Wolf Shots

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It Was Morning In L.A, Wolf Was Sleeping In His Room.

Then, He Woke Up To Someone Banging On The Door.

"Who Is It?" Wolf Groaned.

"It's Snowflake! Get Up! Breakfast Is Ready." Kori Instructed.


A Few Minutes Later, Wolf Came Out Of His Room With The Rest Of The Crew, Eating Breakfast.

"Snowflake, What's So Important That You Had To Wake Me Up?" Wolf Asked.

"Wolf, Did You Seriously Forget What Today Is?" Shark Asked.

"Forget What?" Wolf Asked.

"Today's The Day When You Get Your Rabbies Shot." Webs Stated.

Hearing The Word 'Shot' Made Wolf Widened His Eyes.

"Otosan, I Know You Hate Shots, But You Have To Take Them. You Didn't Take Your Last Two Rabbies Shots, Because One: You Were In Prison, And Two: That Surprise Visit In Oishiina Town." Kaguya Said.

"Do I Have To Get Them? You Guys Know How I Get Whenever I See A Needle." Wolf Said.

"Hermano, You Still Need To Take Them." Piranha Said.

"And Relax, Buddy. You Only Need To Take One Shot." Snake Said.

"That's What I'm Afraid Of." Wolf Said.


A Few Hours Later, The Bad Guys Arrived At A Hospital.

"It'll Be Okay, Otosan. It'll Be Over Soon." Kaguya Assured.

"Come On, Wolf. Come On, This Will Be Over Lickity Split, Alright?" Snake Asked.

The Bad Guys Ran Inside As Shark Carries Wolf To The Hospital.


Piranha Kicked The Door Open With His Foot As Kaguya Dragged Wolf Inside By His Tail.

"Snake, Can You And Webs Check In While We Hold Wolf Down?" Snowflake Asked.

"You Got It." Snake Said.

Piranha And Shark Glanced Over To A Mother With Her Child Was Next To Her On A Leash.

"Hi. The Heck You Looking At?" Piranha Asked With A Frown.

Snake Silthered Up To The Reciption Desk.

"Heya Toots, I'm Here For That S.H.O.T. For My Buddy, Wolf." Snake Says As He Laughed.

However, Wolf Growled From Behind.

"The What?" The Nurse Asked.

"Urgh! The S.T.U.P.I.D Stuff That My Buddy Has To Get Every Year That You M.O.T.H.E.R. IDIOTS Only Allow Us To Schedule Every Two Years. How The Heck You Mess Up That Bad, Anyway, Missy?" Snake Asked, Frustrated.

Webs Started Writing On The Notepad.

"Oh, I Can't Spell..." The Nurse Said.

Webs Then Pushed The Notepad To Her.

"I Can't Read Either," The Nurse Said.

That Just Made Snake And Webs Even More Annoyed.

"The Rabbies Shot You Reeeeealllly Can't Say That Word Anymore. The Appointment Is Under Snake." Snake Said. 

The Nurse Flips Through The Notepad.

"Uhhh...I Don't See Any Snake On The List."

"With The Name "Huebert". It's By Snake, You Little..." Snake Confirmed.

And The Nurse Flipped The Notepad Over, "OH! With 'Huebert'. Right Here, Yep, Yep. Huuuuebert. Huuuuuebrt."

Snake's Eye Twitched And He Growled In Anger.

"Yes well, We Will Be Ready For Him In Just A Bit. Please Take A Seat Mr. Snake." The Nurse Said.

"Perf." Snake Said.

Snake And Webs Went Sat Down On Some Chairs.

Snake And Webs Glanced At Wolf, Who Was Whimpering In Fear Under Four Chairs With Kaguya, Shark, Kori And Piranha Sitting On One Of Them.

"Oh, Don't Worry, Wolfie. It's Okay, It's Just One Little Prick, You Won't Feel It." Webs Reassured.

"Yeah, Buddy. You Probably Won't Even Feel It." Snake Added.

"Ew, Don't Say That, It Sounds Vulgar." The Mother Said, Disgusted.

"Excuse Me?" Snake Questioned.

"Pervert!" The Mother Said.


A Couple Of Hours Later, The Bad Guys Are In The Waiting Room And Wolf Is Still Terrified.

"Wolf, You Need To Relax. You're Just Getting One Shot. It's Not The End Of The World." Snowflake Stated.

"Just Take A Deep Breathe And Relax." Kaguya Said, Rubbing Wolf's Head.

"Soooo, Nice Weather We're Having, Huh?" Snake Asked.

"Look mommy! They let fire toads in here!"

Blitz frowns in reply

"The fuck did you just call me?" Blitz questions, leaning towards the kid.

The Mother Said To Her Son, "It's Not Polite To Call Them That To Their Face, Honey. Wait Until We're In The Car."

"You Got A Problem With Me, Bucko?" Snake Shouted, Angrily.

The woman gasps, "There Are Children Present, You Filthy Rat!"

"Oh, I Am Not A Rat, Missy! Also, My Friend's Here Too, And I Don't Think He Would Appreciate You Calling His Best Friend...'Things.'" Webs Said As She Points At Wolf.

The Mother Turned To The Nurse.

"Is There Any Way We Can Reschedule For A Time When Less Of The Unemployed Rabble Are Out?" The Momther Asked.

"Oh please. I bet the hardest work you've ever done is Convincing Your Husband That Little Pest'a his,"  says and points to the boy.

That Caused The Boy To Form Tears In His Eyes.

That Made The Mother Mad At Him.

"Oh Yeah, And What Do You Do That's SO Important?" The Mother Asked.

"Me? Oh, I Arrest People," Snake Said, And Showed His Badge From His Suit Jacket, "How Does A Two For One Special Sound, Missy?"

Soon, The Nurse Walked Out From The Door.

"Mr. Snake, The Doc Will See Your Wolf Now." The Nurse Said.

Snowflake And Shark Were Restraining The Mom While Webs And Piranha Holding Snake Down. But, Snake Calmed Down And Webs And Piranha Let Go Of Their Reptilian Friend As He Dusted Himself Off.

Shark Carried Wolf As The Bad Guys Walked Into The Room.


Some Time Later, The Bad Guys Were In The Doctor's Office As A Goat Doctor Was Looking At His Clipboard.

"Welcome, Bacon. And This Must Be Elf." The Doctor Said.

"Wolf, Yeah. And you can hurry up please; she isn't a fan of shots, so let's make this quick for all our sakes." Snake Stated.

"He's Right, Chico. When Wolf Sees A Needle, You Do Not Wanna Be In A Room With Him." Piranha Explained.

"Oho, Come Now; It Can't Be That Bad," The Doctor Said And Walked Towards The Syringe Box. "I See Wild Dogs Every Day; There Hasn't Been One That Has Caused Any Issues."

The Doctor Pulled Out A Large Syringe Out Of The Box.

That Ends Up Pushing Wolf Over The Edge And Immediately Starts To Growl As His Eyes Begin To Glow, And The Bad Guys Knew That This Was trouble.

Wolf Lunged At The Doctor, But Snake Quickly Grabbed The Doctor And Gets Him Out Of The Way.

"Yep, Right There. Told you, Moron," Snake Said.

"Something Tells Me We're Gonna Need Backup." Shark Said.

"Shakr, You, Snowflake And Webs Call Diane And See If She Can Help. We'll Try To Get Hold Wolf Down To Get His Shot." Snake Ordered.

"Yes, Sir." Shark Said.

Shark And The Girls Ran Out Of The Room.



The Doctor Was Being Chased By Wolf As Snake, Kaguya And Piranha Were Trying To Hold Him.

Then, The Doctor Got Cornered By Wolf, But Kaguya (In Her Anthro Wolf Form) Waved Her Hands  And The Doctor Tossed The Needle To Her.

Kaguya Charged With A Battle Cry, But Missed And Wolf Then Tail Whipped Her.


Outside Of The Doctor's Office, Webs Got Off The Phone.

"Diane Has Two Important Meetings This Afternoon And Won't Be Able To Make It, But She Did Say She'll Come To Take Wolf Home Some Time Tonight." Webs Stated.

"You Think They're Gonna Be Okay In There?" Snowflake Asked.

Then, They Heard Crash Coming From The Room And Cringed.

"We Probably Should've Brought The Chains With Us." Shark Said.

"Agreed." Webs Said.


Kaguya, Piranha And Snake Held Wolf On The Medical Bed And The doctor Tried To Give Him The Shot, But She Kept On Dodging His head Away From The Needle.

Wolf Growled In Rage And Broke Free From His Friends Restraint. She Then Swats The Doctor Away And He Ended Up Getting Slammed Into The Bin Of Used Needles, Making Him Scream In Pain.


Some Time Later, Wolf Was Backed Up Against The Wall With Snake And Piranha Cornering Him.

Kaguya Turned Back Into Real Form And She Pinned Him To The Ground With Full Force By His Snout.

Snake Signaled The Doctor For The Right Moment And With That, The Doctor Sticked The Needle Into Wolf Rear, Causing Him To Howl In Pain And In Rage As He Bucked Kaguya Off Of Him And Into The Ground.


It Was Night Time, And The Bad Guys Emerged From The Hospital.

Snake And Piranha Looked Beaten Up And Ccratched While Wolf Was Wearing A Cone Around His Neck And Holding A Lollipop As Kaguya Had Her Right Arm In A Sling And With Her Left Leg In A Cast While Holding Crutches.

The Bad Guys Turned To See Diane Pulled Up At The Front.

"Hey, When My Last Meeting Was Over, I Came As Fast I Could. Are You Guys Okay?" Diane Asked.

"We're Fine." Webs Said.

"It's Snake, Piranha And Kaguya You Should Be More Worried About." Shark Stated.

When The Vixen Layed Her Eyes On Her Adoptive Daughter, She Became Concerned.

"Kaguya, What Happened To Your Arm And Your Leg?" Diane Asked.

"Okasan, I'm Fine. Otosan Just Sprained Them. They'll Get Better In A Few Weeks." Kaguya Assured.

"Why Don't Go Home, Order Takeout And Let Wolf Rest? He'll Be Like This For Quite A While." Piranha Said.

"He Did Missed Two Yearly Shots." Snake Said.

"How About Next Year, You Guys Bring Two Police Officers With You? Just To Make Sure This Never This Happens Again." Diane Suggested.

"Works For Us." The Bad Guys Said.

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