!" Piranha Added.

"It's Good, Right?" Wolf Asked, Winking At Them.

"This Is Super Moving, But Can We Do This Later?" Diane Asked.

"Feels Like I Got A Rhythm Section In My Fin!" Shark Said.

Shark Started To Beatbox While Piranha Hopped Onto Shark's Hand And Danced.

"Ugh, Come On! Spinning Blades!" Diane Shouted, Frustrated.

That Snapped Them Out Of It, With Piranha And Shark Rushing Over To Help Grab Daphne, Diane And Wolf.

By The Dashboard, Webs Pushed The Lever Back Up.

"Don't Worry. We Got It!" Webs Said As She Closed The Door To The Spinning Blades Just In Time.

Wolf Hopped Over To Them, "Guys..." He Leaped High, Free From The Ropes And Was Brought Into A Group Hug By Shark, Webs And Piranha. "Am I Happy To See You."

After The Hug, Shark Placed Wolf Back On His Feet.

"You Guys Got Everything Under Control?"

They Turned Around To See Kaguya With A Few Scratches.

"Kaguya!" The Bad Guys Exclaimed.

The Bad Guys Immediately Hugged Her As She Hugs Them Back.

"Oh, Tails, We Were So Worried About You." Webs Said.

"Where Were You?" Shark Asked.

"The Rat Put Me In Some Machine And I Got Myself

"How Did You Managed To Escape?" Piranha Asked.

"Hello. You're Friends With An Escape Artist. There's No Place I Can't Escape From." Kaguya Smirked.

"I'm Just Glad You're Okay." Wolf Said.

"Me Too, Otosan." Kaguya Whispered The Last Part In His Ear.

Everyone Then Broke The Hug.

"Now Its Time To Huff And Puff And Blow This Little Piggy's Heist Down!" Wolf Commented.

"Game Over, Guinea Pig!" Webs Cheered.


In A Hallway, Marmalade Was Telling Snake, Who Was Still Wearing The Mind Control Helmet, "With This Meteorite, We Will Be Able To Commit Crimes People Have Only Dreamed About."

"Not Bad For A Butt Rock." Snake Said.

Marmalade Got Ticked Off That The Heart Shaped Meteorite Was Being Called "Butt" Again.

"Once Again, It's Not A..." Marmalade Said.

But, When The Door Opened, Marmalade And Snake Were Shocked To See Wolf, Piranha, Diane, Webs, Kaguya And Shark All Leaning Or Sitting On Wolf's Car, Set To Steal The Meteorite.

"Don't Mind Us. Just Robbing This Place." Wolf Said, Casual.

Shark Tossed The Meteorite Onto The Back Of The Car, And As Quick As Lightning, They All Got Into The Car, They All Rode Off With The Meteorite In Hold.

Marmalade Was Shocked To See His Meteorite Being Stolen.

"No, No, No." Marmalade Said As He Ran After Them.


Outside, Wolf Had Driven The Car Out Onto The Driveway, And Everyone Was Set To Head Out Onto The Open Road.

Suddenly, Wolf Stopped The Car, Making Kaguya, Webs, Piranha, Shark, And Diane Turn Their Heads And See The Determined Smile On Wolf's Face, Curious About What He Was Planning.

Going In Reverse, Wolf Made His Car To The Tree Where The Kitten Was And Reached Up To It, "Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty."

The Kitten Leaped Into Wolf's Arms As The Canine Placed The Cat In A Small Seat.

"Was That Really Necessary, Wolf?" Kaguya Asked.

"Yes. Don't Judge Me." Wolf Said.

Then, He Grabbed A Pair Of Shades And Placed Them On The Kitten's Face, Much To The Awe And Impression Of His Companions.

Now, With Everything Set, Wolf Placed The Car Into Drive, Broke Right Through The Front Gate, And Got Onto The Road, With The Boys And Webs Ditching Their Black Bodysuit And Back To Wearing Their Regular Clothes Again.


Everyone Still Cheered For Their Successful Mission.

"Now To Get This Thing To The Chief And Clear Your Names!" Diane Announced.

"Weird. Usually, We Drive Away From The Police." Shark Replied.

However, Piranha And Omega Then Looked Up And Saw Something That Confused Him.

"Hey, Chico, Are You Sure We Stopped The Heist?" Piranha Asked.

"Yeah." Wolf Answered.

"Relax. Marmalade Can't Control Them If He Doesn't Have The Meteorite," Diane Stated.

"Then, Can You Be A Dear And Tell Us Who's Driving Those Trucks?" Kaguya Asked, Pointing Her Finger At The Charity Trucks.

Everyone Looked Up And Noticed That Driving Down A Different Road On A Bridge Above Them Was One Of The Charity Trucks That Was Hijacked By The Guinea Pigs, And Not Only Were They Still In Control, But They Were Still Driving Off With The Collected Money.

As They Passed Under The Bridge, The Team Looked Behind Them, Up At The Bridge And Saw The Still Mind Controlled Guinea Pigs Working Under The Influence Of The Meteorite.

"The Meteorite!" Diane Said.

"It's Still Transmitting," Wolf Said.

"Uh Oh," Shark Said.

"The Charity Money. Change Of Plan, Guys. Webs, Is There Some Way To Override The Truck's Navigation System?" Wolf Asked.

"Uh, We'd Need Some Kind Of Magnetized Cross Circuit Interceptor." Webs Said, Checking On Her Laptop.

Diane Pulled Out A Small, Metallic Circle With A Large White Center.

"You Mean This?" The Vulpine Asked As She Pressed The Center, Making It Light Up.

"Ooh! She Just Keeps Getting Cooler!" Shark Commented.

"Oh, Yeah." Wolf Added, Excitedly.

Wolf Turned The Car Around And Started To Drive Off Towards Where The Charity Trucks Were Going.

While The Army Of Charity Trucks Kept On Driving, Wolf Soon Got The Car Up Onto The Road Where They Were, Driving Right In The Middle Of The Trucks. Wolf Drove As Close As He Could To One Of The Trucks, As Diane Leaned By The Edge Of The Car, Trying To Reach Out As Far She Could To Place The Interceptor On It.

However, The Mind Controlled Guinea Pigs Saw Them, And Tried To Slam The Truck Into The Car, Nipping It By The Back Tire.

Diane Dropped One Of The Interceptors, While Wolf Steadied The Car As Best He Could, Making It Drive Straight Again.

To Make Matters Worse, By An Intersection, While Wolf And The Bad Guys Went Straight, The Charity Trucks Split And Went Into Two Separate Directions.

"Oh, No, We've Got To Split Up!" She Loaded Up Her Briefcase Before Looking Up At Webs, "Webs, Tails, You Two Feel Like A Girls' Trip?"

"Um, Yes!" Webs Exclaimed.

"Beats Being With The Boys." Kaguya Stated.

Diane Climbed Up Onto The Meteorite With Her Mask And Hood On.

"Later, Boys." Webs And Kaguya Shouted.

Kaguya, Webs And Diane Left The Car. Up In The Air, Diane Made Her Briefcase Turn Into A Motorcycle, With Webs Holding Onto The Handlebars And Kaguya Turning Into A Wolf, As Diane, Kaguya And Webs Rode Off After Some Of The Trucks.

"I Want To Go On The Girls' Trip." Piranha Said, Feeling Kinda Jealous.

Meanwhile, Wolf Was Already Changing Gear And Direction, Driving His Car To Go After The Other Set Of Charity Trucks.


With Diane, Webs Was Already Typing Away At Her Computer, Setting It Up To Help Activate The Interceptors Once They Were Placed.

Diane Drove Their Motorcycles With Speed And Efficiency, Easily Dodging The Other Cars Out On The Road. Using Her Motorcycle Driving Prowess, She Nailed Landing The First Interceptor Onto A Charity Truck.

On Webs' Computer Screen, The Trucks On The Road Were Labeled Red, And The One That Just Received An Interceptor Lit Up And Became White.

Webs Cheered Excitedly, With Diane Set To Place The Next One, Nailing Another Charity Truck With An Interceptor.


With The Boys, Wolf Was Chasing After The Trucks, Trying To Catch Up To Them.

Inside The Car, Piranha Pulled Out A Bunch Of Interceptors.

"You're Insured, Right?" Shark Asked.

"Yeah. Why?" Wolf Answered.

Shark Answered That Question By Standing Up, And Using His Strength To Push The Roof Off The Car, As It Flattered Onto The Road And Narrowly Missed A Passerby Vehicle.

"Hey! That's My Car!" Wolf Snarled.

Shark Then Picked Up Piranha, Getting Ready To Throw Him

"It's Ceviche, Baby." Piranha Stated.

Shark Then Tossed Him As Far As He Could For Piranha To Get To The Trucks.

"Ay Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya!" Piranha Shouted Really Fast While He Leaped From Truck To Truck, Planting Interceptors On Them With Ease, And Used His Fast Running Speed To Catch Up With The Other Trucks.


Back With The Girls, Webs Was Monitoring How Many Trucks Received Interceptors On Her Computer.

The Vulpine Was Set On Placing The Interceptor On One Last Truck That Was Within Her Reach. However, The Mind Controlled Guinea Pigs Saw Diane And Tried To Ram The Truck Into Her And Webs.

"Kaguya, Hold On!" Diane Exclaimed.

However, Diane Quickly Drove The Motorcycle So It Would Slide Right Under The Truck In Slow Motion, And With A Quick Reflex, She Planted The Last Interceptor On One Of Its Tail Pipes, Before Driving Off Away From It.

"I'm Going To Personally Make Sure You Never Do Something Like That Ever Again." Kaguya Scolded.

"Sorry." Diane Said, Shrugging It Off.


Piranha Was Having A Lot Fun Running Side By Side With The Trucks, Set To Plant The Last Interceptor He Had With Him. But, The Guinea Pigs Saw And Tried To Use Both Trucks In The Front To Squish Him. When The Trucks Separated, They Didn't See Where Piranha Had Gone.

He Ended Up Appearing On The Front Hood Of One Of The Trucks, Laughing Manually While He Licked The Back Of The Interceptor And Stuck It Onto The Window, As If It Was A Sticker, Before He Leaped Back Into Wolf's Car.

"So Long, Suckers!" Wolf Shouted.

Wolf Tossed The Final Interceptor Up Into The Air And It Landed Perfectly Under The Window Of The Last Truck.

Webs Saw That The Last Interceptor Was Put Into Place

"Woopang!" Webs Shouted As She Pressed A Key On Her Keyboard, Activating The Tiny Devices.

All The Interceptors On The Trucks Turned From Gold To Red, Which Indicated On The Trucks' Dashboard That They Had Just Been Hacked.

The Trucks All Stopped, Screeching To A Halt, As The Impact Slammed All The Guinea Pigs Up Against The Window.

Wolf Stopped His Car, Screeching To A Halt, Before He Caught The Cat.

All The Trucks Turned Around And Started To Drive Off In The New Rewired Routes That The Hacked Systems Gave Them.

Wolf, Shark And Piranha Cheered In Success For Stopping Marmalade's Big Heist.


While The Trucks Drove Off, Diane Took Off Her Mask And Looked At Webs In Awe.

"Where'd You Learn To Do That?" Diane Asked.

"Well, I'm, You Know, Kind Of A Natural." Webs Answered Before She Shyly Admitted, "Mostly YouTube."

"But, You're Still The Best Hacker In The World." Kaguya Commented.

"Aww. Thanks, Tails." Webs Said, Feeling Tounched.

Diane Then Drove Back Up To Wolf's Car, Helping Webs And Kaguya Into The Car.

"Nice Work." Wolf Commented.

"Meet Us At The Police Station. Don't Be Late." Diane Said.

Diane Drove Her Motorcycles off-road Towards The Police Station.

"What Do You Say We Deliver This Butt Rock To The Chief?" Wolf Asked.

Everyone Cheered In Excitement As Wolf Drove Off In The Direction Of The Police Station.


Meanwhile, All Of The Charity Trucks Arrived Soon At The Different Charity Spots, Giving Back The Money That Was Meant To Be Their Donations, And Even Had The Guinea Pigs, Who While Still Being Controlled, Left The Trucks. All Of The People Were Rejoice.


However, Up In A Shiny Helicopter, Marmalade And Snake Saw What Happened.

"No, No, No, No! That's My Stolen Money!" Marmalade Faced Snake, Blaming Him, "What Good Are You If You Can't Even Anticipate Their Next Move?!"

"Oh, So It's My Fault?" Snake Retorted, Offended.

"Yes." Marmalade Replied, Frustrated.


Diane And Daphne Were Putting On Their Work Clothes As They Got To The Police Station. They Jumped Off Their Motorcycles As They Turned Back Into Briefcases.

"Chief." Diane Said As Chief Luggins Looked At Her.

"This Better Be Good." Chief Luggins Said.

"Trust Us. You Don't Want To Miss This." Diane Assured.

"(Gasp) Look." Tiffany Fluffit Said, Pointing Her Finger.

They Looked To The Left To See The Bad Guys Driving Towards Them With The Love Crater Meteorite.

"Well, Butter My Crumpits." Chief Luggins Said.

"Can It Be? The Bad Guys Are Returning The Meteorite? Perhaps This Is The Feel Good Story We All Need." Tiffany Fluffit Reported As The Bad Guys Cheered.

"Do You Guys Think They'll Throw Us A Party?" Webs Asked.

"Karera Wa Subeki. Watashi Wa Itsumo Yoi Pati No Tame Ni Daun Shite Imasu." Kaguya Said, Back In Her Human Form.

"Yeah. With Fireworks, Pinatas, And Cake." Piranha Said.

But, They Frowned When Piranha Said The Word 'Cake. They Looked At Snake's Flattened Birthday Hat As They Started To Miss Snake.

They Looked At Each Other As Wolf Stopped The Car.

Diane Frowned As Wolf Looked At Her While She Looked At Him Suspiciously.

Wolf Sighed As He Hit The Wheel.

"We Can't Do This Without Him." Wolf Said.

"He Might Be A Mr. Grumpy Pants." Shark Said.

"But, They're Our Mr. Grumpy Pants." Webs Finished.

"Yeah." Piranha Said.

"You Think He'll Forgive You, Wolf-senpai?" Kaguya Asked.

"Only One Way To Find Out." Wolf Answered.

The Car Sped Up And Rushed Right Passed The Police Station.

Diane Threw Her Arms Up In Frustration.

"Wolf!" Chief Luggins Yelled.


As the Bad Guys Sped Through The Streets, They Entered The Highway To Find Their Friends. They Spotted A Helicopter With Cuddles Flying It, Hovering Over The City To See The Entire Heist Fall Apart In Front Of Marmalade's And Snake's Eyes. They Were In An Argument As The Three Bickered Over Who Lost The Money.

"I'm Starting To See Why Your Friends Dumped You!" Marmalade Snarled, Grabbing Snake.

"I Don't Have Any Friends!" Snake Hissed Back As He Pressed His Head Against Marmalade's.

Their Attention To The Road When They Heard A Loud Horn Beeping. Looking Down, They Found The Bad Guys On The Now Deserted Highway With The Meteorite At The Back.

"Snake! Snake!" Wolf Called Out.

"Wolf?" Snake Asked.

"Snake, Come Back!" Wolf Begged.

"We Need You, Baby!" Shark Shouted.

"And You Need Us!" Webs Yelled.

"We're Your Friends!" Kaguya Hollered.

"Oh, There You Go Again. Making It Personal." Marmalade Didn't Care That The Bad Guys Are Coming Back For Snake, Seeing The Meteorite. "I'll Give You One Last Chance To Give Me The Meteorite And Kaguya!"

"Oh, Yeah? What You Gonna Do, Whiskers?" Piranha Mocked As He Stood On The Window Shield.

Marmalade Took The Helmet Off Of Snake And Puts It On His Head.

"This." Marmalade Answered As The Helmet Made A Whirring Sound..

The Bad Guys Felt The Ground Shaking All Of The Sudden.

"What The...?" Wolf Asked.

They Looked Behind Them To See A Few Palm Trees Fell Down As They Saw An Avalanche Of Guinea Pigs Coming Towards Them.

"You Just Had To Say It?!" Kaguya Asked, Angrily.

"Sorry." Piranha Apologized.

"We've Got Adorable Company." Shark Said.

"FLOOR IT!" Webs Yelled.

The Avalanche Of Guinea Pigs Tried To Hit The Bad Guys, But They Kept Dodging Until They Caught In The Avalanche.

"Maybe I Shouldn't Have Called Him Whiskers!" Piranha Yelled.

"Ya Think?!" Kaguya Retorted.

They Managed To Get Out Of It, But They Were Having A Hard Time Avoiding Them.

"When I Woke Up This Morning, This Is NOT Where I Saw The Day Going!" Webs Exclaimed.

"I've Heard Of Drowning In Cuteness, But This Is Ridiculous!" Kaguya Shouted.

The Mind Controlled Guinea Pigs Kept On Attacking As They Burst Through The Road And Tried To Hit Them.

"Whoa, Whoam Whoa, Whoa. Hey, Hey, Let's Dial This Down A Notch, Huh?" Snake Asked, Hesitating. "He's Right. Besides, You'll Never Get Him. He's Too Good A Driver."

They Saw The Bad Guys Barely Dodging The Wave Of Guinea Pigs.

"Hmm. You're Right. But Now That I Think Of It, Maybe It Would Be Better To Exploit His Greatest Weakness." Marmalade Said, Grabbing Snake's Tail.

"Eaxctly." Snake Didn't Get It When He Saw Marmalade Grab His Tail. "Wait."

Then, Marmalde Threw Snake Out Of The Helicopter.

Wolf Gasped When He Saw His Best Friend Getting Thrown Out.

Snake Swam Through The Air As He Grabbed The Railing With His Teeth.

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Hold on! Hold It, Hold It, Hold It!" Wolf Shouted.

Marmalade Cackled As He Stepped Onto The Landing Gear As He Was About To Placed One Foot Onto Snake's Head.

"Okay! Okay! You Win! You Can Have The Space Rock!" Wolf Yelled.

"Good Boy, Wolf." Marmalade Said As He Made The Guinea Pigs Form A Circle Arounf The Bad Guys.

Cuddles Lowered A Claw On The Helicopter As It Grabbed The Love Crater Meteorite.

"Take The Wheel." Wolf Told Piranha As He Got To The Meteorite.

Wolf Grabbed The Chain As He Looked At Marmalade.

"Not So Fast. Pull Him Up First Or I'll Use This." Wolf Said As He Took Out Diane's Lipstick.

"Oh, Come Now." Marmalade Said With An Unimpressed Look On His Face.

Then, Wolf Lit Up The Lipstick As He Put It Close To The Chain And Started Burning It.

Snake Chuckled As They Saw Him Burning The Chain.

"Do It Or You'll Lose The Rock!" Wolf Warned.

"If You Insist. Cuddles!" Marmalade Said As The Helicopter Flew Higher.

Wolf Had A Shocked Expression On His Face As He Unlit The Lipstick As Wolf And The Others Looked At The Helicopter.

Marmalade Looked Down As He Saw The Crash Site.

"You Want Him? Their Yours." Marmalade Said.

Marmalade Kicked Snake In The Head And He Began To Fall As Snake Started To Scream.

"SNAKE!" Wolf Shouted As He Went BackTo The Wheel.

The Claw Reeled In With The Meteorite As The Bad Guys Drove Towards The Crash Site As Fast As They Could To Save Snake Through The Road Covered In Guinea Pigs.

Wolf Saw Snake Falling As He Looked At The Other Side Of The Broken Bridge.

"Guys, I Know It's Crazy, But We're Gonna Jump It." Wolf Stated.

"Crazy? You're Finally Speaking My Language, Chico." Piranha Said As Wolf Stepped On The Gas Pedal Harder.

They Drove Very Fast As They Lumped Over The Broken Bridge As Everything Went In Slow Motion.

"WE'RE GONNA MAKE IT!" Piranha Shouted.

However, The Other Side Of The Bridge Was Way Too Far. The Car Dropped As They Still Far Away From Omega And Snake.

"Or Not." Kaguya Said.

The Bad Guys Floated Out Of The Car As Wolf And Snake Looked At Each Other.

"You Came Back." Snake Said.

Wolf Swam Towards Snake.

"Snake, Kagguya, I Should've Been Honest With You Two. I Afraid That If You And Kaguya Knew I-I Wanted To Be Good That You Two..." Wolf Said But Was Interrupted By Snake And Kaguya.

"Act Like A Jerk And Never Talk To You Again?" Snake And Kaguya Guessed As They Smiled.

"(Chuckle) Yeah. The Point Is I... I, You Know..." Wolf Tried To Say.

"Yeah. I Love You, Too, Buddy." Snake Said.

"I Love You, Too, Otosan." Kaguya Stated.

Wolf Smiled As He Hugged Snake And Kaguya With The Rest Of The Bad Guys Forming A Circle By Grabbing Each Other's Hands.

"This-This Is So Beautiful. Do You Know How Beautiful This Is, You Guys?" Shark Asked As He Starts Crying.

"Now... Now You're Gonna Make Me Cry." Piranha Said With Tears In His Eyes.

"I Know! So Pathetic, Right?" Webs Asked While Crying.

"Come On, Guys. Who Said It Was The End?" Wolf Asked As He Held A Grappling Hook.

The Bad Guys Gasped With Hope As The Car Exploded When It Hit The Ground.

The Bad Guys Flew Through The Air With Wolf's Grabbling Hook.

The Explosion Blew Marmalade's Helmet Off, Which Got Destroyed By The Copter's Blades, Which Caused The Helicopter To Go Down. The Helmet Unleashed A Shockwave That Released The Guinea Pigs From Marmalade's Mind Control As They Walked Away.

"No, No, No, Don't... No, No, Cuddles! We're Losing Altitude! We're Losing Altitude! We're Going Down!" Marmalade Shouted,

Meanwhile, The Bad Guys Held Onto Wolf As He Held Onto The Grappling Hook That Latched Onto The Other Side Of The Broken Bridge.

Then, Piranha Popped Out As He Coughed.

"What Happen? Did We Blow Up? Is This Heaven?" Piranha Asked.

"It Couldn't Be Heaven. You're Still Crazy As Ever." Kaguya Sassed.


Wolf Climbed Up And Pulled Up The Others, But He Stooped When He Saw Chief Luggins, Who Had A Huge Grin On Her Face.

Wolf Tried To Climb Back Down, But Misty Pulled Him And The Other Bad Guys Back Up.

"That Is It. There Is Absolutely No Way You're Getting Away This Time." Chief Luggins Said As She Got In Front Of Wolf's Face.

"Wait, Chief." Diane Said As The Rest Of The Bad Guys Stood Next To Diane And Daphne.

"Governor Foxington? Ms. Hunter?" Chief Luggins Asked.

"Don't Do This." Diane Said.

"Ow!" Wolf Said Before Misty Drops Him.

"They Didn't Steal The Meteorite. They Were Bringing It Back." Diane Said While Wolf Stood Next To The Bad Guys As He Held Kitty.

"Ha! How Could You Two Know That? Unless... Unless You Two Were Conspiring With A Bunch Of Known Criminals." Chief Luggins Said.

Diane Looked Surprised Her Accusation.

"Well... (Clears Throat) As A Matter Of Fact, It's Time I Came Clean About Something." Diane Said As She Took Off Her Glasses.

The Bad Guys Looked At Them, Surprised.

"The Truth Is I'm Really... (Clears Throat) R-Really..." Diane Tried To Explain But Wolf Cut Her Off.

"Really Big Fan Of Redemption Arcs. Yeah, We Know." Wolf Said As He Stood Next To Diane.

Wolf Turned To The Others As They Smiled And Nodded.

Wolf Gave Diane The Cat.

"We're Done Running Away." Wolf Said As He Held Out His Hands.

"Yeah." Piranha Added.

"Mm-hmm." Shark Replied.

"Yeah." Webs Responded.

"Yep." Snake Said.

"Sure Are." Kaguya Stated.

"Chief, Do What You Need To Do." Wolf Said.

"What? Y-You're Turning Yourself In?" Chief Luggins Asked, Shocked.

"We Might Not Have Stolen The Meteorite, But We Did Steal A Lot Of Other Things. It's Time We Took Some Responsbility And Start A Clean Slate. Take Us In, Chief." Wof Said.

"Wait, Really?" Chief Asked.

"You Finally Did It. This Your Moment, Chief. Drink It In." Wolf Said As He Cuffed Himself.

"(Gasp Wow. You Know, I Should... I Should Give A Speech. I... Well, I-I Should, Shouldn't I?" Chief Luggins Said, Excitedly.

"Uh..." Wolf Said, Unsure.

Chief Luggins Cleared Her Throat Started Her Speech.

"When I Was 6 Years Old, I Decided That I Wanted To Play The Piccolo, Only To Find That My Fingers Were Just Too Powerful For That Fragile Little Instrument. And That's When I Discovered Law Enforcement..."

"We'll Never Hear The End Of This. Are We?" Kaguya Asked.

"Nope." Snake Answered.

Wolf Chuckled As He And Diane Watched The Chief Of Police Deliver Her Speech.

"I'm Proud Of You, Wolf." Diane Said.

"You Know, A Fox And A Wolf Are Not That Different. You Got A Good Thing Going Here, Governor. Hey, While We're Gone, Do You Think You Can Take Care Of-" Wolf Said.

"Oh, Yeah. I'm Great With Cats." Diane Said.

"Yeah, Kitty Too. But, I Was Actually Gonna Say Kaguya. She Means A Lot To Me And I Don't Want To Lose Her Any Time Soon." Wolf Said.

"I'm Not Going With You Guys?" Kaguya Asked.

"You're Not Old Enough To Go To Prison, So I'm Afraid You Can't Come With Them. But, I Promise You Can Visit Or Call Them Whenever You Want." Diane Explained.

Wolf Kneeled Down To Omega's Height And Put His Paws On Her Shoulders.

"Omega, I Want You To Promise Me That You'll be A Good Girl And Be Good To Diane." Wolf Said.

"Okay, Otosan. I'm Gonna Miss You." Kaguya Said, Hugging Him.

"I'll Miss You, Too. I'll See You Soon." Wolf Said, Breaking The Hug.

Wolf Stood Back Up And Looked At Diane.

"Promise That You'll Look After Her." Wolf Begged.

"I Promise." Diane Said.

The Vixen Kissed Wolf On The Cheek, Making Him Blush Deeply. Wolf's Tail Started To Wag Like Crazy, Making Diane Giggle A Little.

While The Police Officers Started To Guide The Handcuffed Bad Guys To The Police Car, Tiffany Fluffit Was Reporting Into The Video Camera.

"So, It Turns Out The Saga Of The Bad Guys Has Come To A Simple And Totally Satisfying Conclusion. Though I Wonder, What Happened To The Meteorite?" Tiffany Asked.

Up In The Sky, The Malfunctioning Helicopter Sputtered In The Air, Still Holding Onto The Meteorite.

"Cuddles! Faster, Faster!" Marmalade Shouted.

"It's Professor Marmalade! He's Bringing The Meteorite Back!" Tiffany Said.

Marmalade Saw That Everyone Was Watching And Thinking He Was A Hero, So He Quickly Straightened Up.

"Huh? Uh, Yes, Yes. Bringing... Bringing It Back. That's Precisely What I Am Doing." Marmalade Lied.

The Bad Guys Looked At Him With Shocked Expressions On Their Faces.

The Helicopter Set The Meteorite On The Ground.

"Look No Firther. Your Hero Has Arrived." Marmalade Said As The Helicopter Landed On The Ground And Got Off.

"Professor, Care To Comment?" Tiffany Asked.

"I Tried To Help Them, Tiffany, But In The End, It's The Same Old Story. Bad Guys Bad, Good Guys Good." Marmalade Said With An Innocent Face.

"So True, So Wise," Tiffany Replied.

"Furthermore, For The Good Of The City, I Have Generously Decided To Take The Meteorite Back To My Compound For Safekeeping." Marmalade Added.

Almost Everyone Was Cheering For The Guinea Pig, Except The Bad Guys, Who Frowned Angrily, Feeling Outraged That Marmalade Was Gonna Get Away With What Almost Was The Biggest Heist Of The Century.

"I Really Hate That Guinea Pig." Kaguya Murmured.

"Yeah, Me Too." Piranha Agreed.

"Join The Club." Snake And Wolf Grumbled.

"Is He Seriously Gonna Get Away With This?" Webs Asked.

"He Better Not Get Away With This Or Things Are Going To Get Ugly." Kaguya Said, Hitting Her Fist With Her Palm.

"Thank You. Gosh, You're Kind." Marmalade Said While Clapping.

But, When Marmalade Started Clapping, The Meteorite Was Flicking On And Off.

Chief Luggins Noticed This As She Walked Toward The Meteorite.

"Wait A Second. This Isn't The Meteorite." Chief Luggins Said Before Clapping Her Hands To Prove Her Point. "It's A Lamp."

Marmalade Gasped.

"Huh?" Everyone Wondered.

Snake Had An Evil Smirk On His Face And Chuckled.

"WHAT?!" The Bad Guys Asked As They Looked At Their Friend.


Snake Opened The Fridge And Grabbed A Push Pop.

"Snake, What Did You Just Do?" Webs Asked.

"What? My Friend Was Sad And I Was Just Cheering Him Up." Snake Said.

Snake Gave Shark The Push Pop As He Was Crying Up A Storm.

"I Think Wolf Was Right. Maybe We Can More Than Just Scary Villains." Webs Stateed.

When Snake Entered The Elevator, He Looked At His Tail Wagging As It Made Him Wonder If They Could Be More Than Scary Predators.

Then, Snake And Had An Idea As They Made A Smirk On His Face.


Snake Were At Marmalade's Mansion As They Stood In Front Of Marmalade.

"I'm Bad. You're Bad. Let's Be Bad Together." Snake Said As Snake Held His Tail.

"You Have Got Yourself A Deal." Marmalade Said As He Shook His Tail.

Marmalade Went Back Inside The Mansion.


Later, When Wolf And Diane Were Captured, Snake Was Trying On Mind Controlling Helmet.

"Can I Try It On?" Snake Asked.

"Of Course, Partner." Marmalade Said.


It Turned Out That Snake Made The Guinea Pigs To Replace The Meteorite With The Meteorite Shaped Lamp As The Guinea Spray Painted It Dark Gray And The Craters Light Blue.

The Guinea Pigs Switch The Meteorite With The Lamp As One Of The Guinea Pigs Clapped Its Paw.


"Don't Mind Us. Just Robbing This Place." Wolf Said As Shark Held The Lamp.

They Put The Lamp In The Trunk And Drove Off.

After Marmalade Left, The Guinea Pigs Placed The Meteorite Back Where It Was And Pulled The Lever To Overdrive As The Meteorite Started To Overload.


"But If That's The Lamp, Where's The..." Marmalade Asked Before Snake Laughed A Little.

"The Old Switcheroo." Snake Answered While Smirking.

At The Compound, The Overriding Energy Became Too Much To Handle, And It Was So Powerful, It Blew Up Marmalade's Lab, And His Entire Compound, Thus Destroying The Meteorite In Doing So, Much To The Shock Of Professor Marmalade.

Wolf Walked Toward Marmalade And Patted His Head Before He Walked Inside The Police Car With The Others.

Diane And Kaguya Looked At Wolf With A Smile On Their Faces As Wolf Closed The Door And Saluted Them.

The Police Car Slowly Drove Off As The Bad Guys Looked At Marmalade With Smirks On The Faces.

"It's A Butt." Piranha Said.

Then, The Golden Dolphin Bounced On The Lamp And Landed On The Ground. It Caused The Lamp To Fall On Top Of Marmalde As The Zumpango Diamond Fell Out Of Marmalade's Pocket.

Then, Chef Picked Up The Two Diamonds.

"Hold On. This Is The Zumpango Diamond. But This Were Stolen By The... (Gasp) By The Crimson Paw." Chief Luggins Said As She Points At Marmalade.

Everyone Gasped In Shock By This While Marmalade, Seeing What The Chief Was Thinking, Quickly Tried To Defend Himself, "Me? Oh, Oh, No, No, No–"

Tiffany Bumped Into Chief Luggins As She Began To Report About What Was Happening.

"OMG! And A Shocking Twist." Tiffany Said As Chief Luggins Grabbed Marmalade.

"You're Making A Huge Mistake!" Marmalade Said.

"The Notorious Bandit Known As The Crimson Paw Has Been Revealed To Be..." Tiffay Continued As Chief Luggins Threw Marmalade In The S.W.A.T Truck.

"No! No!" Marmalade Yelled As The Doors Closed.

"... None Other Than Professor Marmalade." Tiffany Finished Reporting As The Truck And The Police Cars Drove Off.

"I'm Not The Crimson Paw. Sh-She's The Crimson Paw. Sh-She's The Paw! I'm A Flower Of Goodness. No!" Marmalade Yelled.

Diane Looked Down To See Kaguya With Surprised Look On Her Face.

"Are You Okay?" Diane Asked.

"Wow. You Know, I-I Just Realize That I Have Devoted My Entire Life To Getting Back At The Person For Doing All Of Those Things He Did To Me. He Are My Purpose. Without YHimou, Who Am I? Ah, I'm Just Kidding. This Is The Best Moment Of My Life!" Kaguya Exclaimed As She Punched Diane In The Arm, Making Her Laugh A Little As She Rubbed Her Arm. "It's The End Of That Pouchy Cheeked Rat! This Must Be What Chief Felt Like When We Got Arrested!"


Meanwhile The Bad Guys Were Congratulating Snake.

"Ooh! That's My Reptile Right There!" Shark Said As He Gave Snake A Noogie.

"That's What I'm Talking About! All Right." Piranha Said As He Low Fived Snake.

"Yeah," Webs Cheered.

"Come On, Somebody Had To Destroy That Meteorite! That Thing Was Dangerous!" Snake Replied.

"That Was Pretty Good There, Snakey." Wolf Commented.

"Good? It Was Genius! Not Only Did Omega And I Foil The Pig, I Got You To Admit How Much You Care About Me And How You Love Kaguya As Your Own Daughter." Snake Said.

"Sure, Yeah. But, I Just Wonder About One Little Thing." Wolf Said.

"Oh, Yeah? What's That, Wolf?" Snake Asked.

"Who Do You Think Put That One Push Pop In The Fridge?" Wolf Asked As He Puts On His Sunglasses.

When Snake Thought Back To Earlier And Stunned To Even Realize It.

"Wait. You... No." Snake Said, Trying To Deny It.

"I Knew You Were Good." Wolf Said.

Webs, Shark And Piranha Started To Laugh.

"No." Snake Said In Denial.

"We Good, Baby. We Good." Webs Said.

"Yeah!" Shark Said.

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